
Sacred Social Media: being protected, authentic and true on social media

What a time to be alive, when you can just grab your phone and in an instant be connected to millions of other people who are into the same things you are!

Social media really is incredible in so many ways. Maybe you even found this blog post through social media, or perhaps we first connected there. I’ve made so many friends on Instagram including people that have become real life friends! Some I see in person, most I just get to chat with over Zoom with a cuppa.

Being able to connect with other witches, lightworkers and spiritual souls on socials is awesome, especially for those of us who work from home, don’t get out much due to whatever reason, or maybe can’t talk about the magickal life to people around us as they may not support our journey.

But while it’s incredible to be able to connect with your fellow wisdom keepers online, social media doesn’t always feel like the most high vibe place on the planet.

For those of us who are sensitive to energy, spending too much time on socials, getting sucked into a never-ending scroll and being bombarded with content that makes us feel bad is not so much fun.

Energy protection is one of my favourite things to talk about because it really did change my life. When I started to protect my energy I could see what was really mine, what wasn’t and I was also able to start hearing the voice of my own intuition and my guides so much more clearly.

One thing I’ve noticed recently is that my intuition always gets a little clogged up when I spend too much time on socials.

And that’s concerning. Because it means the more we are bombarded with content, the harder it is to be discerning, and social media is one of the places where we need to be the most discerning.

When we open up our phones for a quick scroll we’re essentially opening up a portal out into the entire world.

Many of us practice some form of energy protection before we head out for the day, but rarely think about it when we’re scrolling first thing or last thing at night.

Social media is this incredible tool we have to share our light, our love, our truth with the world. We have these platforms to speak and share and radiate so much goodness, and yet these spaces are often just exhausting us to the point where we don’t even want to be on them, let alone use them to share our light.

There is so much weird stuff being posted online these days, and I don’t want to sound judgey, but a lot of what I see on social media is not that high vibe. Dare I even say that the magickal and spiritual community is not even always that high vibe?!

And the thing is, we need more authentic souls on these platforms sharing their love and raising the vibe of the place, but we can only do that if we’re awake and aware and using social media consciously.

So here are some simple tips to help you protect yourself and be more authentically you and true on socials:

Protect your energy on socials

Before you open your phone or laptop take a moment to affirm and intend that you are protected. You can do this in many different ways, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic for more tips, but a couple of easy ways to do it are visualising yourself in a bubble of light, holding a smoky quartz crystal while you post and scroll, or just affirm - I am protected before you open up.

Unfollow or mute accounts that make you feel shitty

If it doesn’t inspire you, support you or help you feel more connected to the person posting, just go ahead and unfollow or mute. You don’t have to be blown away by every single piece of content someone posts, but if it makes you feel shitty for whatever reason (comparison, jealousy, not in alignment with your values, just annoys you, etc.) let it go.

Following thousands of people online just means you never get to see the content you want from the people you really do want to stay following, so clear your feed, your head and your heart in one go!

You can do this by either going through all the accounts you follow, or do what I do. When I see something come up I just don’t resonate with, I go to that person’s account, check to see if it’s a one off or if I just don’t vibe with what they are posting anymore. Then I unfollow or mute if it’s someone I want to stay connected with.

Fudge the algorithm

Since the algorithm stopped showing posts to a huge number of our followers people have gotten on the “post for the algorithm” trend.

Look, I’ve tried. I tried to make the algorithm happy. I posted at the right times. I posted reels. I posted daily. It rarely worked. Other times I posted the most random stuff and it had the best engagement ever.

Don’t try to make the algorithm happy. Just post stuff you think will inspire and support your community and post what inspires and supports you!

Screw the numbers

There are incredible accounts out there with hardly any followers who have such a beautiful and engaged community. There are other accounts with massive followings and tumbleweed when they post.

Numbers don’t mean what they used to mean. What matters now is the connection you make with your followers. If you hit one person right in the heart that’s better than reaching 1m people who could take you or leave you imho.

Actually connect with people

Ah, I remember the good old days when you could send someone and DM and they would actually respond! Some of the best people I know I met through some comment and DM exchanges!

Don’t be afraid to reach out to an account you love and let them know! And if someone reaches out to you, send them a reply, even if it’s just to say thanks!

The community aspect of social media has sadly disappeared over the years as it’s been more focused on brands and selling and bigger accounts, but there are still so many people on there that would love to be your friend!

Clear your social media accounts

Clear your own accounts every now and then. Delete any non-high vibe comments, delete any old content you’ve put up that no longer resonates, send in a wave of Violet Flame energy, stick your phone in some burning incense, light a white candle, do a banishing spell, just do something to symbolise your accounts being cleared.

Be authentic, be be authentic

There is so much content on socials these days that is soooooo inauthentic. As intuitives we can just tell when someone is posting for the algorithm, copying someone else’s style, or just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. And while inauthentic content may go viral, it can also feel a bit gross to those consuming it.

Hey, we’ve all posted content that didn’t land with our audience or our hearts, it’s no biggie. Just delete and try again.

Post from the heart. Whatever that means to you. Post what YOU want to post, not what anyone else is posting or what you think you should be posting. You do you. And that’s how your people are going to find you, even if there’s only like six of them. But who cares! You found your six people! WOW! :D

Use it for good

If you’re anything like me, you probably want to have some kind of positive impact in the world. Maybe you want to help raise the consciousness of the planet, or just like the idea of helping someone have a better day (same thing!). So think about how you can use social media as part of your spiritual service work. How could you make a positive difference through your social media? How can you bring more love and light to the people on the platform? How can you use it to share your passion, your heart and your purpose? How could what you post inspire someone else on their journey?

Take some time off

Being so connected all the time is actually hella bad for our brains. It exhausts the nervous system, and as I touched on earlier, it actually depletes your ability to tune into your own intuition.

So take some time off. Set yourself some boundaries.

I’ve been taking Sundays off socials most weeks, and actually it’s been turning into hardly checking at all on the weekends. I’m not perfect at this, but I find the less I’m on socials, the less obsessed I am with checking socials. It’s a real catch 22. If you can get a bit of time away, you’ll find you have more time to live a life worth putting on social media! :P

To dive deeper into your own Sacred Social Media experience go grab a deck of tarot or oracle cards and have a go at the Sacred Social Media spread below.

Or if you don’t have a deck, grab a journal and work with the questions as journal prompts.

1.How social media is working for you

2.How social media is working against you

3.How to be more awake and aware online

4.How to keep your energy safe online

5.Your sacred social media strategy

6.How to be seen and stay true to you

For more on how to clear, ground and protect your energy online and in the regular world, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic.

With love, light and staying true,




How to Deal with Intense Energies

“Intense energy” has become a phrase we’re using a lot in the spiritual community these days.

Mostly because it’s the only way we know how to describe what’s going on.

Seems like every five minutes these days we are dealing with some new aspect of the cosmic washing machine cycle.

Whether it’s the Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde, Solstice, Lion’s Gate, lockdown, or just another day on planet earth, there’s almost always something ready to try and knock us off our feet.

Then of course, there are the intense energies we deal with in our personal lives - grief, trauma, aging, loss, illness, dreams being dashed…

There’s a lot to deal with on the earthly plane, but the good news is that there are plenty of spiritual tools and practices we can use to help us navigate through it all while staying grounded, in our power and able to keep shining bright.

The Tower from the Cosmic Tarot.

This is by no means a definitive list. We are all different and we all deal with intense energies and difficult times differently. These are just some of the things that I have found work well for me in difficult times. x

1. Don’t buy into the drama and ignore the hype

While it’s always useful to have someone affirm what we’re feeling in the form of “oh yeah, the energy is intense right now!” it’s another to seek out and surround yourself with constant talk, and let’s face it, moaning and complaining about all this intense energy.

The truth is, every day on this planet is intense. It’s also an incredible blessing and such a gift just to be here, so let’s not waste time getting caught up in a self-fulfilling prophesy that makes these times so much harder than they have to be.

2. GROUND yourself.

Grounding practices are hugely underrated in my opinion, and most teachings on grounding only touch the surface.

Grounding is so much more than touching grass (although it can be that too!). Grounding is about grounding into the present moment, your own body, your own life, your purpose.

It’s about drawing your higher self down into your physical reality.

My favourite ways to ground my energy are through daily Kundalini Yoga practices, working with the Earth Star Chakra, eating lots of great vegan food, daily walks (even when the weather sucks) and physical exercise.

Many people fly out of their bodies during intense times, but this is actually when we need to get into our bodies the most!

3. Ritual and Routine

Agh, I know. Not everyone wants to hear about “routine”.

It doesn’t sound very divine feminine rising, does it?

But actually, when life feels chaotic, the best thing you can do is create a container for yourself and for your magic.

Think of it as energy protection and self-care.

Ritual and routine looks different for us all, but it can be as simple as creating (and sticking to as much as possible!) a daily spiritual practice, going to bed at the same time every night, working with an online fitness program and showing up each day, turning your phone off at 6pm and not looking at your phone in the morning until you’ve done three minutes of ego eradicator.

I know this sounds basic, and maybe not very intuitive, but if you’re feeling wonky, try to create some kind of routine for yourself, even if it’s just a daily cup of tea or card pull.

Give yourself permission to change the routine anytime too!

Archangel Azrael can help you through big life changes, and Archangel Metatron can guide you back to your own spiritual power! From the Angels Among Us Oracle.

4. Call on your spirit guides and angels for support

I know, like, duh! Of course we should do this.

But it’s often when things feel most challenging, we forget we have a whole team in spirit behind us, rooting for us and waiting to lend a helping hand!

Call on divine assistance in whatever way you like. A simple - “hey, guides and angels, I need some help right now!” is all you need to do. Then ask them for what you need.

5. Enjoy the wild ride

Imagine if instead of hating on the intense energies when they hit us, we decided to go all in and fully experience and appreciate them?

We didn’t incarnate for all the stars to be aligned in our favour every second of the day. We knew what we were getting into. We knew that Earth school would be chaotic and challenging and wonderful and painful and magical.

But we still came. In fact, most of us were so excited about the idea of it all!

We wanted to LIVE. We wanted to experience it all, the good, the bad, and the cosmically ugly.

The intensity of life is what helps us grow as souls, and it’s what expands our hearts and challenges our minds.

So next time you feel a little woozy from the cosmic alignments or the challenges of life, try to remember - this is what you came for, to experience it all!

6. Live in the now

Don’t wait for the intense energy to be over. Don’t put your life on hold.

If we wait until the intense energy is over to live our lives, we’re going to be waiting our whole lives!

If you need to take some time out, take it. If you need a retreat and a social media hiatus, do it. If you need to go into a blanket fort and binge Stranger Things, go for it.

But don’t wait until the perfect moment to live your life.

This, right now, no matter what is happening in the cosmos, is the perfect moment to live your life.

So, gorgeous soul, how do you deal with intense energy? Share in the comments so we can all find something that supports us in challenging times!

With love, light and staying anchored,



One simple clearing practice that will change everything

I recently shared a reel on Instagram sharing one of the most important things I know about energy work.

And I was shook by how many people commented saying they’d never even thought about it like this before.

It’s a simple practice. One that takes just a couple of seconds to incorporate into whatever energy clearing practices you’re already doing.

But it changes everything.

And it absolutely blows my mind that more people aren’t talking about this.

Spirituality has taken an odd turn in recent years. We have moved away from the ancient teachings about love, compassion and peace and ended up in this strange place that is basically just a new age version of the prosperity gospel.

And look, I get it. Most of us get into spirituality because we are looking for something. Love, money, a deeper sense of purpose, just generally feeling better about ourselves in a world that constantly tells us we’re not good enough.

We find manifestation and Law of Attraction teachings that tell us we can have anything we want. We start learning about money and abundance spells. We even start learning how to protect and clear our energy so we can take on less of everyone else’s “stuff”.

And then we learn about boundaries, “energy vampires” (a term I really dislike) and start to distance ourselves from anyone with “bad” energy.

And this is 100% a great place to start. So many of us start here. We’re not in a good place energetically and we want to feel better about ourselves, so we put ourselves first, sometimes even for the first time ever. And self-love and self-care and self-worth are always important!

But if we’re not careful, we end up creating a very ego-centric spiritual view of the world and our place in it.

Call on Archangel Zadkiel to help you clear energy in all directions. Card from the Angels Among Us Oracle.

So then, when we do our energy clearing, we focus on clearing away what’s not ours, negative energy that others have sent to us, negative energy we’ve picked up unknowingly.

We clear our homes of negative energy previous tenants or negative people who’ve popped over have left behind. We clear away the ghosts and ghouls that have come to check out our light.

And somewhere along the way, we forget that we also create negative energy.

We can attract negative energy.

We can send negative energy to others.

And we do. We all do. All the time.

No matter how good we get at being bright lights in the world, there are always moments where we think negative thoughts, think something unkind about someone, speak unkindly about them.

But if you’re living intentionally and consciously you try to notice these moments. You notice how you create negativity within yourself, within the world. And you clear it.

And the more you become aware of these moments of when you are the negative person, the less of those moments you start to have.

When we realise that we can create and send negative energy to others and to ourselves, it’s deeply empowering. We wake up and grow up as spiritual beings.

We stop blaming everyone else for the negativity being sent to us. We stop playing victim while we’re clearing our energy and we start seeing the bigger picture. We take spiritual responsibility for our own energetic “stuff”.

This isn’t about blaming ourselves. It’s not about taking on everything as yours. That’s not where we want to go with this practice. It’s just about taking responsibility for what we’ve created as well as being mindful of what we’re picking up out in the world and what’s being sent to us.

The good news is it’s so easy to clear your energy in both ways!

  1. Just become aware of it and accept you can create and send negative energy too

  2. When you are clearing your energy, ask for it to be cleared both ways, in all directions. Ask that the negative energy you’ve picked up, that’s been sent to you and that you have created is cleared from you and all those it’s affected.

  3. See all negativity being cleared from your energy fields and see all negativity you’ve sent to others being cleared from theirs.

It takes just a few minutes to do every day and you will notice a big shift. Not just in your energy, but in how you move through the world.

The days of “me me me” spirituality have to go. We are all in this together.

And it starts with us realising we are all on the journey. We are all just figuring it out. We all have moments where we have negative thoughts about ourselves and others.

We just have to remember we have the power to clear it and move forward with more love and compassion for others and ourselves.

So, what do you think about this idea? Are you going to try it? Are you already doing it? I’d love to hear from you in the comments about what energy clearing practices work for you!

With love, light and clear energy,



Ten Ways to Clear your Energy

Ten ways to clear your energy by new age hipster x

Knowing how to clear your own energy is everything.

I'm a big believer in the quadruple threat of energy work - grounding, clearing, protecting + connecting.

I'm a massive energy protection geek and if you need a hand with protecting your energy check out my free e-book: How to Stay Shiny.

K, so how can you tell if your energy needs clearing? Well, it's different for everyone, but for me it feels something like:

  • Sluggish
  • Tired
  • Heavy
  • Blah
  • Icky
  • Gunky
  • Like I'm carrying a lot of stuff around that isn't necessarily mine
  • Thinking or worrying a lot
  • Thinking or worrying a lot about other people's stuff!
  • Just generally energetically drained
  • Really hungry!

Of course if you are feeling any of these symptoms for more than a couple of days it could be worth checking in with your doctor.

Clearing your energy can help you shift away any old gunk, negativity and anything that you've picked up along the way that isn't yours. :)

Not a bad way to clear the ole' chakras! x

Not a bad way to clear the ole' chakras! x


Letting in some light can clear your energy in a jiffy! If you can get under the sun for just a few minutes, brilliant.

If you can't get out for a beach walk, visualising white light (or any colour of your choice, sometimes rainbow is fun!) coming in through your crown chakra and down through your body is a fab way to center and clear your energy and the best part is you can do this anywhere, even on the tube! :D



Working with clear quartz can help you to clear your energy. Hold one during meditation, wear one during the day or pop one in a glass of water or your bath. 



Playing your fave tunes, ringing bells and even clapping through your aura can shift negative energy!


Salt Baths

For a more intensive clearing, throw a handful of salt in the bath (regular kitchen salt will do!) with a few drops of essential oils of your choosing, oh but check they aren't the burning kind!

Angels from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle, grab a deck here!

Angels from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle, grab a deck here!


I like calling in Archangel Michael and Raphael as a duo to help shift and clear my energy for me. I just literally call their names and ask them to clear my energy. Simples!



Waft a smudge stick or a stick of Palo Santo or even an incense stick through your aura.



This is such an underrated way to clear energy! Take some down time and let your energy banks refill while you chill.


Drink water

Make sure you're drinking enough water! Before you take a sip put your hands over the water and set the intention that this water is to clear your energy.



Getting out in nature is a brilliant way to clear your energy. A beach or a bush walk or even just a stroll in the park can clear out even the most stubborn of gunked up chakras. 

A bush walk can clear those cobwebs in no time! x

A bush walk can clear those cobwebs in no time! x

Cord Cutting

Cord Cutting is a powerful clearing tool. Cord Cutting involves identifying and energetically cutting cords of negativity that are affecting your energy. You can grab my Cord Cutting kit here. :D


And if you want to learn more about working with your energy and connecting with your own guidance check out Woo Woo School! :O

With so much love, light and mega clearing vibes!





What's up with Psychic Attack?

psychic attack

I was chatting with some peeps on the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group this morning about psychic attack and I found I had so much to say on the topic so I thought I'd put it all in a post for y'all!


Does it actually exist?

Well, like everything in the spiritual world, it’s different for everyone.

I know plenty of people who think psychic attack doesn’t exist, because they have never experienced it and/or give it no attention or power and so are therefore not affected by it.

Kind of like with protecting your energy.

Some people have the belief that they don’t need to protect their energy and so they don’t need to. Other people (like yours truly over here) feel empowered by visualisations of light bubbles, magic cloaks and calling in Archangel Michael for protective vibes. Doesn’t mean we’re giving away our power to the idea we need to be protected, it’s just a different way of working with energy.

If you don’t think psychic attack is real, or it’s never affected you, cool. I’m glad you don’t have to worry about this shiz.

If you think you are being affected by it, or just want to know WTF it is so you can identify it in future, please read on!

(And as always, like everything I talk about, take what resonates, leave the rest.)


What is psychic attack?

If you resonate as an Empath or a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) or even if you don’t, you'll probably be down with the  idea that we can all pick up on other people’s energy.

Psychic attack is when you’re picking up on negative vibes that have been specifically sent to you.


Why does this happen?

I have found that the closer I get to my purpose, the more on my path that I am, the more connected I become with my spiritual team and the more I put myself out there, the more susceptible I am to psychic attack.

Taylor Swift sums this up better than I can, she says “don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine”. True dat Tay Tay! x


Who’s sending me this shizzle?

Psychic attack can come from many different places. Yes, it can come from ghosts, aliens and other negative or low energy that’s hanging out at your place, or around you, but those situations are pretty rare.

Peeps doing bad juju and woo woo on you is a thing too, but again, not very common really.

Most of the time, psychic attack comes from people you know, or people who’ve seen you online, sending you negative vibes.

I really don’t think most people do this with an intent to “attack” you, it’s just that you might be bringing up a lot of stuff for them, negative stuff, which they then direct at you, instead of opening up to see in themselves what’s going on.

Jealousy, judgement, comparison, the internet is rife with it. If you’re on the internet and you’re sensitive, you’re probably picking it up.

There are some people out there who will go the next step, competitors who dislike all your YouTube videos (yep, I’ve been there!) and people who post hater comments. Those hater comments can be pretty mean, imagine what kind of energy is hanging out behind the mean comments being directed at you.

In real life you have friends who no longer vibe with what you’re doing, think you’ve changed or whatever and so throw energetic shade your way, bitching about you to anyone who will listen. Even our besties can get jealous or pissed off and sometimes the closet to us are the ones that can throw the biggest energetic spit balls.

People who met you once and made some snap judgements on who you were as a person and now every time they see you in their feed they roll their eyes.

Psychic attack can be from one person’s pretty strong energetic shade throwing, or a whole bunch of negativity thrown your way can create a collective cloud of bad woo hanging over your head.

Honour your feelings, but question where they come from... with the #NewAgeHipsterInstaOracle x

Honour your feelings, but question where they come from... with the #NewAgeHipsterInstaOracle x

How do I know if I’ve been “attacked”?

The symptoms of psychic attack are different for everyone.

There are loads of blog posts out there with a list of symptoms and while that can be somewhat useful, if you do have physical symptoms that concern you or are having some really dark thoughts that are consuming you, honestly, go and see someone qualified to help you.

When I’ve been psychically attacked, I feel low. Like I don’t want to get out of bed, I have super low energy and no motivation to do stuff, especially work or anything productive.

And it’s usually for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Sometimes it’s grey and rainy, something is going on cosmically or I have other stuff going on in my life and it’s like, OK, that makes sense that I feel a little low. But psychic attack usually turns up when actually, things are going pretty well.

Again, if something is up with your energy levels and it sticks around for longer than a few days, you might want to check in with your doctor.

Palo Santo, one of my fave clearing tools - waft around your aura, laptop and iPhone x

Palo Santo, one of my fave clearing tools - waft around your aura, laptop and iPhone x

What can I do about it?

Forgive whoever sent this and send them love

Most people throwing etheric daggers at you are really just transferring their own stuff onto you. People who are happy and doing well in life don’t tend to send bad vibes to other people.


Work with Archangel Michael to remove etheric daggers.

Put on some meditation music, call in the big guy and then visualise him removing any daggers in your back, or anywhere else they have been stuck in. Visualise your energetic skin healing over and be nice and gentle with yourself for a few days afterwards.


Clear your energy

Other ways to clear your energy can include salt baths, smudging, going outside, reiki yourself or grab yourself a reiki, healing or reading session with someone you trust.

Make sure to clear your home and workplace too. A smudge spray can be useful for work!


Look at your own stuff

Sometimes we actually attract negativity because we’ve been sending it out too. Ouch! But seriously, just take a minute to consider where you might be sending negative vibes and set an intention to notice when you're doing that. We are all human, we all do this from time to time, but we can try to be better when we notice we're being jerks.


Protect, ground and clear your own energy every single day.

When you work with your own energy on the daily this kind of stuff just doesn’t happen so much, or when it does, it doesn’t affect you anywhere near as badly. Knowing your own energy can help you realise when stuff just isn’t yours.

Also include your online spaces in your protection rituals!

If you need help with this, check out my free eBook How to Stay Shiny: a quick start guide to energetic and psychic protection or my Woo Woo 101 course if you want to get really serious about working with your own energy!



Turning on some lights, lighting some candles and visualising light filling yourself and your home does wonders.

Sleep with fairy lights on. 



One of the best ways I know to refill my energetic cup is to just chill the eff out. No scary movies though, K?


Reclaim your power

It can be easy to become kind of obsessed with the idea that bad vibes are being sent to you from all directions and slide down the victim hole a little.

Take some time out to clear and recharge, but remember that you have the power to deflect the negativity that comes your way.

Stand in your power and shout to the sky “you have no power over me!” Or you know, whatever your version of that is. 

It can still take a few days for you to be back to normal, but reminding the universe of your own power is damn effective!


Have you ever felt like you’ve been psychically attacked? What did you do about it? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below! Or come chat in the SPJ group with us!

And if you are feeling low and need some help getting back to your shiny self, you can grab a reading or a mentoring session with me over in the New Age Hipster Shop.

With so much love, light and protection vibes,



Protection, Fear + Judgement

Protection, Fear + Judgement by Vix at New Age Hipster x

Do you actually need to protect your energy? Or does thinking you need to protect yourself just breed fear? 

Whatever your answer is to this question is totally fine with me, and as always, you are so welcome to agree or disagree with any of what I'm about to say.

I am not here to tell you what is right or wrong, what to do or not do. I think we all find different ways to work with our own energy that works for us.

I'm just here offering up some of my own thoughts in the hopes that if you feel confused about protecting yourself, or if you even need to do it you may find this post helpful.


What is protection? 

Protecting my energy is about preventing me from picking up on everyone else's stuff, negative energies, entities or whatever else is out there. 

I resonate as an Empath, which means I feel like a bit of an energy sponge. I pick up on other people's energy and when I don't protect myself being around others (no matter how shiny they are), hanging out in certain places or even hanging out on social media can exhaust the heck out of me. 

Learning how to protect my energy put a pep back in my step and helped me to get out of my own pits of doom and gloom because I began to identify the real cause of my moodiness and tiredness. Most of the time it just wasn't even my stuff. Sometimes it is my stuff, but your own stuff is so much lighter to carry around all day than a whole busload of energetic backpacks.

Protecting my energy honestly turned my whole life around. When I stopped letting other stuff get to me I had more time, energy and my intuition was better.


What's with the whole protection/fear thing?

Some folks have this idea that protection is fear based and that peeps who use protection are scared of negative energy. It's suggested that having the belief that negativity can harm you and then protecting yourself from that actually enhances these beliefs and fear.

The idea here is that if you have the belief you need to be protected you are living in fear.

If that's what you resonate with, awesome.

But it can be dangerous to assume that everyone who uses protection tools as part of their daily spiritual practice is living in fear.

In fact, it can be dangerous to assume anything about anyone else's spiritual practice and beliefs at all. 


If this is what energy protection looks like, I'm all for it! :D

If this is what energy protection looks like, I'm all for it! :D

Can you protect yourself without getting into fear? 

Heck yeah! Protecting my energy is no more fear based than locking the door at night or taking an umbrella out in the rain.

I don't live in fear of intruders in my house. I'm pretty sure you aren't even covered by insurance if you don't lock your door at night. 

And I definitely don't look out at the rain and get into fear about it. I just think - oh, better take an umbrella. 

For most people who protect their energy this is what it's like. It's like getting in the car and putting on a seat belt. Wearing sunglasses when it's bright out, taking a coat out with you in winter to protect you from the elements.

If you don't want to get pregnant you use contraception right? If you don't want to pick up energetic stuff on the tube, get your energy condom on. 


Can protection put you in fear?

Yes. It is totally possible to get way too caught in protecting your energy that it makes you freak out.

If you're unable to leave the house without your black onyx you may want to have a look into what's going on there.

If you are feeling freaked out about energies around you have a chat with someone, get a reading, or come hang out in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group for some support

If you feel fine when you don't protect your energy, but feel fear creep in when you do, then maybe protecting yourself energetically isn't something you need to do right now.

If you suffer from anxiety you may find it's difficult to protect your energy without letting a whole bunch of fear based thoughts in. Do what you need to do, see your doctor, a therapist or whatever feels right for you.


Why does this divide the community? 

Most people I've met in the new age and spiritual communities are so loving and kind and supportive and respectful, but then there are some topics that divide us, and this seems to be one of them. 

There is no right or wrong to the protection debate. Just different strokes for different folks. 

If you feel good protecting your energy like I do, then carry on doing it. If it doesn't vibe with you, that's cool too!


If you're looking for practical tips on how to protect your energy you can download my totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny or come and join me at Woo Woo School for an energy intensive! :D

With so much love and light,



Empath in the big city

Being an empath can be super hard, especially in the big city!

I used to live in London and I absolutely loved it, I still do love it! But recently I've been living in Skegness just a tiny little seaside town with not a lot going on. So heading back into London this weekend for Hay House's Ignite conference and a workshop with Jennifer Cain was like WOAH! So much energy!

An Empath is basically just any person who feels all the vibes. You feel other people's vibes and get uber exhausted and stressed out from being around so many other peeps! Or at least until you work out how to protect your own energy!

As an empath, I totally know how it feels to go out shopping on Oxford Street and then needing like a hundred showers and a week under the doona to recover!

But I've discovered so many awesome ways to sort out my energy and my day so I can live in, or visit the big city! I can now totally spend a whole day hanging out at Lush, searching the sale racks at Urban Outfitters and grabbing some lovely ethical beauty bits at Boots!


Protect your energy before you go out

However you do it is totes fine - visualisations, calling on the angels, whatever floats your tug boat. Just make sure you set the intention to be protected from other people's stuff when you're out and about and trust that you totally will be, and you will be!



Obviously you're gonna wanna take some crystals with you right? Pop 'em in your pocket, around your neck, in your bra or in your bag. Or all of the above!

I like to take my more hardcore protective stones on a day out in the big city. Apache Tears, Obsidian, and I also have started keeping a little selenite in my phone case for emergency clearing by just giving it a little rub! :D


Use the mantra - "not my stuff"

Or your version of it. 

When someone hits you with their Topshop bag, or barges past you to grab to the last golden egg, remember this is not a reflection on you as a person. This is not your stuff

Aggressive shoppers do not hate you, they do not pick you out of a crowd and think "I hate that chic" and make a beeline towards making your life hell. They are just on a journey that's a bit different. They will be aggressive to you, and the next person, and then the next. 

That's not your stuff. How you react is your stuff though. 

When someone tries to take your eye out with an umbrella or steps on your converse just say in your head "not my stuff". 


Toilet breaks

Going to the toilet is the best. When you start feeling tired, grumpy, stressed or whatever head for the toilets and re-group. I like to go in the cubical and take some deep breaths. Re-do my energetic protection stuff and centre. It makes such a difference!

I highly recommend department store toilets over the ones that you have to pay 30p for. Much nicer vibes. 



Pop your headphones on and crank some high vibe tunes. A bit of Kylie, Taylor Swift or Chvrches should sort you out. 

Be sure to watch out for traffic though! :o


Have a beer with lunch

OK, so this one doesn't sound that woo. But honestly, having a beer with lunch and then doing the shopping certainly makes you less susceptible to bad vibes.

But also remember that for many of us this also blocks your intuition and stuff too, so if you're going crystal shopping, maybe don't have a beer first! 

You know, unless beer actually heightens your psychic ability, in which case do what you need to do. *Shrugs!* 


Or Find somewhere quiet to eat

If you're not going for a beer and veggie burger, try and find somewhere quiet to eat. There are so many places to eat in the city, but the ones off the main road are usually quieter.

In London there are about a thousand Prets. The food is cheap and good and if you head to one of the stores on the side street they are usually much more chill and haven't run out of cheesy mac with kale! 



We can get into this thing where we think we need to protect ourselves so much that we start seeing other people and their stuff as "the enemy". Protect yourself fo'sure, but don't put up so many walls that you miss out on connecting with other humans! Don't close down and miss a chat with the cool chic making your coffee or a chance encounter with a boy in the vintage clothing boutique! 


So there you have it! Your Empaths guide to Oxford Street, London! LOL!

To find out more about protecting your energy you can check out my totally free e-book - How to Stay Shiny!

And puhlease share any other tips and tricks you use when you're out and about in the city in the comments below! :D

With love, light and super shiny shopping trips!



Weekly Wisdom - Crystal Reading Cards Reading - 4th to 10th May 2015

Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman
Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman

Say hello to the beautiful Crystal Reading Cards by Rachelle Charman! This deck caught my eye at the Belgrave Book Barn (I think I spent almost a whole day in there!) in Australia last month and I just HAD to have it! I've seen a lot of crystal decks around, but none have called to me like this one... As soon as I opened it I did myself a reading and I cried because it was so good! I hope you love them as much as I do!

Start of the week - Sunstone - Empowerment

This is all about standing in your power. Be kind to people for sure, but don't let anyone walk all over you. You have a great deal of inner strength and power, you may find you need to call upon that this week. Open up to your power! Don't be afraid to speak your truth even if you think other people won't like it. Maybe they will like it, maybe they will love it, who knows! Be true to who you are this week, it's way more important than what they say about you by the water cooler.

Middle of the week - Malachite - Healing

Whenever you've healed one part of your life you find something else that needs healing. This doesn't mean that you should just stop bothering - it means the opposite! We are always healing. Spend some time this week acknowledging and considering your healing needs. Get a reading, get some reiki, have some therapy, sometimes we need help with our healing and can't always do it all on our own with a guided meditation. Sometimes you need to speak to a real person! Let others help you heal.

End of the week - Black Tourmaline - Protection

When your energy feels low, or impacted by other people you may need to think about some new energy protection strategies. Watch the video below for a great tip on how to visualise yourself totes protected even without the use of crystals! If you feel like you've been too open and given too much, take some time for you. You might just need a little alone time this week too. Don't feel guilty about it, sometimes you just need to be alone to recharge and stay shiny.

If you would like your very own personal reading using these cards or any others you can always pop over to my Etsy Store, OR you can come see me IN PERSON at what is going to be a very special day this coming weekend - Higher Selfie Live! It's a free event in London which promises to be totally soul nourishing! Check out this link for all the deets!

Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter down below too! I only email you once a week (on Sunday!) to update you with your weekly reading and any other bits and pieces that might help you on your journey, nothing spammy and nothing salesy!

I'm wishing you all a beautiful week here on planet Earth filled with tumble stones, chats with your higher selfie and glitter fingers!

<3 Love, light and crystal healing energy <3



What I know about Angels

What I know about Angels

So I've been going on about Angels for a while now but haven't really stopped to talk about what I really think about Angels. I thought it might be nice to sit down with a tea and tell you what I know about Angels...


1. Angels will get your attention when the time is right

Whether you've had your own spiritual thing going on for years, or you're just starting to ask the big questions, I believe that Angels will make themselves known to you when the time is right - perhaps it's even from reading this! Some people work with Angels when they are little kids, some people (like me!) only discover them later in life. It wasn't that I didn't believe in Angels, they just weren't resonating with me. Honestly, I always thought of them as like 'Christmas Tree Angels'. Something you sang about in Church and saw statues of, and although I thought they were kind of beautiful, I didn't really think that they had anything to do with my life. I don't even know what promoted me to do it, but one day while crystal shopping online I added a deck of Angel Oracle cards to my order, without thinking too much about it... and the rest, as they say, is history!

You may hear people talking about Angels, or start stumbling across blog posts like this one. You may see signs like walking past a shop that has Angel wings in the window, seeing white feathers by your feet, or anything else that reminds you of Angels.


2. Angels are energy

I'm going to say something that could be pretty controversial here so hold onto your hats! Angels are energy. Pretty awesome energy that you can call on for help, and energy you can build relationships with, but you know how everyone sees Angels as these like Renaissance dudes with wings? That's just how some artists around that time saw this energy. Many other people have seen angels and described them as lights and colours. So it goes that back in the days when all these amazing art works were being created people 'mistook' the light that this energy brought as 'wings'. Hey, whatever works for you guys. And I'm so glad they thought it was wings, because how cool do wings look?!

Where Angels come from nobody really knows. God, the Pleiades, Other star systems, Concious collective thought, or maybe we even create them ourselves. OH WHAT?! Stay with me... So for example, yesterday I had a headache. I called upon Archangel Raphael (the healing Angel) to heal my head. So what's really going on when that happens? I'm simply calling upon healing energy to help me right? Wherever that healing energy comes from is fine by me as long as it's from the light! I like to think of it as this cool hot human like glittery man leaning over me with his healing hands and bright white wings healing me because that's what works for me. But if you like to think of the healing Archangel Raphael energy coming from space, or God, or from with inside yourself, bloody go for it!


3. Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides might be one and the same

Some people have this whole tribe of Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, passed over loved ones and I don't even know who else all sorted out into perfect positions. A lot of people think that Spirit Guides and Angels are totally different, which they might be for you, and that's so cool. But for me I've got a Spirit Guide who appears to me with wings, and other one who is like this aqua blue colour, yeah, I dunno, I guess that's how he had to appear to me so I'd know who he was or something! Doreen Virtue talks about Earth Angels; Incarnated Angels who chose to come and have human lives, which is pretty cool, but if Angels can come to earth as humans, why can't Spirit Guides be part Angel too? Woah, mind blown!

I was meditating one day on this idea, after spending ages trying to work out who the heck were my Angels and who were my Guides and I got this message: 'Call me Angel, call me Guide, just call me'. It was just a message from the energy of those around me, collectively perhaps, but it worked for me. So now when I'm in the shower I just shout out a 'hi God, Guides, Angels and whoever else is with me from the light'!


4. Read books and blogs but go with your gut

There are so many Angel books out there and so many of them are AWESOME! I don't always totally resonate with everything I read about Angels, and I don't think I'm meant to. Each book written about Angels is about one person's ideas and experiences and all of us are going to experience Angels differently. You don't have to agree with what everyone says about Angels, or spirituality for that matter! Read and learn whatever and whoever you feel drawn to, but make sure to focus on spending time talking to the Angels yourself. Ask them to guide you to good information about them, Oracle Decks that will resonate with you and people you can talk to about them without feeling crazy. Journal, play with Angel cards and get to know them one on one, or one on however many you have in your camp!


5. When you follow their guidance things go better

When you get that little nudge to sign up for a course, talk to that person at work or stop drinking caffeine and you follow it, things get better. However this guidance comes to you - whether it's an Angelic whisper, a repetitive thought, hearing or seeing signs - if it feels good and it feels right (even if it feels scary or unusual!) that's your guidance right there. I was guided to write this blog post today. I could have gone downstairs to watch more episodes of Friends (OMG Friends is ALWAYS on!), but instead, I sat here and typed this. And maybe it's all just for you to get these messages! Or maybe it's because the Angels are just really bored of watching the whole Rachel/Ross thing... again.


I would love to know your thoughts on what I know about Angels and even share some of your own! Either below in the comments, or you are always welcome on Facebook where there is always someone to chat to about this stuff (usually me!). Also, sign up for the Newsletter below to make sure you don't miss any good stuff. I'm about to start a series of posts on different Archangels and how to work with them! But in the meantime, check out this post on Archangel Orion to keep your Angel cup full!

<3 I'm sending you so much love, light and Angelic Blessings! <3



Vicious gossip + white light - The weekly Reading Jan 19 - 24 2015

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech

I just had to use my newest deck for the weekly reading this week. I've been loooooving it with my whole heart! It's the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech and if you like it, you can get it (AND SHOULD GET IT!) by clicking here. Also, check out that killer review on Wordery! I freaking LOVE Wordery!

Anyway! Here are your Faery messages for this week...

Start of the week - Silver Sisters

This card is all about gossip and negative energy. It could be that others are throwing their negative vibes at you and you need to protect yourself from it, or it could be that you have thrown some daggers and nasty words around about others. This is bad, and I know it's hard because some people seriously are dicks and they piss you off and so you need to vent. But make sure your venting doesn't throw negative energy at that person. It's OK to say to a friend - it made me feel really mad when this person did [whatever]. It's not OK to go on a total bitch-fest. Raise your vibration and stop bitching. If you are in a seriously negative environment and just can't see how that's even possible - get out of it.

If you need protection from this kind of negativity try imagining yourself in a pink (or colour of your choice) bubble. Clear yourself with white light and ask your Angels, Faeries and Guides to clear you and keep you safe from other people's negativity. You can also wear crystals - especially dark colours like black tourmaline or obsidian.

Middle of the week - The Grail Faery

The new moon on Tuesday night is going to bring us into a re-set vibe. You can read more about this coming new moon on Gala Darling's blog. This Faery is telling us a similar story. We need to check in with our new years resolutions or 2015 goals or wishes. Are you on the same path you were on at the start of this year? Do you need to amp it up and put in some extra effort? Do you need to totally get back on course? Do you just need to re-affirm your commitment to making 2015 your best year EVER?! Time to make yourself accountable. Let go of procrastination and any shit that's weighing you down and get back on track!

If you wanna work on your goals you need this book. If you are feeling like - OMG WTF am I doing with my 2015 and my life?! have a think about getting one of the last remaining 2015 readings!

End of the week - The Unicorn and the Maiden

Woah, what a powerful card. This is all about humans and animals coming together to work together to create peace on this planet. What do you need to do in your life to create a better planet? Recycle, stop buying crazy packaged fruit or veg when you could buy it loose. Pat and love animals instead of wearing them as fancy outfits. Buy the 'safe' versions of cleaning products. OK, this isn't always totally practical, but do your best. Do what you can.

Every night before you go to sleep imagine planet Earth, like how it looks from space. Imagine white light surrounding the planet - creating peace. Imagine if we all did that.

If you need any more tips and tricks on how to protect yourself energetically or if you want to share your tools and thoughts please come by Facebookand hang out! If you'd like a reading with me check out my Readingspage and if you want to see these cards up close and personal follow me on Instagram!

Here's to a totally awesome week! :-)

<3 Love, light and Unicorn pats <3
