The week ahead - hot dates and kindred spirits! β€” VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


The week ahead - hot dates and kindred spirits!

photo (27) Last week I pulled the Baba card from the Morgan's Tarot and felt like it was a message for us all to get back in with whatever we call 'God' and then go bake a cake. Well I did spend a little extra time talking to God and I ate a chocolate cupcake on Friday so I guess that was a successful week!

Today I decided to use Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot cards and pulled the Two of Raphael which is based on the two of cups from the traditional tarot. Sorry about the colour of this photo too, I'm in the UK and it's Summer so obviously it's overcast and I'm sitting in the dark. Wah!

So what's happening this week? Are we all going on hot dates?! Are we all going to find that we are surrounded by kindred spirits?! I really hope so!

But mostly, I feel like this card is saying to us that after the last week really trying to get in with God, this week, it's all about getting in with the people around you, but especially those who feel like your soul mates, kindred spirits, the people who just 'get you', whatever you want to call them. And if you don't have any of those people in your life, this week would be a good time to start looking! I've found so many awesome and interesting people on Instagram lately, it's easy to find people who are like-minded and then follow them, comment on their stuff and get a conversation going!

Also, if someone you love pisses you off this week, don't take it too personally. Remember we are all human and we all piss each other off all the time. That's not an excuse to go around being shitty to people of course, but it is a little reminder for us to give each other a break sometimes, especially when it's really not that big of a deal.

Love, light and kindred spirits,
