oracle — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Tarot + Oracle Reading | March 2017 x

The NewAgeHipster InstaOracle + The Hanson Roberts Tarot x

The NewAgeHipster InstaOracle + The Hanson Roberts Tarot x

Catch the full reading in the video below... x


Oracle: Green Door

The only way to find out if the door in front of you is the right one is to walk through it.

This month let go of the idea that you have to be 100% sure before you start walking down your chosen path. If you start moving and change your mind, you can always go back.


Relationships: The Star

We have been doing some awesome work on our self-love and self-care and it's really starting to pay off. YAY us! :D

Celebrate how much awesome work you've been doing with this, and stay on the self-love train.


Career: Hanged Man reversed

When it comes to career this month there's a bit of a feeling of being in energetic limbo.

We're no longer stuck in old energy, but we're not yet fully in flow and moving into the new either. It's a bit of a transitional moment. If you feel stuck, don't stress out, you're not stuck, you're just in the in-between.


Wellbeing: Four of Wands

One of the best ways to fill yourself up this month is to spend time with people who get you.

Self-care is not always about salt baths and reading a YA Novel on the couch, it's also having a good meal with a mate, chatting on the phone to your bezzie or getting out there and meeting some new people with similar interests.

If you have a lot of people around you who bring you down more than raise you up, check out my free e-book How To Stay Shiny.


Spirituality: Two of Cups reversed

Connection to our guides and angels is shifting.

We're being called to connect in different ways, rather than the way we are used to.


If you'd like to grab a personal reading with me this month you can hook that up over at the New Age Hipster Shop.


With love, light and humanness,



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August Faves

August Faves New Age Hipster

I love sharing my journey and path with you guys, and so it's always a lot of fun to do these faves videos and blog posts every month sharing what I've been loving. 

You'll find here a very eclectic and random mix of things that have been helping me with my own spiritual journey, lighting up my path and just things I think are cool. :D



All from New Age Hipster Store:

Amazonite smartie bracelets

Angelite smartie bracelets

Clear Quartz cube bracelets

Amethyst pendants

Clear Quartz Point from She's Lost Control

Cute huh? x

Cute huh? x


Fave Tarot of the Month: Connolly Tarot

Fave Oracle of the Month: Crystal Mandala Oracle

Tarot Bags from RavenCraftGifts



A little light on the spiritual laws by Diana Cooper

Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige 

Ghosts of July by Megan Applegate


#KindleAndChill x

#KindleAndChill x

Woo Woo bits!

Blockly candles from Tiger Store


Wellness bits!

Keep your tea warm and your water cold with S'well bottle 


Beauty bits!

Rose Mist by Skin and Tonic London bought at the Zen Den Obonjan!

Key Lime Pie and Honey Trap lipbalm by Lush UK




Being Human

Stranger Things



On Spotify The Stranger Things Soundtrack Playlist OMG

My new favourite band - The Midnight


It's so much fun to share the love! :D

What are you loving? 

With so much love and light,



The meh Tarot or Oracle Spread - for when you're feeling a little meh x

Meh Tarot or Oracle Spread by Vix from New Age Hipster x.png

Sometimes you just feel a little bit meh. Not great, not that bad, but just a bit "whatever". On those days you can grab a deck (Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Crystal, Uno, whatever) and come join me in exploring what's going on with your meh mood.

The two positions in this spread that say "Oracle" can totally be interchanged with whatever decks you have. Check out the video below to check it out in action with a little workshop style Tarot reading! :D

If you're feeling a little more than meh, like if you're totally bummed out, you can try the Bummed Out Spread

You can find the link to all my other free Tarot and Oracle Spreads here. If you love it just SO, so much you can grab my e-book of spreads here too! 


Why you feel meh

Sometimes we don't really know why we feel meh.

This card will shine a little light on where you're at and let you know what it is you're resisting, avoiding, what blocks are coming up and whatever else might be causing your meh mood.


What's holding you in meh

When we feel meh it can be hard to just "get over it" and turn off Netflix. I mean we've all been glued to The Gilmore Girls with no ability whatsoever to move, unless it's to make tea, and sometimes even that feels like an effort. This card will let you know what's keeping you feeling meh.


How to release your meh

And now some tips on how to release your meh feeling and move on with your life! Yay! 


Action to take

OK, so what do you need to do to get out of meh,  you know, when you're ready. Because it's totally OK to feel a bit meh sometimes, but you can't pitch a tent and live there, K?


Thoughts to change

Very often when we're feeling a bit blah we're not paying attention to our own thoughts.

Are you hustling too hard because you have a belief about how you gotta hustle to win at life and burning out in the process? Are you feeling like a loser because you have a belief that being single sucks?

So many old thought patterns can creep in, even when we think we've totally cleared them for good. This card will let you know what thoughts to change and focus on right now to bring you out of meh.


Oracle for Love and Hugs

This is just a lovely little message from your spiritual team of support, love and etheric hugs!


Oracle for Empowerment

And here's a message from your team to empower you and help you move through this. :D YAY!


If you wanna post a pic of your spreads on Instagram you can use the hashtag #newagehipster or tag me so I can find you! :)

And if your meh mood still won't quit you can always hook up a reading with me and we can sort through it together.

With so much love, light and meh moving vibes!



Archangel Orion

The Archangel Orion card from Kyle Gray's Angel Prayers Oracle deck "Archangel Who?" I hear you ask. Archangel Orion is relatively new on the scene, he's pretty much the hipster angel. You know, the angel you were working with before he was mainstream? By starting to work with him today you'll have the chance in your next life to roll your eyes at everyone when they tell you about the "new" Archangel Orion. You can be like - "Oh please, seriously, I was working with him in my last life you guys..."

Anyway, this isn't a post about future lives, we're here today to talk about Archangel Orion. Just hold up a sec while we remember what angels actually are. Angels are light beings, right? I mean, let's face it, we don't totally know what they are, we just know that they are energy, really high vibe good helpful energy that you can call on to help you. When peeps saw angels way back in the olden days they mistook their light for wings. I'm not even joking, angels don't really have wings - OMG freak out! But then angels were like - OK, you think we have wings, we'll appear to you with wings so you know who we are!

I don't think about Archangel Orion as having wings, and if you do that's totally cool, like I said, they'll show themselves to you in any way that you'll understand them. But when I think of him I just see the stars, I see the entire Universe and I feel this Galactic kind of energy. If you are a star person or into star people stuff you might find that you gravitate (ha, see what I did there?!) towards this angel even more.

*Jaw drops!*

Orion hasn't been working with our planet long enough (that we know of!) to have conformed with our current idea of 'angels'. He's new here, and he brings with him the big picture. He resides high above this Renaissance angel stuff and takes us to whole other planets! In fact, since I've been working with him I've had this amazing dream about being on another planet. It kind of looked like Russia but the colours were just incredible and there was a huge moon on the horizon, and another one higher in the sky... This angel won't just show you how to get your tax return done, he'll show you the whole fucking universe.

Sorry about the language mum, I know you read this.

Archangel Orion is the angel of manifestation. He will help you manifest great things for your life, but not boring earthly stuff like a new TV or extra cash. I asked him this morning to help me manifest new tarot clients. He responded with - Why? Why do I want new clients? Uh, because I like reading tarot and I like paying the bills? I was then guided to answer this question:

What do you really want to do while you are here on this planet?

Uh, OK this was all happening as I was driving in rush hour so I was kind of like - Hrm. I got to thinking about the big stuff. The big WHY?The big WHAT?

It wasn't about getting new clients at all. It was about what I want to do on this planet while I'm here. Well, I want to help people, I want to be happy and make other people happy. I want to have enough money and time to travel and see the world. He then took me through loads of other questions, prompting me with - what do you want in relationships? What do you want for your family life? I have to tell you by the end of it I was feeling a serious amount of awe, for like, everything.

Archangel Orion will pick you up out of your body for a moment (is this a good idea in traffic AA Ori?) and show you the big picture. He will help you get clear on what you want, why you want what you think you want and help you manifest from a distance of clarity. He won't get you that holiday in the Bahamas because maybe he knows that you'll come back to your 9 to 5 and nothing will have changed. He doesn't want to help you to do that. He wants to help you to do the big stuff, and you can't do the big stuff while you're thinking about the small stuff.


So how can we connect with the big O?!

<3 Ask him to work with you. Ask him to help you manifest your desires (not manifest your desires for you!)

<3 Let him take you out of yourself and ask you the big questions

<3 Answer the big WHY and the big WHAT without focus on the little details. Don't tell him what job you think you want, just tell him how you want to help the world, and how you want to feel about it

<3 Light dark blue candles

<3 Play with crystals like dark blue sandstone or Peacock Ore or any other crystals you see that remind you of him, of the enormity of the universe

<3 Paint your fingernails dark blue with gold glitter

<3 Look at the stars and stand in awe

<3 Ask for him to take you to beautiful places and other planets in your dreams

<3 Consider your life in the grand scheme of things and ask yourself - does it really matter that I didn't finish that blog post tonight?

<3 Work with Kyle Gray's Oracle Deck that features Archangel Orion (and so many other great cards!) and meditate on his card, or just leave it out by your bedside as you sleep to bring his energy into your life

<3 Do anything else that makes you feel connected to the big picture, the Universe and your heart's true desires.


Please share your Archangel Orion experiences here in the comments or over on Facebook. He's such a new angel here and we will all benefit from sharing our knowledge and understanding of him so that many more of us can begin to live bigger and more meaningful lives! I know I'm just starting to work with him so I will be sharing any new info I get too!


<3 Love, light and starry skies <3




Vicious gossip + white light - The weekly Reading Jan 19 - 24 2015

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech

I just had to use my newest deck for the weekly reading this week. I've been loooooving it with my whole heart! It's the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech and if you like it, you can get it (AND SHOULD GET IT!) by clicking here. Also, check out that killer review on Wordery! I freaking LOVE Wordery!

Anyway! Here are your Faery messages for this week...

Start of the week - Silver Sisters

This card is all about gossip and negative energy. It could be that others are throwing their negative vibes at you and you need to protect yourself from it, or it could be that you have thrown some daggers and nasty words around about others. This is bad, and I know it's hard because some people seriously are dicks and they piss you off and so you need to vent. But make sure your venting doesn't throw negative energy at that person. It's OK to say to a friend - it made me feel really mad when this person did [whatever]. It's not OK to go on a total bitch-fest. Raise your vibration and stop bitching. If you are in a seriously negative environment and just can't see how that's even possible - get out of it.

If you need protection from this kind of negativity try imagining yourself in a pink (or colour of your choice) bubble. Clear yourself with white light and ask your Angels, Faeries and Guides to clear you and keep you safe from other people's negativity. You can also wear crystals - especially dark colours like black tourmaline or obsidian.

Middle of the week - The Grail Faery

The new moon on Tuesday night is going to bring us into a re-set vibe. You can read more about this coming new moon on Gala Darling's blog. This Faery is telling us a similar story. We need to check in with our new years resolutions or 2015 goals or wishes. Are you on the same path you were on at the start of this year? Do you need to amp it up and put in some extra effort? Do you need to totally get back on course? Do you just need to re-affirm your commitment to making 2015 your best year EVER?! Time to make yourself accountable. Let go of procrastination and any shit that's weighing you down and get back on track!

If you wanna work on your goals you need this book. If you are feeling like - OMG WTF am I doing with my 2015 and my life?! have a think about getting one of the last remaining 2015 readings!

End of the week - The Unicorn and the Maiden

Woah, what a powerful card. This is all about humans and animals coming together to work together to create peace on this planet. What do you need to do in your life to create a better planet? Recycle, stop buying crazy packaged fruit or veg when you could buy it loose. Pat and love animals instead of wearing them as fancy outfits. Buy the 'safe' versions of cleaning products. OK, this isn't always totally practical, but do your best. Do what you can.

Every night before you go to sleep imagine planet Earth, like how it looks from space. Imagine white light surrounding the planet - creating peace. Imagine if we all did that.

If you need any more tips and tricks on how to protect yourself energetically or if you want to share your tools and thoughts please come by Facebookand hang out! If you'd like a reading with me check out my Readingspage and if you want to see these cards up close and personal follow me on Instagram!

Here's to a totally awesome week! :-)

<3 Love, light and Unicorn pats <3


Cleaning out your closet - Weekly Tarot + Angel Reading 12 - 18 January 2015

Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster
Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster

OK, we're doing something different this week: it's your weekly Tarot AND Angel card reading! I'm pulling three Tarot cards from the Cosmic Tarot + a message from the Angels via Kyle Gray's Angel Prayer's Oracle Cards deck! Whoo! Let me know what you think about the change in direction for the weekly readings! :-)

Start of the week: Princess of Wands Reversed

If you didn't read my post called 'The 2015 Energy Shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?' you might want to check it out. The gist is that we are feeling weird. Our higher selves have levelled up this year, but our bodies are still kind of catching up and getting used to it. Please see a doctor if you have any unusual things going on, but if you are feeling more of a 'disconnect' with your body even though your spirit connection is actually enhanced you might just be suffering from a levelling up hangover. Don't worry too much Princess, it's just some growing pains.

Middle of the week: King of Pentacles

So we are all guns blazing into 2015 because it's an 8 year right? The year of abundance and all that cool stuff! Whoop! Well, yeah, but let's not forget that abundance isn't just cold hard cash. It's also about health, love, family, friends, opportunitiesall the good stuff and lots of it! Don't get so focused on the money aspect that you forget to ask, manifest and work towards creating a life filled with all forms of abundance! Don't over water the lemon tree while the apple tree goes hungry.

The Weekend: Six of Wands Reversed

This weekend we need to get our sticks in order. Huh? OK, so you know how to tidy a mess sometimes you have to make a mess? This is one of those times. Maybe it's a literal mess you need to create - like when you clean out your closet. You have to pull all the crap out and then go through it all, sort it out and then put it back. Maybe you need to do that with your brain, or a relationship or something else this weekend. Get decluttering!

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray

Angel message: Divine Mother

So even though this week is kind of like just sorting out your closet (metaphorical or literal) Mother Mary wants you to know that she's with you hun. Call on her this week if you need some peace. It's easy, you don't even have to be Catholic or anything. Just say - 'Mother Mary' and then see how you feel. She always makes me feel like everything is fine. I mean hello, she gave birth to Jesus, she can probably help you tidy up your shoes.

Oh and guess what? On Tuesday the 13th January (that's this week!) I'm hosting another FREE TAROT TUESDAY on my Facebook page. Basically all you have to do is rock up to FB around 6pm GMT and post a question under the Tarot Tuesday Image - so it's gotta be something you don't mind other people seeing right? And I'll answer as many as I can in an hour! If the time zone is a bitch for you I'd love you to let me know. Just drop me a note on FB or Twitter and I'll try to make the next one at a time most people can come!

Hope to see you there! :-)

<3 love, light and abundance! <3



Weekly Reading - Goddess Guidance Oracle - 15th to 21st December

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Doreen Virtue OK so I'm literally sitting on a King sized bed at the Hilton eating Potnoodle, listening to Taylor Swift and pulling Goddess Guidance Oracle cards. Sounds more exciting than it is. I'm only here because I have nowhere to live for a week and I got a good deal on and I'm pretty sure this bed is actually two twin beds pushed together.

But anyway, you don't want to know about that, you want to know what's happening this week. I felt super drawn to the Goddesses this week. We've had a lot of heavy releasing and dealing with dirt weeks lately, and you know what? That's needed sometimes, but now it's time to pick ourselves up, get in the shower and wash off the mud and reconnect with our inner Goddess power! Raarrrr!

Monday - Yemanya

Yemanya is a super powerful Sea Goddess who can grant wishes! Ask for a wish today and see what happens. But this card is also about doors opening. If you wish for something like a new job, and then the universe shows you a new job but it's on the other side of a door - for God's sake go through the door! Don't be asking for stuff and then be too lazy or scared to unwrap it when you get it!!

Tuesday - White Tara

Ah this beauty comes up for me often. I don't know about you guys, but the more of this spiritual stuff I do the more I can't eat stuff that doesn't align with me. I can't be in rooms with certain types of people without getting really uncomfortable. Public transport is way worse than it used to be and hair spray freaks me out! We can't shut out the whole world all day every day, but we can be aware of our sensitivities and plan ahead for stuff. Catch the early bus, choose the vegetarian options at the pub and make your own hairspray or look online for chemical free alternatives!

Wednesday - Mother Mary

On Wednesday Mary is just asking us to spend a little thinking about our faith and sending prayers where they are most needed. I just watched Polar Express last night - remember that bit where the kid rings the bell and nothing happens? And then he says "I believe" and rings the bell and he hears it?! That's what we need to do on Wednesday to be able to hear the bell! :-)

Thursday - Sulis

Sulis is a Celtic Sun Goddess who oversees bodies of water. I have to admit the Celtic stuff resonates with me A LOT and I got a little tingle at seeing Sulis here. Connect to what gives you a tingle via water today - take a walk by a lake or on the beach, or if you are stuck in the Hilton and it's dark and there's nothing around but roads you can have a shower or a bath and visualise the water cleansing and healing you. Don't have hot running water? No problem, do a visualisation! You can imagine yourself under a waterfall!

Friday - Freyja

OK so this is werid, Friday was actually named after Freyja! OMG! #synchronicity! The book says - 'Freyja rides in a chariot pulled by mighty cats across the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. OK, I think I've found my new Goddess bestie! This girl is all about taking RISKS! What are you teetering on the edge of right now? What risk are you going to take today? This will actually be my last day at my current job and I really want to not have to do this job again, so that's the risk I'm taking. I want to do this! What do you want to do?!

Saturday - Green Tara

Oh wow, we got both Taras this week! Green Tara rescues us by empowering us to save ourselves. Wow, that's real! Delegating today is super important and just because it's Saturday doesn't mean you can't delegate. Ask someone to help you with your blog or creative project. Let someone make you a sandwich, or treat yourself and have someone else make your dinner and even bring it to you! This is also just a message that you don't have to do it all. If you are working on building a new life for yourself be patient and kind to yourself. You can't change the world in one day, but you can do a bit of work towards it for sure!

Sunday - Damara

OK so this can be a great day to literally spend time with your children, or if you don't have children it can be about nurturing your own inner child, or finding ways you can help children that aren't yours. In terms of projects; we 'give birth' to things and then need to nurture them as if they are our children too. Whatever we are doing today the key word is 'nurture'. Nurture yourself, your plants, your cat, your business, your bookshelf.

WOW! I'm so glad I drew on the Goddesses this week, I think they are really going to help us to crank it up a notch before heading into 2015!! If you would like a personal reading with these cards, tarot, angels, whatever! drop me a line I'm vix(at) and would love to hook you up with a new year reading. I'm thinking a full year ahead tarot spread + a Goddess and Archangel for 2015 and a fairy message all for a super good price! Yay! I want one! LOL!

<3 Lots of love, light and Goddess goodness! <3



The Week Ahead - 3rd to 9th November

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

This week's messages are brought to you by the Fairies! I used the super cute Magical Messages from the Fairies deck by Doreen Virtue. I love this deck, I picked it up moments after Doreen Virtue herself told me I had 'so many fairies around me'. I'd been working with the fairies for a while, but hadn't really seen much response back from them, but I guess they are working with me, and this week they are working with everyone who reads this!

Monday - Good-bye to the old, hello to the new

Get rid of some old stuff today. Clean out your car, or your closet, your mind or your energy. It feels like we are just finishing off these last few months now, ready to begin again in January, but actually, new things are starting NOW if you are open to them! Something in your life wants to be over. Let it go!

Tuesday - Business venture

A great day to brainstorm some business ideas alone, or with a potential business partner! Maybe you need to spend some time today looking online for jobs or courses. And if you are one of the lucky ones who loves their job - yay for you! But what about working towards a promotion or even sharing some of your skills on a volunteer basis? There is always more we can do with our awesome skills!

Wednesday - Your desire is within reach

Today is about connecting to your faith. It's so easy to get mad at the Universe, hello, I've been there recently myself. Today we do whatever we need to do to reconnect to our 'faith', whatever that means to you. It could be having a cry about everything that's going wrong and letting it all out, throwing a pillow, or just moping around for a couple of hours, but after that you need to take a deep breath, remember what you believe and why and tune back into that.

Thursday - Your wish is granted!

Jiminy Cricket! What a great day to start working on manifesting something! You've reconnected with your faith, now sit quietly and put out into the Universe what you really want. Not just some fancy dress or pair of £800 shoes. No,no, no - what do you really want? Do you want a new job? A life partner? A new house? Travel? Start putting it out into the Universe. I don't want to hear any - 'Oh I think I might want to be a writer someday' kind of vague intentions. No, no. 'I ama writer!' is what you will say, and you'll bloody well mean it! (the word writer is totally exchangeable!)

Friday - Summer & Travel

You need to sow the seeds NOW for what you want to see in your life in six or eight months time. You can't sit on the couch watching Netflix all winter and expect to wake up in Summer with a fun new job. Friday is also a fun day to start planning a getaway. Remember when you travel that you it's not just about you having a good time. When we travel we can help others! Whether it's volunteering in South America, or shining your light on a tiny seaside village, your holiday is not just about you!

Saturday - Winter

We're sowing the seeds for what we want to achieve later down the track but we also need to stop and look around at our lives and be thankful for all we have, and all that we have manifested in our lives so far. Think back to how your life was six months ago or a year ago and be thankful for all you've achieved. Sure, a lot of us have gone through hard times, but we can be thankful for those lessons and move on now knowing we have learnt them and won't have to do that again!

Sunday - New Career

Every weekend we are getting career guidance lately, what's up with that? OK this is a serious message for Sunday - Stop finishing work on Friday, going to the pub and then wasting your whole weekend "having fun" and then going back to work on Monday and doing it all again. It's time to break that cycle and find work that is meaningful to you. It's not going to happen overnight, but like they said on Thursday - sow the seeds now! What do you really want to do career wise?! How do you want to make your money? Read some books about industries you would like to work in, watch a documentary about animal rights, teach yourself tarot. Just do something constructive OK? Even if you love your job, what other skills do you wish you had?!

The fairies have well and truly kicked our butts about this week! They're expecting big things from us, and they totally believe we can do it, or else they wouldn't have wasted their time helping me write this right?!

Also, don't forget to recycle this week! I'm not just talking about regular paper and plastic, but all packaging. Packaging is crazy and it makes me sad when I think about how much of it is in the world, so let's minimise it's impact by recycling everything we possibly can this week! Join the conversation on Facebook and click on the Readings tab for more info about how to get your own personal messages from the fairies!

Wishing you all a busy, powerful fairy light filled week!

Love and light!



Indiana Jones - Knight of Wands

He comes riding in on his horse to steal the golden crucifix because 'it belongs in a museum'! Here is your Knight in shining armour - the star of the Adventure genre!

Wands are the action cards and this Knight will do anything but sit at home like a potato on the couch. He has a day job but his evenings are spent researching, working or doing physical training while his weekends are mad adrenaline packed adventures! Relationships aren't really his forte, but that doesn't mean his heart isn't as good as gold, he's just busy looking for ancient artifacts, try not to take it personally. I'm sure you are pretty, but you aren't the Holy Grail.

His relationships with his family can be difficult, mostly because he doesn't stick around long enough to actually deal with any issues, not because he doesn't love them to bits really and he'd lay down his life to protect those he loves.

He's a quick mover, but he rides with purpose and in the direction of his goal. If you look at the other Knights in the tarot (we'll get to those guys I promise!) you'll see none of them has the same level of determination as this fiery, passionate Knight! He protects the realm, and he won't budge on what he believes to be good and right.

If you are in a relationship with this Knight, go easy on him. He's got a lot going on in that gorgeous head of his. He's got mysteries to solve and adventures to have and a nagging partner is going to send this guy packing quicker than you say 'ultimatum'. He's looking for an equal - someone who can share his adventures but also be just as content out having their own adventures!

If this card comes up in a reading for yourself it could be time to get a little more adventurous. Instead of planning another beach holiday look into volunteering in South America, or taking a vacay in the Amazon Rainforest! Shake up your life a little when you're in a rut and this card comes up. Do something crazy. Go out for impromptu mid-week drinks or say yes to that date with the weird guy.

This card tells you to channel your inner Indiana and re-ignite your passion! What are you really passionate about? Is there a cause or charity you want to advocate for? Are you passionate about the environment, history, spirituality, cup cakes?! Whatever it is, stick a stick under it and set it on fire!

Reversed this card can mean either Indiana Jones gone bad, or it could be a suggestion for you to calm down a little. Reversed the Knight of Wands suggests you need to find balance, or relates to someone who is unbalanced and flaky.

Adventures are great, but even Indiana Jones has a day job.

There are so many ways to read the tarot cards, and this is just one interpretation that works for me. I'd love to hear about how you read the Knight of Wands when it comes up for you in a reading. :-)

Love, light and archaeological adventures!



The Week Ahead - Just Walk Away!

Hey hipsters! Welcome to another week ahead reading! It's been a HUGE week for me - I've been training to get my Angel Card Reader Certification with Doreen Virtue! WOWZERS! If you fancy an angel card reading from me you can check out my Etsy store, or keep your eye on my Facebook page. The other day I was on FB and bored and had my cards out so I randomly started giving out free messages - it could happen again! 

When I met Doreen Virtue at the book signing she told me I had 'so many fairies' around me. Now that was kind of surprising because although I've been trying for ages to make deals with the fairies - I recycle more and eat less meat, you gift me some cash - I haven't exactly been that successful at it. But nevertheless, after she told me that I did have fairies I went marching straight up to the store and grabbed the last deck of 'Magical Messages from the Fairies'. And so this week our message comes courtesy of the fairies!

'Walk away'. It's pretty self explanatory really, but you might want to take a little time to work out exactly what you need to walk away from in your life right now. I really don't think this card is telling us all to quit our day jobs and run off to live in a fairy kingdom. It's about being able to walk away from that which no longer serves us. I really think this week it's not just about doing a detox - friends that bring us down, a job that seriously sucks, a bad habit (spending way too much money on oracle decks?!), a shitty relationship or whatever it is. This week we are being called to work out the difference between going through stuff that will help us grow and walking away from that which is stunting us.

Sometimes we put so much emphasis into 'fixing' things that aren't really right for us; a relationship, a house, a job. We try to force things into being what we want them to be and often feel like 'walking away' is a cop out. The easy way out. The fairies are telling us this week sometimes it's OK to end a relationship that isn't working, making plans to leave an OK but fulfilling job we've been in for years, or selling or moving a house that isn't a good fit. Sometimes staying in a situation is the cop out, right? This can also refer to your own emotional crap too. I know for me the emotional crap I need to let go of is my total lack of self-confidence. No matter how many people tell me my tarot and angel readings are spot on and amazing I still have that feeling of 'who am I to do this stuff?' Well this week I'm going to try to change that to 'who am I not to?' And who are you not to be the best you can be?!

Is there a situation you are staying in simply for fear of being a cop out if you walk away? Or a mindset that no longer serves you? Have a think about it this week and on Monday it's the full moon! A perfect time to do some manifestation work - work out what you really want and what you need to let go of in order to make that thing happen!

I'm sending so much love, light and fairy lights to all those who pass this way,


