Manifesting — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Metaphysical Movie Review: Ingress

Gorgeous souls! It’s a metaphysical movie review! 🍿✨🍿✨🍿

You know I LOVE pop culture here at New Age Hipster. I’m always making tarot spreads and spiritual memes based on movies and TV shows. I LOVE stories in all their forms, and I especially love stories with a metaphysical, magickal, witchy bent to them! 🥰

And so when I came across the new indie movie (you know I love anything indie!!) INGRESS written by and starring Rachel Noll James and it was described as this:

A woman who can move between parallel realities loses her husband tragically and must overcome past trauma to travel the multiverse once again and find her way into a reality where he is still alive.

I was immediately like WHERE IS THE POPCORN?! 😍🍿

Here is the trailer to give you a sense of the whole magickal mystical vibe of this movie…

I don’t want to give anything away, because the thing I loved most about this was I just had no idea where it was going or how the whole time slippage thing would work, but here’s a general gist of the movie...

When she was younger, Riley could move through timelines. When her husband Toby dies, it starts happening again. She beings to experience brief moments of time in which she can tune into another timeline where he’s still alive.

She seeks help figuring it all out and meets Daniel, a metaphysical author who writes about weird and wonderful timeline jumping and multiverse theories.

I mean, hello? Timeline jumping, metaphysical authors, seeing through the veils of illusion into other dimensions!? YES PLEASE!!

These kinds of movies are just fantastic to watch for the stories, but this movie really felt like it activated something in me. It was not just a movie, it was an awakening and powerful divine transmission. Well, most stories are I guess, but I really felt this one!

I know so many people in the community who have incredible timeline jumping experiences and during readings I can often see when and where someone has shifted or changed their own timeline. One time I was also shown a client with an ability to heal timelines, and I saw her literally threading light through gaps in space and time which was fascinating! 😮

I only have one cool story of my own but I think you’ll enjoy how New Age Hipster it is…

I was in a Mall in Melbourne a little while ago, just grabbing my vegan burger from Lord of the Fries (yes that’s what it’s called and it’s fully vegan and delicious! 😅) and looking for a seat in the food court when suddenly I got a glimpse into another dimension!

For just a split second, the mall turned into a temple of light and was filled with beautiful light beings walking around. It was just so random, like why did I see that when I was just trying to find a seat in the food court?! 😅 But I am sure in that moment I was tapping into something else that was happening in the same place at time, just on a different level.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my story, but please do do do go check out this incredible movie INGRESS! It is so fascinating, so heart opening and activating on a spiritual level. It may even help activate you so that you can jump into your highest timeline! 😍

INGRESS is available to watch now in the US via: Amazon, Cox, Comcast, Charter, Fandango at Home (Vudu) and Vimeo on Demand.

Sign up here to know when it will be available to watch in other countries!

Follow @ingressfilm for updates!

With so much love and timeline jumping,



Manifest Your Dreams

Oh gorgeous souls, I am so, so excited to announce that my new book Manifest Your Dreams: rituals and practices for living your best life is out now! 😍


Well, the Audiobook and the Kindle are out now everywhere, the hardback is out now in the UK and will be available later this year internationally.

Here’s a video of me unboxing the book, sharing more about what’s in it and generally going silly over how excited I am! 🤪

About the book:

Take destiny into your own hands and transform your life through positive change and thought.

Manifest Your Dreams is a modern mystic’s take on how you can use manifestation to attract what you want and live a more purposeful life.

Full of spiritual practices and down-to-earth practical guidance, this book is a guide to how to meet the universe halfway through real world action. Connect to your heart’s true desires and manifest love, money, purpose, healing and growth.

Grab your copy now via:





Or wherever good books are sold!


To celebrate I’m hosting a totally free Manifesting Masterclass!


To celebrate the release of Manifest Your Dreams I’m offering this totally free manifesting masterclass!

Saturday 24th June 8am Melbourne Time

Friday 23rd June 11pm UK / 3pm LA / 6pm NYC

Click here to convert for your time zone!

In this one hour session I’ll share my own manifesting journey, some pitfalls I’ve fallen into as well as some amazing things I’ve manifested and how I did it!

I’ll guide you through a meditation to help you align and anchor your energy for easier manifestation…

And there will be a Q&A at the end where I’ll answer as many manifesting questions as I can!


If you can’t attend live there will be a replay sent to you and an opportunity to submit any questions for the Q&A beforehand too so you won’t miss your chance!


PS - In case you're wondering, this is not a spammy sales webinar or an attempt to sell an expensive course. I will talk a little about the book, but you don't need to buy it to enjoy the workshop!

Put your deets in below to join the magick!


Signing up to this list will put you on the twice monthly newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

We totally respect your privacy. x

With love and eco glitter,



What does it mean to show up and do the work?

This week on social media I posted about “showing up and doing the work”.

A lot of people resonated with the post and I had a bunch of DMs from people saying things like - “thanks for the reminder, I haven’t been showing up like I want to”, and I also had a few asking me what it actually meant to show up and do the work.

Good question!

It’s one of those phrases that’s thrown around a lot in spiritual and self help circles, so I thought I’d throw my two cents in and let you know what it means to me (because this stuff always means something different to each of us!) to show up and “do the work”.

As someone who does spiritual work (and writes YA indie novels!) for a living, it’s kind of my job to tune in and pass on information that comes through. Whether that’s in a one on one session, or through something I feel called to share on social media or on my blog.

When I say something like “this came through in my meditation” or “my guides have been telling me this” people often ask how they can receive the same kind of downloads and intuitive hits.

The answer is - show up and do the work.

This is what showing up and doing the work looks like! From the #MoonchildTarot x

This is what showing up and doing the work looks like! From the #MoonchildTarot x

For every one time I go into meditation and fly off to the Sirius star system and get some download that gives me a huge insight and majorly shifts things for me there are 100 times I show up and I just stay on planet earth. (Which is still cool btw, and sometimes very much needed!)

the more I show up and do the work the easier it gets to chat with my guides, hear what they have to say, know what my spreads mean, visit higher dimensional realms and know what my next steps are!

Someone sent me a DM and said that they were worried they would show up and still nothing would happen. The thing is though, showing up is the reward in itself.

When you are the type of person that shows up for yourself, for your heart, soul and spiritual journey, when you show up for your dreams, you can’t lose. Even if you don’t get exactly what you wanted, becoming that person, that’s a huge reward in itself.

Here’s a simple of list of practical ways you can show up and do the work:

  • Develop a consistent spiritual practice

  • Meditate every day!

  • Journal

  • Live consciously

  • Help other people

  • Do shadow work (look at your own “stuff” and work through it!)

  • Pull your own cards daily to help you tune in

  • Read spiritual books

  • Take workshops and courses - Woo Woo 101 is a great place to start!

  • Create some routines and structure

  • Practice self-love on those days when it’s all too hard to show up (practising self-care is part of showing up!)

  • Join The Circle for resources to help you and support on the path!

  • When your guides give you a nudge or some guidance, follow it!

  • However you show up and do the work, do it regularly!

Most of all, make sure you are showing up and doing the work in the way that works for you and your life. There is no right or wrong way to show up. You know if you’re doing it or not!

If you’re still not sure how to start showing up check out my classes and The Circle membership to help you get on track! Or come and join the totally free Spiritual Journey Pitstop group and chat to like-minded souls about the spiritual path!

With so much love and light,



PS - I always reply to comments so if you have questions just post below! :D x

New Moon Magic Spread for Tarot or Oracle

New Moon Magic Tarot Spread

I just love those new moon vibes! And one of my fave ways to connect with the energy of the new moon is through a bit of card slinging!

So light your candles, grab your decks (you can use tarot, oracle, New Age Hipster InstaOracle or whatever you have to hand!) and let's make some magic!

Oh, and check out the New Moon Manifesting spread too if you like! 

New Moon Tarot Spread with the Spirit Speak Tarot

1. How to ground your magic

This card will give you some insight into how to ground your energy, ground into who you are and what you really want. Basically, it's about getting yourself in the right space to make magic!

2. What to clear to make way for the new

Before you start calling in the new, it's always good to identify what old wood needs to be cut away, what space needs to be cleared and what no longer serves you.

3. How to connect to your power this new moon

Making magic works best when we can feel confident and worthy! This card will give you some insight into how to stand in your power so you can make your magic powerful!

4. Magic to make

Sometimes we already know exactly what we want to create and call in and just need a confirmation, sometimes we need a hand knowing where to direct our magic.

If there's something you really want to call in, you can go through the deck and find a card that represents what you want to call in and place it in this position face up!

5. How to surrender  + trust

Now that your magic is made, this card will give you some wisdom on how you can surrender and trust that your magic will be made in accordance with your best and highest good


If you dig this spread you might wanna check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You can't Live Without!

And if you share your pics on Instagram, please tag me so I can come say hi and check out your readings! :)

With love, light and new moon blessings!



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle

Full Moon Magic - 33 Ways to Work with the Energy of the Full Moon

full moon magic - 33 ways to work with the energy of the full moon by New Age Hipster

It's a powerful and potent time for magic when mamma moon is out in full force!

It's a great time to work some magic, and this post is gonna offer up a few ideas of ways you can harness this power for your own magical, spiritual and energetic uses.

If you're looking for info about the New Moon you can check out the sister post - New Moon Magic to this one!

For me the full moon is a great time to connect to my intuition and do some releasing work. as the moon begins to wane I know I'm releasing with her. :)

The full moon can often feel quite heavy to me too, so it's always a time when I need to focus on self-care and being nice to myself.

So let's get into it! Here's 33 ways you can work with the energy of the full moon!




Read your own Tarot or Oracle cards

Invite some friends over and read cards for each other

Alternatively, get on Skype with a witchy friend and read for each other online style!

Full Moon Tarot Spread

Write down what you want to release, rip it up and burn it

Light a candle for those you love

Light a candle for those you've lost

Honour your ancestors with incense, candles and chanting or singing

Write a letter to a passed over loved one and burn it to send it off to them (they will be there watching you write it of course anyway!)

Research the Goddesses on Wikipedia and see who's calling you

moon goddess

Call on Archangel Michael to help you clear and heal your fears

Try a cord cutting ritual (grab my Cord-Cutting Kit here!)


Go outside when it's dark and just sit and absorb the moon's energy

Draw down the moon with a ritual

Look out your window and talk to her like she's a (very, very) very old friend

Do a past life regression or a past life reading

Play with Moonstone or Selenite

Give yourself a Reiki healing, or ask the Angels of Reiki to do it for you

Do some super deep meditation

Meditate on the High Priestess card

High Priestess from the Connolly Tarot

Visit the Akashic Records

Take a ritual bath with salt, Rosemary, Frankincense oil and Moonstone crystals or whatever else you fancy

Make a Mala

Start a (new) gratitude journal

Pull some Goddess cards

Make a potion

Put your crystals out by the window to clear and charge them

Tidy your wallet, your bathroom shelves and your bedroom to help release any stagnant energy and create a flow of money, beauty and relaxation/love

Clear your home with white light, sage, Archangel Michael or tools and beings of choice

Eat comfort food (I like macaroni cheese!)

Go to bed early with a good book

Focus on self-love and cut yourself a break

Watch The Craft

Share with us in the comments what other magical activities you like getting up to on the Full Moon!

And if you want to come join in with a little online ritual each full and new moon, be sure to come hang with us at the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on Facebook!

With love, and moonlight,



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle Spiritual Development Group

Girlboss Tarot or Oracle Spread for goal-getters + big dreamers

Girlboss tarot spread new age hipster

Have y'all been watching Girlboss on Netflix?

It's the (real loose) retelling of Sophia Amoruso's dumster diving to riches story of how she became an eBay selling legend in her own lunch time with her biz Nasty Gal.

An entrepreneur after my own heart, Sophia's story was super inspiring and I thought what better way to connect to my own inner girlboss than through a Tarot (or Oracle or whatever cards you want to use!) Spread?

So grab your favourite deck, your journal and a cuppa and let's tune into our big dreams!

Here's one I made earlier with the Cosmic Tarot x

Here's one I made earlier with the Cosmic Tarot x

Card one: What's your current greatest strength?

I added "current" to this because it changes right? This card will let you know what strength you're working with right now, what strength you can call on to help you make your dreams come true.

I got the Devil. Whaaat? But actually this is pretty cool, because it means my current strength is breaking the chains that have been holding me back, and helping others to do the same! Wahoo!


Card two: What are your potential distractions?

When you're working towards your dreams you can be sure distractions are going to come up from time to time. This card will show you what to watch out for.

The Emperor reversed for me suggests that time management and general organisational skills can be my downfall! Oh, and a reminder not to get carried away with stationary shopping.


Card three: How can you stay focused on your goals and dreams?

Oh it's hard to stay focused on your big dreams some days! This card will give you some insight into how you can stay on track.

I got the Queen of Pentacles reversed.  A message for me to make sure I'm focusing on the right things. Not getting too caught up in my own abundance stuff, but creating from the heart.


Card four: What is your big why?

The big why for me is the real reason for why I'm doing what I'm doing. This card can help you work out what you're really hustling for.

I got the Sun! Naaaw. My big why is all about spreading the love and light, shining the light for others and being happy. :)


Card five: How can you keep strong and loving boundaries?

Having great boundaries is one of the best ways to protect your own energy and keep your cup full. This card will clue you into the best way for you to do that at this time.

I got the Queen of Wands. I can maintain my boundaries by saying yes to the things I really want to do, and gracefully saying no to to things that don't fire me up. Follow the fire!


Card six: What step/s do you need to take towards your dreams?

Pretty straight forward, here comes your action steps towards making this shiz happen!

I got the Five of Pentacles reversed. Ah, still some work to do around my own money stuff, beliefs, programming and fears. My action steps are internal, but yours could be more external!


I hope this spread helps you to get more in touch with your inner #Girlboss!

Please tag me in your pics on Instagram or let me know in the comments how this spread worked out for you!

You can find all my other spreads on the Start Here page!

And if you want to delve deeper and grab a reading with me you can do that by hitting up the New Age Hipster Shop.


With so much love, light and dreamy boss vibes,



Full Moon Magic Spread for Tarot + Oracle x

Full Moon Magic Tarot Spread

I made a full moon releasing spread aaaages ago and I thought it could be time to make a new one! :D

The spread is ideally used in conjunction with the powerful energy of the full moon! But, you know, you can really do it anytime, especially if you're wanting to clear, release and set intentions.

You can use any deck of your choosing - Tarot, Oracle, Angel or NewAgeHipster InstaOracle :P

Pour yourself a magical tea brew and let's get started...

Here's one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot x

Here's one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot x

CARD ONE: Where are you at this full moon?

This card will show you where you're at, what you most need to know about your present energy and/or situation.

I got Page of Swords reversed. This feels like it's about a resistance to clearing and moving through some gunky energy that's been holding me in place.


CARD TWO: What needs to be seen and known tonight?

This card is all about what you need to see and know, what are you ignoring? What are you unaware of that you need to bring to the surface? Sometimes this is intentionally an ignoring or pushing down of things we don't want to look at, other times it could be something we are not aware of, but need to be.

I got Ten of Cups, a kick in the pants to stay in gratitude!


CARD THREE: What needs to be released?

What are you being called on to clear and release this full moon? It could be something recent, or something from your past or even past lives!

I got Six of Cups reversed. Time to take off those rose coloured glasses of the past and send them into the light!


CARD FOUR: What energy do you need to call in?

This could be about calling in a particular energy to work with such as a deity or guide, or it may be about calling in a particular trait or mindset.

I got the Six of Pentacles. Abundance mindset coming in!


CARD FIVE: What intentions need to be set?

This card can help you to set a clear and aligned intention for this moon cycle. Feel free to pull more cards here to get extra clear too!

I got the Hermit reversed and for me this is about finding balance within and in my life.


CARD SIX: What magic will be made?

Oooh, so this is where we can check in with potential outcomes of the magic we will make this full moon. You can also choose this card face up from your deck if you'd like to add a touch of extra magic to this reading!

I got the Knight of Wands reversed. The magic I will make is all about getting back on the horse and moving forward again with my goals and dreams!


Let me know how this spread works for you! :D And please do tag me in your pics if you share them on Instagram!

With so much love, light and magic,



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle spiritual development group

Manifesting from the Heart x

Manifesting from the heart

According to the internet and at least a thousand books I've read on the subject, there are approximately a gazillion different ways to manifest your heart's desires.

Vision boards, affirmations, journalling, calling on your guides and angels, visualisations, spells, candle magic, full moon or new moon rituals and emojis...

While these are all perfectly valid ways to manifest and they do totally work, I have found there's one thing that pretty much always works for me when I'm trying to manifest, and that's working from my heart.

There are so many of us trying to manifest things are not in alignment with our hearts. Hello, I've done it loads! What I've found from my own experience is that when I don't manifest from my heart I tend to either not get what I'm asking for and end up throwing a hissy fit at the universe, or I do get what I've asked for but realise pretty swiftly that asking for that thing was a big mistake.

Now, a lot of people are expert manifestors, if that's you - cool. If you can just click your fingers and get a parking spot, or cash money that's awesome. Keep doing what you're doing if it all feels good!

Personally I have very little success manifesting parking spots. Not because I'm a shit manifestor, but because I find it hard to manifest things that don't fully resonate with my heart.

Not getting a parking spot two meters from my destination is not really a big deal to me. 

I also struggle to bring in certain amounts of cash money. Like if I ask for £1000, I rarely get it. Why? Because there's no emotional, heart centered attachment between me and £1000.

I have, however, managed to manifest a successful full time business doing something I love which supports me financially, a scholarship for uni, a gig reading Tarot on a paradise island, loads of tickets to events, tarot decks and a pretty darn amazing relationship.

This is in no way a suggestion that you shouldn't try to manifest money or parking spots. If you need those things, bloody go for it!

I just feel like we are all trying to manifest so many things we don't really want on a heart level.

Manifesting from the heart quote x

I went into a spin lately thinking I wanted New Age Hipster to be a six figure biz, and I realised that actually that's not what my heart says, that's just what my Facebook feed says. If you want a six figure biz with all your heart, again, go for it! We all have different paths and purposes in this life! But I find it works better for me personally to focus on bringing in clients who I can help, students into my courses that are going to make big shifts through working with me rather than "cash money". If you're following your heart and living in purpose you're going to be supported.

Manifesting from the heart is my magical manifesting secret.

So, how do you do this?

One super easy way is to check in with your heart space when you're asking for stuff.

Next time you're putting out your intentions into the universe, just stop for a second, put your hands on your heart and ask yourself:

"Is what I'm asking for in alignment with my heart?"

If it is, awesome! Keep asking! If you feel anything icky or uncertainty, or anything that doesn't feel like a HECK YEAH from your heart space, maybe re-think and re-frame what you're calling in. It may just be that you need to change your manifesting only slightly, or you may be nudged in the direction of asking for something else entirely!

So, what are you wanting to bring into your life right now? How does your heart space feel about it? 

If you want to learn all my other manifesting tricks and tips check out my online course Totally Spiritual, which covers the Law of Attraction and Manifesting as well as a whole bunch of other topics full of spiritual goodness! :D

With so much love, light and heart-centered manifesting power,



New Moon Magic - 33 ways to work with the energy of the new moon

New Moon Magic

New moon energy is powerful shiz!

I like working with the Full Moon for releasing, exploring my stuff, doing some deep work and big magic. On the New Moon though, I’m more about taking stock, setting goals and putting it out there.

Everyone works with moon energy differently, so it's really important for you to find what works best for you.

I'm just sharing with you here some of the stuff that works for me. 

Personally, I always wait until after the New Moon has hit before I start using it’s magic (although I start to think about my intentions earlier!), as I feel that it’s much more powerful.

I go with the three days after rule that says you can work with the new moon energy for up to three days after the moon is new. 

So if I miss the new moon, I don’t freak out, I just do my new moon-y stuff the next day. :D But you can work with the New Moon however it feels best to you.

There's no reason at all why you can't use this list anytime you're wanting to call something in.

If you want to come and partake in some New Moon Magic with other peeps, head over to the Spiritual Journey Pitstop on Facebook where every new and full moon we get together and give each other’s magic a mega boost of love and light!

OK, let’s get into this listicle!


Read your cards, or have someone else do a reading for you. Use Tarot, Oracle or Angel cards, and check out my New Moon Spread here

Here's one I made earlier with the Starchild Tarot + the Crystal Reading Cards x

Here's one I made earlier with the Starchild Tarot + the Crystal Reading Cards x

Visualise what you want and ask your guides to show you how you’re going to get it

Write down a list of wishes, don't stop writing until you can't think of any more

Remain, Release, Receive – write down what you’re grateful for, what you want to release and what you’d like to receive

List your desires for the next few days, the next moon cycle and the next year

Create a vision board

Write out your dream day in full detail

Set goals for the next moon cycle

Write down what you want, and then list action steps to getting there (and then take those steps!)

Rearrange your altar

What my altar looks like before the new moon... x

What my altar looks like before the new moon... x

Create a crystal grid

Write down what you want to let go of and then burn it

Do some candle magic

Choose a Tarot card that represents what you want to manifest and put it on your altar

Make a citrine gem elixir

Make a prosperity spray using gem water and essential oils

Buy or pick some flowers for your house and/or altar

Create some space for new energy to come in by cleaning your desk

Create good laptop juju by cleaning out your inbox, desktop and download files

Get your bedroom energy feeling new by changing your sheets

Change your phone screensaver to something relating to your manifestations

She-Ra is my screensaver for when I want to stand in my power! She-Raaaaaa! x

She-Ra is my screensaver for when I want to stand in my power! She-Raaaaaa! x

Call on Ganesha to clear your blocks to abundance

Call on Lakshmi for success and prosperity. Try this amazing meditation for Rich Witches!

Call on the Archangel Ariel for abundance

Write down your core desired feelings for this moon cycle and stick them where you’ll see them every day

Make a playlist that goes with your intentions and listen to it every day until the Full Moon

Ask for an abundance of love, happiness, health and prosperity for those you love

Ask for abundance for people you find challenging

Clear out your solar plexus chakra

Clear out all your chakras!

Take a bath with some citrine, essential oils and some chamomile flowers

Work on some of your abundance and money blocks through journaling and card slinging

Write an abundance check


I'd love to know in the comments, what do you do to connect with the energy of the new moon? Let's keep this list growing! 

Don’t forget to come join us in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop if you want to share magics with us!

With so much love and light,



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle

Join The Coven!

Sign up with your email address to receive witchy news and magickal updates.


We totally respect your privacy. x

Making Magic with the Magician in 2017

Making Magic with the Magician Tarot Card x

2017 is a one year in numerology and in Tarot that makes it a Magician year! Well, it's also a Wheel of Fortune year, but I feel like the kick ass Magician vibe is really gonna be on the front line this year. 

The Magician is such an incredible archetype and I'm so excited about embodying the Harry Potter within this year! :D

If you wanna find out all about your own personal card of the year and more info about the current year's energy you can check out my totally free e-book - 2017: The Year of the Magician x

So we have all this amazing new beginnings, manifesting and magic energy floating around in the air this year, what are you gonna do with it? I've put together 5 tips to help you really connect with your inner Magician this year!


1. gratitude is literally everything

If you're not happy with what you already have, having new things isn't going to make you happy either.

How many times do you manifest something cool but don't even take stock of it because you're too busy manifesting the next thing?

Being grateful doesn't mean you stop setting goals and trying to achieve your dreams, it's about being grateful for all the dreams that have already come true.


2. Be conscious of your feelings

You do not need to be a shiny, positive, unicorn riding, glitter throwing light being every single moment of every single day to do good magic.

It's helpful to just try to be conscious and aware of how you're feeling.

If you feel like you need a couch day to be miserable, take it, but take it with the intention of looking after yourself when you're feeling down, rather than "I'm going to the couch FOREVER because everything sucks." Being conscious of your feelings and taking time off when you need it is actually pretty high vibe right?

The Vessel Oracle + The Starchild Akashic Tarot x

The Vessel Oracle + The Starchild Akashic Tarot x

3. Ritual

Ritual is awesome for manifesting and making magic.

You can visualise until you're blue in the face, but sometimes writing down what you want, lighting a candle or doing a full on witchy ritual is what you really need to help set that intention and get it moving out into the physical world.


4. Find a magical path

Study Wicca or Hoodoo, become a Christian Witch, join a coven or just create your own magical path of the Lightworker. 


5. Manifest from the heart

Sometimes we can get really caught up in manifesting "stuff". A parking space, a pair of earrings, a book, a new job, a partner...

What you really want to do when you're making magic is peel it all back to how you want to feel, what your heart and soul desire and always manifest from your heart chakra.


If you wanna take your manifesting journey even further this year Totally Spiritual will be running again soon(ish!). Sign up for updates to keep, well, up to date!

Dont' forget to check out the free 2017: Year of the Magician e-book too!

May your 2017 be everything you could wish for!

With love, light and magic,


