Mother Gaia Tarot or Oracle Spread
When you resonate as being a Lightworker, Starseed, Empath or sensitive soul it can be tough to see our planet in trouble.
As I write this we are in the midst of the worst bushfires Australia has ever seen, and while many of us have been sending money, sending prayers and raising awareness, somehow it just doesn’t feel like enough.
I created this spread for those times when things feel tough, when the world is on fire, as a way to tune into and connect with Mamma Gaia and ask her how we can help - through our magic and through our action on the ground.
So grab your eco-coffee cup, a slice of vegan chocolate pie and your favourite deck and let’s begin to create the New Earth that we know is coming.
1.How can you deepen and strengthen your connection to Gaia?
One of the biggest problems we have right now is that most of humanity is so disconnected to the land we live on. When we strengthen our connection to the earth beneath our feet we are guided by the earth mother herself, this card will show you can get back to your roots.
2.How can you ground your own light and love into Gaia?
Grounding is not a one way thing. It’s not just about us taking earth energy, it’s also about us sending our own energy and love into Gaia. This card will give you an insight into how you can work with this exchange of energy in your grounding practices.
3.What assignment does Gaia have for you right now?
Gaia is always giving us assignments if we listen. It may be something as simple as cutting back on something you are consuming more of than you need, or it may be an assignment to send specific healing somewhere. Anytime you want a new assignment, just ask for one!
4.Where can you send your prayers, healing, light, love and magic?
Sometimes we become so overwhelmed by the state of things we’re not even sure where to direct our prayers. This card will show you where it would be most helpful for you to be sending your prayers and love at this time.
5.What changes do you need to make in your own life to support Mother Gaia?
And while prayers, love and magic are all so helpful, we also need to be making changes on the ground. This card will show you how you can align your actions in the material world to your desire to see change.
6.A step you can take today to begin to shift us all into the New Earth
New Earth is the future version of the planet in which we’ve returned to connection with Gaia and are living in harmony with the planet. Here you’ll find a message about what you can do right now, right here, today, to help shift us into the timeline in which New Earth becomes our reality.
If you found this spread useful you may want to check out my free eBook Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you are looking for spiritual support, connection and exclusive monthly Tarot Spreads check out the online spiritual development group The Circle. We’d love to have you! :)
And if you want to share your own readings with this spread on Instagram be sure to tag me so I can pop by, say hi and share!
With so much love, light and creating New Earth,