
New Moon in Leo Tarot Spread

A new moon in Leo!? Well dust off your dancing shoes and throw on a sequin kimono because this is going to be a big one!

Leo is a big, proud, fierce vibe and combined with the bright new anything can happen energy of the new moon, this moon really is all about going big or going home.

There is no way to get away with playing small during a Leo new moon, and this is the perfect time to look at all the ways you do play small in your life that aren’t serving you. As the new moon portal opens, lay down all the ways in which you hide your light for the (perceived) benefit of others, all the ways you people please and “dim to fit in".

This is a new moon to get honest with yourself about what you really want and how you want to shine brighter in the world. Where and how do you want to be seen? What do you want to be recognised for?

While Leo can be a sign with a little bit of ego, it also brings questions around how you want to help and support and make a difference in the world. We all want to be seen and acknowledged, but many of us also want to do something good, helpful and worthwhile to be seen and acknowledged for.

Take some time this new moon to really tune into your purpose path, the ways you want to use your big heart and bright light to be of service and help the world.

If there’s one thing this new moon is here to do, it’s to remind you that you are here to live a big and bold life, that you deserve to be seen and recognised and loved for all you do.

No more playing small this moonth, it’s all about rising, shining and letting the world hear you ROOOARRRRRRR!


  • Manifest, manifest, manifest - go BIG with your manifesting! Nothing is too crazy or big to put out there!

  • Confidence and courage spells

  • Shadow work - dive deep into fears and beliefs that keep you playing small

  • Meditate on your purpose

  • Clear and charge your crystals

  • Make some citrine gem water or aura sprays

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the new moon in Leo, but you can really use it anytime you want to connect with the big, fierce vibes of Leo.

Also, check out the Leo Season Tarot Spread for more Leo magick!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s go big!

Here’s one I made earlier with the Goddesses Among Us Oracle coming soon!

1.what keeps you small

2.How to bust through it

3.How to be bold

4.How to live big

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and being bold,



Alternative and Empowering Tarot Card Meanings | The Tower

I wrote a blog post many years ago called Rebuilding with the Tower which is still totally relevant and you may want to check that out that post too if you’re struggling to interpret the tower tarot card, but in this post I wanted to share a different and even more empowering take on the Tower card.

Last weekend I watched Short Circuit and Short Circuit 2. They are still such great movies, and apart from the casual racism and sexism of the mid 80s (which honestly wasn’t much worse than in today’s movies I gotta say), they have really stood the test of time.

On Monday morning I pulled the Tower card in my own reading. I’m no stranger to this card, and I think most of us who are on any kind of spiritual journey have seen the Tower pop up quite often!

As I looked at the Tower card from the Fifth Tarot I had a bolt of lightning realisation that the Tower moment is literally what happens to Johnny Five in Short Circuit! :o

Without giving away any spoilers, Short Circuit is about a robot who gets struck by lightning and gains consciousness. He becomes “alive”.

And that’s exactly what happens to us when the lightning hits the tower!

The Tower has often been associated with enlightenment. It’s only when the bricks of BS or worldly junk fall away that we’re able to really see the spiritual truth.

The Tower is one of those cards that often brings fear to the hearts of those getting a reading. Even more so sometimes than the Death card. The imagery of the Tower is intense. It’s people being thrown out of towers, getting impaled on sticks, everything burning to the ground. It’s no doubt people are a little alarmed when it comes up.

But if we reframed it as a card of enlightenment we could see it so differently.

Assuming we are actually on a journey towards enlightenment of course.

Sometimes the fear of this card is related to the resistance we have about our own spiritual journey and the changes we are being called to make in our lives to reach that enlightenment we seek.

Many of us want to live our spiritual truth, we want to gain insight and work on our own spiritual development and ascension journey. But we also don’t want to give up our 3D comforts or have to make any changes to do it. And that’s when the Tower gets scary. When it takes away the things we think we need and want in order to show us a better way.

Think of it like this - you’re sitting on the couch with a big fluffy blanket eating chips and zoning out with bad TV. You haven’t moved in months. You know you kind of do want more for your life, but you’re also really comfortable and chips are tasty and blanket is fluffy. And you don’t really know what’s outside anymore, so you just stay where you are, even though on some level you know it’s not really in alignment with your best and highest good.

The Tower is like your kitchen catching on fire and you having no choice but to haul your ass off the couch and fix your kitchen and then your whole life.

You might resent it at first, but it may just be the best thing that happened to you.

In Short Circuit , not only does our friend Johnny 5 get hit by lightning which gives him conscious awareness, he then goes on a spiritual journey which is often where we go from this light bulb moment. It’s not the easiest journey when you’re awake and aware, but it’s so much better than living life as a robot or a couch potato.

The entire movie feels like a metaphor for the spiritual journey, and if you watch part 2 it just continues!

The Tower is the moment of realisation. The moment you realise - woah, what’s with all these walls I’ve built? Why am I in this tower of my own making? It’s the moment you realise you can get out of there. You can rip down those walls and be free.

The Tower is about liberation, enlightenment, a deeper realisation that something needs to change in your life so that you can be free.

Of course then we have the whole journey to go on from there. What do we do when our tower comes crumbling down and the rest of the world is still living in theirs? How do we navigate the world without living in a tower of our own making when that’s the societal norm?

Although the traditional Tower card represents people falling to their deaths, if you are on the spiritual journey and willing to do the work, the Tower is nothing to be afraid of.

In fact, for many of us on the spiritual path, The Tower card is the moment we’ve been waiting for. The insight and illumination we’ve been seeking to help get us to the next point on our journey.

If you identify as a lightworker, good witch, yogi or you’re on the ascension path, this card is a big hello from your spiritual guides and angels that you’re on your highest path and that you will break through, align and find your way to deeper truth, love and enlightenment.

So next time you see this card in a reading remember it’s a symbol of enlightenment, a chance to step forward on the path of ascension and become more awake and conscious and purposeful in your life.

The Tower from the Modern Witch Tarot and from the Fifth Tarot.

If you’ve pulled the the tower card in your tarot reading and are looking for some empowering meanings, try one of these:

  • Enlightenment

  • Illumination

  • Realisation

  • Spiritual downloads

  • Epiphany

  • Clarity

  • Light bulb or lightning bolt moment

  • Consciousness

  • Higher consciousness

  • Crown chakra activations

  • Light codes coming in and activating

  • Loud and clear divine guidance

  • Guidance or knowing you can no longer ignore

  • A spiritual calling

  • Waking up - the spiritual alarm clock going off

  • Moment of truth

  • Insight

  • Awakening

  • Kundalini Awakening

  • Destiny calling

  • Spiritual journey

  • Path of Ascension

  • Destruction of all that is no longer in alignment for you

  • Rebuilding

Always take what resonates and leave the rest. Maybe the Tower card has a totally different meaning for you, and it’s all good.

We all see the world and the tarot differently and that’s what makes it such an incredible tool. We all get what we need from it.

Looking for more tarot stuff? Check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect! :D

With love, light and enlightenment,



Heartstopper Tarot Spread

If you’re not reading the graphic novels or watching Heartstopper on Netflix is your heart even still beating?!

Heartstopper is one of the most wonderful stories I have ever seen or read. It is captures all the first moments of first love in such an honest, raw and beautiful way.

Sure to become an LGBTQIA+ classic and a must watch for all allies, those questioning their sexuality and especially, hopefully, those who need a little reminder that love is love.

I binged the Netflix series based on the graphic novel, originally a webcomic by Alice Oseman last week and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Half way through my binge I bought the first book!

Heartstopper was massive in the UK way before the series came out (when I should have read it but didn’t because sometimes I have to be told to read something eight million times and then see it on Netflix first), but now it’s getting even more of the recognition it deserves and it SO deserves it all!

Heartstopper is not just a story about love, it’s a story about working out who you really are, sharing your truth and heart with those you care about most and not being afraid to own your awesomeness and uniqueness in whatever way feels right and safe for you to do so.

It really is one of the most beautiful love stories ever told!

If you haven’t seen it or read it, go check it out immediately!

Now, let’s pull some cards and figure out how we can all be as awesome as the characters in Heartstopper!

You can use any cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, or if you don’t have a deck you can always use the questions as journal prompts!

1. Truth of who you really are

Here you’ll get some insight into the truth of who you really are. This may be something you are already sharing with the world loud and proud, something you are yet to fully own, or something that you’re struggling with.

2. who has your back no matter what

One of the most beautiful things about Heartstopper is the friendships. Everyone has someone who has their back. This card will show you who has yours. It may represent someone you know, your spirit guides, angels, ancestors, the universe, yourself, or something else. But whatever shows up here, know that someone has your back no matter what!

3. how to feel safe in the world

It’s a nice idea to think that we can all come out of the closet, or the broom closet, whatever closet we’re in, and feel totally safe and supported. In reality it’s not always safe to tell unsafe people who we really are, or to share things we know aren’t going to be received with love. Here you’ll get some insight into what you need to do to feel safe to be who you are.

4. How to tell the world who you are

Here you’ll find some guidance on how to share your truth, light and heart with the world. This could be about sharing some big truth with the world that you’ve been keeping to yourself, or simply some guidance on how to shine brighter and let the world see your radiance!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and being true to you,



Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread

Capricorn is a hardworking, ambitious sign with a heart of gold. Honestly, how can you not be in love with a sea goat?!

Capricorn is traditionally represented by a creature that is half goat half mermaid. Sorry I couldn’t find one for the graphic! But what an incredible creature! :o

As an earth sign, a Capricorn full moon brings us down to earth and helps us to remember that magick and manifestation is all about meeting the universe half way.

There’s a reminder this full moon to recognise that sometimes the only thing that stands in the way of our dreams, is us.

Our beliefs, our thoughts, our general energy all affect our ability to reach for those highest ambitions we have in life. We often like to look outside ourselves and blame everyone and everything around us, and while there are always outside influences, a lot of the time the shifts need to happen within before they happen around us.

The full moon is always a powerful time of releasing, and when it sits in Capricorn we have an opportunity to release anything that’s stopping our hard work from paying off.

Although it’s an earth sign, Capricorn is also known to have a few wobbles now and then when it comes to dealing with negativity, so this is a great time time to release any negative energy that’s affecting you - that you’ve picked up from others or created.

Looking for some rituals ideas for this full moon?

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the Full Moon in Capricorn, but you can really use it anytime you want to get out of your own way and make some magic happen!

Also, check out the Capricorn Season Tarot Spread for more Capricorn vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s make some magick!

Here’s one I made earlier with the Modern Witch Tarot. to get out of your own way

2.negativity to release

3.your highest ambitions

4.action to take to make it happen

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and magick,



The OC Tarot Spread

Welcome to the OC, witch!

I recently re-watched the entire series of The OC and I gotta tell you, it really stands the test of time. It still feels just as relevant today as it did when I was in my younger years and dreaming about getting into trouble with Ryan in Orange County.

And for those of you who are only just discovering The OC, I’m jealous that you get to watch this incredible gem of a TV show for the first time!

So many iconic moments from Ryan’s first party where he gets the crap beaten out of him, eating bagels at the Cohens, all Marissa’s drama, when [SPOILER] Luke falls in love with Marissa’s mom, the twin flame relationship that is Seth and Summer, that time Jimmy Cooper got punched at the party and what about when Kirsten took Yogalates?!

So grab your wine coolers and a tarot deck (or you can use oracle or angel cards too!) and let’s pull some cards OC style!

1. What kind of trouble you’re in

Hopefully you’re not in as much trouble as Ryan at the beginning of the first episode, but this card can give you some insight into what issue is affecting you most right now.

2. What Drama you attract

There’s sooo much drama in the OC, but actually, we all do attract a bit of drama now and then. Here you’ll see what you’re attracting that you just don’t need to be. Let this shit go.

3. How to accept help

When Ryan is given a pretty decent place to stay (a private pool house with an infinity pool overlooking the beach anyone?) he struggles at times to really accept and allow that others want to help him. If you don’t accept the help being offered to you, you may end up missing out on some pretty sweet views!

4. How to create your own success

While it’s nice to live in someone else’s mansion, at the end of the day, most of us want to create or find our own success. This card will show you how to do it!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and riding the waves,



New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread

The watery, emotional vibes of a New Moon in Cancer offers an opportunity for some serious nurturing of our dreams.

Cancer is a deeply emotional and intuitive sign and when the new moon hits here it’s an opportunity to do some serious water magic.

Instead of focusing solely on manifestation this moon, you may like to switch the focus slightly to nurturing what’s already growing.

Our dreams need nurturing. We can’t just throw our desires at the universe, cross our fingers and hope for the best. We have to water our dreams so they grow.

However, if you are wanting to manifest a new living situation, this is the moon to do it!

A Cancer New Moon is a good time for any kind of house and home magick including space clearing, decluttering, redecorating, re-organising your altar and manifesting the dream home.

This is also a time to trust your gut, listen to your intuition and take the next step you’re being shown.

Most of all, this is a powerful time for self-nurture and self-care. There’s nothing better than using the homey, cosy energy of Cancer to boost your self-love magick. Whether that’s through beauty spells and rituals, warm cups of tea or blanket forts and good books.

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the new moon in Cancer, but you can really use it anytime you want to connect with the emotional, intuitive vibes of Cancer.

Also, check out the Cancer Season Tarot Spread for more Cancer magick!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s get cosy!

Here’s one I made earlier with the Modern Witch Tarot.

1.What your emotions are trying to tell you

2.How to deepen your intuition

3.How to nurture yourself

4.How to nurture your dreams

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and mood boosts,



Litha Summer Solstice Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas

Litha blessings gorgeous souls!

Litha is the pagan summer solstice celebration that honours the power and strength of the sun.

Celebrated at the summer solstice it’s a time to enjoy the abundance of nature and all that life has gifted us.

Litha is a time to honour our own inner light and to activate our power and purpose so that we can move forward with more courage and strength in our own lives.

Usually a very happy and joyful celebration, Litha is a perfect time for counting your blessings and manifestation of any kind.

The summer solstice is also a reminder that just as the earth has given us so much abundance through the summer, that the days will start getting shorter again and soon we will move back into the cooler days and towards winter.

So use the power of Litha to activate yourself with the light of the sun and keep it shining bright all year round!

In the southern hemisphere we celebrate Litha during our summer solstice in December.

The only way to spend summer imho.

Looking for some Litha rituals?

As always, you can celebrate Litha or any of the sabbats however you like. But here are some ideas that may be useful in helping you develop your own rituals.

Charge a crystal

Let a crystal charge in the light of the longest day. Whenever you feel like you need a boost of sun power (especially in the darker days) use, carry or wear your crystal.

Watch the sunrise

There’s nothing more powerful than watching the sun rise on the longest day! I was lucky enough to watch the sunrise on the solstice at Stonehenge one year and it was one of the highlights of my life! (And yes, I charged a crystal while I was there!)

Work with plant allies

Pick some flowers or herbs and then let them dry over the next few months. Again, use these flowers and herbs in your rituals and teas (check what you’re drinking!) during the cooler months.

Solar plexus activation

Go outside if you can, otherwise you can do this inside, maybe lighting a candle as a symbol of the fire of the sun. Place your left hand on your solar plexus and your right hand towards the sun. Visualise the sun beaming directly into your solar plexus and charging, clearing and upgrading your courage, strength, power and belief in yourself.

As part of your ritual you may like to work with this tarot or oracle spread!

Pour yourself a cold brew and grab a deck. You can use any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. What to give thanks for

2. Magick to make

3. How to activate your inner light

4. How to keep shining bright

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Litha blessings,



Yule Winter Solstice Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas

How I think I look when I’m celebrating Yule!

Yule blessings gorgeous souls!

Yule is the pagan winter solstice celebration that honours the death of the old and the rebirth of the sun.

In winter (if you live somewhere with European type seasons anyway) Yule is a reminder that the light and the sun will return. That all that has died will be reborn.

It is a time to reflect on the year that was, let go of what no longer serves and look forward to the light returning.

Many of us retreat a little during winter, focusing more on our own inner world. Yule marks a time when we start to think about re-joining the world.

You know, in theory.

The way the world is now, we don’t always have the luxury of resting and retreating during winter. But many of us feel the inward shift towards more introspection during winter, choosing Netflix over social engagements and enjoying good books and cups of tea. Yule reminds us that soon we might want to start going outside again!

Although Yule was adopted (some would say stolen) by Christianity and turned into the Christian holiday of Christmas, it was traditionally celebrated on the winter solstice around the 21st of December in the northern hemisphere.

In the southern hemisphere we celebrate Yule during our winter solstice in June.

Winter will end, promise.

Looking for some Yule rituals?

As always, you can celebrate Yule or any of the sabbats however you like. But here are some ideas that may be useful in helping you develop your own rituals.


Yule is all about celebrating the returning of the light, so working with candles, hanging string lights, lighting candles in your home are all beautiful ways to honour this night.

Candle Spells

Perform a simple candle spell. Ground, clear and protect yourself and your space. Hold a white candle to your heart. Visualise your own heart lighting the candle. Now light the candle and intend that it is a symbol of the light returning not just around you, but within you. You can do this ritual anytime you feel you need to reignite the inner spark!

Burning Ritual

Write down everything that is ready to “die” within you and in your life - old stories, old beliefs, old patterns, anything in your material world that no longer aligns. Burn the papers in a bonfire or by candle flame. (Witch tip - do this outside or you may regret it. The smell of burning paper will never leave your house. I know from experience haha!)


Have a feast. Break bread with family and loved ones or have a personal feast with all your fave dishes to celebrate the turning of the wheel.

As part of your ritual you may like to work with this tarot or oracle spread!

Pour yourself a cup of hot vegan eggnog and grab your deck. You can use any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Gifts of the season

2. Lessons and blessings to hold

3. What must die so you can live?

4. How to bring the sun back in

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Yule blessings,



Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread

Sagittarius is the archer or centaur of the zodiac, always pointing, aiming and firing in the direction it wants to go.

And the Full Moon in Sagittarius is the perfect time to check your aim before you let those arrows fly.

Many of us love a good vision board, manifestation spell or goal setting ritual, but how often do we revisit our goals, dreams and desires to make sure they are still what we really want?

And how often do we revisit them to make sure we are still aiming straight?

I don’t know about you, but on many occasions I’ve written out my big dream, set some goals and gotten to work, only to realize a few months later I’ve gone waaaay off track.

I’ve also found myself pursuing dreams that I thought I still wanted to reach, only to realize my heart wasn’t in that path anymore, even though my feet were still moving in that direction.

This full moon in Sagittarius is time to pause and check in with where you’re aiming.

But it’s not just about goals. Check-in with your intentions, your words, if your actions are in alignment with what you say.

Are you becoming the person you want to be?

Take some time this full moon to also celebrate your accomplishments. All the goals you’ve reached, all the targets you’ve hit, regardless of if you want to keep going that way.

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the Full Moon in Sagittarius, but you can really use it anytime you want to check your aim.

Also, check out the Sagittarius Season Tarot Spread for more Sagittarius vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s point those arrows!

Here’s one I made earlier with the Angels Among Us Oracle

1.lessons to reflect on

2.old Dreams to celebrate or let go

3.what to aim for today

4.Long term goals to shoot for

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and good aim,



New Moon in Gemini Tarot Spread

Is there anything fresher than a New Moon in Gemini? I think not!

After all the intensity of that Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus Season, Gemini really does feel like a breath of fresh air. Which makes sense, of course, considering Gemini is an air sign!

Gemini is all about ideas, communication, connection, self-expression, creativity and trying new things.

And since the new moon is also all about that “new” energy, this is a really powerful moon to put your intentions out there, to start a new project or turn over a new leaf.

Gemini is a sign that often gets a bad rep and as a Gemini sun myself, I find most of what’s said about Geminis being two-faced, fickle and whatever else “they” say about us really petty, hurtful and totally untrue!

I know it’s fun to have a laugh at the star signs sometimes. I follow loads of great astrology meme accounts, but there is soooo much more to the energy of the signs!

Gemini is a sign of duality and it can bring awareness to both sides of our personality - our light and our dark. It can help us to integrate and accept, love and/or transform the shadow aspects of ourselves.

It can also help us see both sides to a story, to a situation, to something happening in our lives that we have been very “one sided” about.

Gemini is all about communication so you may find this new moon is perfect for journaling or writing of any kind, especially starting a writing project!

This is also the perfect moon for any spells, prayers and manifestations involving relationships, friendships, self-expression, creativity, hobbies and interests, your social life, travel or moving your ideas into form.

It’s also a great time to do some space clearing or a banishing spell.

All that fresh new energy is perfect for releasing and letting go and calling in the new!

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the new moon in Gemini, but you can really use it anytime you want some of those fresh Gemini air vibes!

Also, check out the Gemini Season Tarot Spread for more Gemini magick!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s get breezy!

Here’s one I made earlier with the Angels Among Us Oracle by me Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant. x to speak your truth to see both sides things to try

4.ideas to make reality

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and fresh air,



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