The meh Tarot or Oracle Spread - for when you're feeling a little meh x — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


The meh Tarot or Oracle Spread - for when you're feeling a little meh x

Meh Tarot or Oracle Spread by Vix from New Age Hipster x.png

Sometimes you just feel a little bit meh. Not great, not that bad, but just a bit "whatever". On those days you can grab a deck (Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Crystal, Uno, whatever) and come join me in exploring what's going on with your meh mood.

The two positions in this spread that say "Oracle" can totally be interchanged with whatever decks you have. Check out the video below to check it out in action with a little workshop style Tarot reading! :D

If you're feeling a little more than meh, like if you're totally bummed out, you can try the Bummed Out Spread

You can find the link to all my other free Tarot and Oracle Spreads here. If you love it just SO, so much you can grab my e-book of spreads here too! 


Why you feel meh

Sometimes we don't really know why we feel meh.

This card will shine a little light on where you're at and let you know what it is you're resisting, avoiding, what blocks are coming up and whatever else might be causing your meh mood.


What's holding you in meh

When we feel meh it can be hard to just "get over it" and turn off Netflix. I mean we've all been glued to The Gilmore Girls with no ability whatsoever to move, unless it's to make tea, and sometimes even that feels like an effort. This card will let you know what's keeping you feeling meh.


How to release your meh

And now some tips on how to release your meh feeling and move on with your life! Yay! 


Action to take

OK, so what do you need to do to get out of meh,  you know, when you're ready. Because it's totally OK to feel a bit meh sometimes, but you can't pitch a tent and live there, K?


Thoughts to change

Very often when we're feeling a bit blah we're not paying attention to our own thoughts.

Are you hustling too hard because you have a belief about how you gotta hustle to win at life and burning out in the process? Are you feeling like a loser because you have a belief that being single sucks?

So many old thought patterns can creep in, even when we think we've totally cleared them for good. This card will let you know what thoughts to change and focus on right now to bring you out of meh.


Oracle for Love and Hugs

This is just a lovely little message from your spiritual team of support, love and etheric hugs!


Oracle for Empowerment

And here's a message from your team to empower you and help you move through this. :D YAY!


If you wanna post a pic of your spreads on Instagram you can use the hashtag #newagehipster or tag me so I can find you! :)

And if your meh mood still won't quit you can always hook up a reading with me and we can sort through it together.

With so much love, light and meh moving vibes!

