Sacred Social Media: being protected, authentic and true on social media — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Sacred Social Media: being protected, authentic and true on social media

What a time to be alive, when you can just grab your phone and in an instant be connected to millions of other people who are into the same things you are!

Social media really is incredible in so many ways. Maybe you even found this blog post through social media, or perhaps we first connected there. I’ve made so many friends on Instagram including people that have become real life friends! Some I see in person, most I just get to chat with over Zoom with a cuppa.

Being able to connect with other witches, lightworkers and spiritual souls on socials is awesome, especially for those of us who work from home, don’t get out much due to whatever reason, or maybe can’t talk about the magickal life to people around us as they may not support our journey.

But while it’s incredible to be able to connect with your fellow wisdom keepers online, social media doesn’t always feel like the most high vibe place on the planet.

For those of us who are sensitive to energy, spending too much time on socials, getting sucked into a never-ending scroll and being bombarded with content that makes us feel bad is not so much fun.

Energy protection is one of my favourite things to talk about because it really did change my life. When I started to protect my energy I could see what was really mine, what wasn’t and I was also able to start hearing the voice of my own intuition and my guides so much more clearly.

One thing I’ve noticed recently is that my intuition always gets a little clogged up when I spend too much time on socials.

And that’s concerning. Because it means the more we are bombarded with content, the harder it is to be discerning, and social media is one of the places where we need to be the most discerning.

When we open up our phones for a quick scroll we’re essentially opening up a portal out into the entire world.

Many of us practice some form of energy protection before we head out for the day, but rarely think about it when we’re scrolling first thing or last thing at night.

Social media is this incredible tool we have to share our light, our love, our truth with the world. We have these platforms to speak and share and radiate so much goodness, and yet these spaces are often just exhausting us to the point where we don’t even want to be on them, let alone use them to share our light.

There is so much weird stuff being posted online these days, and I don’t want to sound judgey, but a lot of what I see on social media is not that high vibe. Dare I even say that the magickal and spiritual community is not even always that high vibe?!

And the thing is, we need more authentic souls on these platforms sharing their love and raising the vibe of the place, but we can only do that if we’re awake and aware and using social media consciously.

So here are some simple tips to help you protect yourself and be more authentically you and true on socials:

Protect your energy on socials

Before you open your phone or laptop take a moment to affirm and intend that you are protected. You can do this in many different ways, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic for more tips, but a couple of easy ways to do it are visualising yourself in a bubble of light, holding a smoky quartz crystal while you post and scroll, or just affirm - I am protected before you open up.

Unfollow or mute accounts that make you feel shitty

If it doesn’t inspire you, support you or help you feel more connected to the person posting, just go ahead and unfollow or mute. You don’t have to be blown away by every single piece of content someone posts, but if it makes you feel shitty for whatever reason (comparison, jealousy, not in alignment with your values, just annoys you, etc.) let it go.

Following thousands of people online just means you never get to see the content you want from the people you really do want to stay following, so clear your feed, your head and your heart in one go!

You can do this by either going through all the accounts you follow, or do what I do. When I see something come up I just don’t resonate with, I go to that person’s account, check to see if it’s a one off or if I just don’t vibe with what they are posting anymore. Then I unfollow or mute if it’s someone I want to stay connected with.

Fudge the algorithm

Since the algorithm stopped showing posts to a huge number of our followers people have gotten on the “post for the algorithm” trend.

Look, I’ve tried. I tried to make the algorithm happy. I posted at the right times. I posted reels. I posted daily. It rarely worked. Other times I posted the most random stuff and it had the best engagement ever.

Don’t try to make the algorithm happy. Just post stuff you think will inspire and support your community and post what inspires and supports you!

Screw the numbers

There are incredible accounts out there with hardly any followers who have such a beautiful and engaged community. There are other accounts with massive followings and tumbleweed when they post.

Numbers don’t mean what they used to mean. What matters now is the connection you make with your followers. If you hit one person right in the heart that’s better than reaching 1m people who could take you or leave you imho.

Actually connect with people

Ah, I remember the good old days when you could send someone and DM and they would actually respond! Some of the best people I know I met through some comment and DM exchanges!

Don’t be afraid to reach out to an account you love and let them know! And if someone reaches out to you, send them a reply, even if it’s just to say thanks!

The community aspect of social media has sadly disappeared over the years as it’s been more focused on brands and selling and bigger accounts, but there are still so many people on there that would love to be your friend!

Clear your social media accounts

Clear your own accounts every now and then. Delete any non-high vibe comments, delete any old content you’ve put up that no longer resonates, send in a wave of Violet Flame energy, stick your phone in some burning incense, light a white candle, do a banishing spell, just do something to symbolise your accounts being cleared.

Be authentic, be be authentic

There is so much content on socials these days that is soooooo inauthentic. As intuitives we can just tell when someone is posting for the algorithm, copying someone else’s style, or just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. And while inauthentic content may go viral, it can also feel a bit gross to those consuming it.

Hey, we’ve all posted content that didn’t land with our audience or our hearts, it’s no biggie. Just delete and try again.

Post from the heart. Whatever that means to you. Post what YOU want to post, not what anyone else is posting or what you think you should be posting. You do you. And that’s how your people are going to find you, even if there’s only like six of them. But who cares! You found your six people! WOW! :D

Use it for good

If you’re anything like me, you probably want to have some kind of positive impact in the world. Maybe you want to help raise the consciousness of the planet, or just like the idea of helping someone have a better day (same thing!). So think about how you can use social media as part of your spiritual service work. How could you make a positive difference through your social media? How can you bring more love and light to the people on the platform? How can you use it to share your passion, your heart and your purpose? How could what you post inspire someone else on their journey?

Take some time off

Being so connected all the time is actually hella bad for our brains. It exhausts the nervous system, and as I touched on earlier, it actually depletes your ability to tune into your own intuition.

So take some time off. Set yourself some boundaries.

I’ve been taking Sundays off socials most weeks, and actually it’s been turning into hardly checking at all on the weekends. I’m not perfect at this, but I find the less I’m on socials, the less obsessed I am with checking socials. It’s a real catch 22. If you can get a bit of time away, you’ll find you have more time to live a life worth putting on social media! :P

To dive deeper into your own Sacred Social Media experience go grab a deck of tarot or oracle cards and have a go at the Sacred Social Media spread below.

Or if you don’t have a deck, grab a journal and work with the questions as journal prompts.

1.How social media is working for you

2.How social media is working against you

3.How to be more awake and aware online

4.How to keep your energy safe online

5.Your sacred social media strategy

6.How to be seen and stay true to you

For more on how to clear, ground and protect your energy online and in the regular world, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic.

With love, light and staying true,




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