Rebuilding with the Tower card — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Rebuilding with the Tower card

Rebuilding with the Tower Card, Scary Tarot Cards. New Age Hipster x

We're doing a little expose on the "scary tarot cards" here at New Age Hipster HQ and this episode we're getting down and dirty in the rubble with The Tower card.

Some people find this card the scariest in the deck. When I first started reading Tarot I read this card as "an unexpected event that will change everything" or something along those lines. Not surprisingly most of my mates who got the Tower in their readings with me at that stage were pretty freaked out! Sorry about that guys! :O

I mean, how can you tell someone there's going to be an unexpected event that's going to change everything and then send them on their way? Yikes! 

I know there have been times in my life I've pulled the Tower and totally flipped out. Convincing myself something tragic and terrible was going to happen, when actually the only terrible thing that did happen was that I lost a lot of sleep and energy over it all! Self fulfilling prophecy much?

The Tower appears all scary looking with it's lightning crashing, buildings catching fire and people falling to what's probably going to be their deaths, so how can we possibly look at this in a positive way? K, here's how.


Shoddy foundations

Ultimately, shoddy foundations are not ideal for building towers on. When your foundations are a bit rubbish you can keep building all you like, but sooner or later that Jenga tower is coming down

When you build your life on foundations that aren't in alignment with who you are or where you want to get to all the building upwards in the world won't make you happy. Sometimes we're building the wrong tower. Like, if you're an Eiffel Tower kind of gal don't try building a Telstra Tower, otherwise the universe might just come along and rip it down in front of you, not to be mean, but to give you the opportunity to build that Eiffel Tower after all.



The Tower is a very clearing card. OK, stay with me.

If you wanna renovate, de-clutter, change your furniture around or even just sage yourself, the Tower can be your spirit guide

Clearing is not always cheerful and it's not always about donating bags of old clothes. Sometimes we need to clear stuff out from our lives that isn't working. Old relationships that no longer vibe, jobs that suck the life out of us, sometimes the clearing is mega.

But the Tower usually has your bestest interest at heart when it comes to clearing the crap. The stuff you're being called to clear needs to go for a reason, and that reason is to make way for better things right?



It can feel pretty darn rough when the universe pops in and starts rearranging your furniture, throwing your couch on the sidewalk, knocking down some walls and whatever the heck else it's up to you down at your place when you've pulled the Tower. But it's really important with this card to remember that whatever is happening is the universe realigning stuff for you

When your guides show you this card they aren't trying to freak you out, they are letting you know the universe is popping over to renovate. 


The Cosmic Tarot is my favourite version of the Tower! x

The Cosmic Tarot is my favourite version of the Tower! x


When you get the Tower reversed you're standing in the rubble of the tower that's already come down. 

Now it's your opportunity to rebuild, to fix up  your foundations and create the tower you really, really want. Sure, it sucks to be back at the ground floor again, but it's a hell of a lot better to be standing on a good solid ground floor than living in the penthouse of a tower that's about to topple down!


the Tower representing something negative

OK, let's be real here. While we can look for the positives in most situations there are times in life when you are dealt a shitty hand, and sometimes the Tower is in it. 

The Tarot does represent all aspects of life. The good and the bad. There are plenty of times that the Tower represents something as simple as clearing clutter, but there are also times when it's letting you know you need to get out of your job, sort out your finances, or that you need to go home and look after your grandma, or something even harder.


Tower Tips

If you pull the Tower and can't work out whether it's a message for you to get rid of that old couch or that something bigger, all you need to do is pull a second card on it.

Ask for more information and grab yourself another card. Check out the video below to see that tip in action. It's a great way to get clear on what's really going on. 


If you are freaking out or confused about the Tower or anything else that's coming up for you in the Tarot check out my other "scary tarot cards" posts or you can always book yourself a reading with me! x

With love, light and well built towers,

