all about angels — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


all about angels

What I know about Angels

What I know about Angels

So I've been going on about Angels for a while now but haven't really stopped to talk about what I really think about Angels. I thought it might be nice to sit down with a tea and tell you what I know about Angels...


1. Angels will get your attention when the time is right

Whether you've had your own spiritual thing going on for years, or you're just starting to ask the big questions, I believe that Angels will make themselves known to you when the time is right - perhaps it's even from reading this! Some people work with Angels when they are little kids, some people (like me!) only discover them later in life. It wasn't that I didn't believe in Angels, they just weren't resonating with me. Honestly, I always thought of them as like 'Christmas Tree Angels'. Something you sang about in Church and saw statues of, and although I thought they were kind of beautiful, I didn't really think that they had anything to do with my life. I don't even know what promoted me to do it, but one day while crystal shopping online I added a deck of Angel Oracle cards to my order, without thinking too much about it... and the rest, as they say, is history!

You may hear people talking about Angels, or start stumbling across blog posts like this one. You may see signs like walking past a shop that has Angel wings in the window, seeing white feathers by your feet, or anything else that reminds you of Angels.


2. Angels are energy

I'm going to say something that could be pretty controversial here so hold onto your hats! Angels are energy. Pretty awesome energy that you can call on for help, and energy you can build relationships with, but you know how everyone sees Angels as these like Renaissance dudes with wings? That's just how some artists around that time saw this energy. Many other people have seen angels and described them as lights and colours. So it goes that back in the days when all these amazing art works were being created people 'mistook' the light that this energy brought as 'wings'. Hey, whatever works for you guys. And I'm so glad they thought it was wings, because how cool do wings look?!

Where Angels come from nobody really knows. God, the Pleiades, Other star systems, Concious collective thought, or maybe we even create them ourselves. OH WHAT?! Stay with me... So for example, yesterday I had a headache. I called upon Archangel Raphael (the healing Angel) to heal my head. So what's really going on when that happens? I'm simply calling upon healing energy to help me right? Wherever that healing energy comes from is fine by me as long as it's from the light! I like to think of it as this cool hot human like glittery man leaning over me with his healing hands and bright white wings healing me because that's what works for me. But if you like to think of the healing Archangel Raphael energy coming from space, or God, or from with inside yourself, bloody go for it!


3. Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides might be one and the same

Some people have this whole tribe of Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, passed over loved ones and I don't even know who else all sorted out into perfect positions. A lot of people think that Spirit Guides and Angels are totally different, which they might be for you, and that's so cool. But for me I've got a Spirit Guide who appears to me with wings, and other one who is like this aqua blue colour, yeah, I dunno, I guess that's how he had to appear to me so I'd know who he was or something! Doreen Virtue talks about Earth Angels; Incarnated Angels who chose to come and have human lives, which is pretty cool, but if Angels can come to earth as humans, why can't Spirit Guides be part Angel too? Woah, mind blown!

I was meditating one day on this idea, after spending ages trying to work out who the heck were my Angels and who were my Guides and I got this message: 'Call me Angel, call me Guide, just call me'. It was just a message from the energy of those around me, collectively perhaps, but it worked for me. So now when I'm in the shower I just shout out a 'hi God, Guides, Angels and whoever else is with me from the light'!


4. Read books and blogs but go with your gut

There are so many Angel books out there and so many of them are AWESOME! I don't always totally resonate with everything I read about Angels, and I don't think I'm meant to. Each book written about Angels is about one person's ideas and experiences and all of us are going to experience Angels differently. You don't have to agree with what everyone says about Angels, or spirituality for that matter! Read and learn whatever and whoever you feel drawn to, but make sure to focus on spending time talking to the Angels yourself. Ask them to guide you to good information about them, Oracle Decks that will resonate with you and people you can talk to about them without feeling crazy. Journal, play with Angel cards and get to know them one on one, or one on however many you have in your camp!


5. When you follow their guidance things go better

When you get that little nudge to sign up for a course, talk to that person at work or stop drinking caffeine and you follow it, things get better. However this guidance comes to you - whether it's an Angelic whisper, a repetitive thought, hearing or seeing signs - if it feels good and it feels right (even if it feels scary or unusual!) that's your guidance right there. I was guided to write this blog post today. I could have gone downstairs to watch more episodes of Friends (OMG Friends is ALWAYS on!), but instead, I sat here and typed this. And maybe it's all just for you to get these messages! Or maybe it's because the Angels are just really bored of watching the whole Rachel/Ross thing... again.


I would love to know your thoughts on what I know about Angels and even share some of your own! Either below in the comments, or you are always welcome on Facebook where there is always someone to chat to about this stuff (usually me!). Also, sign up for the Newsletter below to make sure you don't miss any good stuff. I'm about to start a series of posts on different Archangels and how to work with them! But in the meantime, check out this post on Archangel Orion to keep your Angel cup full!

<3 I'm sending you so much love, light and Angelic Blessings! <3

