christian witch — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


christian witch

The Resurrection Spread for Tarot or Oracle Reading

The Resurrection Tarot Spread

As a Christian Witch (amongst other things!) Easter is a time where I find myself thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus, as well as what is dying and resurrecting, birthing or re-birthing in my own life.

Whether you are celebrating Ostara, Easter, or just want to try out a new spread, grab yourself a cuppa (maybe a vegan Easter egg!) and join me in diving deep into some death and rebirth… x


1.Old ways of being, beliefs and stories to bury

What “old” stuff are you carrying around that you are ready to see cleared, released and buried? This card will show you some of the “old” that is ready to go. You can pull extra cards here if you need them - perhaps even three - one for old ways of being, one for old beliefs and one for old stories.

2.How to let go of the old with grace and love

It’s easy to say “let go” and not always so easy to actually do it. This card should give you some insight into how to let it all go.

3.How to have faith, trust and surrender

This card will give you some advice and support on how you can have faith in the process of letting go of the old.

4.All good things within you that have been forgotten

What has been buried deep within you that you would like to bring back to life? What old parts of yourself have been lost that you are ready to reclaim?

5.What is being resurrected

And the final card will show you what is being resurrected in your life.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG so I can come and say hi and spread the love!

With love, light and resurrecting all good things,



The Path of the Christian Witch

The Path of the Christian Witch

A while ago now I wrote a post called WTF is a Christian Witch.

As you can probably imagine, that post got a bit of interest - both positive and, yep, negative. It’s actually my most read post ever with 34,273 views as of the writing of this post! :o

Most weeks I still get notifications of new comments on that post and when I see them pop into my inbox I’m never quite sure if it’s going to be another one of my soul fam saying they resonated, or a Christian trying to save me from my misguided ways!

Since writing that post I’ve had a lot of people get in touch, saying they resonate with the idea of blending these two belief systems but they just don’t really know how to do that.

So in this post I’m going to try to explain what it means to me personally to be on the path of the Christian Witch, how I go about it, and how you can begin to develop your own practices and path too!

Angel Feathers

Being a Christian Witch is just one path to love

One of the most important things about this path is knowing why you resonate with the idea of being a Christian Witch (or whatever word or label, or no label you want to use for yourself!).

I’ve always resonated with Jesus because I believe his whole ministry was about L.O.V.E!

Nothing more, nothing less. He wanted to guide people back to love - love for each other, love for themselves. He spoke so much about forgiveness and non-judgement and just generally being a good person and living a good life.

To me that makes him one heck of a teacher whatever else he may or may not have been!

But I also feel there is so much love to be found in other paths, in the connection with nature, with other teachers and deities, which is part of the reason why being a Christian alone never worked for me.

So, if you want to develop your connection to the divine and to your own inner light by following the path of the Christian Witch, consider what it means to you.

Why this path over any others? How does this spiritual path help you navigate this world? At it’s core, what is this really about for you?

For me, it’s about finding my way back to love a little more every day.

My (kinda messy but does the trick!) altar x

My (kinda messy but does the trick!) altar x

There is no right or wrong way to be a Christian Witch (or anything!)

There are no rules here. No dogma. No ancient traditions or rituals to follow. There’s just you and your own beliefs. To me this is everything.

The rules of the church don’t work for me. I can’t have someone telling me “this is how it’s done because this is how it’s always been done”, especially when “the church” of today was built upon layer upon layer of “stuff” that has very little to do with Jesus himself.

Jesus himself didn’t create the church, and as much as I love a good singalong at a mega church, I’m not convinced any of the churches that exist right now were exactly what Jesus had in mind.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time studying Wicca, Paganism and other paths of Witchcraft over the years and while I certainly do draw from some of them, in some ways I find many of the “rules” of organised witchery to be just as dogmatic as the church. That may ruffle some feathers, but if you’ve spent any time in the witchy communities online you’ll know some of those communities can be just as “my way or the highway” as other religious groups!

So for me being a Christian Witch is all about doing things my own way.

It looks different to everyone who’s on this path.

Some people go to church and read the bible but also use oracle cards and work with the cycles of the moon.

Then there are others who will follow more of a Wicca or more traditional Witchcraft path but will choose Jesus and Mary as their patron and matron deities.

You may be more Christian leaning with a Tarot deck in your bedside draw, or perhaps you are more Witchcraft leaning with a bible on your altar.

Whatever works for you is what is right for you.

It’s about your own relationship with the divine all around and within you.

It can overwhelming and confusing at times to just “do whatever you want” on the spiritual journey, so if you need a few more ideas on how to get started with a practice I’ll share some things that I do which you may like to do also, but remember this path is your path and you get to decide what it looks like, no one else.

The Jesus Deck in action!

The Jesus Deck in action!

Check out books and resources on the Ascension Path

The Ascension Path teachings incorporate many different aspects of the divine including Jesus, Angels and other Ascended Masters. It’s a high vibrational pathway back to love, higher levels of consciousness, wisdom and peace. Some of my favourite Ascension teachers are Tim Whild, Diana Cooper and Joshua David Stone.

Work with oracle decks that are Christian Witch friendly

Some of my favourites are The Jesus Deck, Work Your Light Oracle, Crystal Mandala Oracle, Art Through the Starstream Oracle and Oracle of the Angels.

Work with the Christ Consciousness

While we can certainly call on Jesus to assist us, we can also call on the energy of the Christ Consciousness or Christ Light to activate and work within us, helping us to become more Christ like, embodying the energy, love and light of the Christ energy.

I like to do this by just saying out loud “I invoke the Christ Light” and visualising that my whole body is full of golden light. I do this with the intention that I may live my life with love, compassion, peace and harmony. But of course, you can do this in any way that feels right for you.

Read the bible including the lost gospels

But, read it with discernment, with your crown chakra and heart activated.

I love the New New Testament which includes many of the lost gospels.

Follow your heart and create your own path

While I hope that this post has maybe inspired you a little or given you some ideas for exploring your path, remember that no one can tell you how to be spiritual but you.

Only you know the way for you, so make time to get quiet, meditate and listen to your own heart and soul.

With so much love and light,



PS - if you’re looking for a community of like-minded souls that’s dogma and judgement free be sure to come join us in the free FB group Spiritual Journey Pitstop or gather with your soul family in the spiritual development group The Circle.

Jesus x

Christian Witch Tarot or Oracle Spread

Christian Witch Tarot Spread

My post WTF is a Christian Witch has been viewed nearly 20k times this last year. It’s amazing to me how many people out there are vibing with this idea of being both a little bit witchy and a little bit Jesus-y.

I mostly just wrote that post as a way to process some of my own thoughts on the topic, so it’s kind of amazing to see just how many people resonated with it!

It was kind of a big deal to come out on the internet and tell everyone I’m a Christian Witch. Many of us are still hiding out a little bit, and that’s totally OK. Some of us are in the church, some of us are in covens, some of us (like me) have wondered off both paths and begun creating some weird winding path that goes between the two.

It can be a tricky path to navigate. The peeps on each side tend not to really get your other side.

And as someone who digs both the world of woo and witchcraft as well as being a bit of a Jesus freak it can be tough trying to blend your belief systems and make it work in a way that doesn’t feel conflicting.

So I made this tarot or oracle spread to help anyone who identifies as a Christian Witch, Christo-Pagan, whatever you want to call yourself or anyone who has a blended belief system to help you get a little more centred in your own beliefs and how to stand strong in who you are and what you believe.

You can use tarot, oracle, angel cards, or you could even try out your Jesus deck! :D

1. Where you're at on your Christian Witch journey

This is really just a check-in point to see how things are going for you on your personal magical path of faith.

2. How to stand strong in your own personal belief system

It is not always easy to stand in your power when your beliefs don’t fit in with what everyone else is doing, the message here will help you to know what you need to do to stay strong and grounded in your own truth and love.

3. How to honour and connect with the Goddess/Divine Feminine

You can specifically call in your deity of choice here (perhaps a message from Mother Mary or Mary Magdalene) or simply call on the divine mother. This card may show you how to honour and connect or may even give you some guidance as how to work with this energy too.

4. How to honour and connect with Jesus/Divine Masculine

Call on JC or a masculine energy of your choice. This card may also offer you some guidance when it comes to embodying the divine masculine in your own life.

5. How to find peace in your own heart

Something many of us Christian Witches struggle with is just feeling like we’re on the right path (for us!) and all is well. This card will give you some insight into how to trust and rest in your own heart space and faith.

6. How to connect deeper through prayer and/or spell work

Here you’ll receive some guidance about how to connect even deeper with your path through prayer or spell work. You may see here a way to connect deeper, something to focus on or even your next step.

If you dig this spread be sure to check out my totally free spreads e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without (you can use it with oracle cards too!) and if you share on socials please do tag me so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on Instagram and Facebook.

With so much love, light and magic,



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