three of swords — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


three of swords

#Caturday cat cards - Three of Swords reversed

photo 2 (6) Guys, it's the weekend why the hell are we looking at the Three of Swords?! This is the ultimate heartbreak card, seriously I don't want to be seeing this first thing on a #Caturday morning! Oh but wait, it's reversed... but is that any better?!

What I'm seeing today is a chance for us to let go of some of that heaviness we have in our hearts, imagine those swords are sliding out now! We are human, we've all had heartbreak and none of us is walking around with a bouncy pure happy heart, that's just not possible in these bodies! It's part of this life's experience to feel emotional pain. Total bummer, sorry guys, but it's true.

So what can we do about it?

1. Accept it. Accept that you have heartache. Don't hide from it, don't cover it with a cute heart shaped rug, look it in the face and say - hey it's OK, this is a part of me and I can work through this.

2. Forgive. Oh hello. Like it's that easy?! If you can' t totally 'forgive' whoever or whatever has hurt you that's cool, this isn't an overnight fix it trick. Just ask the universe, God, angels, guides whoever you like, to help you. What's with this forgiveness thing? OK that's like a whole post, no wait, like a book. What I learnt this week though is that we can't just forgive others, we need to forgive ourselves for how we feel about others. If someone hurt you, you can forgive them, but can you forgive yourself for the mean thoughts you've been thinking about them? Yes, you can and you need to!

3. Heart chakra cleanse! Do some work on your heart chakra this weekend! Do whatever visualisation works for you - green/pink wheels, light, hearts, flowers, whatever, but make sure you see your heart centre as beautiful!

4. Give some love. Send some love to someone; energetically or physically! Give someone a hug, send a virtual hug or an energetic hug!

5. Love yourself. Argh! What?! This is not Radical Self Love Bootcamp! (Although I love that stuff.) We are all at different stages of our self love journey. Some of us are just starting to not hate ourselves and put ourselves down so much, others are feeling much more confident these days but still struggling with certain aspects, and even those of us who are seriously into the self love thing are still having bad hair days. But it's not just about your hair...

When I started writing this post I thought it was just going to be about heart chakra clearing, but there you go - the message today is actually this:

<3 You need to start loving who you are <3

I'm off to what I think is going to be a fabulous workshop today with the lovely Louise Androlia and will be blogging all about it later so come back soon!

Also I'm still giving away free readings if you have a burning question you would like some clarity on! :-)

Love, light and loving who you are,
