Dreamweaver Dream Interpretation Spread for Tarot and/or Oracle cards x
K, hands up who's been having some super funky dreams lately? Me! I have!
So has Seinfeld! Also, when the actual eff is Seinfeld coming to Netflix already??
I had a real corker of a dream the other night, you know those ones where you wake up and you kind of feel like it really happened?
And then you kinda know that there were some big messages and important insights in that dream but you pretty much have no idea WTF they are?
Yep. Totally right?
So I made this spread for when that happens.
So grab a deck and hit play on the video below for your soundtrack. :D
1. Dreamseed: what seeded this dream?
So this is like the foundation of the dream, what seeded it, what's been going on for you that may have been the the starting point for this kind of dream to turn up in your life.
2. Who or what sent this dream?
If you're into the idea of angels or guides or galactic forces of some kind delivering dreams to you in the night, this card may help you to work out exactly who or what energy has sent this to you. It may just be that your subconscious or fears or someone or something in your waking life sent it too.
3. What is the subconscious up to?
The subconscious can be doing all sorts of things we aren't usually all that aware of. Uh, obvs. This card can help you to understand what your subconscious is really up to.
4. What is this dream trying to communicate to me?
Here you'll find some clarity around the message of the dream for you.
5. What do I do with this experience and knowledge?
It can be tricky sometimes to understand what we're meant to do with this kind of full on experience. This card will help you figure it out.
6. What am I supposed to learn/know from this?
Here you should find a clear(ish) message about what you are supposed to have learned or understood from this dream.
7. How can I bring this understanding into my waking life?
And here you'll find some info about how to integrate what you've learned about this dream into your regular waking life.
So how was that for you? I hope this spread helps you to find some clarity around your dreams. You may want to pull more cards for each position, use more than one deck and/or also include some journalling in your process for extra clarity.
If you're looking for more spreads to play with head to the Start Here page!
And be sure to share your spreads with me on Instagram! Tag me in your posts so I can find you and maybe even help you out if you're stuck, and feel free to share this spread with your friends who are also having freaky dreams too! :)
If you're really stuck and can't shake your freaky AF dreams you can grab a session with me here.
With love, light and sweet dreams,