Comfort + Support Tarot and/or Oracle Spread — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Comfort + Support Tarot and/or Oracle Spread

Comfort + Support Tarot Spread

After a rough week of ups and downs (#ScorpioSeason) I've been feeling pretty raw. I wanted to check in with my deck, but the last thing I needed was a cosmic butt kicking. I was not in any state to look at my potential future, do any shadow work or be hit with any hard uncomfortable truths

And if you find yourself in that place sometimes, I feel you babe! It's totally OK to feel like that sometimes!

Working with the Tarot or Oracle cards doesn't always have to be about growth and learning and moving through your "stuff". Your deck can also be a tool for self care!

I Googled for ages trying to find a spread that would just offer me support + comfort with zero pressure. I couldn't find one, so I made one. :)

This spread can be used anytime you are feeling raw, low, anxious, stressed or depressed. Whenever you need a hug from your deck.

Depending on how hard you're finding things, you may want to also choose your deck carefully, or you can always pull out any cards you find a little triggering before you do your reading. Because, it's totally OK to do that if that's what you need to do.

How you're gonna feel after you've done this spread... x

How you're gonna feel after you've done this spread... x

1. Roots - what grounds you

This card can help you see how to ground back into your body, into yourself, into where you are.

2. Support from your guides

If you have a specific guide, angel or passed over loved one you want to work with, you can go ahead and ask them for a message here, or just ask your guides in general.

3. Support from the Divine Masculine

Again, if you have a deity or energy you like to work with, you can call on them by name, or you can just ask for a message from the protective and strong Divine Masculine energy that's with you.

4. Support from the Divine Feminine

I would personally go for a message here from Mother Mary, as she's so good to call on when you're in this kind of energy, but you can call on anyone that feels right, or just ask for a general message from the loving and compassionate Divine Feminine energy.

5. Support from your higher self

Your Higher Self knows just what you need, check in with him/her here.

6. Action to take now

Depending on how you're feeling you can always skip these next two cards, sometimes we just aren't in a place to think about taking action. But this card can give you some insight into what you can do in this moment. It may be as simple as making tea, resting, calling a friend etc.

7. Action to take to help move you through

Here you'll get some insight into how to move through this current energy. Again, feel free to skip this card if you really can't even think about doing that just yet.

8. Continued Self-Care

And this final card holds a message for you on how you can care for yourself in the moment, but also make sure that you are continuing to look after yourself even once you've come out the other side.


If you dig this reading you might like to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads you Can't Live Without!

And if you share your reading on Instagram, please tag me in your pics so I can send you some love. 

With so much love, light, comfort + support



Uncle Jessie

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