
What I learned from my 40 day social media break

I know many of you have been following, or rather not following my 40 days off social media experiment and so I wanted to sit down and share with you what I learned in the hopes that maybe it will help you think about your own social media usage.

Maybe it will inspire you to also take 40 days off or change the way you use socials. Maybe this post will help you better understand the people in your life who are constantly attached to their phones, or maybe it will make you think about the things you do give your power away to in your own life and take that power back!

So, Why did I take 40 days off social media?

I haven’t had a break from social media since I first signed up for MySpace. I was going to say Facebook, but actually, it started long before that! I dabbled a couple of times with taking weekends off, Sundays off and I did try to take a week off at one point before I went in for 40 days, but in the interest of transparency, I did look at my feeds more than a few times via my laptop during that time!

Anyway, that’s a long time to be on social media without a break and I was really starting to feel it.

I love social media. I love connecting with my community and friends on these platforms and I love finding new people and accounts. I’ve actually made some amazing lifelong friends from meeting on socials!

But as we are all only too aware these days, social media is a double edged sword.

As much as I was loving the connections and community, I was also starting to notice some negatives. I was spending more time on socials than I wanted to, not just posting for my biz and connecting in positive ways, but scrolling mindlessly and I was also become aware of just how much I fell into comparison and (self) judgement at times.

Cats don’t use social media and they seem pretty happy!

I also started to notice that when I spent too much time on socials my energy didn’t feel so good and my intuition didn’t feel so clear, and not just in the moment of scrolling or briefly afterwards, but longer term.

When I took time to meditate on that I could clearly see that social media was part of the problem. Not only was I picking up on waaaay too much of everyone else’s energy, it was also messing with my nervous system putting me in flight or flight mode and making me feel like I had to constantly be doing something – posting more, having a bigger or deeper impact, commenting more, just generally doing more.

And while I was still able to set some boundaries for myself (not using socials on the weekends for example), I knew I had to do something big before socials became a big problem.

Why 40 days?

40 days is a pretty magical amount of time.

Jesus went into the desert for 40 days where he was tempted by the devil.

40 days is considered the amount of time needed to break a habit and change your conscious mind.

In Kundalini Yoga we often do a specific kriya (set of movements) or meditation for 40 days to not only change a habit but also your destiny.

40 days is a long time, but it’s also not really. It’s achievable. It’s not like you’re signing yourself up for being off social media forever, but it’s also enough time to really get a break and notice the changes.

My findings

OK, enough rambling, so what actually happened when I took 40 days off social media?

I felt relieved.

While I was a little hesitant to put up that post that I was getting off socials for 40 days (meaning I had to go through it!), once the posts were up and the apps were deleted off my phone I actually just felt a deep sense of relief.

I played a lot of Homescapes.

With no social media or work email (I removed that off my phone a while ago!) on my phone, whenever I had nothing to do and picked up my phone, I played Homescapes. As of writing this I’m on level 3290 but although I’ve played it a lot, I can easily just play a few rounds and put my phone down again. I actually also find it really helps when my anxiety pops up to say hello. If you play too add me as a friend! :P


My business did not suffer.

There was actually one week where I sold more digital courses and kits than I had in ages! I stayed in contact with my newsletter subscribers and let them know about workshops and other offerings and while I know that social media is good for my business it was nice to know that people are still finding my work whether I’m posting constantly on socials or not.

Getting off socials also helped me to get clearer about my business, what I’m creating and how I want to show up in the world! I got loads of downloads and ideas about new offerings and workshops.

Time went slower.

When I posted I was back, one person commented saying that the time went quickly, but actually I felt like I was off social media for ages! If time feels like it’s moving too fast, take a break from socials and see if you feel the difference!

I enjoyed the moment.

Without thinking about posting on social media I found myself more present in the moment. Instead of thinking – I have to get photos of this for social media, I was much more able to just be. I still took photos, but they were for me, my friends and family, not for the whole world.

Spent more time walking on the beach than taking photos on the beach, except this one. 😅

I found some deeper self-love.

Without trying to take selfies for socials or scrolling through and judging myself against a bajillion selfies and pics of stunning humans, I found myself letting go of some old, outdated beliefs I had around my physical appearance.

I read more books.

Less time scrolling = more time reading spiritual books and romance novels! I fell in love with so many incredible authors and stories which lit me up so much more than scrolling does!

I realised that social media wasn’t my only problem.

Sometimes when you take away what you think is the problem, you realise what’s really going on. Being addicted to scrolling (or anything) is often just a symptom of something else. I did a lot of shadow work, healing, deep diving and contemplation and uncovered some prickly truths and hidden gems I really needed to see but couldn’t until I removed the obstacle.

I didn’t miss it at all, until the end.

I actually didn’t really miss social media at all until about a week before I was due to come back. At one point I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to get back on socials, but during that last week I had a little buzz of excitement at the idea of getting back on social media, a buzz that I haven’t had in ages, and now I’m feeling more excited than ever to post and share and connect!

I’m making changes moving forward.

Right now, I’m not planning to put the apps back on my phone permanently. I think I’ll put Instagram back on when I have workshops or other offerings to share as posting on stories can be a good way to let people know about those since the algorithm doesn’t always put things in people’s feeds, but I don’t plan to be posting on stories otherwise. I’m also going to be posting like the “geriatric millennial” that I am, and stick to just posting photos for a while and see what happens.

And of course, that’s not set in stone. I evolve and change my mind all the time. But if you do see me posting my breakfast, lunch and dinner every day on stories, feel free to send me a DM and ask me if I’m doing okay! :P

In conclusion:

Take time to smell the roses!

Wow, I didn’t mean to turn this into an essay, but here’s the conclusion – getting off social media for 40 days was awesome. It gave me so much clarity, space, peace and really helped me reconnect with myself again.

I’m not going to leave social media. I love being connected to my soul fam all over the world. But I’m not going to be on social media as much as I used to be, and I’m going to take longer breaks whenever I feel called.

I feel more empowered, confident and conscious about using social media. I feel like I can move forward with social media as a tool I can use for connection and for my business and it no longer has any power over me!

The world doesn’t end when you take time off social media, in fact, it may just help you to see the magic in the world that’s right in front of you.

With love,



Comfort + Support Tarot and/or Oracle Spread

Comfort + Support Tarot Spread

After a rough week of ups and downs (#ScorpioSeason) I've been feeling pretty raw. I wanted to check in with my deck, but the last thing I needed was a cosmic butt kicking. I was not in any state to look at my potential future, do any shadow work or be hit with any hard uncomfortable truths

And if you find yourself in that place sometimes, I feel you babe! It's totally OK to feel like that sometimes!

Working with the Tarot or Oracle cards doesn't always have to be about growth and learning and moving through your "stuff". Your deck can also be a tool for self care!

I Googled for ages trying to find a spread that would just offer me support + comfort with zero pressure. I couldn't find one, so I made one. :)

This spread can be used anytime you are feeling raw, low, anxious, stressed or depressed. Whenever you need a hug from your deck.

Depending on how hard you're finding things, you may want to also choose your deck carefully, or you can always pull out any cards you find a little triggering before you do your reading. Because, it's totally OK to do that if that's what you need to do.

How you're gonna feel after you've done this spread... x

How you're gonna feel after you've done this spread... x

1. Roots - what grounds you

This card can help you see how to ground back into your body, into yourself, into where you are.

2. Support from your guides

If you have a specific guide, angel or passed over loved one you want to work with, you can go ahead and ask them for a message here, or just ask your guides in general.

3. Support from the Divine Masculine

Again, if you have a deity or energy you like to work with, you can call on them by name, or you can just ask for a message from the protective and strong Divine Masculine energy that's with you.

4. Support from the Divine Feminine

I would personally go for a message here from Mother Mary, as she's so good to call on when you're in this kind of energy, but you can call on anyone that feels right, or just ask for a general message from the loving and compassionate Divine Feminine energy.

5. Support from your higher self

Your Higher Self knows just what you need, check in with him/her here.

6. Action to take now

Depending on how you're feeling you can always skip these next two cards, sometimes we just aren't in a place to think about taking action. But this card can give you some insight into what you can do in this moment. It may be as simple as making tea, resting, calling a friend etc.

7. Action to take to help move you through

Here you'll get some insight into how to move through this current energy. Again, feel free to skip this card if you really can't even think about doing that just yet.

8. Continued Self-Care

And this final card holds a message for you on how you can care for yourself in the moment, but also make sure that you are continuing to look after yourself even once you've come out the other side.


If you dig this reading you might like to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads you Can't Live Without!

And if you share your reading on Instagram, please tag me in your pics so I can send you some love. 

With so much love, light, comfort + support



Uncle Jessie

Full Moon Magic - 33 Ways to Work with the Energy of the Full Moon

full moon magic - 33 ways to work with the energy of the full moon by New Age Hipster

It's a powerful and potent time for magic when mamma moon is out in full force!

It's a great time to work some magic, and this post is gonna offer up a few ideas of ways you can harness this power for your own magical, spiritual and energetic uses.

If you're looking for info about the New Moon you can check out the sister post - New Moon Magic to this one!

For me the full moon is a great time to connect to my intuition and do some releasing work. as the moon begins to wane I know I'm releasing with her. :)

The full moon can often feel quite heavy to me too, so it's always a time when I need to focus on self-care and being nice to myself.

So let's get into it! Here's 33 ways you can work with the energy of the full moon!




Read your own Tarot or Oracle cards

Invite some friends over and read cards for each other

Alternatively, get on Skype with a witchy friend and read for each other online style!

Full Moon Tarot Spread

Write down what you want to release, rip it up and burn it

Light a candle for those you love

Light a candle for those you've lost

Honour your ancestors with incense, candles and chanting or singing

Write a letter to a passed over loved one and burn it to send it off to them (they will be there watching you write it of course anyway!)

Research the Goddesses on Wikipedia and see who's calling you

moon goddess

Call on Archangel Michael to help you clear and heal your fears

Try a cord cutting ritual (grab my Cord-Cutting Kit here!)


Go outside when it's dark and just sit and absorb the moon's energy

Draw down the moon with a ritual

Look out your window and talk to her like she's a (very, very) very old friend

Do a past life regression or a past life reading

Play with Moonstone or Selenite

Give yourself a Reiki healing, or ask the Angels of Reiki to do it for you

Do some super deep meditation

Meditate on the High Priestess card

High Priestess from the Connolly Tarot

Visit the Akashic Records

Take a ritual bath with salt, Rosemary, Frankincense oil and Moonstone crystals or whatever else you fancy

Make a Mala

Start a (new) gratitude journal

Pull some Goddess cards

Make a potion

Put your crystals out by the window to clear and charge them

Tidy your wallet, your bathroom shelves and your bedroom to help release any stagnant energy and create a flow of money, beauty and relaxation/love

Clear your home with white light, sage, Archangel Michael or tools and beings of choice

Eat comfort food (I like macaroni cheese!)

Go to bed early with a good book

Focus on self-love and cut yourself a break

Watch The Craft

Share with us in the comments what other magical activities you like getting up to on the Full Moon!

And if you want to come join in with a little online ritual each full and new moon, be sure to come hang with us at the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on Facebook!

With love, and moonlight,



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle Spiritual Development Group

Higher Self Relationship Healing

Higher Self Relationship Healing with Vix from New Age Hipster

Healing relationships can be one of the most difficult things we're ever called to do on this path.

Relationships are such incredible opportunities for growth, learning and expansion, but at the same time many of them are catalysts for pain, sadness, regret, depression, heartache and well, you catch my drift.

I have found much peace and understanding with the relationships in my own life by working with my higher self and the higher selves of others.

This is a great way to heal stuff with people who are no longer in your life, people you can't just call or write to for a chat, people you don't want to have this out with in person and those passed over.


Connect with your own higher self

If you haven't done much work connecting with your own higher self I suggest you do this first. Spend some time in meditation with an intention to get to know, meet with you and connect with your Higher Self. We do a lot of work on this in Woo Woo 101

Your higher self is just like your soul self, that part of you that is so much more than your name and appearance in this life!


Create an intention for what you'd like to heal

This works best when you focus on one relationship and issue you'd like to heal and better understand. Work out what it is you want to do.

Do you want understanding? Do you want to be able to forgive someone? Do you want someone to be able to forgive you? 


Let go of outcomes

Sometimes what comes through when we do this work is a deep healing, sometimes it's a light-bulb moment where we realise actually the situation we want healed is really nothing to do with us and more about that person's healing journey.

When I have done this work I've had all sorts of different things come in. I've had a deep peace and healing feeling in my heart afterwards, big clearing and a knowledge that all karma is cleared from many lifetimes. I've also had what have felt like very casual chats with people.

It's so often not about that person, but something deep within ourselves that needs love and healing. Some people push our buttons and trigger us but it has nothing to do with them or even our relationship with them, but everything to do with what's going on for us. 

The Two of Cups is the perfect card for manifesting good relationship outcomes x - Fountain Tarot x

The Two of Cups is the perfect card for manifesting good relationship outcomes x - Fountain Tarot x


Create space

When you're ready, create a sacred space.

Of course you can do this anywhere, and it can be just as powerful to do it on the bus! But I do like to put some candles on, have some chilled out music playing, a notebook near by for important downloads and make sure I'm not going to be disturbed half way.


Tune in + Call in your peeps

Make sure you're energy is clear, grounded and protected. When you're working with your higher self and calling in the higher selves of others you want to make sure you're safe.

Call on Archangel Michael (or protector of choice!) to protect you both, and you may also like to bring in specific angels or energies based on what you'd like to heal and clear.

Archangel Raphael is always on hand for some healing, Mother Mary is especially good for relationship work and Archangel Zadkiel is always great to have around for clearing, forgiveness and emotional healing

If you feel that you have a karmic connection with this person that needs to be removed you can always give the Lords of Karma a bell too.


The Healing work

So now you're going to get into your higher self space and energy.

I do this by going into deep meditation and then either visualising my own energy above me or sort of zooming up and out above myself.

State (out loud or in your head is fine!) that you are calling on your higher self connection.

Once you feel connected to your higher self ask the higher self of the person you'd like some healing with to come in. Ask for their permission: "Hey there, higher self of James Franco (or insert name here!), would it be OK for you to connect for a mo?" Or however formally you'd like to do it!

Whether you feel them present or not don't worry, just start to speak to them. I like doing this out-loud, or whisper soft if other people are home! LOL!

Ask them what you need to know about the relationship, their path, your path together and any lessons that you are learning from this relationship

Just sit and allow the conversation and connection to flow. You may have a brilliant chat, you may just feel clarity, love, peace. You may just sit and cry.

Trust that whatever happens is what needs to happen. If nothing happens it may not be the right time, or you don't have the permission of the person to connect with their higher self. Sometimes we can't clear and heal things before we've learned what we needed to

The Six of Cups always takes me back to the past... x - Robin Wood Tarot x

The Six of Cups always takes me back to the past... x - Robin Wood Tarot x



Thank their higher self for coming to you, thank your guides, angels and whoever else was present. Thank your own higher self for their assistance.

You may want to sit in meditation for a while longer or write some notes or pull a card. Whatever you do take some time to come out of this higher self state and make sure you ground your energy when you're ready to come back.


Of course, this is deep healing work so this post is really just the tip of the iceberg of healing in this way, but it's a great starting point! If you want to grab a session with me we can explore your relationship stuff together, or  you're interested in being able to do more of this kind of work on your own you may wanna check out my online courses

With so much love, light and mega high vibe healing,

