Girl Crushes — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Girl Crushes

Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Ebonie Allard

DING DONG! OMG! Ebonie Allard is at the door! Eeeeeeep! :O

Ebonie is one of the coolest chics I know. She's an Entrepreneur Enabler, inspirational leader to the self proclaimed misfits, a kick ass coach and author of a brand new book Misfit to Maven. So go grab a slice of mushroom pizza and a glass of fizzy water and come hang out! 


OMG I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

Er, SO excited – I bloody love sleepovers they’re my absolute fav!!


What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

I’m gurl crushing on Hemsley right now, but I love all sorts from Led Zeplin to Bieber – Let’s do that thing where we You Tube DJ and play one song each in turn and see which hilarious sing-along gems we uncover!?


I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

I’m just wearing an old beat up oversized band t-shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts – I love your Hello Kitty jim jams tho – they’re proper cuuuute!


What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

I have 4 different black eyeliners, a YSL blusher with gorgeous sparkles, a new perfume I’m LOVING right now called ‘Red Always’ by Elizabeth Arden, it’s sooooo good!

I have such a random overnight bag – I’ve also got a nail file, a womens balance essential oil blend, bath bombs from Lush and my Arbonne night cream.


Who does your hair?

A lovely guy called Alex at a Salon in Brighton called Neon, before him I went to a gorgeous lady called Sarah – I sometimes do it myself – I change my hair up A LOT, I like to have it match my mood, so I have a team of patient specialist waiting in the wings for when I f*#k it up!


And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

I think I’ve had most colours and styles, OMG an 80’s perm would totally look amazing on you!!  I’d like it super long again, you know like a mermaid - but my hair is so thick it ends up taking me half an hour just to wash it!


Where do you get all those cute outfits you’re always wearing?

You know what, I recently got rid of nearly everything, so now I have a capsule wardrobe containing black, black and some more black. It’s so awesome – everything matches!!

I did keep a few interesting vintage dresses! I like to get bits at bootfair’s or off ebay. Really I’m still a bit of a goff at heart but like to let there be a splash of colour in my accessories and hair.


So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

I wrote a book called ‘Misfit to Maven – from ARGH to AHHH’ and I have two sets of oracle cards; one set of wisdom cards with affirmations on them and one set of really good question cards to get you thinking – which people can buy on my website.  

I spend most of my time coaching misfit entrepreneurs to have lives as extraordinary as they are, that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside. I work with people one to one and I also have a signature intensive coaching programme called ‘Misfit to Maven in 80 Days’ where people can get a lot of coaching from me and learn from workbooks and swipefiles and be a part of an incredible community.


How did you get that job?

I have been an entrepreneur my whole life. I used to make and sell greetings cards when I was at school – I’ve done all sorts since then, but for a long time I didn’t have the mindset or the tools to go with my creative mind.


What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

I often coach my clients on school nights or go to my favourite kundalini yoga class. I love to read a good book or hang out and watch movies with my friends.


How about on the weekend?

I like to go on mini adventures, near or far, alone or with a friend. Walks in the countryside or a roadtrip or I cook up a storm and feed everyone really tasty homemade grub!


What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be kind.

Honestly, I have pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m pretty proud of the balance of grown up and naive I actually am. As long as I keep playing everyday and am able to be kickass and kind, I’m happy!


I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

PIZZA and maybe wine, or fizzy water – I'm weird I LOVE sparkling water!


OMG Sparkling water is my life! Favourite pizza topping?

You know what I love everything! But I’m a huge fan of mushrooms, capers, extra cheese and a handful of rocket on the top. yep, I know – but don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!


I'm so trying that! What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

I love a good detective show, I’m a huge fan of the ones with a good characterful detective in them – Misdsomer Murders, Death in Paradise, Columbo, True Detective, Sherlock, Dexter – But if you’d rather go girlie I can always handle a good rom com.


How about some Murder She Wrote? Do you have a favourite teen movie?!

Pump up the Volume or The Lost Boys!! ooooh, can we watch them back to back?


YES! Sounds amazing... OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

I believe in spirit but I’m more of a ‘feeler’ than a seer. I often ‘feel’ spirits around. That said did see the ghost of a stagehand sweeping at central School of Speech and Drama when I was painting the stage floor late at night, before I had been told the story about him!!


Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

Yes. Well, I dunno – is knowing when someone is going to call or using ESP to find people and places paranormal?


Some people reading this probably think that's "normal"! What do you think happens when we die?

We go for an ‘exit interview’ and reflect on the soul contracts and the learning that we decided to make before we came into this human experience and decide what’s next. I believe that our souls have lived for many lifetimes and choose time and again to have a human / animal / earthly experience.


Who do you think you were in a past life?

Weird you should say that – I’ve just been thinking that I’d like to explore this more but until very recently I wasn’t sure it mattered, so haven’t ever thought much about it.


What time do you usually go to bed?

I like to be in bed about 10pm to read and close out the day before going to sleep by 11pm.


What should we do tomorrow?

Lets go for a walk in the countryside and watch nature waking up. I love being outside and noting the seasonal changes whilst getting a huge dose of fresh air!


Sounds fab! Now, who's your girl crush?!

I have SO many… Juliette Lewis, Joan Jett, Shirley Manson, Gwen Stefani, Danielle La Porte, Alyson Hannigan, Frida Karlo, Marylin Monroe, Alanis Morrissette, Helen Mirren, Adele  – I could go and go… I crush easily and often!


Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!


It's been so much fun having you over Ebonie! Let's do it again soon! :D

Love and light!



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Tamara AKA WolfSister!

Tamara from Wolf Sister and Vix from New Age Hipster Girl Crush PJ Party

I'm so thrilled to have the gorgeous Tamara AKA Wolf Sister over this week for a PJ Party! I adore this woman, her energy is so high vibe it's ridonkulous! (Do people still say ridonkulous?) She's a Shamanic Practitioner, Potion Maker (I totally heart Wolf Juice!) and a Tarot Reader too! But most of all she is just a gorgeous soul, a lovely light being and the perfect pal to eat pizza with!


OMG Tamara!! I'm so excited to have you here at my party, how excited are you?!

I'm heaps excited! I love pyjama parties.

What kind of music are we going to have at the pyjama party?

Spice Girls, Beyonce, TLC…. Anything with girl power vibes please.

#GirlPower! I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty PJs, what pyjamas are you going to wear?

One of my favourite oversize t shirts and some tropical shorts.

What fun make up or beauty products are in your overnight bag?

I've packed my festival make up bag with glitter, sparkles and face paint so we can be Unicorn maidens…

Oh, and my Dr Organics Aloe Vera Eye Gel in case we stay up late and I've got puffy eyes in the morning - it's one of my essentials.

Unicorn Maidens for life! Who does your hair?

Mostly me! I'm a qualified hairdresser but if I can't do it myself then I get one of my lovely friends at Toni & Guy (Chelmsford) to help make my hair look pretty.

And what hairstyle would you have if you could have anything? (I'd totally have an 80's perm!)

If I could have anything then I would bleach all of my hair and dye it different shades of Lavender, then I'd have it cut into a long bob! That would be my ultimate dream hair.

That sounds soooo coool! Where do you get all those cute outfits I've seen you in?

I usually shop in Topshop or Urban Outfitters but I love treasure hunting through markets when I'm on my travels to find something a bit different.

So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

As a Shaman, I work with my animal guides to help people have an energetic spring clean so that they feel aligned, centred and clear. Most of my clients are kindred sisters who are seeking to release some outdated feelings/thought processes/attachments and expand their consciousness to a more spiritually connected vibration, ultimately creating space for more of the good stuff to come in! When the moon is right, I make supernatural potions so that people can have good vibes to take-away. I also love working with the magic mirror that is the Tarot!

Uh, WOW. How did you get that job?

I just followed what I love doing, put in a lot of hard work and here I am!

What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

Watch movies or Game of Thrones, chill with my boyfriend and our kitty Ava, catch up with friends or read one of the many books that I've got on rotation.

How about on the weekend?

If I'm not working then I'm either off on adventure with my boyfriend or at a meditation class or workshop. I've been going to Jody Shield's Sunday Sessions once a month and I love locking myself down into two hours of energetic work for just for me. It's easy to forget your own self-care practice when you love helping other people. I'm really trying to make time out for myself like this non-negotiable.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I'm working towards being a full time Sorceress when I grow up.

I'm getting hungry, what's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

I love sipping on Arizona Green Tea with Honey and I've recently discovered The Coconut Collaborative Snow Coconut frozen yoghurt which is my new favourite - I'm seriously considering breaking up with Ben & Jerry for this one. It's delicious!

Ben & Jerry will be so sad! Favourite pizza topping?

King Prawn with Rocket and Mozzerella if they've got it or a Margarita with pesto please!

Uh, YUM! What movies and TV shows are we going to watch?

Have you seen Snow White and the Huntsman? I could get lost in that film forever. Game of Thrones is another favourite too, I've only just gotten over my withdrawals after season 5.

OK I so need to see Snow White and the Huntsman! Do you have a favourite teen movie?!

I used to love watching Clueless! At one point, I knew all the lines because I'd watched it so many times haha.

OMG what was that noise?! :O Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

Oh yes definitely! I've seen a few which used to freak me out but now I try to help them cross to the other side if they are trying to get my attention.

Have you ever had any other cool paranormal encounters?

Ummm…. I see other peoples Spirit Guides/Animals and feel other peoples feelings which I guess could be classed as paranormal. I think that somewhere along the line paranormal has become my normal…

What do you think happens when we die?

I believe that we go on to our next soul evolution when we die. That means that we might reincarnate back here or come back as a guide or angel to help the other people in our Soul Group. Have you read Many Masters, Many Lives by Brian Weiss? His book really introduced this concept to me.

I love Brian Weiss, I did a book report on one of his books in high school! LOL! Who do you think you were in a past life?

I've been a healer of different sorts and was totally burnt as a witch at least once before - that's why it was so scary for me to come out of the spiritual closet in this life time!

What time do you usually go to bed?

I'd love to be one of those people that go to bed before half 10 but I usually end up in bed by half11ish. I think I try to fit too much into my days….

What should we do tomorrow?

Shall we go crystal shopping or maybe check in with the Akashic Records?

Who's your girl crush?!

Oh wow! Everyday seems to be a girl crush these days. I've been meeting so many kindred sisters over the last year! You are definitely on the list….

Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

You can find me at, for more about me and what I do. I'm also a contributor for The Numinous which is where I get to share some of my mystical experiences and guides - For pics of things I love then follow me at, tweets at, oh and not to forget Facebook… I love the magic of social media for making new friends.

Thanks so much for having me Vix, you throw the best pyjama parties!

x x


Thanks so much for coming Tamara! I can't wait to hang out again soon! 

Love and light!

