Wonder Woman Tarot and/or Oracle Spread

Wonder Woman Tarot Spread

If you haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, get thee to a cinema ASAP and enjoy the girl power delights for your eyes!

If you're ready for the divine feminine to rise, you're going to freaking love this film.

I took my mum to see it the other day and my inner Goddess was like "yeaaaaaaaaaah giiirrrrrrrrrl" through the whole thing.

Also, did anyone else have major Atlantean flashbacks during the scenes on Themyscira? :O

Anyway, let's get down to bizniz!

This spread, inspired by Wonder Woman is perfect for trying times, times of battle or difficulty, times when you're starting to feel exhausted from fighting the patriarchy or generally when you feel you could use some Wonder Woman energy.

You can use Tarot or Oracle cards, or a combo of both. Whatever deck you have to hand is perfect. :)


Card one: Headband: What is your intuition telling you?

Sometimes when we're fighting something or someone, we can get so caught up in the situation that we forget to check in with what our intuition and guidance is telling us about the way through.

This card will help you reconnect to your own intuition and guidance about the issue at hand.


Card two: Shield: What do you need to protect?

When moving through challenges, protection is vital. This card can help you to see what it is that needs to be protected at this time.


Card three: Lasso: What do you need to sacrifice?

In all battles there are always things we need to sacrifice in order to win the war. This card will help you see what it is that you need to gracefully sacrifice in order to move forward.


Card four: Sword: What are you fighting for?

When we've been fighting for a while we can start to forget how we even got there, and what we're even fighting for. This card can help you to see what the big picture of the situation is.


Card five: Armbands: How can you deflect negativity?

You can't win a battle if you're getting hit by energy bullets. This card can help you to see how you can deflect negativity around you so you can stand in your power and light.


Please tag me if you share your reading on Instagram so I can find you! :D

If you liked this spread and want more, head to the Start Here page for a list of all spreads on this blog.

And if you fancy a reading with me check out the New Age Hipster Shop.

With so much love, light and divine feminine power,

