paperchase — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Welcome to the new age, hipster! x

I've wanted to start this blog for AGES! Like any new creative venture I'm not totally sure what direction it's going to go in, but it's here and It's happening. Start before you're ready and all that. Something Kyle Gray said at his AMAZING workshop last week at the London Wellbeing Festival really hit me. He said whatever we learned during the day, that we should share it. He was like - the more people that know about this stuff, the better.

I've been reading self help books and dabbling in all kinds of religious and spiritual stuff for years now, and even though I am so very far from figuring it all out, I have learned a lot on my journey so far and what's it all for if I'm just keeping it to my super cute Paperchase journals?

I have about a gazillion ideas for things to blog about from tarot cards to fashion, awesome crystal finds on Etsy and ethical household cleaners. I was a little unsure on how to go about writing this first post, but I was very drawn to the idea of pulling a card for anyone who stumbles across this page.

This is the Nine of Michael from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot and it reminds us to free ourselves of the worst case scenarios playing out in our minds. Focus on the positive, stop thinking about what you don't want and start thinking about what you do want.


Love and Light,
