Angel oracle — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Angel oracle

Bummed Out Spread

Bum belongs to Bruce Springsteen. x

Bum belongs to Bruce Springsteen. x

You know how sometimes you just feel bummed out or in a funk and you have no idea how it happened, why you feel that way or what to do about it?

Well bum about no longer kids, because I made you this tarot spread to help you work it all out, shed some light on your bummed-out-ness and help you find a way forward, onwards and upwards

As with all my spreads you can use any Tarot, Angel or Oracle cards you have lying about. I used both the Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel and the Angel Therapy deck by Doreen Virtue in the video below, but I'm just going to give you examples from the tarot in the write up.


Card one - Where you were

So this is basically where you were before you got bummed out. What the inciting incident was that led to you getting bummed out.

I got the Four of Swords here and I know it's because I was not getting enough rest or taking it easy when I should have been! That kind of not looking after yourself will always lead to feeling bummed out sooner or later.


Card two - What brought you down

This is what actually brought you down. The specifics of how you ended up in a funk. 'Cos sometimes you just don't know.

I got the Six of Cups reversed. For me that feels like it's about not being on the path, or stressing about not being on the right path. Focusing on the wrong things. 


Card three - Energies around you

This card represents what's going on around you - what energies you can draw from to help you, or what's around you that needs clearing

I got the King of Cups reversed. It got me thinking about how to practice self care with a masculine energy... There's some energy here about being depleted, but a message to refill in a more masculine way rather than just having bubble baths. 

What do you guys think about the whole self-care with a masculine vibe thing?!


Card four - What could keep you down

This card points you towards the things that you need to watch out for if you're going to try to pick yourself up. Whatever's going on in this card is something that's a challenge for you, something that can totally absorb your energy and keep your cup empty if you let it.

I got the Empress reversed. For me that's about creating a LOT of stuff, but not actually giving birth to it! Hmmmmm, interesting! 


Card Five - What will help

This card will give you a message of what to focus on to get out and stay out of this bummed out vibe.

I got Starseed reversed. A message for me here to balance my starseed/high vibe/hanging out with angels energy with being grounded and present in this life, in the here and now. 


I hope this spread helps lift you out of funks, brings you back up when you're feeling bummed out, down or generally blerg. 

Let me see your spreads on social media by using the hashtag #newagehipster or tagging me! :D

With love, light and funk free vibes!

