
Dune Tarot Spread or Oracle Spread

It has been such an intense week gorgeous souls!

Between Eclipse Season, that Full Moon in Scorpio, phew! I’m wiped!

Since the beginning of this year (2022) I’ve been trying to dedicate myself to weekly blogging. The last few years I’ve been a not-very-hot blogging mess, leaving months between blog posts, blogging about all sorts of randomness. I think I blogged like three times one year.

And so my plan was to get really focused and create good quality content on here at least weekly moving forward.

But you know what, after that week, the best I can do is this Dune themed tarot (or oracle!) spread!

I am so late to the Dune party.

And just as a heads up here, I’m talking about the old Dune. The Dune 1984 movie.

Yep. I only just watched it a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to watch the new one but thought I’d check out the vintage Dune first.

And so wow, what a movie, huh? Well, what a book originally. I haven’t read it, I’ve heard the book is where it’s at though.

So many metaphysical and spiritual concepts. All this talk of destiny and magic spice and saving the galaxy. I’m here for it.

And whether you’ve seen it or not, whatever. Just grab a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s dig for spice!

*Hot tip - if you don’t have a deck, no worries. You can always use any of my spreads as journaling prompts!

1. What is your destiny?

Maybe your destiny is as grand as saving humanity. Hopefully it’s something that doesn’t involve Sting trying to kill you.

2. What is your magic spice?

Your magic spice is your secret superpower, the thing everyone loves about you, the thing your enemies want and can’t have! Mwahahaha!

3. What must you destroy to bring peace?

Hopefully you don’t have to destroy your own magic spice, but perhaps there is something that needs to go, a sacrifice, an offering, something that can no longer be carried in order for you to fulfil your destiny. This card will let you know what that is, and hopefully how to let it go. (Feel free to pull an extra card if you need more info!)

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and spice dust,



Archangel Christiel, Angel of the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness

“You are light and love incarnate. Live your life from the highest path and perspective.”

That’s the oracle message Archangel Christiel brings through via the Angels Among Us Guidebook.

Archangel Christiel is one of the lesser known Archangels, but she’s been growing in popularity in recent years, and for good reason.

Archangel Christiel is known as the angel of divine feminine Christ Consciousness. She is the female aspect of the Christ Light and can help anyone seeking to connect to a higher source, higher consciousness and higher light.

We talk so much in spiritual circles about being “high vibe” that it can become a throwaway phrase. But living a high vibrational life really is the aim of so many spiritual seekers. We want to be free of all the BS, the programming, the “stuff” that stops us from living in alignment with our best and highest path. We don’t want to be dragged down by negativity, we want to be free to live our highest purpose and destiny!

One of the best things we can do to live a high vibrational life is to be able to see things from a higher perspective, and Archangel Christiel is the angel who can help us do that.

She can take us on her wings and help us rise up and look down on situations with more love, compassion and kindness.

If you need help taking the higher road, forgiving or letting go, call on Archangel Christiel to help you do so.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

“Archangel Christiel is the angel of the divine feminine Christ Consciousness. She is a very high vibrational angel who can assist you in activating the Christ light within, connecting you to the energies of love, compassion, peace, forgiveness, courage, strength and higher wisdom. The Christ light is usually associated with Jesus, but many masters of light such as the Buddha also worked with this energy. Archangel Christiel can help you connect to this energy of higher consciousness and love directly through the higher chakras - the soul star, causal and stellar gateway chakras.”

Archangel Christiel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Archangel Christiel can help us open and activate the higher chakras - the soul star, causal and stellar gateway, helping us to connect more strongly with our own higher self, our guides, angels and divine guidance.

If you resonate as a lightworker, Archangel Christiel can be a powerful ally in helping you to shine your light out in the world and make a positive difference to the hearts of so many.

If you’re ready to activate your light, be the light and anchor the light into the world, call on Archangel Christiel and ask her to help you shine bright!

If you’d like to connect deeper with the energy of Archangel Christiel, grab your deck - tarot, angel, oracle, whatever you have, and take some time to work with the questions and prompts below.

1. How to connect with light

2. How to be the light

3. How to share the light

4. How to stay light

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and high vibes,



Want to dive deeper with higher consciousness? Check out these kits:

Grab the deck!

Full Moon in Scorpio Tarot Spread

There is just no denying the power of a Scorpio Full Moon.

If you want to dive deep into your own subconscious, your baggage, your past lives, this is the moon that can get you there.

If you want to release and let go, once and for all, this is a powerful time to do it.

And if you want to activate your power, passion and purpose, just say the word!

The Full Moon in Scorpio is one of the witchiest, darkest, deepest moons and although it may have some of us gritting our teeth and hoping the dreamscape doesn’t get too weird (it probably will, let’s just go with it!), this moon can be used by all of us - shadow workers, lightworkers, witches, hard-core esoteric practitioners and baby witches alike.

The Scorpio Full Moon opens up a deep portal within our own beings, our own subconscious, and we can choose to dive deep for pearls of wisdom, answers to our biggest questions and knowledge of who we really are, what we’re really doing here.

This moon invites you to activate the dormant power residing deep within you, but for most of us, that power is so deeply buried within our being it takes a deep dive, lots of courage and strength to reach it.

Some people can’t wait to get their witch on and navigate the power and depths of the Scorpio Full Moon, but if all that sounds a bit too much, I’ve got you. You can also use this time to simply just rest and be. Get off socials, turn off the telly and reconnect with your own being in whatever way that is for you. Meditate, journal, take a long walk or even better, a long bath. Glass of red wine or cordial option.

However you choose to do the Scorpio Full Moon is all good. Do your rituals your way, go as deep as you choose to. Do you.

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the Full Moon in Scorpio, but you can really use it anytime you want to move back into alignment and balance.

Also, check out the Scorpio Season Tarot Spread for more shadowy transformative vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s go deep!

Here’s one I made earlier with the Modern Witch Tarot

1.Secrets to be revealed

2.Where to journey deeper to live your passion and where to focus your potent magick

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and deep diving,



Alternative and Empowering Tarot Card Meanings | The Hanged Man (The Hanged One)

The Hanged One (or Hanged Man) is an interesting card in the tarot.

So often we see it as a block, or a standstill. Nothing is moving. Nothing is happening. We're just "stuck."

Or at least, that's how it appears at first.

It's easy to be in that hanged one position and resist it. We wiggle and shout and try to look for a way out. We hustle and struggle and think that's the answer, but it's usually only in the moment of finally surrendering that we find the magic, the meaning and the perspective we are looking for.

Although we know that traditionally the Hanged One is a card of perspective, no one likes the idea that we have to get tied, twisted and hung upside down in order to find it.

Discomfort isn't something we often seek out. We much prefer comfort, thanks very much. We like our duvets and doonas and pillows when given a choice.

But imagine what it would be like to climb a tree every morning, hang upside down and give yourself a different perspective on your problems, your blocks, your life.

What if instead of seeing the Hanged One as a symbol of being stuck, we saw it as a spiritual practice?

What if the Hanged One is nothing more than an uncomfortable yoga pose that is strengthening your body, mind and spirit?

There's something magical that happens when we sit with our discomfort instead of trying to get out of it as quickly as possible. We get to know what we're made of, we find strength of character and will, even physical strength we didn't know we had.

Yogis will know this card isn’t about being trapped or stuck or at a standstill. It’s a beautiful opportunity to come back to the self. To pause, meditate and let the divine guidance and inspiration flow.

There’s a wonderful Kundalini yoga practice called Kriya for Strengthening the Aura and it really reminds me of the energy of this card.

It begins with push ups in triangle pose (downward dog). The idea here is that you are pushing your aura into the earth, grounding yourself from a new direction, expanding your aura into all directions, strengthening your aura in all directions.

And no, it’s not very comfortable once you reach the three minute mark, but my goddess you feel incredible afterwards! :D

The Hanged One from the Modern Witch Tarot. x

If you’ve pulled the Hanged One (or Hanged Man) in your reading and are looking for some empowering meanings, try one of these:

  • Be open to new perspectives

  • Take a break from hustling and struggling and just be

  • Return to your spiritual practice - create stillness and quiet in your life

  • Sit with your discomfort, trust it will pass

  • Take a sacred pause

  • Take a break from social media and other content

  • Meditate

  • Move your body (especially if you feel “stuck" in your mind or in your life)

  • Think about this card as an uncomfortable yoga posture, stretch or fitness move that you know is good for you!

  • Just go with it (whatever it is!)

  • Trust and surrender

  • Let someone help you (you don’t have to do it all alone!)

  • See whatever is happening right now as an opportunity for growth and to build strength

  • Try Kundalini yoga and learn how to use your discomfort as a super power!

  • Explore any fear you may have of being out of your comfort zone (for most of us that’s standing upright!)

Always take what resonates and leave the rest. Maybe the Hanged One has a totally different meaning for you, and it’s all good.

We all see the world and the tarot differently.

Personally, I love to use the Tarot for empowering readings that help me and my clients to navigate challenges with as much ease and grace as possible and to create the life of our dreams!

Looking for more tarot stuff? Check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect! :D

With love, light and new perspectives,



New Moon in Taurus Tarot Spread

New Moon in Taurus Tarot or Oracle Spread

Ah, good old Taurus, always bringing us back down to earth, whether we like it or not!

Taurus is such a grounded, earthy sign and when the new moon hits in that space it brings an opportunity to manifest in a very grounded and practical way.

Taurus reminds us that although we can always count on divine guidance and support, at the end of the day, we are the ones living here in our meat suits and if we choose to, we can use them to direct our energy, walk our talk and make things happen.

Taurus is known for being the most stubborn sign in the zodiac, so before you start any manifestation practices check-in with yourself first.

Are you stubbornly holding onto something that is holding you back and stopping you from living your best life?

Once you’ve let go and moved on, it’s time to plant those seeds of intention firmly into the earth.

Don’t forget to keep watering and nurturing them over the moon cycles until they grow big and strong by taking small steps every day to get you where you want to go.

Also, check out the Taurus Season Tarot Spread for more Taurus vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s get planting!

Here’s one I made earlier with the True Heart Tarot by Rachel True.

1.what to be grateful for

2.Grudges to let go of

3.seeds to plant

4.How to make them grow

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and planting seeds,



Goddess Lakshmi & Prosperity Consciousness

“Prosperity now! Stay in gratitude for all you have, no matter how much. Remember that prosperity is not a number; it is a state of being.”

That’s the oracle message Lakshmi brings through via the Angels Among Us Guidebook.

Lakshmi is a familiar goddess to most of us on the spiritual path. She’s the one we call upon when we need some help bringing in a bit more bank.

Prosperity spells, money magick and abundance rituals are often one of the first places we start on our magickal journey.

And for good reason! We live in a world where the energy exchange for just about anything and everything is via cold hard cash.

So whatever it is that we want or need for our basic survival, to be a little more comfortable or to help us with our big purpose work, it usually takes money.

But it’s only when we start to really dive into the prosperity work that we realise it’s about so much more than money.

Prosperity isn’t just money your pocket, it’s a consciousness, a way of being, a way of living and moving through the world.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

“Goddess Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of prosperity, fortune and beauty. She is respected and revered in the Buddhist and Jain paths as well as in new age and other spiritual belief systems. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and can be called upon for any issues relating to money, finances, abundance and material wealth. Connecting you to the energy of prosperity consciousness, Lakshmi shows you that money is energy and that true wealth and abundance is not about how much money you have in the bank, it is a feeling, an energy, a way of being.”

Goddess Lakshmi from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

If money alone was the answer the richest people in the world would also be the happiest, healthiest and most fulfilled. We all know that’s not true, and yet many of us still act as if money is the answer to all our problems.

And yes, if you’re struggling to pay rent right now, money is going to help you, so call on Lakshmi and ask her to help you!

Goddess Lakshmi can absolutely help you with any financial situation, so call on her and ask her to shower you with her blessings.

But there’s another level to her magick and that is the activating of prosperity consciousness.

This happens when we fully open our third eye to all we already have. When we become conscious about our own money journey. When we start to spend our money on things we really need and value. When we are willing to share our wealth to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Prosperity consciousness looks like gratitude, inner peace, positive relationships, attracting opportunities that can help you live your purpose. It’s living your life knowing that you will always have what you need, trusting the divine and honouring the earth and others by using your wealth for good.

And it’s about being open to prosperity coming into your life in ways you never even expected!

If you’d like to connect deeper with the energy of Lakshmi, grab your deck - tarot, angel, oracle, whatever you have, and take some time to work with Lakshmi’s questions and prompts below.

1. riches you already have

2. How to bring in more wealth

3. How to share the wealth

4. How to feel rich here and now

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and prosperity,



Want to dive deeper with Goddess Lakshmi and Prosperity? Check out these courses:

Grab the deck!

Full Moon in Libra Tarot Spread

Libra is famous for being a sign of balance, justice and harmony.

Just like the scales that symbolise Libra’s zodiac sign, when the full moon lands here it here shines a light on everything that is out of balance.

We talk so much in our spiritual communities about “alignment” as if it’s this thing you can obtain once and you’re sorted for life. But actually, alignment is something we’re aiming for every day, in every moment, in every breath.

One could argue that you can’t really be “out of” alignment as it’s all part of the path (a deeper conversation for another blog post!), but there are definitely times when we feel a little wonky, out of sorts, not like ourselves, or perhaps, better put, not like our best selves.

And we all want to feel like our best selves (as much as is humanly possible) because when we’re in that state we’re better able to make a positive difference in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Our spread this full moon is a gentle nudge back into alignment.

As the full moon is especially potent for releasing magick, it’s a great time to write down all the things that aren’t in alignment, that aren’t working for you and burn them in your cauldron!

And those things you want to call in, those things you want to be aligned to, well, you can start working on getting yourself into alignment with them so they have a better chance at magnetising towards you!

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the Full Moon in Libra, but you can really use it anytime you want to move back into alignment and balance.

Also, check out the Libra Season Tarot Spread for more Libra love!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s get aligned!

Angels Among Us Oracle

Here’s one I made earlier with the Angels Among Us Oracle by me (Victoria Maxwell!) and Ellie Grant.

1.What is out of alignment in your life to find a deeper inner alignment to align with what you want to manifest more peace and harmony in your life

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and alignment,



Hathor, Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the Sky, Love, Celebration and Gratitude

“Celebrate yourself, acknoweldge your successes and live each day in gratitude.”

That’s the oracle message Hathor brings through via the Angels Among Us Guidebook.

As with all the Ancient Egyptian deities (and many others), it’s always tricky to know exactly what they were the gods or goddesses of, as they morphed and changed with the people, the culture, the people’s needs and how they viewed the world.

Hathor is known for many things, including (but not limited to!) being a sky goddess, the goddess of love, of celebration and music, gratitude, grace, and so much more.

In a nutshell, Hathor is the party planner of the spiritual realms and she can help you to acknowledge and celebrate your successes and achievements. But you don’t have to “achieve” in a capitalistic, patriarchal way for Hathor to think you’re worthy of a big bash. Just getting out of bed each day, trying to be a decent human, showing love to others, these are all things that are worthy of celebration every single day.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

“Hathor is an Ancient Egyptian Sky Goddess who is usually depicted as a woman with the head or the ears of a cow. She is an uplifting and loving mother goddess who is associated with women, women’s health, love, fertility, the heart, the planet Venus, music, dance, joy, rebirth, rejuvenation and feminine expression. She is also the consort of Horus. When Hathor appears it is time to celebrate life and all of its gifts.”

Hathor Angels Among Us Oracle

Hathor from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Hathor also brings us a reminder to connect with gratitude. And not just in the keeping a gratitude journal way (although that can be useful), Hathor reminds us that in every moment there is something to be grateful for - in every breath, every sunrise, every smile and every cup of tea.

Gratitude is talked about so much in the spiritual community, but it’s not something we can really do. it’s an energy, a consciousness to embody.

You don’t “do” gratitude, you live gratitude.

And the more gratitude we find in each moment, the more that energy expands and fills our entire being, our relationships, our work, our entire lives.

We focus so much on manifestation, what we want for the future, but imagine if we focused just as much (or even more!) on the here and now, on all the magic and wonder of this present moment.

A helpful mantra to carry with you to activate more gratitude consciousness in your life is simply this:

“I love my life.”

The more you say it, or think it, the more in love with your life you fall, the more you’ll find to celebrate and the more Hathor-like you will become.

If you’d like to connect deeper with the energy of Hathor, grab your deck - tarot, angel, oracle, whatever you have, and take some time to work with Hathor’s questions and prompts below.

Hathor Tarot Spread

1. How/where to find gratitude

2. What to celebrate

3. How to honour yourself

4. How to Love your life

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and gratitude,



Grab the deck!

New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread

New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread

The Aries New Moon is a double whammy of new beginnings energy!

It’s the first sign of the Zodiac and the new moon always brings the vibes for starting something new!

This is an incredible time to start over. To let go of all that is no longer (or never was) in alignment and make some space in your life for all the things you want to manifest and call in.

Think of this new moon as a cosmic decluttering, cleansing and donation drive. Let it all go and start a new chapter.

Aries is a sign that doesn’t mess around. It is bold, strong, confident and okay, sometimes aggressive, but it knows what it wants and always goes for it, and most of the time, it gets it too!

This new moon invites you to take a few risks, get out of that comfort zone and ask for and go for what you really want. If not now, when?

So be bold, believe in your dreams and get out there and make it happen!

Also, check out the Aries Season Tarot Spread for more Aries vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s manifest those new beginnings!

Tarot of Curious Creatures

Here’s one I made earlier with the Tarot of Curious Creatures by Chris Anne.

1.What is no longer in alignment

2.What never was in alignment to manifest new beginnings and opportunities

4.risks to take that may just pay off

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and new beginnings,



Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

The full moon is a powerful time for releasing and manifestation and when it’s in detail oriented, organised Virgo it’s an extra potent time for looking at how your routines, habits and to-do lists are working or not working for you.

Because Virgo is an earth sign this can be an especially potent moon for moving your dreams into the physical.

Virgo is queen of planning and getting organised, so this is an incredible time to not only light those candles and meditate on what you want to create within yourself and your life, but also for getting out your diary and scheduling it all in.

Habits and routines also come into the light during this full moon, so consider which habits you want to release and which ones you want to cultivate. Routines can often feel boring and restrictive, but let me tell you something, without my routines I never would have created a successful blog and business out of my love for all things spiritual! Routines can be the foundation you need to get where you want to go.

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the Full Moon in Virgo, but you can really use it anytime you want to connect with and stand in your own power.

Also, check out the Virgo Season Tarot Spread for more Virgo vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s get organised!

Angels Among Us Oracle

Here’s one I made earlier with the Angels Among Us Oracle by me (Victoria Maxwell!) and Ellie Grant. to let go of expectations and obligations

2.what to remove from the to-do list routines and habits that can bring more joy

4.details to focus on so the rest takes care of itself

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and looking after the details,



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