Full Moon Magic Spread for Tarot + Oracle x
I made a full moon releasing spread aaaages ago and I thought it could be time to make a new one! :D
The spread is ideally used in conjunction with the powerful energy of the full moon! But, you know, you can really do it anytime, especially if you're wanting to clear, release and set intentions.
You can use any deck of your choosing - Tarot, Oracle, Angel or NewAgeHipster InstaOracle :P
Pour yourself a magical tea brew and let's get started...
Here's one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot x
CARD ONE: Where are you at this full moon?
This card will show you where you're at, what you most need to know about your present energy and/or situation.
I got Page of Swords reversed. This feels like it's about a resistance to clearing and moving through some gunky energy that's been holding me in place.
CARD TWO: What needs to be seen and known tonight?
This card is all about what you need to see and know, what are you ignoring? What are you unaware of that you need to bring to the surface? Sometimes this is intentionally an ignoring or pushing down of things we don't want to look at, other times it could be something we are not aware of, but need to be.
I got Ten of Cups, a kick in the pants to stay in gratitude!
CARD THREE: What needs to be released?
What are you being called on to clear and release this full moon? It could be something recent, or something from your past or even past lives!
I got Six of Cups reversed. Time to take off those rose coloured glasses of the past and send them into the light!
CARD FOUR: What energy do you need to call in?
This could be about calling in a particular energy to work with such as a deity or guide, or it may be about calling in a particular trait or mindset.
I got the Six of Pentacles. Abundance mindset coming in!
CARD FIVE: What intentions need to be set?
This card can help you to set a clear and aligned intention for this moon cycle. Feel free to pull more cards here to get extra clear too!
I got the Hermit reversed and for me this is about finding balance within and in my life.
CARD SIX: What magic will be made?
Oooh, so this is where we can check in with potential outcomes of the magic we will make this full moon. You can also choose this card face up from your deck if you'd like to add a touch of extra magic to this reading!
I got the Knight of Wands reversed. The magic I will make is all about getting back on the horse and moving forward again with my goals and dreams!
Let me know how this spread works for you! :D And please do tag me in your pics if you share them on Instagram!
With so much love, light and magic,
If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)