What's up with Psychic Attack?
I was chatting with some peeps on the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group this morning about psychic attack and I found I had so much to say on the topic so I thought I'd put it all in a post for y'all!
Does it actually exist?
Well, like everything in the spiritual world, it’s different for everyone.
I know plenty of people who think psychic attack doesn’t exist, because they have never experienced it and/or give it no attention or power and so are therefore not affected by it.
Kind of like with protecting your energy.
Some people have the belief that they don’t need to protect their energy and so they don’t need to. Other people (like yours truly over here) feel empowered by visualisations of light bubbles, magic cloaks and calling in Archangel Michael for protective vibes. Doesn’t mean we’re giving away our power to the idea we need to be protected, it’s just a different way of working with energy.
If you don’t think psychic attack is real, or it’s never affected you, cool. I’m glad you don’t have to worry about this shiz.
If you think you are being affected by it, or just want to know WTF it is so you can identify it in future, please read on!
(And as always, like everything I talk about, take what resonates, leave the rest.)
What is psychic attack?
If you resonate as an Empath or a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) or even if you don’t, you'll probably be down with the idea that we can all pick up on other people’s energy.
Psychic attack is when you’re picking up on negative vibes that have been specifically sent to you.
Why does this happen?
I have found that the closer I get to my purpose, the more on my path that I am, the more connected I become with my spiritual team and the more I put myself out there, the more susceptible I am to psychic attack.
Taylor Swift sums this up better than I can, she says “don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine”. True dat Tay Tay! x
Who’s sending me this shizzle?
Psychic attack can come from many different places. Yes, it can come from ghosts, aliens and other negative or low energy that’s hanging out at your place, or around you, but those situations are pretty rare.
Peeps doing bad juju and woo woo on you is a thing too, but again, not very common really.
Most of the time, psychic attack comes from people you know, or people who’ve seen you online, sending you negative vibes.
I really don’t think most people do this with an intent to “attack” you, it’s just that you might be bringing up a lot of stuff for them, negative stuff, which they then direct at you, instead of opening up to see in themselves what’s going on.
Jealousy, judgement, comparison, the internet is rife with it. If you’re on the internet and you’re sensitive, you’re probably picking it up.
There are some people out there who will go the next step, competitors who dislike all your YouTube videos (yep, I’ve been there!) and people who post hater comments. Those hater comments can be pretty mean, imagine what kind of energy is hanging out behind the mean comments being directed at you.
In real life you have friends who no longer vibe with what you’re doing, think you’ve changed or whatever and so throw energetic shade your way, bitching about you to anyone who will listen. Even our besties can get jealous or pissed off and sometimes the closet to us are the ones that can throw the biggest energetic spit balls.
People who met you once and made some snap judgements on who you were as a person and now every time they see you in their feed they roll their eyes.
Psychic attack can be from one person’s pretty strong energetic shade throwing, or a whole bunch of negativity thrown your way can create a collective cloud of bad woo hanging over your head.
Honour your feelings, but question where they come from... with the #NewAgeHipsterInstaOracle x
How do I know if I’ve been “attacked”?
The symptoms of psychic attack are different for everyone.
There are loads of blog posts out there with a list of symptoms and while that can be somewhat useful, if you do have physical symptoms that concern you or are having some really dark thoughts that are consuming you, honestly, go and see someone qualified to help you.
When I’ve been psychically attacked, I feel low. Like I don’t want to get out of bed, I have super low energy and no motivation to do stuff, especially work or anything productive.
And it’s usually for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Sometimes it’s grey and rainy, something is going on cosmically or I have other stuff going on in my life and it’s like, OK, that makes sense that I feel a little low. But psychic attack usually turns up when actually, things are going pretty well.
Again, if something is up with your energy levels and it sticks around for longer than a few days, you might want to check in with your doctor.
Palo Santo, one of my fave clearing tools - waft around your aura, laptop and iPhone x
What can I do about it?
Forgive whoever sent this and send them love
Most people throwing etheric daggers at you are really just transferring their own stuff onto you. People who are happy and doing well in life don’t tend to send bad vibes to other people.
Work with Archangel Michael to remove etheric daggers.
Put on some meditation music, call in the big guy and then visualise him removing any daggers in your back, or anywhere else they have been stuck in. Visualise your energetic skin healing over and be nice and gentle with yourself for a few days afterwards.
Clear your energy
Other ways to clear your energy can include salt baths, smudging, going outside, reiki yourself or grab yourself a reiki, healing or reading session with someone you trust.
Make sure to clear your home and workplace too. A smudge spray can be useful for work!
Look at your own stuff
Sometimes we actually attract negativity because we’ve been sending it out too. Ouch! But seriously, just take a minute to consider where you might be sending negative vibes and set an intention to notice when you're doing that. We are all human, we all do this from time to time, but we can try to be better when we notice we're being jerks.
Protect, ground and clear your own energy every single day.
When you work with your own energy on the daily this kind of stuff just doesn’t happen so much, or when it does, it doesn’t affect you anywhere near as badly. Knowing your own energy can help you realise when stuff just isn’t yours.
Also include your online spaces in your protection rituals!
If you need help with this, check out my free eBook How to Stay Shiny: a quick start guide to energetic and psychic protection or my Woo Woo 101 course if you want to get really serious about working with your own energy!
Turning on some lights, lighting some candles and visualising light filling yourself and your home does wonders.
Sleep with fairy lights on.
One of the best ways I know to refill my energetic cup is to just chill the eff out. No scary movies though, K?
Reclaim your power
It can be easy to become kind of obsessed with the idea that bad vibes are being sent to you from all directions and slide down the victim hole a little.
Take some time out to clear and recharge, but remember that you have the power to deflect the negativity that comes your way.
Stand in your power and shout to the sky “you have no power over me!” Or you know, whatever your version of that is.
It can still take a few days for you to be back to normal, but reminding the universe of your own power is damn effective!
Have you ever felt like you’ve been psychically attacked? What did you do about it? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below! Or come chat in the SPJ group with us!
And if you are feeling low and need some help getting back to your shiny self, you can grab a reading or a mentoring session with me over in the New Age Hipster Shop.
With so much love, light and protection vibes,