The Week Ahead - Don't Stop Movin'
OK, I'm going to try and name every single one of these Week Ahead readings after a ridiculous pop song. If you post a video of YOU singing it and tag me in it on YouTube I'll give you a free one card reading. Seriously. Wait, can you even tag stuff on YouTube?! Get it to me somehow and I'll make good on this offer!
So what's going on this week? I've pulled the Four of Swords Reversed straight out of the amazing Art Nouveau Tarot deck, the very same deck that brought you the Scotland Vote results on my Instagram (The Hanged Man!) hours before the BBC. 10 points for me, 0 points for the rioters in the streets the next day. Not cool.
When it's upright this is the card of resting. Not just resting like on the couch with a bag of cheese popcorn while you watch your favourite 80's movies, but more like resting after a big exam, chilling out after a huge week of work or going off on that holiday you've been saving for. This is the card of a deserved rest! You've worked hard and done great and now you can sit on your butt without worrying about doing 'stuff' and finally relax.
But before you start making plans to do absolutely nothing this week and maybe even call in a duvet day - the card this week is reversed. So guess what guys? You will definitely NOT be resting this week! Now that doesn't mean you can't enjoy some chill out time, but if you spend too much time in front of the telly you're probably going to have some kind of guilty feelings about it...
You might find yourself rushing around this week getting errands done, working on projects, working late at work or just being super busy. But there's a message here in the Four of Swords - what we should be focusing on this week are the things that are going to help us flip this card upright. A lot of people see a reversed card in a reading and get bummed as these cards can bring delays and problems, but I like to look at reversed cards as a chance to grow, learn, experience stuff and become stronger.
Do the things this week that you'll be thanking yourself for later. Start that project, clean the house, put up some blog posts, read that book, sign up for that online course or whatever else that's been kind of nagging at you lately.
This is a week of no rest and you'll probably be totally frazzled by the end of it, but by Sunday we will have turned this card around and have a well earned day of rest, right?!
Love, light and a busy bee week!