
Who are you asking when you “ask the cards?” | How to read tarot series

There’s one really simple thing that can transform your tarot or oracle reading from vague and confusing to clear and empowering, and that’s knowing who, or what you are talking to when you read the cards.

One of my readings featuring the Modern Witch Tarot and my Angels Among Us Oracle

I hear so many people say this, and I’ve said it before many times when I was starting my card reading journey – “let’s ask the cards!” Or “I’m going to ask the cards” as if the cards themselves are some mystical objects infused with divine knowing.

And that’s not to say that they aren’t powerful and magical tools, but your tarot deck or your oracle deck is just that – a tool.

The real magic doesn’t come from the pieces of cardboard in your hand, it comes from what you do with them.

Sitting down to pull some cards without a clue who or what you are connecting with would be like picking up the phone and smooshing in a few numbers and hoping you get someone who can give you some good advice.

When we’re not consciously aware of who or what we are connecting with through the cards we end up with readings that are a jumbled mess.

And it’s easy to start to think that you’re the problem, when it’s really just about dialling the right number.

Who or what you connect with is totally up to you. People of all different belief systems read tarot and oracle cards, and they all come to it from a different perspective, dialling different numbers.

There are people who read tarot purely from a psychological perspective. They use the deck to tune into their own subconscious minds.

Others, like myself, use the tarot to connect with the divine, whatever that looks and feels like to each of us.

Maybe you just want to tap into your own intuition, that voice of inner knowing. Perhaps you want to call on your own higher self or soul self, your angels, guides or ancestors.

Who or what you connect to doesn’t really matter (although it’s always wise to try to reach the highest realms available!), it’s just important that you know who you’re talking to.

It’s actually really simple to do this, all you need is a bit of intention before you begin.

As you sit down with your deck just take a moment to connect with and invite in the energy you want to connect with.

For example, I often like to work with a specific guide during my readings. I will take a moment and say thank you to them for being with me as I do the reading and to help make sure that the guidance is clear, helpful and in alignment with my best and highest good.

Chilling with the Modern Witch Tarot.

Reading tarot in this way becomes a communication between me and my guide, not between me and the cards.

The cards are just the tool, the medium, the phoneline that connects us and helps us to communicate.

If there is something I need more clarity on in the reading, I will ask them to help show me what I’m missing.

And when I’m done with the reading I’ll take a moment to thank my guide, or whoever I called in.

There are plenty of other ways to do this. If you want to connect to your intuition you may like to begin with some deep breaths and focus on your sacral chakra for a few moments before pulling a card. Or if you want to connect with your higher self, send your awareness to your soul star chakra before you begin.

If you work with specific beings perhaps just bring them to mind before you ask your question.

It may be as simple as just saying – “Guides, what do I need to know about…?”

It doesn’t have to be a big ritual, although it can be! But it can be as simple as taking a pause before you ask your question and just thinking about who you’d like to connect with before asking your question.

The more you do this, the deeper your connection and relationship becomes with who or what you are working with.

Building a relationship with the energy you’re connecting with through the cards is a very underrated thing. The more you read cards and call on whoever you’re calling on, the deeper your connection with them becomes. Until you begin to find that they will speak to you not just when you are reading cards, but anytime you call on them, anytime you need their wise advice.

It’s such a simple thing, but knowing who or what you’re connecting to, and reframing this idea of “asking the cards” into connecting deeply with your own inner knowing, the divine, or the deeper parts of yourself can help your tarot practice in so many wonderful ways.

So, who or what do you connect to when you read the cards? And how do you set your intentions to do this? I’d love to know if you feel called to share in the comments!

And if you’re looking for more information on how to get clearer readings and develop your intuition in the process, check out my class Intro to Intuitive Tarot or any of the courses available in my shop!

With love, light and clear readings,



Guru Ram Das Ascended Master

It is said that Guru Ram Das has a soul contract to come to the aid of whoever calls upon him, no matter their religious or spiritual beliefs.

And when you call him into your life, miracles can happen!

Guru Ram Das was the fourth of the ten Sikh Gurus and is a prominent figure in the Sikh religion. He was known for his humility, selflessness, love, devotion, poetry and being a strong and heart-led leader.

Guru - Remover of darkness

Ram Das - Servant of God

Guru Ram Das Ascended Master

Guru Ram Das from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

I first came across Guru Ram Das in my study of Kundalini Yoga. The type of Kundalini Yoga we predominantly practice in the west is heavily influenced by the Sikh tradition. Many of the mantras used come from Sikhism including the Guru Ram Das chant which can be chanted for many purposes including healing, protection, miracles, connecting more deeply to the infinite, emotional relief and cultivating humility within the self.

Anytime you need the grace of the divine to wash over you, call on Guru Ram Das by chanting this mantra and inviting him into your heart and into your life.

It is always important when working with deities outside of your own cultural background and heritage to try to be as respectful as possible. Of course, we should show respect to every deity we call upon, but do show extra humility and reverence when working with Guru Ram Das and know he will respond with so much love, grace and wisdom.

Guru Ram Das features in my Angels Among Us Oracle. At first I was hesitant to include him, but the guidance was clear. As the deck evolved out of my own connection to the divine I couldn’t miss out someone who had brought me so much comfort, support and blessings.

As far as I know this is the first oracle deck to feature a Sikh Guru as an ascended master. In fact, as I was researching for the deck, it was almost impossible to find any information about Guru Ram Das outside of Sikhism and Kundalini Yoga.

There was just one post from 2002 - just a small note saying that Koothumi (or Kuthumi) was also the incarnation of Guru Ram Das, St. Francis and Moses. I find this interesting to consider, and I do see the similarities, however I personally tend to take these incarnation lists with a grain of salt. You decide for yourself if that resonates.

There is sometimes a little confusion between Guru Ram Das and Baba Ram Dass for those who are just learning about these two masters.

Baba Ram Dass was (and still is!) a great spiritual teacher, however his background is a little different. He was not a 16th century Sikh Guru, he was an American Psychologist turned spiritual seeker and teacher and is well known for his teachings and lectures from the sixties and seventies. I have no doubt Baba Ram Dass has also become an ascended master, but they are not to be confused.

Here’s an excerpt from the Angels Among Us Oracle book:

“Guru Ram Das was the fourth of the ten Sikh gurus. The true meaning of the world guru is the “remover of darkness,” and in his earthly life Guru Ram Das was dedicated to helping others connect with the spiritual light around and within them. Known for his humility and service to others as well as his creative pursuits, Guru Ram Das shared his light and wisdom through his poetry and music compositions, composing 638 hymns in his lifetime. Guru Ram Das can support you on your journey with meditation, yoga, tantra, prayer, higher consciousness, teaching and receiving miracles. Guru Ram Das is considered to be a kind of patron saint of Kundalini Yoga.”

I’ve created a spread for you to use to help you connect to the wisdom, love and light of Guru Ram Das.

You can use this spread with tarot, oracle or angel cards or simply use the questions as prompts in your journaling or meditation.

1. How to be of service to the divine

There are so many ways we can be of service to the great divine plan of love unfolding. Here you should get some guidance on what you can be doing to help.

2. How to help others

Of course helping others is part of being service to the divine, but here you’ll see some ways in which you can be of service through how you touch, help and support others.

3. where/how to be humble

Sometimes a dash of humility is all we need to conquer that ego mind and get back into alignment with the truth of who we are.

4. How to elevate yourself + your life

This card will help you see how you can access higher consciousness, deeper awareness and more love and light in yourself and then shine it bright in all directions, through all aspects of your life and out into the world.

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and humble pie,



Grab the deck!

Year of the Tiger Tarot Spread

Year of the Tiger Tarot Spread

Exciting news my friends!

I passed my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training! :D

What a wild ride that was! Phew!

I am so thrilled to be able to start sharing more of this amazing ancient technology with you soon!

But before all that I thought I’d start by celebrating with a tarot spread! - P.S. You can of course use oracle cards or angel cards or whatever cards you have for this tarot spread!

You can even use this prompts or any of my tarot spreads as journal prompts if you don’t have a deck handy too!

Kundalini Yoga activates the energy that lays dormant in the root chakra, bringing it up through the spine, through the chakras and into your life.

This spread can be useful anytime you’re feeling like something is stuck or stagnant within you or in your life to help unblock, clear and activate you!

1. What is laying dormant

2. How to wake up and activate it

3. How this will wake up and activate your life

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Kundalini Rising,



Christmas Movie Tarot Spread

As the old saying goes - Christmas is for lovers.

Obviously, I’m joking. Kind of.

I mean, when I was a kid I remember Christmas being about Santa and reindeer and pressies and being forced to eat brussel sprouts.

Then it was about shopping with my friends at the mall, getting nail polish and lip balm in my Santa stocking and being uncomfortable in family photos.

As I got a little older and wiser and more into spirituality, Christmas became a celebration of the solstice, of Jesus’ incredible life and teachings and a chance to celebrate with loved ones.

Now of course, thanks to Netflix and Hallmark we know that actually, what Christmas is really about is falling in love with a prince. Or a knight. Or a duke.

A Knight for Christmas - a Christmas classic!

And if you can’t marry a prince on Christmas, no worries. You could instead direct all that romantic energy to your non-royal spouse, love interest, friends, family or even to yourself!

I created this tarot spread as a fun way to get into the Christmas spirit no matter how you are celebrating or observing - whether you’re doing Yule, Litha (if you’re in the southern hemisphere!), a more Christian based Christmas or just pigging out on vegan icecream and watching Christmas movies!

Personally, I think I’ll be doing a little of all of the above!

Okay, enough of my rambling, let’s make some dairy-free eggnog (this is so good! I made it last year!) and pull some cards!

You can use any deck you have - tarot, oracle cards, angel cards, or even just use the questions as journal prompts if you don’t have a deck handy!

Is it even Christmas if you don’t marry a prince?

1. How to find your christmas spirit

This card will show you how to activate some Christmas cheer, find your joy this holiday season, vibe high and share your light with those around you!

2. Your Christmas Love Interest

Your Christmas love interest could be a person in your life, a romantic connection, a relationship to nurture or it could be something else you are being called to focus your love towards this season. This could be a project, your spiritual journey, something you are learning, or perhaps you are your own love interest and working on something within yourself.

3. Your Christmas Miracle

Here you’ll find the blessings to be grateful for at this time. This may also point to something you’ve manifested you need to acknowledge or something new and wonderful that is manifesting or about to manifest into your life!

4. How to get your happy ever after

Living happily ever usually takes a bit of effort on our part, even if we do end up as royalty in a small European country no one has ever heard of. Here you’ll see what action you need to take so that you can create a life you love.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Christmas Spirit,



Archangel Haniel Tarot or Oracle Spread | Angels Among Us Oracle

Archangel Haniel is the angel of psychic ability, The moon and friendship.

She often shows up when it’s time to active the divine feminine powers of listening to your own inner cycles and developing your spiritual, psychic and intuitive powers.

If you need help understanding those nudges, trusting your gut or working out what’s really your intuition and what’s just your own thoughts, Archangel Haniel can be of service.

Archangel Haniel can also be a wonderful ally during a spiritual awakening or changes in your life when old friends fall away and you want to meet new friends, connect with your soul family and find the people who really get you. She can also be called on when you want to mend or nurture current friendships too.

If you’re looking for support with your magical moon work, Archangel Haniel is the angel for you. Call her in during any moon ritual or spell for extra protection, power love and support.

When you see Archangel Haniel come up in a reading it’s a sign to slow down, disconnect to reconnect, listen to your inner voice and honour the cycles of your own life.

You can use the Angels Among Us Oracle where you’ll find this beautiful version of Archangel Haniel, or you can use any oracle, tarot or any deck you have to hand.

You may like to start with a deep breath and ask Archangel Haniel to be with you, giving you the messages you most need right now, and that everything that comes through is in alignment with your best and highest good.

Now grab a deck, lay a blanket out under the moonlight (or by a window!) and let’s read some cards!

Archangel Haniel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

1. Your Psychic Super Power

We all have more psychic super powers than we realise. This card will show you what power you need to be aware of right now, not your only power! This may show you something specifically related to your psychic and spiritual development, or it may show you how your powers are activating in other areas of your life.

2. How to clear psychic blocks

One of the biggest struggles people have with becoming more psychic is not being able to move past their blocks. Blocks can be anything from fears, past life issues to simply not believing in yourself and your own ability. This card should give you some guidance on what your block is and/or how to move through it!

3. How to activate your psychic ability

We all walk around with so much power that never gets woken up. This card will give you some insight on how to wake up your talents and abilities!

4. How to use this power for good

Once your psychic power gets activated it’s important to be able to use it to enhance your life in positive ways and make a positive difference in this world. This card will show you how!

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and moon magick,



Grab the deck!

Paul Rudd Tarot Spread

Ok, so People’s sexiest man alive is certainly a little outdated and problematic and I really do think we should definitely have some conversations about that. Please feel free to post in the comments your thoughts!

However, I’m also just a little thrilled to see that Paul Rudd, who is not one of the Brad Pitts or George Clooneys of this world, scored the title this year.

One of the things I love so much about Paul’s win is just how much fun he’s having with it, and how he seems to think the whole thing is actually kind of ridiculous, which honestly just makes him deserve it even more!

What I also really love about this win is that it’s changing the landscape.

It’s shifting our perceptions to see that “sexy” has so many meanings, and that it’s not just about how big your biceps are, or how conventionally good looking you are.

Sexy is an energy, and if Paul Rudd can win sexiest man alive, you can own your own sexy too!

Paul Rudd has been around for decades. He’s made us laugh, he’s made us swoon (I’m looking at you Clueless) and there’s no sign of him slowing down anytime soon.

So grab yourself a deck - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have to hand, grab a cuppa and let’s use this Paul Rudd spread to help you be a bit more Paul Rudd too!

1. How to stay humble

2. How to stay relevant

3. How to stay young

4. How to be sexy

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and owning your own sexy,



Archangel Ariel Tarot or Oracle Spread | Angels Among Us Oracle

Archangel Ariel’s name means Lioness of God and she is deeply connected to the earth, to the earth element and to all living things.

Archangel Ariel is an Angel of Abundance and she can help you to open up to receiving all good things in your life.

Because she is so connected to nature, you may find that the type of abundance she supports you with has less to do with helping you fill your home with more material possessions and more to do with helping you see the beauty and abundance that is already around you, outside in nature and already within your own life.

Archangel Ariel can help you to connect to the earth and to feel more held and whole and safe in this human incarnation.

She can help to remind you that you are not just on the earth, but a part of the earth, and you are allowed to be here. More than that, you are needed here.

Archangel Ariel is a guardian of the earth and she invites us to become more conscious about our own impact here. She helps us to realise that when we consider how we can help the earth, we in turn feel more connected, more abundant and more grateful for all we have and all that is around us.

When we see Archangel Ariel come up in our readings it is an invitation to turn off the screens and take a break, to reconnect to the magic of the natural world, and reconnect with ourselves in the process.

You don’t have to use the Angels Among Us Oracle for this spread (although you can!), you can use any oracle, tarot or any deck you have to hand.

You may like to start with a deep breath and ask Archangel Ariel to be with you, giving you the messages you most need right now, and that everything that comes through is in alignment with your best and highest good.

Now grab a deck, find a comfy spot on the grass and lets pull some cards.

Archangel Ariel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

1. Message from the earth element

What does earth, and Archangel Ariel most want you to know? This message may come through in many ways, as a message about how to connect, why to connect, ways to connect, just be open to whatever comes through here.

2. How to let the earth support you

Where in life do you need to just surrender to earth energy? How can work with earth energy to make your dreams come true? What gifts can earth energy offer you right now?

3. How to support the earth

And here you’ll see how you can support the earth in return. Like any good healthy loving relationship there has to be give and take.

4. How to open to abundance

This card will show you how you can be more open to the abundance that’s already all around you, how you can see more clearly all the blessings already in your life, and how to open up to all that is becoming available to you in every moment!

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and bird song,



Grab the deck!

Archangel Chamuel Tarot or Oracle Spread | Angels Among Us Oracle

Archangel Chamuel is the Angel of Love.

When you pull the Archangel Chamuel card from the Angels Among Us Oracle you can be sure that love is the answer no matter your question.

As an Angel of Love Archangel Chamuel can support us in all matters of the heart - in romantic relationships, heart healing, self-love, and any and all heart chakra related issues.

He is also the Angel of Unconditional Love, something that most of us have a difficult time accepting, and often giving to others too.

If you want to feel more love from the universe, from source, Archangel Chamuel can act as a mediator and help direct those energies towards and into you.

Most of us want more love in our lives, but we are not always able to receive it. We often have so many blocks or beliefs that stop us from receiving love, loving ourselves or even being able to love others. If this sounds familiar (and it’s something most of us struggle with at times!) then Archangel Chamuel may be the Angel to call on right now.

If you want to expand your heart chakra, let more love into your life and just move into a deeper state of loving awareness in all that you do, call on Archangel Chamuel to guide you.

I created this spread to help us tune into some of the most common issues that we face when it comes to love - receiving from others, giving to ourselves, and giving to others too.

You don’t have to use the Angels Among Us Oracle for this spread (although you can!), you can use any oracle, tarot or any deck you have to hand.

You may like to start with a deep breath and ask Archangel Chamuel to be with you, giving you the messages you most need right now, and that everything that comes through is in alignment with your best and highest good.

Now grab a deck and let’s power up the heart chakra!

Archangel Chamuel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Archangel Chamuel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

1. How to receive love from others

Oh, if only this was so simple you’d never have to pull a card on it! But it’s often so hard to let others love us. This card will give you some guidance on how or where to let it in.

2. How to love yourself

Here you’ll get some guidance on how to be more loving towards yourself. Hint - this card may show you some positive traits to love about yourself, or something to work on within yourself that will help you cultivate more self-love. I pulled Saint Francis for myself here and I knew this was a message about focusing on service and being useful and getting out of my own way.

3. How to receive love from the universe

This one is all about receiving pure unconditional love from source. This card may show you a specific “how” or it may show you where to let the love from the universe in - e.g. through your relationships, work, creativity, prosperity, etc.

4. How to Love Others

If you are reading this, you are probably already very loving, kind and a beautiful soul who is usually pretty good at loving others, but we can always love a little more and a little deeper. This card will show you how to love, who to love or anything else you need to know about being even more loving than you already are.

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and unconditional love,



Grab the deck!

Archangel Uriel Tarot or Oracle Spread | Angels Among Us Oracle

Archangel Uriel Tarot Spread

Archangel Uriel is the angel of illumination and is the angel to call on when you are wanting to activate and shine your light more fully in the world.

He can help you to see the light in yourself and to cultivate and use that light to create magic in your life and in the lives of others.

If you’ve been getting some divinely guided ideas but haven’t been able to do anything with them yet, Archangel Uriel is your guy. He can help you take your ideas and move them through you and into physical form in the world.

If you’re feeling a little low on energy, self-esteem or just feel like you’re a bit lost in the world, Archangel Uriel can throw the lights on and help you get lit up and excited about life again.

If you’ve been struggling to stand in your power, call on Archangel Uriel to help activate and light up your solar plexus so that you can speak your truth with love, stand up for what you believe in and make the world a better place for others too.

A powerful ally for those who identify as Lightworkers, Archangel Uriel wants to help you unapologetically shine bright and make a positive impact in the world.

You don’t have to use the Angels Among Us Oracle for this spread (although you can!), you can use any oracle, tarot or any deck you have to hand.

You may like to start with a deep breath and ask Archangel Uriel to be with you, giving you the messages you most need right now, and that everything that comes through is in alignment with your best and highest good.

Now grab a deck and let’s light it up! :D

Archangel Uriel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Archangel Uriel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

1. what is blocking your light from shining?

Tip for reading this card - if you see a “positive” card here, it may be that the block is that you’re not accessing these positive energies. For example, I pulled Mary Magdalene here and the message I got was about balancing divine masculine and feminine energies, remembering that in order to shine bright we also need to go within and rest.

2. How to step into your power and light up

This card will give you an action step you can take towards stepping more fully into your power.

3. how to bring more light to your life

Here you’ll find some guidance on how to light up your own life. I got Goddess Gaia here, a beautiful message about finding more joy in nature and exploring the natural world.

4. how to light up the world

And here you’ll get some advice on how you can really shine bright! You may find some info here about your life purpose, how to become a more powerful lightworker or how to make a positive difference in the lives of the people around you.

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and shining bright,



Grab the deck!

Archangel Gabriel Tarot or Oracle Spread | Angels Among Us Oracle

Archangel Gabriel Tarot Spread

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of creativity, self expression, communication and following your north star.

As an author and a creative, Archangel Gabriel is never far from my altar or my prayers.

Archangel Gabriel can help you with any creative projects, but is also a powerful ally for any times when you are trying to express yourself more clearly, effectively or in a way that really lights you up and feels aligned with your soul.

Gabriel is the angel who appeared to Mary to let her know she was going to be the mother of the son of God.

While most of us probably won’t get any angelic guidance on those levels, Archangel Gabriel can help us to open up to our destiny, follow our dreams and turn our creative passion into something that can benefit the world in powerful ways.

If you’ve been trying to find your north star, your passion, purpose, truth and ways to share your light more brightly with the world, Archangel Gabriel may be the angel for you to call on.

Also known as the angel of miracles, Archangel Gabriel can help you keep going when you feel ready to give up.

You don’t have to use the Angels Among Us Oracle (although you can!), you can use any oracle, tarot or any deck you have to hand.

You may like to start with a deep breath and ask Archangel Gabriel to be with you, giving you the messages you most need right now, and that everything that comes through is in alignment with your best and highest good.

Now grab a deck and let’s do some readings! :D

Archangel Gabriel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Archangel Gabriel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

1. what needs to be expressed and created

This could be a creative project, a part of yourself that needs to be seen, some communication that needs to happen or just about anything at all that needs to be expressed or created.

2. what is blocking your creativity

We’ve all stumbled upon a block to our creativity or self-expression along the path. This card will show you what is blocking your path forward.

3. how to break through creative blocks

Here you’ll find some guidance on how to move through any blocks so that you can get to work, shine bright and do what you came here to do.

4. how to express the truth of who you are

And here’s where you’ll get some advice on how to express your truth, your heart, your soul in ways that feel wonderful for you and also benefit others too!

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and powerful expression,



Grab the deck!

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