The week ahead - We are the world
I don't know about you, but I've been feeling a deep sadness about the world this last week. The plane crash in the Ukraine, the events taking place in Israel, children dying of cancer... the world is a dark place at times and it's feeling very heavy right now.
I had a little trouble pulling a card this week. I pulled The World card for us this week from my new Housewives Tarot deck, then put it back, pulled a couple that didn't feel right and then pulled The World again. Perhaps at first glance I didn't want to have to write about something so full on so I tried to avoid it. But that's the thing about tarot, and life too, you can't just avoid the things you don't want to deal with.
This week I feel we are being guided to think about 'The World'. The imagery here shows a very closed minded view of the world, a bubble, the parts of the world that affect us directly in our everyday lives. What are we having for dinner? What's the earliest we can leave work so we don't get stuck in traffic? How many days until the weekend? We often get so caught up in ourselves and our world bubble around us that we don't always think about the fact that our home isn't just our flat, or our house with the white picket fence. The whole planet is our home.
OK I'm getting way too emo, but I really think this week is a good time to meditate (whatever that means to you!) on the world, and that we are, quite literally it. We can sit around and moan about the state of things, but we are the state of things. We are the world.
I don't want anyone to fall into a pit of despair, after all there is so much beauty here on Earth and so many amazing people who want to share love, joy and happiness and so much to live for, but sometimes I think we need to step out of our bubble and put it all into perspective. But instead of getting frustrated or just ignoring the problems on the planet we need to really think about what we can do to help make the world a better place.
In our everyday lives we need to interact positively, we need to be the light and spread the love and joy to others. But when looking at the big picture it might be a good week to donate whatever you can afford to a charity, watch a documentary and educate ourselves, send some positive vibes to the parts of the world that need it most, or even just have a good cry and release some of this pent up frustration that so many of us have been feeling lately.
I like to think that my blog is a really happy positive lighthearted kind of place, so I'm sorry to go on a downer today.
But that's the world.
Love, light and healing tears,