PJ Party

Pyjama Party with Naomi from Nandora

Naomi from Nandora

Naomi from Nandora is one of the most adorable, kind, wise beyond her years and tuned-in people I've met on the internet.

She is a Tarot reader, energy healer and also a trance channel. I had a channelling session with her last year which blew my unicorn socks right off! 

Naomi's YouTube channel is so full of love and light and good healing vibes, you have to pop over there when you're done hanging out with us at the PJ Party for a reading and healing!


OMG I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

I am finally here! It was a long trip from the Netherlands! Let’s have an awesome time!


What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

We are going to listen to Prima Nocta and have an old-fashioned village party while we are making our home made pizza.  And at girly time we will listen to Enigma album “Le Roi Est Mort, Vive le Roi!”.


I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

I am going to wear my tiger onesie over my panda pyjamas!


What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

I have my homemade soap with me and some homemade lotion bars. I make cold process and I make my own glycerine soap from scratch and sometimes I also make some nice soap from a melt and poor base.  Here, I also brought you some soaps.


Oh thank you! These smell amazing! Who does your hair?

Dennis Tetteroo is always cutting my hair. He has a nice hair salon in the Netherlands. I get it cut every 3 months, I don’t colour because I like my natural hair.

This is the girl you want at your PJ Parties! :D

This is the girl you want at your PJ Parties! :D

And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

I would love to have Marie Forleo’s hair style! It’s so nice and full I would totally rock that!


Oh yes, her hair is magic! Where do you get all those cute outfits you’re always wearing?

I love to just shop in the shopping centre near to my house. I Love to buy fun stuff that makes me happy. I also still have a lot of office clothes but I try not to wear them at home or out of the office.


So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

I have my own business called Nandora. I do cards readings for people using tarot, oracle, Lenormand and angel cards. Also I do healings with Reiki, Shambhala multi-dimensional healing and BLU-e energy. I do healings in person or over distance and I even make personal healing videos for people. I also help people in person with flower remedies and I hope to offer that service soon online as well.


Yes! I loved the healing video I purchased from you! So how did you get that job?

I was always very sensitive as a child and feeling things around me. When I was 15 I was very scared all the time of things that I could not name. My mother sent me to a lady who worked with flower remedies.  Every 3 weeks I went to her for a new bottle of flower remedies. After some weeks I started to feel better and was able to enjoy life again, and after 2 months I was a teenager again :D She also taught me a lot about spiritual stuff and I knew then that one day I would learn about flower remedies so that I could help people too.

When I was 16 or 17 I got my first Tarot deck kit from my mother. We did not know what Tarot was. But I read the book and just went with it. Then in my twenties I stopped because I needed to totally drop everything spiritual. In my late twenties I picked up a Tarot deck again and I felt like I needed to start from scratch. After some months of working with a deck again I found that my old tarot knowledge was still there. Then I started to do healing and flower remedy courses. That is how it started!


What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

I love to make dinner for Hans (my partner) and talk about his day in the kitchen and playing with the cats at the same time… Yes, it’s possible! Then at the moment we watch Lost while we have dinner. After that I am most of the time chatting online with friends and doing some video editing for my YouTube channel. 3 nights per week I also work reading cards for people. Before I go to bed I spend some quality time with my card deck by myself.


How about on the weekend?

On the weekend I love to work on my hobbies. I love to make scale model houses and model landscaping for our H0 gauge railroad. And making soaps is also a big hobby of mine! I love to go on my bicycle or just have walks in to nature. We also love to drive to Germany for a day to go to inspirational places and be back at home the same day. We also do that sometimes to France as well. Don’t forget I live in the Netherlands and I am over the border in 2 hours driving.   

Ah, how amazing to be so close to everyone! What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be happy and be able to look back on my life with no regrets. I want to be able to say to myself that at least I always tried and learned instead of not trying at all.


I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

Homemade weed free pizza! That was in the oven while we talked, remember?


Oh yeah of course! So what’s your favourite pizza topping?

Tomato, onions, Gouda Cheese, mushrooms.


Mmmmm! What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

Zorro from 1990 with Duncan Regehr as Zorro and Stargate SG1


OMG I love Stargate! :D Do you have a favourite teen movie?!

When I was a teen I was in love with the Fantaghiro movies also known as The Cave of the Golden Rose. It’s an Italian Fairytale. A teen movie that I loved as an adult was the Twilight series.

Naomi, did you bring your Fairy cards?? :D x

Naomi, did you bring your Fairy cards?? :D x

I love Twlight too! :) OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

I love to say that I don’t believe in ghosts but unfortunately, I have had experiences with them. Still I don’t want to believe in them!


Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

Haha! Cool… Yes, now that I look back it was cool but when I was 11 when this happened I was scared for 3 years! 

Are you ready for a ghost story?


Yes! No... OK, yes! Eeeep!

My family moved to a house where the last renter died. The whole house was empty except for his shoes in a hall. For me the energy felt so off in that house that I did not wanted to live there. In the following months that we lived there my mother bought lots of second hand furniture.  She got it from everywhere but the creepy thing was that it was all from the previous renter!  My mother became obsessed with bunnies and later we found out that the previous renter had a bunny hobby too.

I started to get the feeling that someone was looking at me when I was sleeping and I always stared at my wall because I was scared that I would see the man on the side of my bed. One night I could not take it anymore and I wanted to sleep with my light on. At that moment my lamp made a noise and stopped working. I got so scared that I wished that my mother would put the light on in the hall. Then my room was filled with light! I was happy until I realised that it was my broken lamp that went on by itself while the switch was off! That made me so scared that I did not want to sleep alone in my room. So, I slept in my mother’s room for some time. She had some wooden planks in her room. One night I was hearing knocking sounds in a very specific rhythm. When we turned the light on I saw the planks move against each other on their own! We moved soon after that to another home and left all his stuff in that house!


:O What do you think happens when we die?

I believe that we go back to our own soul. And yet we are already there because if time is doesn’t exist we are everywhere at the same time. So, in a way I will also be forever here right now.


I love that… who do you think you were in a past life?

I believe my soul that gave me life and wanted me to be here has many lives but I don’t see them as mine. I am Naomi, an expression of the soul who wanted to experience this. The past and future lives of my soul I see as brothers and sisters because we all came from the same soul. I know 3 of them who live in a time line that is for where I live the past. But as I said before I don’t believe time is a thing so we all live at once. Can you still follow?


*Mind blown!* What time do you usually go to bed?

I want to be in bed before 11.00pm but I do not always succeed. But I am usually in bed before 12.00pm


What should we do tomorrow?

Let’s see London and do some nice shopping!


Who's your girl crush?!

Well you are, Diana Cooper, Marie Forleo and Tor-WebWeaver also know as TJay :D


Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

They can find me at:

Website: http://www.nandora.eu/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nandoratarot/ or https://www.facebook.com/naomiflowerstar

YouTube: Nandora Tarot: https://www.youtube.com/c/NandoraTarot-Spiritual

Nandora Vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcLZ67NXJA4jviCKaAGCyiQ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nandora_tarot/


Thanks so much Naomi for coming all this way to see me! I hope we can do it again soon!

With so much love and light! 



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Sarah Starrs

Sarah Starrs Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Vix New Age Hipster x

The gorgeous Sarah Starrs popped over for a PJ Party this week and it was so much fun! :D

Sarah is the creator and host of the Girl Gang Conversations Podcast which is a super real, honest and mega inspiring soundtrack for your commute, Pinterest pinning, Himalayan salt bath, making dinner or whatever else you like to do while you listen to killer podcasts!

Sarah also runs one of the coolest groups on FB; Girl Gang HQ which is definitely worth checking out if you're into all things female empowerment! 


OMG I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

I’m so excited! Thank you for having me; a fun, girly night in is my absolute favourite!


What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

The cheesier the better! Let’s belt it out to 80s pop and revisit all of the boy bands from when we were growing up.


I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

I’m obsessed with vintage loungewear so I’m wearing a full-length, pink chiffon nightgown and satin, floral robe!


You put my Hello Kitty PJ’s to shame! What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

I’m a huge fan of making my own natural skincare products so I’ve brought us homemade avocado coconut milk face masks, as well as a bag of glittery, technicoloured nail varnishes so we can do mani pedis while our skin is being refreshed!


Who does your hair?

I get it cut by the lovely Leia at Rockalily Cuts in London but I dye it myself. It’s been every colour of the rainbow but is currently close to my natural colour (Feria by L'Oreal in Espresso ;) )


And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

I’ve ALWAYS had short hair so I’d love to try having long, mermaid locks! Although I can almost guarantee I’d get frustrated with how high maintenance it is and chop it all off.


Where do you get all those cute outfits you’re always wearing?

I’m a total thrift store junkie - I’ve always had really eclectic style and I absolutely love hunting for a bargain. Plus, I figure it’s the most environmentally-friendly way to stay stylish. I’ve also become obsessed with the Depop app for when I want something really specific so that I can find it secondhand. The clothing that I get new is usually from a store in my hometown in Canada called From Mars. They stock amazing, independent designers from North America and Europe!


So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

My “day job” (which I usually do from the couch in my pyjamas) is as a virtual assistant. I work with amazing female entrepreneurs behind-the-scenes to keep their businesses running smoothly. I take care of all the tech-y and admin bits so that they can stay in their zone of genius, doing the work they were sent here to do.

I used to work as a freelance writer and writing is still my main passion, but I decided to take the burden of my financial stability off of my creativity. But I am writing a book …shhhh…

And I host a podcast, called The Girl Gang Conversations! Every week I interview an inspiring woman about the nitty gritty of how she lives with passion and purpose. We dive deep into our journeys, the obstacles we’ve overcome, what’s working for us, and what isn’t. We’re totally honest about what we’re learning, what our daily rituals look like, and what we’re struggling with. We don’t shy away from the hard stuff and we really go into it all: spirituality, personal development, magic, routines, career, friendship, relationships, sexuality, and so much more. It really isn’t about preachy self-help or self-improvement. It’s about self-acceptance and talking about the things that matter to us. Honest conversation is so healing and I want to create space for women to be radically real about their lives.


How did you get that job?

It’s been a very non-linear path! I’ve worked as a magazine editor, freelance writer, in the charitable sector, and I had a life coaching business. What ultimately led me to becoming a virtual assistant was wanting to strike the right balance of fulfilling work, utilizing my skills, and designing the lifestyle I desire. I love the work that I do; it gives me flexible hours, and I have set things up so I have time each day to work on my creative projects - which are really crucial components for me.


What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

Sometimes we’ll go out to meet friends for dinner but often I like using my evenings to recharge at home, cuddling with my husband and our cat, Hagrid. Cooking is a favourite past time of mine so I’ll make something yummy (Tuesday is always for tacos in our house!) and we’ll usually watch something on Netflix afterwards (we’re currently making our way through Call the Midwife). Later on, I like a little bit of time to myself to do yoga, meditate, take a bath, read a book, or write in my journal…just something to unwind and reconnect with myself. We always have some cuddle time in bed before going to sleep (because cuddles are the best, obvs!)


How about on the weekend?

My weekends tend to be pretty varied. I love visiting markets, going on adventures in the city, visiting friends, taking long walks, attending workshops, and when we can, going on mini city breaks! Of course we also have to get stuff done around the house. Matthew does most of the cleaning and I get our food prepped for the week. We have started a weekly date night tradition which I think is really wonderful for staying connected. And I always carve out some sacred me-time, in order to connect in with myself and plan the week ahead.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’d love to spend most of my time writing books and leading the occasional workshop or retreat!


I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

Let’s order Thai food for dinner - I’ll get spring rolls and massaman curry! A classic Canadian sleepover food is Ruffles chips with French onion dip so let’s snack on that later with a big glass of root beer.


Favourite pizza topping?

Oh man, will you hate me if I tell you I’m not crazy about pizza? But when I do occasionally crave it, it’s always thin crust with lots of cheese :)


What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

Let’s keep it really witchy with The Craft, Practical Magic, and countless reruns of Charmed. So fun!


Do you have a favourite teen movie?!

Do I have to choose just one?! Clueless, Empire Records, 10 Things I Hate About You, The Breakfast Club, Mean Girls…they’re all so good!


OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

I really go back and forth on this one, if I’m honest but I think I do. I’ve had an experience of sensing my late grandfather’s energy in the car with me and I think it’s possible that our spirits do linger after death. He did say that if he was able to he would come back and haunt us!


Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

When I was a teenager I woke up in the night to hear a pretty intense shaking sound moving through our house and when I got up the next day a whole bunch of stuff was knocked down in my bathroom. Perhaps there was another explanation but it really spooked me!


What do you think happens when we die?

I think we return to the Earth. Our energy ceases to be the separate entity of our body and is recycled back into the eternal cycles of death and rebirth.


Who do you think you were in a past life?

I’m so curious about this because it’s something I’ve wondered about but I don’t really have a clear sense of. Perhaps it’s time to book in for a past life regression!


I’m always available for a past life reading! :D

What time do you usually go to bed?

During the week I’m usually in bed between 10 and 10:30 with the lights out at 11. On the weekends I’ll push it closer to midnight (although not always). I’m firmly behind the saying that sleep is a spiritual practice! I’m so grumpy if I’ve had a bad night’s sleep.


What should we do tomorrow?

I’d love to share my favourite movement practice - Qoya - with you! I’m currently training to become a Qoya teacher - it’s such a beautiful, transformative practice. Afterwards, let’s make a yummy, veggie-rif-ic breakfast, take a long walk, and visit a crystal shop to pick up some new glittery beauties!


Sounds perfect!  Who's your girl crush?!

So many! But Kathleen Hanna for sure. I was obsessed with Bikini Kill when I was younger and her fierceness, creativity, and integrity are just so inspiring. She was such a radical pioneer for women of our generation and for opening up conversations around female pleasure and bending gender norms. If you aren’t familiar with her work, definitely check out The Punk Story on Netflix. Her story is incredible!


Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

If you head over to SarahStarrs.com you can check out my weekly blog posts and listen to the podcast, or even pop me an e-mail if you’d like! I also run a Facebook called Girl Gang HQ where we continue the conversations that happen on the podcast. I’d love to hang out with you over there!


Thank you so much for coming over Sarah! We should do it again soon!

With love, light and popcorn,



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Jo Westwood

PJ Party Jo Westwood New Age Hipster.png

Jo Westwood is a spiritual life coach and one half of #HigherSelfie who have their first book coming out with Hay House reaaaaally soon! Did you pre-order yours yet? I'm also pretty stoked to count her as a friend too! So when she said she was coming over for a PJ Party I knew it was gonna be just like Jo - super chill, easy-going, pretty bloody hilarious with major high vibes and totes magical


OMG I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

I almost blissed my pants!


What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

80’s classics – Kenny Loggins, Cindy Lauper, Belinda Carlisle etc, 90’s grunge – Nirvana and Pearl Jam and 90’s dance tunes for the early hours when we should definitely be tucked up in bed!


Pretty sure I have that exact playlist ready to go!

I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

Tie dye leggings and baseball shirt I have on permanent loan from my bestie in LA


What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

All shades of goth lipstick – dark red, purples and black and pots and pots of glitter! I’ll do lips, you do eyes, deal?


Deal! Who does your hair?

My lovely stylist Richie comes to my house and dyes and chops it for me, then I back comb it and put loads of hairspray in it to make it do stuff! You’re welcome to try and squeeze a teeny tiny plait out of it if we’re doing hair!


And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

I’d have Grimes’ hair – big fat undercut (obvs!) but with lots of long mermaid coloured hair on top! Or any hair that Grimes’ has ever had. She’s my hair hero fo’sho’!


Where do you get all those cute outfits?

Anywhere I can find ‘em! I have an idea in my head of a kind of outfit I want then I keep my eyes peeled everywhere – vintage, online, high street, ebay and fancy dan shops – for just the right pieces to put together. I’m an über fan of sportswear by lululemon (I heart leggings and sports bras!) and Rad.co for a LOL slogan sweatshirt. I also love Whistles and All Saints for a classic hipster investment piece!


So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

I’m a spiritual life coach and I’m known as the Spirit DJ. I also run a spiritual lifestyle business called #Higherselfie with my partner in the crime of awesomeness Lucy Sheridan. We do coaching, live events and we’ve just written a book with Hay House, called #HigherSelfie: Wake up your life. Free your soul. Find your tribe.


How did you get that job?

I made it up! LOLZ! But true. I used to do social media marketing for lots of health, life and business coaches, mainly in the U.S. and though it was super cool and I got to travel a lot and wear amazing outfits in swanky hotels, after a while I stopped loving it. So I put the Q out into the Universe “Is it OK that I’m doing work that isn’t my life purpose?”and boom goes the dynamite, that set off a chain reaction of big deal life events that lead me to have a spiritual revelation, where I heard (I’m clairaudient) Spirit tell me what my life purpose was. I’ve been doing it ever since.


What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

I love hotpod yoga – it’s hot yoga in a big inflatable tent! It’s kinda dark like a nightclub in there and there’s music and aroma oils. And I get to wear leggings and a sports bra! Bonus! I also love bubble baths (good for the soul) podcasts and audiobooks (good for the mind) hanging with my two retired racing Greyhounds George and Susie, cooking delish food for me and my fam (I’m Cancerian) – I love home made curries, pizza and thai food – the spicier the better! And I have a mild Good Wife obsession right now so me and Netflix have a special relationship.


How about on the weekend?

More hotpod yoga, more long dog walks, maybe a bike ride in the warmer months (I’m a road cyclist with one of those impossibly thin bikes with a hard seat that requires padded shorts! LOL!) and a date night in the pub with my hubs.


What do you want to be when you grow up?



I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

See above! I <3 Indian food! I’m often known to go for the hottest curry on the menu, plus a peshwari naan and I’ll need a few ice cold lagers to wash that down with, please. I know, I know, classy.


We can totally order in a curry. How about your favourite pizza topping?

Everything spicy! And LOTS of cheese.


What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

For movies, it has to be the classics – Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Footloose, Sister Act 1 & 2, Crocodile Dundee 1 & 2 ... I think that should keep us going!


Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is like my favourite movie EVER!!! :O

Do you have a favourite teen movie?!

See above! All the movies I listed there are ones I could, and do watch over and over again. And that’s rare for me as I have a ridiculously good memory so I hardly ever watch or read anything twice!


OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

Um, it was probably my Greyhound, George farting ... Sorry about that! #awks

I believe in Spirit – like we all have a Spirit that existed before our bodies and that lives on after our bodies leave the Earthly plane – but not in ‘ghosts’ like Casper or the Poltergeist. I’ve definitely felt the presence of the spirits of people who have passed.

When I was younger, before I was aware of my spirituality and able to harness my intuitive abilities, I was convinced that my parent’s house was haunted. I hated being in it alone after dark. It always gave me the willies. I’m not sure if what I was feeling was real or just my mind playing paranoid teenage tricks on me! Too many Goosbumps books when I was a young ‘un probably!!


Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

I’m not sure if it counts as paranormal but around the time I had my spiritual revelation I experienced a meditation where someone in my life who had recently passed over came to me, and communicated with me clear as day about a difficult situation in my life. They were smiling down on the whole thing and laughing from their now enlightened position as a spirit. They could see that it was all unfolding as it should, for everyone involved, even though we were struggling to see it at the time.


Woah! Amazing!

What do you think happens when we die?

I think we go home. I think the ‘suit of clothes’- our Earthly disguise of our mortal body – drops and we become our real essence, free of the chains of our human mind and ego. We become enlightened, totally aligned and at one with the Universe again, and we guide and support those who are still walking their human journey, when they ask us to.


I hope I get to keep my glitter nail polish though right?

Who do you think you were in a past life?

Ooh! Good question! I feel really aligned with the Native American culture. Something about their way of working with Mother Earth, the elements, the environment and the animals, with mutual respect really calls to a deep part of my soul, so I hope I spent time there in a previous life. However in the only past life regression I’ve ever done I was socialist feminist activist in the late 19th century handing out flyers on the streets of London ... And now I have Solidarity tattoed on my left bicep. So maybe I’m more suffragette than Sioux!


You're probably both!? :D

What time do you usually go to bed?

10pm if I’m being good, 11.30pm if I’ve gotten carried away with work ... Which is more often than not atm!


What should we do tomorrow?

Let’s meditate and pull some cards, then have a delish breakfast – I just discovered cinnamon pancakes with maple syrup! (And coffee with coconut milk if we were up too late!) – then take my pooches on lovely long walk along the river.


Sounds freaking perfect!

Who's your girl crush?!

Ach! Where to start! There are toooo many! But if I have to narrow it down, Tina Fey and Sophia Amoruso are my top baes right now.


Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

They can check out my personal website at JoWestwood.com and come hang out with me on Facebook < http://Facebook.com/jowestwoodfan >

and Instagram  < http://www.Instagram.com/jowestwood >

And you can find #HigherSelfie at http://www.higherselfie.co xo


Thanks so much for coming over Jo! I had the best time! Let's do it again soooooon! :D

With so much love and light!



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Fab Giovanetti

Fab Giovanetti is a business strategiest, certified health coach and founder of the super amazing Health Bloggers Community and Health Blog Awards. If you're into health blogging, or even woo woo blogging you're going to want to check her out! Oh, and check out the latest issue of the HBC magazine out today too! 

Not only is she a super big deal in the blogging world, she's also a super high vibe soul with a twinkle in her eye and she's a great hugger too! So I was of course totally thrilled when she said she wanted to stop by for some pizza and secretly hoped she'd bring some raw cookies with cashew cream filling! :D


OMG I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

Oh My, my socks are literally blown away, I am actually trying to catch them before they shoot off!


What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

We urge to have a PJ playlist - which is my speciality, as you can tell. I’d go for Brit pop, followed by some Classic Rock from the 80s (you know, glam rock, Kiss, Bon Jovi) followed by some Madonna rounding up with some queen B for all the single ladies.


Sounds perfect! :D

I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

My unicorn onesie. ‘Nuff said.


What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

Coconut oil, of course. We can use it for our skin, hair, make-up remover, for our face, body…*pour coconut oil over life* Uh, and Lush bath bombs - because they are sparkly and look like rainbows (which is what PJs are about, right?)


Lush bath bombs forever!!

Who does your hair?

Nobody can braid my hair anymore, but I’ll let you dye it of all the colours you want, if that’s a fetish of yours *wink*


LOL! OK, I'm thinking Blueberry?! 

And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

I actually do like my hairstyle, maybe a bit more platinum - you can ALWAYS go more platinum!


Where do you get all those cute outfits you’re always wearing?

You mean my endless collection of activewear, or my oh-so-original array of black clothes? AH!


Hey, I think they're cute!

So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

I have a community of awesome bloggers who I help daily via a magazine, online courses and live events - as well as getting them in touch with the best up and coming brands in town. I also set up Awards, to be precise, That Protein & HBC Health Blog Awards - unfortunately they are not celebrating me as much as the bloggers - that wold be a bit too pretentious, wouldn’t it?


How did you get that job?

By starting endless businesses, trying plenty of options, and listening carefully to what people wanted! It is a fun ride, but I am more than happy to ride along *innuendo*.


What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

Watching Netflix - ahem, binge watching - reading books (fiction is a big passion of mine), making chocolate, going out with the girls, drawing. Basically, I am still 15.


I am still 15 also! LOL!

How about on the weekend?

I like to chill, have brunch. squish in a workout or two, walk a lot (everywhere), lie in (ahem, 8 o-clock counts, right?) and go to amazing events with my babes.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Inspiration for others and for myself, someone who can gather hundreds of people and let them be their authentic selves. Uh, and of course I want to become a little strong beefcake.


I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

Peanut Butter. Literally everywhere. On everything. Drink-wise, I can go either for a Virgin Mary (who thought I could fall in love with tomato juice?) or a good, old G&T.


Favourite pizza topping?

I am Italian, so I like it simple: garlic, tomato, anchovies and rosemary. Give me pineapple and ham, and you are dead to me.


*Puts pineapple away*

What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

I would love to watch an horror movie, but probably you’d kick me out straight away! So bring it on Buffy, Dr. Who, and Firefly.


Do you have a favourite teen movie?!

Breakfast Club. Always.


Breakfast Club forever! 

OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

Yup, but no worries…I know who we’re going to call *ghostbusters*


Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

No, but I do see angel numbers (aka repeating numbers) all the time. I am an empath, so I do attract all sort of crazy stuff!


Me too babe, Me too...

What do you think happens when we die?

Karma, life has no end, and I do believe our souls are there to support who comes next.


Who do you think you were in a past life?

Someone who really struggled finding their own identity, and was looking for themselves in others. Potentially a fairy, too.


Oh I so see you as a fairy!

What time do you usually go to bed?

Between ten and eleven - what a granny.


I got at like, 9! LOL!

What should we do tomorrow?



Who's your girl crush?!

Ruby Rose - I even have the same haircut!


Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

Hey you, stranger! Come and join me at www.fabgiovanetti.com where you can find plenty more of this whole shenanigan, as well as crazy tips, tools and support through the www.healthbloggerscommunity.com Gimme a shout on Instagram or Twitter at @fabgiovanetti for some serious dance moves too!


Fab it's been unreal having you over! Please come back anytime! :D (and bring more of those cookies!)

With love and light!



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Diana Cooper

Diana Cooper is one of my favourite spiritual teachers on the planet right now and a New Age Hipster way ahead of her time (or are we just way behind?)!

I've read a bunch of her books on Angels and Ascension, meditated to her guided meditations and had the immense pleasure and joy seeing her speak and lead us through spiritual exercises for Ascension at the I Can Do It conference last year in London and so when she said she was popping over for a PJ party I nearly jumped out of my sleeping bag!

Diana's energy is so high vibe that you could easily be mistaken for thinking that in her presence you've walked into some kind of Atlantean Healing Temple (or maybe that's just where you recognise her from)!

If you want to find out more about Diana's work and learn How The Angels Can Help You be sure to check out her new online course which is only a tenner right now, and worth so, so much more. I'm signed up and absolutely loving it! 

OK! Now on with the partay! :D


What kind of music should we have at this party?

I’m of the Buddy Holly era and I still love that music. It gets everyone moving!


What favourite make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

You should really be asking my 13 year old granddaughter. She is the make up queen. I always have moisturiser, then Lancome foundation and powder and blusher. I put my eyeshadow on with my finger which apparently is terrible. I was told by a Lancome assistant that their products were never tested on animals, but according to the internet the ingredients are tested on animals but not the end product. I think that’s a cop out. So I will be replacing my make up with Lush or another make that definitely does not test any part of their product on animals.


i agree, it's so important to know where our beauty products are coming from, start to finish.

Who does your hair?

I go to a hairdresser’s home because I can take my dog.


And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything (I'd have a big poodle perm!)?

Oh cool, long blonde straight hair that never needed any attention. Unfortunately that would look terrible on me!


Where do you get all those amazing outfits you’re always wearing?

If I see a colourful top I run in and buy it!


How do you make money to pay for all these things? What’s your job?

I write books about all sorts of spiritual subjects and record CD’s so I receive royalties and I give seminars all over the world. I also have an angel correspondence course and some short on line video courses.


How did you get that job?

After an angel visitation I trained to be a hypnotherapist and set up in practice. Because I worked with angels and guides I attracted people they could connect with. So my work (or joy as I prefer to think of it) evolved from one to one, to groups, to workshops to international seminars and conferences. It has progressed over thirty years one step at a time.


What fun things do you like doing on school/work nights?

Having friends round. Sometimes we eat, watch DVD’s, do spontaneous drawings, read the cards.


Favourite ways to spend the weekend?

First a long walk with my dog, Venus. Then lying in a hammock in the hot sun with friends or family popping round.


Sounds pretty good to me! 

Favourite party food and beverages?

Smoked salmon and champagne.


Favourite pizza topping?

Very boring I’m afraid. I always order a Marguerita.


Favourite movies and TV shows?

Top of my list is a really old one. Sister Act takes a lot of beating. I love films where someone does something courageous and special and wins through, especially if it is inspirational. So another oldie is Saving Grace. The Hundred Foot Journey has lots of message. I adored Avatar.

I do watch TV police dramas like Endeavour but prefer series like Cranford or Lark Rise to Candleford that unfold gently and you learn a great deal. Cesar Milan is wonderful! He has a great personality and I constantly find out what I have done wrong in training my dog.


Sister act is one of my all time faves too!

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

Ghosts are the spirits of those who have not passed properly. Yes I have seen many. There was an old lady in my house when I moved in. I used to see her peeping out of the window when I arrived home. She didn’t want to leave but some friends and I persuaded her it was time to pass over properly. She came back and thanked us.

We also had a spirit dog in my home for a while, a naughty Jack Russell, and he led my dog, Venus astray. Until I persuaded him to leave he constantly influenced Venus to escape from the garden. Once that spirit dog had returned to the light Venus never tried to escape again.


Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

I’ve met angels, and unicorns and dragons and Illumined masters. One of my favourites was when I walked with my daughter in the forest, pushing my three week old granddaughter in her pram. We turned a corner and there were fairies, elves, goblins, pixies and a whole array of elementals sitting on the bank waiting for us. They wanted to see the baby. My daughter agreed and the elementals formed a line and one by one jumped onto the pram and gave her a blessing. The little creatures were so excited because they rarely get to meet a human baby.

I haven’t had any scary paranormal encounters but I have heard angels and elementals singing my name, which was incredibly beautiful and healing.


That sounds incredible, I love the elementals. 

What do you think happens when we die?

It depends on your beliefs. Everyone goes through a life review but this may happen at different stages according to your levels of awareness. Those who have entrenched religious beliefs go to a place where they are given what they expect. This is to lessen the shock of finding out that there is a higher spiritual perspective. Those who have no beliefs are gradually opened up. Those who are very sick may go to spirit hospital for healing. Those who ascend are met by glorious Archangels and welcomed with joy. Everyone eventually returns to their home planet to be debriefed and prepared for the next stage of their soul journey.


Oh I resonate with that explanation so much!

Who do you think you were in a past life?

I have had many past lives as a warrior and can be quite martial. I have also had several as a nun. And my most important one was in Golden Atlantis as a High Priestess.


What time do you usually go to bed?

About 11.


Who’s your girl crush? Who are some women that you really admire?

I really admire Mother Amma, known as the hugging mother, who has dedicated her life to spiritual service. I stayed in her ashram many years ago and was impressed by her joy and lightness, despite the fact that she takes in so much of people’s karma.

I think J.K. Rowling is fantastic. She must have been so prepared before this incarnation to bring through such an amazing piece of work as Harry Potter. And I love the way she handles her wealth and fame with such common sense.

Then there is Aung San Suu Kyi who has undergone relentless imprisonment but always upheld her principles. Such courage.

Also Judy Dench who always gives her best. I once heard her say that she walks into the studio, a tall leggy blonde and comes out on the film as a short old pygmy. That seemed such a human statement.


How can people find you so that they can invite you to their parties too?



Thank you so much Diana for coming over! It was such an honour and a joy to have you, come back any time! :D

With so much love and light!



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Ebonie Allard

DING DONG! OMG! Ebonie Allard is at the door! Eeeeeeep! :O

Ebonie is one of the coolest chics I know. She's an Entrepreneur Enabler, inspirational leader to the self proclaimed misfits, a kick ass coach and author of a brand new book Misfit to Maven. So go grab a slice of mushroom pizza and a glass of fizzy water and come hang out! 


OMG I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

Er, SO excited – I bloody love sleepovers they’re my absolute fav!!


What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

I’m gurl crushing on Hemsley right now, but I love all sorts from Led Zeplin to Bieber – Let’s do that thing where we You Tube DJ and play one song each in turn and see which hilarious sing-along gems we uncover!?


I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

I’m just wearing an old beat up oversized band t-shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts – I love your Hello Kitty jim jams tho – they’re proper cuuuute!


What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

I have 4 different black eyeliners, a YSL blusher with gorgeous sparkles, a new perfume I’m LOVING right now called ‘Red Always’ by Elizabeth Arden, it’s sooooo good!

I have such a random overnight bag – I’ve also got a nail file, a womens balance essential oil blend, bath bombs from Lush and my Arbonne night cream.


Who does your hair?

A lovely guy called Alex at a Salon in Brighton called Neon, before him I went to a gorgeous lady called Sarah – I sometimes do it myself – I change my hair up A LOT, I like to have it match my mood, so I have a team of patient specialist waiting in the wings for when I f*#k it up!


And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

I think I’ve had most colours and styles, OMG an 80’s perm would totally look amazing on you!!  I’d like it super long again, you know like a mermaid - but my hair is so thick it ends up taking me half an hour just to wash it!


Where do you get all those cute outfits you’re always wearing?

You know what, I recently got rid of nearly everything, so now I have a capsule wardrobe containing black, black and some more black. It’s so awesome – everything matches!!

I did keep a few interesting vintage dresses! I like to get bits at bootfair’s or off ebay. Really I’m still a bit of a goff at heart but like to let there be a splash of colour in my accessories and hair.


So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

I wrote a book called ‘Misfit to Maven – from ARGH to AHHH’ and I have two sets of oracle cards; one set of wisdom cards with affirmations on them and one set of really good question cards to get you thinking – which people can buy on my website.  

I spend most of my time coaching misfit entrepreneurs to have lives as extraordinary as they are, that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside. I work with people one to one and I also have a signature intensive coaching programme called ‘Misfit to Maven in 80 Days’ where people can get a lot of coaching from me and learn from workbooks and swipefiles and be a part of an incredible community.


How did you get that job?

I have been an entrepreneur my whole life. I used to make and sell greetings cards when I was at school – I’ve done all sorts since then, but for a long time I didn’t have the mindset or the tools to go with my creative mind.


What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

I often coach my clients on school nights or go to my favourite kundalini yoga class. I love to read a good book or hang out and watch movies with my friends.


How about on the weekend?

I like to go on mini adventures, near or far, alone or with a friend. Walks in the countryside or a roadtrip or I cook up a storm and feed everyone really tasty homemade grub!


What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be kind.

Honestly, I have pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m pretty proud of the balance of grown up and naive I actually am. As long as I keep playing everyday and am able to be kickass and kind, I’m happy!


I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

PIZZA and maybe wine, or fizzy water – I'm weird I LOVE sparkling water!


OMG Sparkling water is my life! Favourite pizza topping?

You know what I love everything! But I’m a huge fan of mushrooms, capers, extra cheese and a handful of rocket on the top. yep, I know – but don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!


I'm so trying that! What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

I love a good detective show, I’m a huge fan of the ones with a good characterful detective in them – Misdsomer Murders, Death in Paradise, Columbo, True Detective, Sherlock, Dexter – But if you’d rather go girlie I can always handle a good rom com.


How about some Murder She Wrote? Do you have a favourite teen movie?!

Pump up the Volume or The Lost Boys!! ooooh, can we watch them back to back?


YES! Sounds amazing... OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

I believe in spirit but I’m more of a ‘feeler’ than a seer. I often ‘feel’ spirits around. That said did see the ghost of a stagehand sweeping at central School of Speech and Drama when I was painting the stage floor late at night, before I had been told the story about him!!


Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

Yes. Well, I dunno – is knowing when someone is going to call or using ESP to find people and places paranormal?


Some people reading this probably think that's "normal"! What do you think happens when we die?

We go for an ‘exit interview’ and reflect on the soul contracts and the learning that we decided to make before we came into this human experience and decide what’s next. I believe that our souls have lived for many lifetimes and choose time and again to have a human / animal / earthly experience.


Who do you think you were in a past life?

Weird you should say that – I’ve just been thinking that I’d like to explore this more but until very recently I wasn’t sure it mattered, so haven’t ever thought much about it.


What time do you usually go to bed?

I like to be in bed about 10pm to read and close out the day before going to sleep by 11pm.


What should we do tomorrow?

Lets go for a walk in the countryside and watch nature waking up. I love being outside and noting the seasonal changes whilst getting a huge dose of fresh air!


Sounds fab! Now, who's your girl crush?!

I have SO many… Juliette Lewis, Joan Jett, Shirley Manson, Gwen Stefani, Danielle La Porte, Alyson Hannigan, Frida Karlo, Marylin Monroe, Alanis Morrissette, Helen Mirren, Adele  – I could go and go… I crush easily and often!


Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!







It's been so much fun having you over Ebonie! Let's do it again soon! :D

Love and light!



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Lisa Lister!

Lisa Lister is the gorgeous Goddess Creatrix of The Sassy She, author of Code Red: Know your flow, unlock your monthly super powers and create a bloody amazing life. Period., and general 'defender of female awesomeness'.

So when she said she was popping over for some nachos and a a movie I totally flipped out! :D 


OMG Lisa, I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

SUPER-excited! As an introverted extrovert, this is my PERFECT party. I love PJs + I love you, so right now, this is best combo EVER.


What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

Take That’s Greatest Hits, obvz. Taylor Swift - again, obvz. Then we’ll need a girls with guitars interlude, I’m thinking The Staves, Sia, old school Alanis ‘Head Over Feet, then I’ll get all reminiscent for 90s indie rock and how I thought I was Louise Weiner from Sleeper, then I’ll remember that actually I REALLY loved 90’s boybands so we’ll sing classic after classic at the top of our voices air grabbing and getting off stools at the key change, ‘k?


That sounds better than OK! Especially Take That’s Greatest Hits! LOL!

I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

Nice choice, I’m going for a leopard-print lounge suit. I may mix it up with a pair of gold hoops + work it like JLo.


What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

Ohhh my make up bag is FULL. There is a whole lot o’ Kat Von D goodness in there – I am obsessed by her + her make up range, you will find at least three tubes of Backstage Bambi lip paint, because I get palpitations that I might lose one.  I’ve got Jo Malone Fig + Cassius perfume, a tube of carmex, and six varying shades of red nail varnish.


K, I’m totes borrowing one of your lip paints! :D Who does your hair?

I’ve been growing out my pin-up girl fringe that I’ve had for YEARS + I’ve just got past that ‘gringe’ phase (grown-out fringe) and I’m craving the short bangs again – what’s a girl to do? Shall we cut it? How are you with a pair of scissors, Vix?


I’ve been cutting my own hair for years, I’m even better at it after a drink or two…

what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

YES! You’d really work a 80’s perm, so if you’re going to cut me a fringe, I think I’d love victory rolls to match with some obscenely huge floral accessories ala Frida Kahlo. Failing that, I’m thinking a Joan Jet style late 70’s rock mullet!


I’ve been thinking about a mullet too, we could re-vive something here…

where do you get all those cute outfits you’re always wearing?

The 50’s dresses are mostly from Lady Vintage + Get Cutie as they take into account that some girls have hips + asses – hurrah for them! The black outfits of which there are 2,9887950 – because this witch wears black a LOT - are my life work + have been collected from everywhere between Marc Jacobs + Sainsbury’s Tu collection.


I too have some pieces from the Sainbsury’s Tu collection!

So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

I’m a writer, I’ve written for magazines both here + in the US, I’ve written a teen book self-esteen series for HarperCollins + I’ve recently signed with Hay House to publish Love Your Lady Landscape out July 4th and WITCH out Nov 1st – which I’m VERY excited about.

I’m a lady-parts health practitioner (menstrual, fertility + reproductive health) + I work with women to crack their lady code, reconnect with their SHE Power + love their lady landscape. I’m chief creatrix at www.thesassyshe.com + founder of the SHE Flow system; a personal invite to celebrate the fiercely feminine, sensual pleasure of being a woman through sacred feminine movement, womb + menstrual massage, ancient rituals + lady magic.

WOW! That’s quite the CV! So how did you get that job?

I’ve been a writer since…FOREVER. My first proper job was at a teen magazine called Just Seventeen, I then went on to become an agony aunt at Mizz Magazine, all the while was having crazy bad menstrual pain + heavy bleeding. After years of misdiagnosis, was told that I had a Endometriosis, a gnarly down-there dis-ease that I knew NOTHING about. The doctor told me I wouldn’t be able to have kids and that my only option was to have my entire reproductive system ‘whipped out’ – this led to what’s been a 11 year exploration of my own lady landscape, an unlocking of feminine super powers, learning a variety of ancient + modern healing modalities, the power of reconnecting with our pelvis and a super loud call from SHE/the divine feminine/my spiritual homegirl to share what I’ve learned + experienced with ladykind.


And ladykind thanks you!

What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

Ohhh I HATE going to bed later than 10.30pm so ideally, extra curricular activities happen before 9pm! Right now I go to Astro school + learn all things astrology from star-dude David Wells, I cuddle, kiss + date my hot Viking husband a lot, I like to draw + create in the evening (I’m working on a new set of SASSY SHE oracle cards!) on Friday evenings when everyone else is going out drinking, I go to the Viking’s Yoga Nidra class in Southsea, where I get to drop deep into yogic sleep, chant + breathe well – best medicine ever.


Sounds pretty perfect to me! How about on the weekend?

I like to get out in nature, so either a stomp in the forest or a trip to the seaside are my go-to favourite ways to spend a weekend, I do also like a roadtrip. The Viking and I are the best couple to roadtrip with, we make playlists, pack the best snacks (we have a M+S at the end of our road so we always have posh snacks, put a pin in a map and drive! We’ve discovered castles, stone circles, crazy toy museums and everything in between!


OK I think me and Mr New Age Hipster are gonna suggest a double date road trip!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ha! Growing up is over-rated, I reckon. Do you know what? I’m actually really bloody happy right now, I’m doing work I love –some days I write in my PJs, other days I get to massage wombs, other days I mentor + coach, host workshops + retreats + other days I get to go to swanky events and wear pretty shoes.
Life is sweet. I’m creative, I travel, I kiss a Viking daily – I don’t know if that means I’m grown up, but I do know that I LOVE it!


I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

Ohhh, dim sum. ALL THE DIM SUM.


Favourite pizza topping?

Cheese, tuna + sweetcorn – ohhhh yeah, I went there.


nomZ!! What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

We’ll make magharitas + watch Practical Magic, we’ll put on black lipstick + pretend we’re in The Craft, I’m also thinking we can put Charmed re-runs on while we talk because we’ve already seen every episode, right?


Charmed forever! :D Do you have a favourite teen movie?!



OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

I absolutely believe in spirit, but no I’ve never seen a ghost. Spirit comes to visit me all the time but I tell them not to show themselves to me as I’d freak out – it’s hilarious isn’t it? I’m a feeler. I feel energy, and spirit speaks through me, but I genuinely think I’d freak out if I actually saw it!


What do you think happens when we die?

That light we see? I think it’s the vagina opening birthing us into our next experience. I mean, I really believe that. The body I chose this lifetime + when I say ‘I’, I don’t mean Lisa with the cool tattoos and an ability to accessorise, I mean the one that’s behind all that, the one that takes a body each lifetime to learn + grow, is simply a vessel to experience the cycle of life in human form at this time. Death is simply us being done with this body + it’s learning this lifetime.


Who do you think you were in a past life?

Well, I’m always pissed that I WASN’T Cleopatra, but I’ve been told I was one of her hand maidens + a temple priestess by people I’ve had readings with. I only had my first regression quite recently, + I was in a woman’s body in Palastine at the beginning of the first millennia, I wore a red cloak and my tongue was cut so clearly I was saying stuff people thought I shouldn’t – no change there then!


What time do you usually go to bed?

10.30pm, but this is a sleepover so we’re absolutely going to drink gin and talk til 3am, right?


I’m going to try to stay up until at least 11pm! :D

What should we do tomorrow?

Let’s go get a really yummy breakfast together, talk esoteric to each other for hours + then walk arm in arm along the beach. If there is a workshop we can take together – I love a Saturday afternoon workshop – we should totally do that.


Who's your girl crush?!

OHMYSTARS, I have a gazillion. Frida Kahlo, Lena Denham, Mary Magdalene, Joan Jett, Caitlin Moran, Cleopatra, Cher from Clueless, Taylor Swift. I have the big love for Tay-tay.


Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!



Thank you so much for coming to my PJ Party Lisa! :D 

Love and light!

