The Week Ahead - Embrace your inner awesome chic (+homework)
Hello Happy Hipsters! Welcome to this week! Oh, here's a thing - just because this post is was posted on a certain day about a certain week, that doesn't mean that it can't relate to you where you are right now - whether it's next week, next month next year or years from now when you're stumbling across this post. Yes, I am very hopefully this blog will last for years! If you feel like this message is for you - it is for you. And that's not just about this post, or this blog, this is about anything you find anywhere anytime.
This week we have the beautiful Empress from the Cosmic Tarot. I love the Empress card already - she's number 3 which is a number I totally resonate with (that's why all the 3's on my Facebook and Instagram and Twitter accounts!) and she's just an awesome woman who's totally embracing her chic power!
OK so this week's message is actually an activity! OMG I love activities! I hope you do too... now you can use your journal and go crazy with this, or you can just think about your answers as you read, or both, or you can make a collage or do a painting or make a video or whatever the hell you feel like!
<3 Think of an awesome chic - the first awesome chic you can think of; celeb or real, and dudes this will work for you too so keep going!
<3 List at least three things that make this chic awesome
<3 List at least three things you have in common with this awesome chic
<3 Now what's one thing you can do right now to be more like this awesome chic? (I'm not suggesting here that you should not be yourself and start acting like Beyonce or whoever, but if there's something about someone else that you wish you were a bit more like then it's totally OK to find that thing within yourself right?!)
Here's my answers...
<3 Think of an awesome chic - the first chic that comes to mind is Cyndi Lauper!
<3 What makes this chic awesome? She totally has her own style, she's an advocate for LGBT rights, she's absolutely gorgeous without fitting the normal standard of beauty.
<3 Three things we have in common - sometimes we have orange hair, we both love singing, and we have both been known to dance on trash cans.
<3 One thing I can do right now to be more like Cyndi Lauper - embrace my weirdness.
So this week I'm embracing my weirdness! I'd love to know what message you all got from your inner awesome chic! :-)
Love, light and embracing your inner awesome!