spirit — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Halloween Tarot or Oracle Spread

Halloween Tarot Spread New Age Hipster

Happy Halloween gorgeous souls!

Halloween is a beautiful time to connect with your ancestors and honour those who have passed. It’s a very witchy, wonderful, powerful time to see through veils of illusion.

I hope this spread serves you as a way to work with your guides and those in spirit at this time.

Card one: How to honour this night

This card will show you how you can best honour and work with the energies of Halloween night.

Card two: Protection message

This card will give you insight into how and/or when to protect your energy tonight and always.

Card three: Spirits to guide your way

Here you’ll find a message about which guides are with you right now and anything they want you to know.

Card four: Ghosts of the past to release

Got any ghosts hanging around who are ready to go to the light? This could be literal ghosts or figurative ones!

Card five: A message from your ancestors + those passed

Halloween is a powerful time to connect with your ancestors and passed over loved ones, here they will give you a message.

Card six: How to see through the veil all year round

Seeing through the veil and connecting with spirit is not just for Halloween! Here you’ll find some info for how you can stay connected year round.

If you find this spread useful please share on Instagram and tag me in your pics so I can find you!

And if you liked this spread be sure to check out my 5 Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without free e-book!

Right, I’m off to watch Hocus Pocus!

Halloween Blessings! x

Hocus Pocus

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The 2015 energy shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?

image from www.favim.com I know I'm not the only ungrounded person around right now. The 2015 energy shift I've felt coming into this new year has been intense! So many shiny people on social media have been saying similar things too. It seems a lot of us are feeling a double whammy. We feel better than ever, like we are floating on clouds, in an exciting new head-space full of ideas, inspiration and even productivity! But meanwhile our bodies are telling a different story...

You may have been feeling like this lately:

<3 light-headed or dizzy

<3 ungrounded (more than whatever is 'usual' for you!)

<3 having waaaay too many ideas for your pretty little head

<3 sick - head-colds, nausea, migraines, headaches...

<3 pain somewhere in your body

<3 super excited!

<3 scattered

<3 anxious

<3 nervous (good or bad!)

<3 like your energy isn't in your body properly

<3 out of alignment

<3 any other way your body/mind tells you that you are ungrounded or uncentred

<3 just weird 


At the end of 2014 I had the worst migraine I've had in years. It was horrible. I lost my vision three times (usually it just happens once) and didn't get it back totally for a few days and I was in a seriously crap amount of pain. Then in the days after I just felt weird, I blamed the migraine, but guess what? It's been a couple weeks now and I still feel weird! Peeps on Instagram and FB have been reporting similar disturbances - disconnect, fuzzy, faint, dizzy, werid. OK, I'm a Gemini and I'm pretty scattered most of the time, but the thing is, a lot of other peeps are saying that they don't usually feel like this at all. 

So what the actual is going on? 

OK, so for those who didn't get the Numerology memo 2015 is bringing us into an 8 year which means Abundance City Baby! 2014 was a 7 year, which was basically about learning and working shit out. So for those of us who spent last year reading self help books, chatting with our guides and angels, journalling, asking questions, learning new skills, just thinking - 'what the hell am I supposed to be doing with my life?' and taking any steps big or small towards becoming who we really actually are and doing what we actually came here to do - this shift is HUGE! We actually know now what we are meant to do! I mean OMG! YAY!


Think of 2014 as level 1, or 2, or whatever level you've been playing at, doesn't matter! As the clock struck midnight bringing us into 2015 we literally levelled up! So here we are now walking around this new level and feeling pretty good about it! It basically looks the same, but there are some slight differences, new challenges, different colours, characters we didn't see before, we might even have a new outfit on or a different hair colour. The old level we were playing at had no challenges left for us!

So really, we are just feeling ungrounded because although we have raised our vibration (or levelled up!) our bodies haven't totally caught up yet!

PLEASE NOTE: Now this isn't medical advice by any means and I'm planning to see a doctor myself to talk about my migraines, and I highly suggest you do the same if you have any health issues, worries or concerns, but if you are just generally feeling ungrounded, perhaps it's just because your body isn't playing at the same level as your higher self is, not just yet anyway!


Try out some of the tips below or check out this post I wrote on grounding:

<3 take a bath

<3 breathe

<3 meditate

<3 eat potatoes - I'm not even joking, very grounding

<3 read... anything. You know I love a good YA book

<3 visualise your energy going back into your body and dropping down a touch

<3 clear your chakras

<3 yoga

<3 stretch

<3 dance

<3 carry crystals - I highly recommend black tourmaline, but any crystal and especially the dark coloured ones are good for serious grounding

<3 get outside as much as you can

<3 drink lots of tea (preferably caffeine free!)

<3 ask the angels, your guides, whoever you work with to help you stay grounded

<3 do all your grounding visualisations - feet as roots!

<3 just say out loud - "I am grounded!"


I hope you all start feeling a little less weird soon, or at least coming to feel normal in your new weird!

And guess what?! There's still time to get a 2015 reading with me! Huzzah! I'd love to help you look at the energies of your 2015 and how to work with them to make this the best year yet! Also make sure to come find me on Facebook for more New Age Hipster goodness, free daily readings and all sorts of fun things!

Sending you all loads of love, light and congratulations on levelling up!



2015 New Years resolutions and GRATITUDE!

Glitter Lips from www.luvandido.com x OK, I know by now you've probably read a gazillion blog posts about New Years 2015 and if one more person tells you "OMG 2015 IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR EVEEEEEEEEER!" you might just about have enough energy to nod a bit. But this post is going to be different! I think...

First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has supported New Age Hipster this year. If you liked the FB page, if you commented and got involved, if you've been following me on IG, reading my weekly readings or watching my YouTube videos, or even if you've just stumbled upon this post today - THANK YOU for being part of this. I never really thought that people would actually like or resonate with what I have to say, or that anyone would even pay me to read their cards, and I have so much gratitude for every single one of you who've I've had the joy of connecting with through my intuitive readings this year. I've loved hearing your stories, shedding some light in dark places and most of all, giving you some empowering words of advice and mostly of all, telling you what you already knew deep down so that you know you're on the right path.

OMG, I swear I have spent more time prepping and planning and getting into a good headspace for this year than any other year EVER. Which is cool, and I'm actually loving getting organised and working out what I actually want from this year and feeling like amazing things can happen! But as a bit of an introvert, it's also been kind of exhausting. So tonight, while all you party girls and glam guys are out drinking and dancing, I'm going to be at home eating home cooked Sweet & Sour (the BF's mum's recipe and it's AMAZING!!), watching Frozen, having a beer and generally dorking out. 

What I guess I'm trying to say is that even though there is this amazing buzz around about how 2015 is going to be prosperous, abundant, the sparkly and glittery year you've been waiting your whole life for just take a deep breath and put it in perspective. Yes, this coming year does have a 'make all your dreams come true' vibe, but so does every year if you want it to. Collectively a lot of us are much more in a space now where we want to turn away from the old outdated 'life models' that no longer serve us individually or as a planet. We don't want to run the rat race any more, we don't want to give all our money to big corporations who don't pay their people decently. We want to actually make a difference on this planet and stepping into 2015 feels like a chance to do it! But it's not like you are going to wake up tomorrow with a six figure business, the perfect family and a house that looks like you Pinterested it.

So if you wake up on the first of January 2015 feeling hungover, or sorry for yourself, or if you spend the whole day watching bad TV or pigging out don't see it as failure. You have 364 more days to make 2015 the best year of your life. Don't freak out about the pressure of making 2015 the best year yet...

You have every day of your life to make this the best life of your existence!

OMG that's so totally deep! :-D

And if you are feeling like you need some extra guidance as we head into this spanking new year you can visit my Etsy store: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/NewAgeHipsterStore and you can find out more about what to expect from one of my readings by checking out the Readings page.

I'm sending you all so much love, light and sparkly 2015 vibes!



Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche


Weekly Reading - Goddess Guidance Oracle - 15th to 21st December

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Doreen Virtue OK so I'm literally sitting on a King sized bed at the Hilton eating Potnoodle, listening to Taylor Swift and pulling Goddess Guidance Oracle cards. Sounds more exciting than it is. I'm only here because I have nowhere to live for a week and I got a good deal on Hotels.com and I'm pretty sure this bed is actually two twin beds pushed together.

But anyway, you don't want to know about that, you want to know what's happening this week. I felt super drawn to the Goddesses this week. We've had a lot of heavy releasing and dealing with dirt weeks lately, and you know what? That's needed sometimes, but now it's time to pick ourselves up, get in the shower and wash off the mud and reconnect with our inner Goddess power! Raarrrr!

Monday - Yemanya

Yemanya is a super powerful Sea Goddess who can grant wishes! Ask for a wish today and see what happens. But this card is also about doors opening. If you wish for something like a new job, and then the universe shows you a new job but it's on the other side of a door - for God's sake go through the door! Don't be asking for stuff and then be too lazy or scared to unwrap it when you get it!!

Tuesday - White Tara

Ah this beauty comes up for me often. I don't know about you guys, but the more of this spiritual stuff I do the more I can't eat stuff that doesn't align with me. I can't be in rooms with certain types of people without getting really uncomfortable. Public transport is way worse than it used to be and hair spray freaks me out! We can't shut out the whole world all day every day, but we can be aware of our sensitivities and plan ahead for stuff. Catch the early bus, choose the vegetarian options at the pub and make your own hairspray or look online for chemical free alternatives!

Wednesday - Mother Mary

On Wednesday Mary is just asking us to spend a little thinking about our faith and sending prayers where they are most needed. I just watched Polar Express last night - remember that bit where the kid rings the bell and nothing happens? And then he says "I believe" and rings the bell and he hears it?! That's what we need to do on Wednesday to be able to hear the bell! :-)

Thursday - Sulis

Sulis is a Celtic Sun Goddess who oversees bodies of water. I have to admit the Celtic stuff resonates with me A LOT and I got a little tingle at seeing Sulis here. Connect to what gives you a tingle via water today - take a walk by a lake or on the beach, or if you are stuck in the Hilton and it's dark and there's nothing around but roads you can have a shower or a bath and visualise the water cleansing and healing you. Don't have hot running water? No problem, do a visualisation! You can imagine yourself under a waterfall!

Friday - Freyja

OK so this is werid, Friday was actually named after Freyja! OMG! #synchronicity! The book says - 'Freyja rides in a chariot pulled by mighty cats across the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. OK, I think I've found my new Goddess bestie! This girl is all about taking RISKS! What are you teetering on the edge of right now? What risk are you going to take today? This will actually be my last day at my current job and I really want to not have to do this job again, so that's the risk I'm taking. I want to do this! What do you want to do?!

Saturday - Green Tara

Oh wow, we got both Taras this week! Green Tara rescues us by empowering us to save ourselves. Wow, that's real! Delegating today is super important and just because it's Saturday doesn't mean you can't delegate. Ask someone to help you with your blog or creative project. Let someone make you a sandwich, or treat yourself and have someone else make your dinner and even bring it to you! This is also just a message that you don't have to do it all. If you are working on building a new life for yourself be patient and kind to yourself. You can't change the world in one day, but you can do a bit of work towards it for sure!

Sunday - Damara

OK so this can be a great day to literally spend time with your children, or if you don't have children it can be about nurturing your own inner child, or finding ways you can help children that aren't yours. In terms of projects; we 'give birth' to things and then need to nurture them as if they are our children too. Whatever we are doing today the key word is 'nurture'. Nurture yourself, your plants, your cat, your business, your bookshelf.

WOW! I'm so glad I drew on the Goddesses this week, I think they are really going to help us to crank it up a notch before heading into 2015!! If you would like a personal reading with these cards, tarot, angels, whatever! drop me a line I'm vix(at)newagehipster.co and would love to hook you up with a new year reading. I'm thinking a full year ahead tarot spread + a Goddess and Archangel for 2015 and a fairy message all for a super good price! Yay! I want one! LOL!

<3 Lots of love, light and Goddess goodness! <3



Grounding 101

angel feathers and leopard shoes
angel feathers and leopard shoes

As an airy fairy air sign (Gemini) who quite literally goes 'off with the fairies', or angels, or just I don't even know where sometimes, grounding myself has been one of the most beneficial things I've worked out how to do. It has made the most amazing difference in how I'm able to connect to my higher self and intuition.

For years I've been floating away. I always had about a gazillion ideas at a time, and with a joyful adventurous spirit this meant I was always doing things like booking international flights on a whim, dating highly inappropriate men, not being able to hold down or have any interest in a real job, and creative projects? Don't even get me started. I had so many I couldn't even tell you them all - I was selling jewelry on Etsy, learning guitar, writing songs, writing Tween fiction, starting and deleting various blogs, acting in short films, dabbling with all sorts of spiritual and religious ideas and I was always out drinking and dancing. So OK, I still do a lot of these things, but now I do them differently. I only go on holidays I can actually afford, I am holding down a real job while I build my business and work on getting my YA novel published and I still enjoy the odd beer. But I feel better. I feel grounded.


What is grounding?

To me grounding is about centering your energy so that it stays in your body and connected to the earth, rather than floating off up and away somewhere else. It's like when you're driving you want your tyres to be on the road right? Not bouncing around like a 4X4 on a bunch of sand dunes.

I was talking to the bf about grounding - he's one of the most grounded people I know - and I while I was trying to explain why I needed to stay grounded and why it was hard sometimes I described it as my energy sometimes feeling like it's slightly higher than my body. Sometimes it feels like my head is kind of above my head!

Berkshire forest fairies
Berkshire forest fairies

What happens when we're not grounded?

Not being grounded is different for everyone, but some things that happen to me when I'm not grounded are:

<3 Feeling like you're 'miles away' or 'off with the fairies' at inappropriate times (it's OK to be off with the fairies sometimes!)

<3 Feeling lightheaded

<3 Not being able to focus on stuff

<3 Not being able to make or follow through on decisions or plans

<3 Getting sidetracked

<3 Having a lot of awesome ideas but never being able to start, follow through or finish anything

<3 Feeling hyperactive or like you just have too much energy buzzing around you

<3 Feeling anxious and worried

<3 Feeling like your head is above your head!

<3 Zoning out

<3 Racing thoughts, crazy thoughts, random thoughts, or just the general inability to control your thoughts

<3 That feeling like you've had way too much sugar

<3 Being indecisive and 'whatever' about anything from choosing your dinner to finding your new flat

<3 You generally feel like you aren't connected to the earth, nature or this planet

<3 You feel like you are from another planet! (Even Star People need to be grounded!)

I come from a different planet
I come from a different planet

How will grounding help?

Getting grounded makes you more certain, solid, connected and gives you emotional, spiritual and energetic strength! Think of it as wearing a pair of super comfortable shoes you know you can walk all day in and they look great. Being ungrounded is like wearing flip flops in the middle of winter and being grounded is like wearing a pair of the most comfortable wedge boots ever!

Grounding will will make you feel more centered, and when you start getting your energy centered you start getting more messages from your body, spirit and your higher self.

I know you want to be up there with the Heavens and the Angels getting your guidance first hand, but the reality is that we are on this earth and we need a landline. You can't use your iPhone on a plane (maybe you can if you go first/business class but that ruins my metaphor!), so think of grounding as your landline. The more grounded you are the clearer your signal will be!

grounding crystals
grounding crystals

That's great Vix, but HOW do you get grounded?

There's a gazillion ways you can get grounded and you really have to find out what works for you by just trying different stuff, but here's what works for me:

<3 Visualisations - I've used loads of visuals from imagining that my legs are super long and my feet are firmly far below in the earth to the super common imagining tree roots coming out of your feet, growing into the ground and then attaching themselves to a rock or a crystal. I love this one - for a fun twist I imagine golden roots and whatever crystal I feel like I need that day - e.g. I'll tie my golden roots around a huge Citrine crystal if I need an optimistic boost, or Amethyst if I'm going to be doing a lot of tarot.

<3 Balance your chakras - there are a ton of meditations on chakra balancing on the internet, or if you know what you're doing chakra-wise just check in with your chakras, make sure they're balanced and your energy is properly in your body.

<3 Go outside! Hug a tree or take off your shoes and walk on the grass/sand/earth.

<3 Bring pot plants and fresh flowers into your house and add a bunch of earthy-energy!

<3 Crystals! All crystals come from the ground so they are all grounding, but some are super grounding, mostly the black ones like Obsidian and Tourmaline but I also love Dalmatian jasper - it's grounding but a nice joyful stone too.

<3 Meditate. If you are like me and sometimes find this difficult you can get some really nice short guided meditations to help you through. I love Kyle Gray's Angel Meditations and 33 Spirit Journeys by Denise Linn.

<3 Eat food from the earth - not being grounded is a great excuse to eat a baked potato. Not sure how grounding a truck load of butter is though, sorry!

<3 Talk to the fairies and nature spirits. Just saying hi to them can get you more in touch with the earth.

<3 Recycle and make a conscious effort to look after the planet that is our home.

<3 Spend time with animals. Cats are so grounding! Meow!

<3 Wear earthy or dark colours - anything that reminds you of nature.

<3 Paint your nails an earthy colour!

<3 Exercise! Spend time in your body, and you don't just have to do Yoga. You can walk, run, dance, go to the gym, swim, whatever works for you.

<3 Spend some time with the Earth/Coins/Pentacles suit in your Tarot or Angel Tarot deck to soak in the earthy energy.

<3 Surround yourself with grounded people. Don't hang out with Drama Kings and Queens!

<3 Choose to be grounded. Sometimes when I'm feeling weird and don't have time for all this stuff or if I've just accidentally eaten 4 donuts or something I just say out loud if I can, or in my head- "I am grounded" and even that alone makes a world of difference.

Angel Tarot - Nine of Earth, Ace of Earth
Angel Tarot - Nine of Earth, Ace of Earth

I would love to know what you do to stay grounded! Join me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and share your own tips for grounding!

Lots of love, light and good grounding vibes,



Vix the New Age Hipster at the Rollright stones
Vix the New Age Hipster at the Rollright stones

The Week Ahead - Don't Stop Movin'

Four of Swords Art Nouveau Tarot OK, I'm going to try and name every single one of these Week Ahead readings after a ridiculous pop song. If you post a video of YOU singing it and tag me in it on YouTube I'll give you a free one card reading. Seriously. Wait, can you even tag stuff on YouTube?! Get it to me somehow and I'll make good on this offer!

So what's going on this week? I've pulled the Four of Swords Reversed straight out of the amazing Art Nouveau Tarot deck, the very same deck that brought you the Scotland Vote results on my Instagram (The Hanged Man!) hours before the BBC. 10 points for me, 0 points for the rioters in the streets the next day. Not cool.

When it's upright this is the card of resting. Not just resting like on the couch with a bag of cheese popcorn while you watch your favourite 80's movies, but more like resting after a big exam, chilling out after a huge week of work or going off on that holiday you've been saving for. This is the card of a deserved rest! You've worked hard and done great and now you can sit on your butt without worrying about doing 'stuff' and finally relax.

But before you start making plans to do absolutely nothing this week and maybe even call in a duvet day - the card this week is reversed. So guess what guys? You will definitely NOT be resting this week! Now that doesn't mean you can't enjoy some chill out time, but if you spend too much time in front of the telly you're probably going to have some kind of guilty feelings about it...

You might find yourself rushing around this week getting errands done, working on projects, working late at work or just being super busy. But there's a message here in the Four of Swords - what we should be focusing on this week are the things that are going to help us flip this card upright. A lot of people see a reversed card in a reading and get bummed as these cards can bring delays and problems, but I like to look at reversed cards as a chance to grow, learn, experience stuff and become stronger.

Do the things this week that you'll be thanking yourself for later. Start that project, clean the house, put up some blog posts, read that book, sign up for that online course or whatever else that's been kind of nagging at you lately.

This is a week of no rest and you'll probably be totally frazzled by the end of it, but by Sunday we will have turned this card around and have a well earned day of rest, right?!

Love, light and a busy bee week!



#Caturday cat card - Queen of Cups

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvYIBPAFJ1E[/embed] Hi guys and welcome to #Caturday!

OK I did my video of only my hands because I couldn't be bothered to put on make up, but it's kind of sketchy. I mean why doesn't it focus on the card? And what's that shadow on the side? Yep, I still have a LOT to learn about YouTube.

But it's not about my dodgy video skills, it's about the message right?!

Today we are being reminded not to get too obsessed about our goals in life, whether it's work, love, money, whatever. It's good to have goals and to always be working towards stuff, but when we get too focused on the goal we miss out on enjoying the journey.

Think about what your ultimate work goal is right now. I have two huge ones right now - to be the next Stephanie Meyer or Doreen Virtue. OK so that's kind of crazy, and probably I don't really want to be that 'famous' because I'm actually pretty shy and stuff, but that's the ultimate goal - career and financial success through writing, helping others and creating some really cool stuff. So I can spend hours a day working on that (and I do!) but seriously I can give up all my weekends to work towards this goal (hang on I do that too!) and maybe I will get there! Yay! But once I get there, then what? Well by then I'll already be working towards the next thing right?!

By the time you achieve the goal you're thinking about today you'll already have like ten more goals you are working towards, so just stop for a second.


And remember to enjoy the journey. Because when you think about it, the journey is really all we'll ever have, everything else is just fleeting.

Sending you loads of love, light and trail mix for your journey,




Indiana Jones - Knight of Wands

He comes riding in on his horse to steal the golden crucifix because 'it belongs in a museum'! Here is your Knight in shining armour - the star of the Adventure genre!

Wands are the action cards and this Knight will do anything but sit at home like a potato on the couch. He has a day job but his evenings are spent researching, working or doing physical training while his weekends are mad adrenaline packed adventures! Relationships aren't really his forte, but that doesn't mean his heart isn't as good as gold, he's just busy looking for ancient artifacts, try not to take it personally. I'm sure you are pretty, but you aren't the Holy Grail.

His relationships with his family can be difficult, mostly because he doesn't stick around long enough to actually deal with any issues, not because he doesn't love them to bits really and he'd lay down his life to protect those he loves.

He's a quick mover, but he rides with purpose and in the direction of his goal. If you look at the other Knights in the tarot (we'll get to those guys I promise!) you'll see none of them has the same level of determination as this fiery, passionate Knight! He protects the realm, and he won't budge on what he believes to be good and right.

If you are in a relationship with this Knight, go easy on him. He's got a lot going on in that gorgeous head of his. He's got mysteries to solve and adventures to have and a nagging partner is going to send this guy packing quicker than you say 'ultimatum'. He's looking for an equal - someone who can share his adventures but also be just as content out having their own adventures!

If this card comes up in a reading for yourself it could be time to get a little more adventurous. Instead of planning another beach holiday look into volunteering in South America, or taking a vacay in the Amazon Rainforest! Shake up your life a little when you're in a rut and this card comes up. Do something crazy. Go out for impromptu mid-week drinks or say yes to that date with the weird guy.

This card tells you to channel your inner Indiana and re-ignite your passion! What are you really passionate about? Is there a cause or charity you want to advocate for? Are you passionate about the environment, history, spirituality, cup cakes?! Whatever it is, stick a stick under it and set it on fire!

Reversed this card can mean either Indiana Jones gone bad, or it could be a suggestion for you to calm down a little. Reversed the Knight of Wands suggests you need to find balance, or relates to someone who is unbalanced and flaky.

Adventures are great, but even Indiana Jones has a day job.

There are so many ways to read the tarot cards, and this is just one interpretation that works for me. I'd love to hear about how you read the Knight of Wands when it comes up for you in a reading. :-)

Love, light and archaeological adventures!



The Week Ahead - Just Walk Away!

Hey hipsters! Welcome to another week ahead reading! It's been a HUGE week for me - I've been training to get my Angel Card Reader Certification with Doreen Virtue! WOWZERS! If you fancy an angel card reading from me you can check out my Etsy store, or keep your eye on my Facebook page. The other day I was on FB and bored and had my cards out so I randomly started giving out free messages - it could happen again! 

When I met Doreen Virtue at the book signing she told me I had 'so many fairies' around me. Now that was kind of surprising because although I've been trying for ages to make deals with the fairies - I recycle more and eat less meat, you gift me some cash - I haven't exactly been that successful at it. But nevertheless, after she told me that I did have fairies I went marching straight up to the store and grabbed the last deck of 'Magical Messages from the Fairies'. And so this week our message comes courtesy of the fairies!

'Walk away'. It's pretty self explanatory really, but you might want to take a little time to work out exactly what you need to walk away from in your life right now. I really don't think this card is telling us all to quit our day jobs and run off to live in a fairy kingdom. It's about being able to walk away from that which no longer serves us. I really think this week it's not just about doing a detox - friends that bring us down, a job that seriously sucks, a bad habit (spending way too much money on oracle decks?!), a shitty relationship or whatever it is. This week we are being called to work out the difference between going through stuff that will help us grow and walking away from that which is stunting us.

Sometimes we put so much emphasis into 'fixing' things that aren't really right for us; a relationship, a house, a job. We try to force things into being what we want them to be and often feel like 'walking away' is a cop out. The easy way out. The fairies are telling us this week sometimes it's OK to end a relationship that isn't working, making plans to leave an OK but fulfilling job we've been in for years, or selling or moving a house that isn't a good fit. Sometimes staying in a situation is the cop out, right? This can also refer to your own emotional crap too. I know for me the emotional crap I need to let go of is my total lack of self-confidence. No matter how many people tell me my tarot and angel readings are spot on and amazing I still have that feeling of 'who am I to do this stuff?' Well this week I'm going to try to change that to 'who am I not to?' And who are you not to be the best you can be?!

Is there a situation you are staying in simply for fear of being a cop out if you walk away? Or a mindset that no longer serves you? Have a think about it this week and on Monday it's the full moon! A perfect time to do some manifestation work - work out what you really want and what you need to let go of in order to make that thing happen!

I'm sending so much love, light and fairy lights to all those who pass this way,



The week ahead - Where are you going?!

A little late with the week ahead - please forgive me! But like I said on #Caturday whenever you see this post is whenever you are meant to see it, divine timing and all that. Anyway, to celebrate that I got my new Doreen Virtue Guardian Angel Tarot deck, that I just gave away a bunch of free readings and that I'm going to be studying with Doreen in London this week I'm using the new deck! This deck is so sweet and cute and vintage and glittery and I'll do a deck review on YouTube if people want that?! Just shout at me on Facebook about what you want to see on YouTube, and even on this blog!

This week I pulled the Six of Thought, which is based on the Six of Swords. It's the boat card, the water taxi, the asylum seekers, the looking for greener pastures card. It can be a metaphorical boat or literally that you are travelling across the sea... but what does it mean for us right now this week? It's not like we're all going on a cruise.

OK, so when I pulled it I got a real sense of knowing where we are going, or rather, making sure we do know where we are going. We have the boat, we have the oars, but do we know where the hell we are heading? It's time to get clear about the destination and this card and the Angels are telling us to really look at our maps this week. Are we heading in the right direction? Have we veered off course a little? Is our heart telling us to change direction but we're still sailing towards something else?

This week ask yourself these two questions:

<3 where are you heading?

<3 where do you want to be heading?

If you get the same answers to both questions you're on your way - keep on sailing sailor! But if you're drifting towards someplace else  get out your oars and start rowing!

You have the boat and you have the power to steer it in anyway you choose, so where are you rowing your boat to?

Don't know where the hell you are going? Well (prepare for shameless promotion!) I have posted a bunch of readings on my new Etsy store including the Life Purpose reading! Yay! It's NewAgeHipsterStore and it just opened yesterday! OMG Amazement! If there's nothing on there for you but you'd still like a reading just email me, I'm vix@newagehipster.co and we can discuss alternative options. And right now I'm offering 25% discount on any Angel readings with the code ANGELS so get angel-ing if you feel called to do so!

Sending love, light and good solid oars to all who pass this way,




