Clueless Tarot + or Oracle Spread
The other day I had big plans to sit down and watch Twilight with a massive bowl of popcorn slathered in butter but Netflix had taken it down! Why??
So I hit the teen movies section and watched Clueless for like, the 50th time or something. OMG it never loses it's edge. In fact, it's a movie that may even be getting better with age. It did make me pretty nostalgic for the 90's though.
So grab your deck of cards (any cards you have will work!) and your favourite plaid outfit and let's get clued up!
1. What are you being totally clueless about right now?
We all have the ability to be a little bit Cher-like. Where are you being clueless in your life?
2. What are you cluing into?
What are you starting to get? What are you learning? What's finally making sense?
3. Where are you ignoring your intuition and guidance?
We all ignore our own guidance sometimes, what are you ignoring right now?
4. What's right in front of you that you're not seeing?
This is like when Cher realises she likes Josh. What is the Josh to your Cher?
If you wanna share your spread on Instagram please tag me in the photo or story so I can find you! :D
And if you're still feeling a little clueless or just want some help working through some stuff, check out my shop for all my readings + offerings.
With so much love, light and over-the-knee socks,