Lightworker — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Metaphysical Movie Review: Ingress

Gorgeous souls! It’s a metaphysical movie review! 🍿✨🍿✨🍿

You know I LOVE pop culture here at New Age Hipster. I’m always making tarot spreads and spiritual memes based on movies and TV shows. I LOVE stories in all their forms, and I especially love stories with a metaphysical, magickal, witchy bent to them! 🥰

And so when I came across the new indie movie (you know I love anything indie!!) INGRESS written by and starring Rachel Noll James and it was described as this:

A woman who can move between parallel realities loses her husband tragically and must overcome past trauma to travel the multiverse once again and find her way into a reality where he is still alive.

I was immediately like WHERE IS THE POPCORN?! 😍🍿

Here is the trailer to give you a sense of the whole magickal mystical vibe of this movie…

I don’t want to give anything away, because the thing I loved most about this was I just had no idea where it was going or how the whole time slippage thing would work, but here’s a general gist of the movie...

When she was younger, Riley could move through timelines. When her husband Toby dies, it starts happening again. She beings to experience brief moments of time in which she can tune into another timeline where he’s still alive.

She seeks help figuring it all out and meets Daniel, a metaphysical author who writes about weird and wonderful timeline jumping and multiverse theories.

I mean, hello? Timeline jumping, metaphysical authors, seeing through the veils of illusion into other dimensions!? YES PLEASE!!

These kinds of movies are just fantastic to watch for the stories, but this movie really felt like it activated something in me. It was not just a movie, it was an awakening and powerful divine transmission. Well, most stories are I guess, but I really felt this one!

I know so many people in the community who have incredible timeline jumping experiences and during readings I can often see when and where someone has shifted or changed their own timeline. One time I was also shown a client with an ability to heal timelines, and I saw her literally threading light through gaps in space and time which was fascinating! 😮

I only have one cool story of my own but I think you’ll enjoy how New Age Hipster it is…

I was in a Mall in Melbourne a little while ago, just grabbing my vegan burger from Lord of the Fries (yes that’s what it’s called and it’s fully vegan and delicious! 😅) and looking for a seat in the food court when suddenly I got a glimpse into another dimension!

For just a split second, the mall turned into a temple of light and was filled with beautiful light beings walking around. It was just so random, like why did I see that when I was just trying to find a seat in the food court?! 😅 But I am sure in that moment I was tapping into something else that was happening in the same place at time, just on a different level.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my story, but please do do do go check out this incredible movie INGRESS! It is so fascinating, so heart opening and activating on a spiritual level. It may even help activate you so that you can jump into your highest timeline! 😍

INGRESS is available to watch now in the US via: Amazon, Cox, Comcast, Charter, Fandango at Home (Vudu) and Vimeo on Demand.

Sign up here to know when it will be available to watch in other countries!

Follow @ingressfilm for updates!

With so much love and timeline jumping,



Manifest Your Dreams

Oh gorgeous souls, I am so, so excited to announce that my new book Manifest Your Dreams: rituals and practices for living your best life is out now! 😍


Well, the Audiobook and the Kindle are out now everywhere, the hardback is out now in the UK and will be available later this year internationally.

Here’s a video of me unboxing the book, sharing more about what’s in it and generally going silly over how excited I am! 🤪

About the book:

Take destiny into your own hands and transform your life through positive change and thought.

Manifest Your Dreams is a modern mystic’s take on how you can use manifestation to attract what you want and live a more purposeful life.

Full of spiritual practices and down-to-earth practical guidance, this book is a guide to how to meet the universe halfway through real world action. Connect to your heart’s true desires and manifest love, money, purpose, healing and growth.

Grab your copy now via:





Or wherever good books are sold!


To celebrate I’m hosting a totally free Manifesting Masterclass!


To celebrate the release of Manifest Your Dreams I’m offering this totally free manifesting masterclass!

Saturday 24th June 8am Melbourne Time

Friday 23rd June 11pm UK / 3pm LA / 6pm NYC

Click here to convert for your time zone!

In this one hour session I’ll share my own manifesting journey, some pitfalls I’ve fallen into as well as some amazing things I’ve manifested and how I did it!

I’ll guide you through a meditation to help you align and anchor your energy for easier manifestation…

And there will be a Q&A at the end where I’ll answer as many manifesting questions as I can!


If you can’t attend live there will be a replay sent to you and an opportunity to submit any questions for the Q&A beforehand too so you won’t miss your chance!


PS - In case you're wondering, this is not a spammy sales webinar or an attempt to sell an expensive course. I will talk a little about the book, but you don't need to buy it to enjoy the workshop!

Put your deets in below to join the magick!


Signing up to this list will put you on the twice monthly newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

We totally respect your privacy. x

With love and eco glitter,



Sacred Social Media: being protected, authentic and true on social media

What a time to be alive, when you can just grab your phone and in an instant be connected to millions of other people who are into the same things you are!

Social media really is incredible in so many ways. Maybe you even found this blog post through social media, or perhaps we first connected there. I’ve made so many friends on Instagram including people that have become real life friends! Some I see in person, most I just get to chat with over Zoom with a cuppa.

Being able to connect with other witches, lightworkers and spiritual souls on socials is awesome, especially for those of us who work from home, don’t get out much due to whatever reason, or maybe can’t talk about the magickal life to people around us as they may not support our journey.

But while it’s incredible to be able to connect with your fellow wisdom keepers online, social media doesn’t always feel like the most high vibe place on the planet.

For those of us who are sensitive to energy, spending too much time on socials, getting sucked into a never-ending scroll and being bombarded with content that makes us feel bad is not so much fun.

Energy protection is one of my favourite things to talk about because it really did change my life. When I started to protect my energy I could see what was really mine, what wasn’t and I was also able to start hearing the voice of my own intuition and my guides so much more clearly.

One thing I’ve noticed recently is that my intuition always gets a little clogged up when I spend too much time on socials.

And that’s concerning. Because it means the more we are bombarded with content, the harder it is to be discerning, and social media is one of the places where we need to be the most discerning.

When we open up our phones for a quick scroll we’re essentially opening up a portal out into the entire world.

Many of us practice some form of energy protection before we head out for the day, but rarely think about it when we’re scrolling first thing or last thing at night.

Social media is this incredible tool we have to share our light, our love, our truth with the world. We have these platforms to speak and share and radiate so much goodness, and yet these spaces are often just exhausting us to the point where we don’t even want to be on them, let alone use them to share our light.

There is so much weird stuff being posted online these days, and I don’t want to sound judgey, but a lot of what I see on social media is not that high vibe. Dare I even say that the magickal and spiritual community is not even always that high vibe?!

And the thing is, we need more authentic souls on these platforms sharing their love and raising the vibe of the place, but we can only do that if we’re awake and aware and using social media consciously.

So here are some simple tips to help you protect yourself and be more authentically you and true on socials:

Protect your energy on socials

Before you open your phone or laptop take a moment to affirm and intend that you are protected. You can do this in many different ways, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic for more tips, but a couple of easy ways to do it are visualising yourself in a bubble of light, holding a smoky quartz crystal while you post and scroll, or just affirm - I am protected before you open up.

Unfollow or mute accounts that make you feel shitty

If it doesn’t inspire you, support you or help you feel more connected to the person posting, just go ahead and unfollow or mute. You don’t have to be blown away by every single piece of content someone posts, but if it makes you feel shitty for whatever reason (comparison, jealousy, not in alignment with your values, just annoys you, etc.) let it go.

Following thousands of people online just means you never get to see the content you want from the people you really do want to stay following, so clear your feed, your head and your heart in one go!

You can do this by either going through all the accounts you follow, or do what I do. When I see something come up I just don’t resonate with, I go to that person’s account, check to see if it’s a one off or if I just don’t vibe with what they are posting anymore. Then I unfollow or mute if it’s someone I want to stay connected with.

Fudge the algorithm

Since the algorithm stopped showing posts to a huge number of our followers people have gotten on the “post for the algorithm” trend.

Look, I’ve tried. I tried to make the algorithm happy. I posted at the right times. I posted reels. I posted daily. It rarely worked. Other times I posted the most random stuff and it had the best engagement ever.

Don’t try to make the algorithm happy. Just post stuff you think will inspire and support your community and post what inspires and supports you!

Screw the numbers

There are incredible accounts out there with hardly any followers who have such a beautiful and engaged community. There are other accounts with massive followings and tumbleweed when they post.

Numbers don’t mean what they used to mean. What matters now is the connection you make with your followers. If you hit one person right in the heart that’s better than reaching 1m people who could take you or leave you imho.

Actually connect with people

Ah, I remember the good old days when you could send someone and DM and they would actually respond! Some of the best people I know I met through some comment and DM exchanges!

Don’t be afraid to reach out to an account you love and let them know! And if someone reaches out to you, send them a reply, even if it’s just to say thanks!

The community aspect of social media has sadly disappeared over the years as it’s been more focused on brands and selling and bigger accounts, but there are still so many people on there that would love to be your friend!

Clear your social media accounts

Clear your own accounts every now and then. Delete any non-high vibe comments, delete any old content you’ve put up that no longer resonates, send in a wave of Violet Flame energy, stick your phone in some burning incense, light a white candle, do a banishing spell, just do something to symbolise your accounts being cleared.

Be authentic, be be authentic

There is so much content on socials these days that is soooooo inauthentic. As intuitives we can just tell when someone is posting for the algorithm, copying someone else’s style, or just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. And while inauthentic content may go viral, it can also feel a bit gross to those consuming it.

Hey, we’ve all posted content that didn’t land with our audience or our hearts, it’s no biggie. Just delete and try again.

Post from the heart. Whatever that means to you. Post what YOU want to post, not what anyone else is posting or what you think you should be posting. You do you. And that’s how your people are going to find you, even if there’s only like six of them. But who cares! You found your six people! WOW! :D

Use it for good

If you’re anything like me, you probably want to have some kind of positive impact in the world. Maybe you want to help raise the consciousness of the planet, or just like the idea of helping someone have a better day (same thing!). So think about how you can use social media as part of your spiritual service work. How could you make a positive difference through your social media? How can you bring more love and light to the people on the platform? How can you use it to share your passion, your heart and your purpose? How could what you post inspire someone else on their journey?

Take some time off

Being so connected all the time is actually hella bad for our brains. It exhausts the nervous system, and as I touched on earlier, it actually depletes your ability to tune into your own intuition.

So take some time off. Set yourself some boundaries.

I’ve been taking Sundays off socials most weeks, and actually it’s been turning into hardly checking at all on the weekends. I’m not perfect at this, but I find the less I’m on socials, the less obsessed I am with checking socials. It’s a real catch 22. If you can get a bit of time away, you’ll find you have more time to live a life worth putting on social media! :P

To dive deeper into your own Sacred Social Media experience go grab a deck of tarot or oracle cards and have a go at the Sacred Social Media spread below.

Or if you don’t have a deck, grab a journal and work with the questions as journal prompts.

1.How social media is working for you

2.How social media is working against you

3.How to be more awake and aware online

4.How to keep your energy safe online

5.Your sacred social media strategy

6.How to be seen and stay true to you

For more on how to clear, ground and protect your energy online and in the regular world, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic.

With love, light and staying true,




How to Deal with Intense Energies

“Intense energy” has become a phrase we’re using a lot in the spiritual community these days.

Mostly because it’s the only way we know how to describe what’s going on.

Seems like every five minutes these days we are dealing with some new aspect of the cosmic washing machine cycle.

Whether it’s the Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde, Solstice, Lion’s Gate, lockdown, or just another day on planet earth, there’s almost always something ready to try and knock us off our feet.

Then of course, there are the intense energies we deal with in our personal lives - grief, trauma, aging, loss, illness, dreams being dashed…

There’s a lot to deal with on the earthly plane, but the good news is that there are plenty of spiritual tools and practices we can use to help us navigate through it all while staying grounded, in our power and able to keep shining bright.

The Tower from the Cosmic Tarot.

This is by no means a definitive list. We are all different and we all deal with intense energies and difficult times differently. These are just some of the things that I have found work well for me in difficult times. x

1. Don’t buy into the drama and ignore the hype

While it’s always useful to have someone affirm what we’re feeling in the form of “oh yeah, the energy is intense right now!” it’s another to seek out and surround yourself with constant talk, and let’s face it, moaning and complaining about all this intense energy.

The truth is, every day on this planet is intense. It’s also an incredible blessing and such a gift just to be here, so let’s not waste time getting caught up in a self-fulfilling prophesy that makes these times so much harder than they have to be.

2. GROUND yourself.

Grounding practices are hugely underrated in my opinion, and most teachings on grounding only touch the surface.

Grounding is so much more than touching grass (although it can be that too!). Grounding is about grounding into the present moment, your own body, your own life, your purpose.

It’s about drawing your higher self down into your physical reality.

My favourite ways to ground my energy are through daily Kundalini Yoga practices, working with the Earth Star Chakra, eating lots of great vegan food, daily walks (even when the weather sucks) and physical exercise.

Many people fly out of their bodies during intense times, but this is actually when we need to get into our bodies the most!

3. Ritual and Routine

Agh, I know. Not everyone wants to hear about “routine”.

It doesn’t sound very divine feminine rising, does it?

But actually, when life feels chaotic, the best thing you can do is create a container for yourself and for your magic.

Think of it as energy protection and self-care.

Ritual and routine looks different for us all, but it can be as simple as creating (and sticking to as much as possible!) a daily spiritual practice, going to bed at the same time every night, working with an online fitness program and showing up each day, turning your phone off at 6pm and not looking at your phone in the morning until you’ve done three minutes of ego eradicator.

I know this sounds basic, and maybe not very intuitive, but if you’re feeling wonky, try to create some kind of routine for yourself, even if it’s just a daily cup of tea or card pull.

Give yourself permission to change the routine anytime too!

Archangel Azrael can help you through big life changes, and Archangel Metatron can guide you back to your own spiritual power! From the Angels Among Us Oracle.

4. Call on your spirit guides and angels for support

I know, like, duh! Of course we should do this.

But it’s often when things feel most challenging, we forget we have a whole team in spirit behind us, rooting for us and waiting to lend a helping hand!

Call on divine assistance in whatever way you like. A simple - “hey, guides and angels, I need some help right now!” is all you need to do. Then ask them for what you need.

5. Enjoy the wild ride

Imagine if instead of hating on the intense energies when they hit us, we decided to go all in and fully experience and appreciate them?

We didn’t incarnate for all the stars to be aligned in our favour every second of the day. We knew what we were getting into. We knew that Earth school would be chaotic and challenging and wonderful and painful and magical.

But we still came. In fact, most of us were so excited about the idea of it all!

We wanted to LIVE. We wanted to experience it all, the good, the bad, and the cosmically ugly.

The intensity of life is what helps us grow as souls, and it’s what expands our hearts and challenges our minds.

So next time you feel a little woozy from the cosmic alignments or the challenges of life, try to remember - this is what you came for, to experience it all!

6. Live in the now

Don’t wait for the intense energy to be over. Don’t put your life on hold.

If we wait until the intense energy is over to live our lives, we’re going to be waiting our whole lives!

If you need to take some time out, take it. If you need a retreat and a social media hiatus, do it. If you need to go into a blanket fort and binge Stranger Things, go for it.

But don’t wait until the perfect moment to live your life.

This, right now, no matter what is happening in the cosmos, is the perfect moment to live your life.

So, gorgeous soul, how do you deal with intense energy? Share in the comments so we can all find something that supports us in challenging times!

With love, light and staying anchored,



Anchoring the Light Tarot or Oracle Spread

Anchoring the Light Tarot Spread

Anchoring your light is about taking your regular grounding practice to the next level.

It’s about anchoring your own light into yourself, into your own heart and being and then anchoring the light that is within you into the earth beneath your feet.

In challenging times anchoring your light can help you to stay strong and be a comfort and support for others.

So if you’re ready to re-connect to your inner light and anchor the shiz out of it, then grab yourself a deck - angel, oracle, tarot, whatever you have to hand, grab your journal, pour a cuppa and have a go of this spread.


1.How to find your light in the darkness

During tough times it can be difficult to even connect with your own light, let alone share it with others! This card can help you to see how to find your own light first and foremost.

2.How to anchor (ground) yourself and your light

This card will give you some insight into how you can stay grounded and anchor your light so that you can stay strong and steady!

3.How to look after yourself

Lightworkers have to look after themselves or risk getting depleted and even hitting burnout. Take time to do what you need to do for yourself so you can be the bright light that is so needed right now.

4.How to be of service to others

And when you’re ready, this is how you can use your light to help others!

5.How to stay spiritually connected

This may be a message about how to connect, how to stay connected or connect deeper, or it may just be a message from your Higher Self!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG so I can come and say hi and spread the love!

With so much love, light and shining bright,



The Path of the Christian Witch

The Path of the Christian Witch

A while ago now I wrote a post called WTF is a Christian Witch.

As you can probably imagine, that post got a bit of interest - both positive and, yep, negative. It’s actually my most read post ever with 34,273 views as of the writing of this post! :o

Most weeks I still get notifications of new comments on that post and when I see them pop into my inbox I’m never quite sure if it’s going to be another one of my soul fam saying they resonated, or a Christian trying to save me from my misguided ways!

Since writing that post I’ve had a lot of people get in touch, saying they resonate with the idea of blending these two belief systems but they just don’t really know how to do that.

So in this post I’m going to try to explain what it means to me personally to be on the path of the Christian Witch, how I go about it, and how you can begin to develop your own practices and path too!

Angel Feathers

Being a Christian Witch is just one path to love

One of the most important things about this path is knowing why you resonate with the idea of being a Christian Witch (or whatever word or label, or no label you want to use for yourself!).

I’ve always resonated with Jesus because I believe his whole ministry was about L.O.V.E!

Nothing more, nothing less. He wanted to guide people back to love - love for each other, love for themselves. He spoke so much about forgiveness and non-judgement and just generally being a good person and living a good life.

To me that makes him one heck of a teacher whatever else he may or may not have been!

But I also feel there is so much love to be found in other paths, in the connection with nature, with other teachers and deities, which is part of the reason why being a Christian alone never worked for me.

So, if you want to develop your connection to the divine and to your own inner light by following the path of the Christian Witch, consider what it means to you.

Why this path over any others? How does this spiritual path help you navigate this world? At it’s core, what is this really about for you?

For me, it’s about finding my way back to love a little more every day.

My (kinda messy but does the trick!) altar x

My (kinda messy but does the trick!) altar x

There is no right or wrong way to be a Christian Witch (or anything!)

There are no rules here. No dogma. No ancient traditions or rituals to follow. There’s just you and your own beliefs. To me this is everything.

The rules of the church don’t work for me. I can’t have someone telling me “this is how it’s done because this is how it’s always been done”, especially when “the church” of today was built upon layer upon layer of “stuff” that has very little to do with Jesus himself.

Jesus himself didn’t create the church, and as much as I love a good singalong at a mega church, I’m not convinced any of the churches that exist right now were exactly what Jesus had in mind.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time studying Wicca, Paganism and other paths of Witchcraft over the years and while I certainly do draw from some of them, in some ways I find many of the “rules” of organised witchery to be just as dogmatic as the church. That may ruffle some feathers, but if you’ve spent any time in the witchy communities online you’ll know some of those communities can be just as “my way or the highway” as other religious groups!

So for me being a Christian Witch is all about doing things my own way.

It looks different to everyone who’s on this path.

Some people go to church and read the bible but also use oracle cards and work with the cycles of the moon.

Then there are others who will follow more of a Wicca or more traditional Witchcraft path but will choose Jesus and Mary as their patron and matron deities.

You may be more Christian leaning with a Tarot deck in your bedside draw, or perhaps you are more Witchcraft leaning with a bible on your altar.

Whatever works for you is what is right for you.

It’s about your own relationship with the divine all around and within you.

It can overwhelming and confusing at times to just “do whatever you want” on the spiritual journey, so if you need a few more ideas on how to get started with a practice I’ll share some things that I do which you may like to do also, but remember this path is your path and you get to decide what it looks like, no one else.

The Jesus Deck in action!

The Jesus Deck in action!

Check out books and resources on the Ascension Path

The Ascension Path teachings incorporate many different aspects of the divine including Jesus, Angels and other Ascended Masters. It’s a high vibrational pathway back to love, higher levels of consciousness, wisdom and peace. Some of my favourite Ascension teachers are Tim Whild, Diana Cooper and Joshua David Stone.

Work with oracle decks that are Christian Witch friendly

Some of my favourites are The Jesus Deck, Work Your Light Oracle, Crystal Mandala Oracle, Art Through the Starstream Oracle and Oracle of the Angels.

Work with the Christ Consciousness

While we can certainly call on Jesus to assist us, we can also call on the energy of the Christ Consciousness or Christ Light to activate and work within us, helping us to become more Christ like, embodying the energy, love and light of the Christ energy.

I like to do this by just saying out loud “I invoke the Christ Light” and visualising that my whole body is full of golden light. I do this with the intention that I may live my life with love, compassion, peace and harmony. But of course, you can do this in any way that feels right for you.

Read the bible including the lost gospels

But, read it with discernment, with your crown chakra and heart activated.

I love the New New Testament which includes many of the lost gospels.

Follow your heart and create your own path

While I hope that this post has maybe inspired you a little or given you some ideas for exploring your path, remember that no one can tell you how to be spiritual but you.

Only you know the way for you, so make time to get quiet, meditate and listen to your own heart and soul.

With so much love and light,



PS - if you’re looking for a community of like-minded souls that’s dogma and judgement free be sure to come join us in the free FB group Spiritual Journey Pitstop or gather with your soul family in the spiritual development group The Circle.

Jesus x

Why we need to stop talking about energy vampires

Energy Vampires

***Please note if you are a victim of any kind of abuse or dealing with someone who is harming you in any way, please reach out for help and get yourself out of that situation as soon as you can. Those people are not energy vampires, but abusers. Look after yourself and get the help you need. This post is intended for people who are struggling with day to day energy issues.***

I’ve said it before, and I’m pretty sure I’ll say it again - we need to stop talking about “energy vampires”.

This is something I’m super passionate about and you can find a podcast episode on it here.

In my humble opinion, “Energy Vampire” is basically a derogatory term for someone who’s pain is manifesting in ways we find energetically uncomfortable.

I get it. Sometimes it can feel like we are being personally energetically attacked.

It feels like our energy is being drained and sucked dry and we are so exhausted at the end of a meeting, day at work, dinner with a friend that all we want to do when we get home is sleep or cry, or complain about it.

I’ve been in that situation too, and I used to use this phrase to talk about people I worked with. It made sense to me because that’s how it felt.

But then something magical happened.

I started taking responsibility for my own energy and everything shifted.

When I stopped seeing it as an attack from the outside, that I was a “victim”, I took back my power.

When I remembered that you can’t change other people, but you can change the way you respond to them, my relationships improved.

Instead of seeing people as being out to get me, I started to see what was really going on. The people I found it so hard to be around? They were unhappy, disconnected and hurting. They weren’t trying to leech me dry of my good shiny vibes. They were just energetically reaching out for something that might make them feel better and I just got in the way.

Being on the spiritual path is not just about new crystals, decks and connecting with your spirit guides (although that stuff is all great too!). It’s about living a life aligned with love and compassion.


Being on the spiritual path means sifting through and taking responsibility for your own junk. (Also known to some as shadow work!)

Every single person reading this has at one point or another been the difficult workmate or the friend that doesn’t stop complaining and brings someone else down.

We’ve all been on both sides.

As spiritual people we are lucky to have the tools to navigate through our stuff. Not everyone has this, and while it’s tempting to roll our eyes at those who are still sleeping, we’ve been asleep too, and sometimes we still go for naps every now and then!

OK, so, how do you do you shift this? Here are some tips that I use when I’m faced with energetic challenges:

Stop making it about them and make it about you

Bottom line is we can’t change anyone but ourselves. Instead of blaming and complaining ask: what can I learn from this? How can I be more compassionate? What can I do to get through this day/meeting/dinner with strength and ease?

We have the choice to see ourselves as the victim of someone taking our own power or we can step into our own power and hold onto what’s ours.

Protect your energy

Take responsibility for your own energy and protect it. You wouldn’t go out in the rain without an umbrella, so don’t go into that meeting without some kind of energy protection.

If you’re brand new to energy protection check out my free e-book How to Stay Shiny. To go even deeper with your energy work check out Woo Woo 101.

Have good healthy boundaries

If you have a friend who always calls with their problems, or a family member who always expects you to come running, set some better boundaries. Be firm but kind with people. Turn your phone off, don’t be so available. That doesn’t mean cutting people out or not having time for them at all, it just means being clear about when you’re available and when you’re not.

So often empaths and lightworkers run into energy issues because we are sooo available! Setting some boundaries with others and yourself can be life changing!


Compassion is one of the best ways to protect your energy. When you stop seeing other people as the enemy and start seeing them as people who have problems, challenges and hurts we begin to realise that we’re maybe not so different.

Send love to the people in your life who are energetically closed off, the people who you find it hard to be around, the people who push your buttons and exhaust you. Send them love and pray that they find some peace and healing.

When you do this, next time you go into that meeting you won’t see them as the enemy, but someone who needs love, like we all do, and that will change everything between you energetically.

Know when to go

Sometimes we just need to let people go, leave jobs and move on. All the energy protection in the world won’t help if it’s time for you to go.

There are times when someone is deliberately trying to hurt us, and when that happens we can skip right to knowing it’s time to go. You never have to stick around if you are being harmed in any way.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Comment below - what do you think of the term “energy vampire”?

With love and light,



What does it mean to show up and do the work?

This week on social media I posted about “showing up and doing the work”.

A lot of people resonated with the post and I had a bunch of DMs from people saying things like - “thanks for the reminder, I haven’t been showing up like I want to”, and I also had a few asking me what it actually meant to show up and do the work.

Good question!

It’s one of those phrases that’s thrown around a lot in spiritual and self help circles, so I thought I’d throw my two cents in and let you know what it means to me (because this stuff always means something different to each of us!) to show up and “do the work”.

As someone who does spiritual work (and writes YA indie novels!) for a living, it’s kind of my job to tune in and pass on information that comes through. Whether that’s in a one on one session, or through something I feel called to share on social media or on my blog.

When I say something like “this came through in my meditation” or “my guides have been telling me this” people often ask how they can receive the same kind of downloads and intuitive hits.

The answer is - show up and do the work.

This is what showing up and doing the work looks like! From the #MoonchildTarot x

This is what showing up and doing the work looks like! From the #MoonchildTarot x

For every one time I go into meditation and fly off to the Sirius star system and get some download that gives me a huge insight and majorly shifts things for me there are 100 times I show up and I just stay on planet earth. (Which is still cool btw, and sometimes very much needed!)

the more I show up and do the work the easier it gets to chat with my guides, hear what they have to say, know what my spreads mean, visit higher dimensional realms and know what my next steps are!

Someone sent me a DM and said that they were worried they would show up and still nothing would happen. The thing is though, showing up is the reward in itself.

When you are the type of person that shows up for yourself, for your heart, soul and spiritual journey, when you show up for your dreams, you can’t lose. Even if you don’t get exactly what you wanted, becoming that person, that’s a huge reward in itself.

Here’s a simple of list of practical ways you can show up and do the work:

  • Develop a consistent spiritual practice

  • Meditate every day!

  • Journal

  • Live consciously

  • Help other people

  • Do shadow work (look at your own “stuff” and work through it!)

  • Pull your own cards daily to help you tune in

  • Read spiritual books

  • Take workshops and courses - Woo Woo 101 is a great place to start!

  • Create some routines and structure

  • Practice self-love on those days when it’s all too hard to show up (practising self-care is part of showing up!)

  • Join The Circle for resources to help you and support on the path!

  • When your guides give you a nudge or some guidance, follow it!

  • However you show up and do the work, do it regularly!

Most of all, make sure you are showing up and doing the work in the way that works for you and your life. There is no right or wrong way to show up. You know if you’re doing it or not!

If you’re still not sure how to start showing up check out my classes and The Circle membership to help you get on track! Or come and join the totally free Spiritual Journey Pitstop group and chat to like-minded souls about the spiritual path!

With so much love and light,



PS - I always reply to comments so if you have questions just post below! :D x

Daredevil Tarot + Oracle Spread to connect you to your divine mission

Daredevil Tarot Spread to connect with your divine mission x

I've been on a bit of a Marvel binge lately, and I gotta admit, Daredevil is my current fave (sorry Danny Rand)!

I feel like there are many parallels between Matt Murdock's story and being a witchy woo woo lightworker on a divine mission.

Like, obvs, us lightworkers and shadow workers (or whatever you like to call yourself) don't usually go out at night beating up creeps (or at least, we probably shouldn't), but the basic gist of going undercover to help the world out is kinda in the same vein.

So grab your Tarot, oracle, New Age Hipster InstaOracle or whatever cards you have lying around and get ready to tune into your own mission!


CARD ONE: The faith that grounds you

A big part of Matt's dealio is that he's a Catholic. That means no killing, and drinking lots of whiskey.

What are the unshakeable beliefs that ground you into who you are?

CARD TWO: Your current mission

What is your divine mission of the moment? This card may show you the big picture or the details you need to know for the now.

CARD THREE: What challenges you

Matt Murdock is blind, which is a pretty big challenge, although it's also the thing that actually makes him Daredevil.

What is your challenge to overcome right now?

CARD FOUR: What your mask hides

Matt wears his mask so he can do work his mission in secret. Why are you wearing yours? What does it hide?

CARD FIVE: The truth of who you really are

Who are you really? When you take that mask off when you get home after a big night out working your mission, who are you?

CARD SIX: How to fulfil your mission

Matt gets confused sometimes about how best to help. Is it through the law? Or smacking people with sticks? It's super confusing sometimes. This card will help you to see the best way to fulfil your mission.


Tag me in your pics on Instagram if you share your reading so I can come say hi! :D

With love, light and fulfilling divine missions,




PS- If you dig this spread be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can't Live Without! :O

Gurus, Spiritual Teachers + How to find your own way on the Spiritual Path

gurus, spiritual teachers + how to find your own way on the spiritual path x

The following post (with a couple edits) was originally part of a newsletter sent out on 27th August 2017. It had such a big response I thought I'd post it as a blog for y'all. x


The news in India of riots and people being killed in the streets over the arrest of a guru has shone a massive light on the whole guru thing this week. My heart really goes out to all those affected, but I can't help but look at all this and just wonder where we're going so wrong.

The internet is ablaze again this week over the news that Doreen Virtue is giving up Tarot and predictive readings, taking her name off her Angel Tarot decks and moving even closer to her Christian path.

This has brought up a lot for people, and we are holding space in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop for anyone who feels that they need to talk about what all this is bringing up for them with no judgement from either side. However you are feeling about all this is totally valid and important for you to express and move through, but I have been asking people to share from a place of what this is bringing up for them personally, rather than making assumptions about DV, her path, work and publisher, because even though we feel like we know her, we really have no idea what is really going on and speculation doesn't really help us to move through it.

As you may know, I've been a big fan of hers for years, but I honestly, personally don't give a hoot if she burns all her decks in a Christian ritual on top of a hill and gives her life to Jesus or not. (I did that once myself but it's a story for another time).

I really just wanted to talk in this blog post about the whole "guru" thing and how it's failing us, and how we are failing ourselves by looking up to peeps to be our gurus and what we can do instead.

I've actually unfollowed a few people on Instagram recently after I have had in-person encounters with them that left me reeling, feeling that who they are behind the Instagram is actually not in alignment with what they teach + preach online.

We are all very human and we can't put someone on a pedestal just because they have a book deal and we don't.

Be your own Hierophant - from the Cosmic Tarot x

Be your own Hierophant - from the Cosmic Tarot x

I have people message me sometimes saying that I'm their "spiritual teacher" and while that's incredibly flattering it also freaks me out! LOL!

Because I'm just another person on the path really. If anything, I prefer to see myself as a kind of "bridge".

My job is to help you to get from over there to over here, more aligned on your path, more connected to your own guidance.

That's what a spiritual teacher is really supposed to do for us I think, just help us find our own way. 

When we put so much pressure on one person, or a group of people, to have all the answers for us, to do the work for us, or to always be on the same path as us, things get dangerous.

We are all on our own journey and what I share with you guys is just where I'm at with mine.

Find your own way through meditation! Card from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

Find your own way through meditation! Card from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

If we'd met 20 years ago I would have been dragging you along with me to my fave mega church, another few years before that I would've been asking you to join my Wicca based high school coven!

My journey is going to change, just like yours is.

You always have the choice to keep following my journey or not. 

The choice is yours.


When we are looking for spiritual info there are some things we can do to help us be discerning about someone else's story and teachings to help us find our own path.


And as always, even this list might not totally resonate with you! Take what does, leave the rest. :D

1. Follow people who say "take what resonates and leave the rest".


2. Avoid people who have any sort of vibe that their way is the "right" way and other ways are "wrong".

Dogma is so old paradigm.

3. Read and research

whatever you're into, read loads of different books by different authors, watch videos on YouTube, listen to Podcasts etc. Cast your net for teachings wide.

4. Work with your own energy first and foremost.

When we protect (check out my free e-book for that!), clear and ground ourselves it's much easier to tune into our own intuition and guidance. (Woo Woo 101 starts soooon!)

5. Remember that your spiritual teachers are just as human as you. 

A book deal doesn't make you more enlightened and a whole lot of followers doesn't mean you're more connected to the universe.

6. Unfollow and let go of whatever doesn't vibe with you, or no longer vibes.

We are never going to resonate with anyone 100% but if you no longer find someone's content useful or interesting or empowering in anyway, you can just hit unfollow and move on.


My work is moving more and more into a direction of helping you find the answers for yourself

I reaaaaally want to help you do the work that's going to help you find your own path. I'm not interested in you doing things "my way", I just want you to find the right way for you.

You can work with me via a spiritual mentoring session and I'll hold space for you and help you find your own connection to your own guidance. Come join the SPJ group or keep hanging out for free content, but whatever you do, just do what feels right for you. 


With love, light and going your own way,



Spiritual Teaching

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