New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Tarot Spread
Welcome to Eclipse Season Gorgeous Souls!
Looking for the Eclipse Season spread?! It’s a goody! Click here!
Eclipses add a bit of extra juice to our new and full moons.
Okay, who am I kidding?! Eclipses don’t just add a bit of juice, they add a whole bottle of vodka!
During eclipse season my Instagram feed is often filled with fear mongering and I’m not into it. This is a good time to unfollow accounts that share eclipse info that’s on the dramatic side. Eclipses are GREAT for clearing anything out of your life that is not in alignment, and that can start with astrology accounts that create drama on your feed! 😅
Sure, eclipses can be a bit full on, but they are AMAZING for spiritual growth, personal growth and getting you on your best and highest path!
Eclipse season is a little stormy, but storms are COOL and exciting, AS LONG as you are prepared for them!
This is time to bunker down with your journal, tarot or oracle cards, pets, loved ones, fave TV shows, creative projects, good books, cups of tea and get yourself in a good place.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra may show us pretty clearly where we are out of balance. Libra is all about alignment, and this eclipse wants to shine light on where we’re NOT aligned to our best and highest path. That can be uncomfortable to see, but like any shadow work, the uncomfortable path is so often the path we need to take before breaking free from what’s keeping us stuck, preventing us living our highest truth.
During the storm of this eclipse (and eclipse season!) we need something to hold onto. We need to find our centre and stay grounded.
Storms can bring destruction, true. But like the Tower card in the tarot, eclipses are all about enlightenment. They can bring down what’s not working, what’s not in alignment, what’s done and finished. They can remove all the BS so we can see our own lives, paths and purpose with more clarity.
And all that rain? Well, how can we grow without it?!
While new moons are always great times to do manifestation work, eclipse energy is a little chaotic and uncertain. It’s generally considered a better idea to manifest during calm waters. Instead of focusing on manifesting this new moon, focus on your own spiritual practices, on grounding, aligning and staying balanced within yourself so you can hold steady, and be a rock for those around you who may really need it right now.
And now for a card reading spread!
As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.
1. What is out of balance
2. how to find center in the storm
3. what will be washed away
4. what will grow
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and holding steady,