the world — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


the world

Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - March 16 to 22 2015

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986

This week is going to be a doozy so hold onto your hats hipsters! I'm using the Cosmic Tarot, and I kind of think this is why we got such a heavy reading this week. I love how different decks give us a different energy, and this deck is one of those kicking us in the butt decks. Hey, sometimes we need that!

Start of the week – Nine of Swords reversed

There are a lot of outside influences this week that are getting in at us. We might be feeling anxious or stressed about stuff going on in our lives, but we have to remember that it has nothing to do with who you really are! Get protected this week, visualise a bubble or shield of some kind around you before you leave the house. Try to let go of this “stuff” by putting it into perspective. You need to leave work at work, leave the issues with your ex with your ex. Don't bring other people's negativity into your space.

Middle of the week – The World

Oh how wonderful! The World here is reminding us how beautiful and amazing the world really is. Go outside and breathe, look up from your iPhone for once! The world is fricking amazing and really, we are so lucky to be here. Spend some time in the awe of it this week. Again think about putting things into perspective. Sure you have stuff to do, but what can be left until tomorrow in exchange for time spent with loved ones today?

End of the week – King of Pentacles reversed

OK this is going to weird people out. I really think it's time to take a break from all the abundance manifestingand just be thankful for what we have right now. Having goals and trying to achieve stuff is great, don't get me wrong, it's awesome to be working towards big stuff! But I think sometimes we get so into manifesting money and success that we forget to take stock of what we've already done and what we have. Spend some quality time with people you love this weekend and really freaking appreciate them. If you have food on the table, a roof over your head and someone to call when you feel sad you are doing pretty bloody well. Don't forget that.

Bonus card – The Lovers (OoOooooh!)

So this card was facing the wrong way round when I took my deck out, and I totally don't remember leaving it like that! Again this is a message to spend time with loved ones this week. If you are single it's a good week to have a crush on someone new or talk to that hottie patottie who makes your soy decaf latte. If you're in a relationship put aside all that “outside stuff” for a night and go on a date! The lovers card isn't just about romance either, it can be about any kind of love - love for your pets, love for your job or love for a passion that you have! You may just want to really spend some time doing what you love this week.

So this week is really all about doing a little soul searching, working out what's really important to us, the stuff that doesn't have a cash price. It's about showing love to those you love and stopping and smelling the roses. The world is an amazing place and life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.

In other news I'm heading off to sunny Australia next week and although I wanted to pre-write and record a bunch of readings for you for while I'm gone I've decided to give myself a little self care treat and recharge my energies so I can come back fresh and ready for a new chapter in the New Age Hipster story, including the weekly readings getting a little shake up! If you've been thinking of ordering a reading from my Etsy Store you need to get in quick sticks! I have some slots available early this week, but I will be going on vacay mode on Wednesday (18.3.15)! I'll still be on Facebook and Instagram posting loads of photos of kangaroos, Aussie themed tarot decks (I hope I can find some!), Melbourne coffee, sparkly things and beaches! I'll still do mini insta-readings though so stay in touch!

<3 Love, light and smelling the yellow roses <3



The Week Ahead - 10th to 16th November

Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989 As I was shuffling this week and asking for some messages, I felt like the big thing we needed this week was something empowering. And from looking at the cards we drew from the most amazing Art Nouveau Tarot (one of the coolest 80's decks!!) we are going to need some serious empowering. When I ask for the cards I always ask for a message for anyone who sees it, so if you are here, and you feel like you need some empowering this is so totally for you.

Monday - 5 of Cups

OK I'm sensing this is going to be 'one of those Mondays'. Find a way to get through your Mondays. What's going to cheer you up today? Wear blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick on Mondays (boys or girls who don't do make-up you can wear a pink jumper and some blue shoes). Other commuters need cheering up too.

Tuesday - 4 of Pentacles

What are you holding onto right now that you don't need? Old clothes in your closet? Receipts in your purse? Empty water bottles in your car? A crush on a totally unattainable someone?! Put it in a black bag and get rid of it.

Wednesday - 10 of Swords

OK, you didn't hear me. I said - GET RID OF IT! Today is a perfect day for letting something go. Take out the recycling and let go of the fear of being alone. Whatever it is know that it no longer serves you.

Thursday - the Magician reversed

Guys, remember what you put out into the Universe comes back to you. You aren't going to manifest the dream job if you think you don't deserve it or aren't good enough. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH to do really cool stuff. Stop thinking you can't do anything.

Friday - the World reversed

It's a good day to retreat from the world a little. Some days you just need to go to bed and read a book instead of saving the world, this might be one of them.

Saturday - Strength reversed

OK, that's enough. Anyone who's still in this slump from Thursday needs to cheer the hell up. You are strong. You are magic. You can do loads of stuff. If you aren't in a slump - awesome, go do some yoga or get some exercise and build your physical strength!

Sunday - The Empress

OK on Sunday anyone who has been feeling a little down or suffering in self esteem this week is going to emerge from their caterpillar cocoons as beautiful butterflies today! Our self esteem stuff seems to be back on track and we're loving ourselves a whole lot more today! Remember this feeling. This is who you really are.


Sending you all so much love and light this week! Find me on Facebook, I'd love to hear about how your week goes, and I'll be posting some self esteem tips too!




The week ahead - We are the world

photo (37) I don't know about you, but I've been feeling a deep sadness about the world this last week. The plane crash in the Ukraine, the events taking place in Israel, children dying of cancer... the world is a dark place at times and it's feeling very heavy right now.

I had a little trouble pulling a card this week. I pulled The World card for us this week from my new Housewives Tarot deck, then put it back, pulled a couple that didn't feel right and then pulled The World again. Perhaps at first glance I didn't want to have to write about something so full on so I tried to avoid it. But that's the thing about tarot, and life too, you can't just avoid the things you don't want to deal with.

This week I feel we are being guided to think about 'The World'. The imagery here shows a very closed minded view of the world, a bubble, the parts of the world that affect us directly in our everyday lives. What are we having for dinner? What's the earliest we can leave work so we don't get stuck in traffic? How many days until the weekend? We often get so caught up in ourselves and our world bubble around us that we don't always think about the fact that our home isn't just our flat, or our house with the white picket fence. The whole planet is our home.

OK I'm getting way too emo, but I really think this week is a good time to meditate (whatever that means to you!) on the world, and that we are, quite literally it. We can sit around and moan about the state of things, but we are the state of things. We are the world.

I don't want anyone to fall into a pit of despair, after all there is so much beauty here on Earth and so many amazing people who want to share love, joy and happiness and so much to live for, but sometimes I think we need to step out of our bubble and put it all into perspective. But instead of getting frustrated or just ignoring the problems on the planet we need to really think about what we can do to help make the world a better place.

In our everyday lives we need to interact positively, we need to be the light and spread the love and joy to others. But when looking at the big picture it might be a good week to donate whatever you can afford to a charity, watch a documentary and educate ourselves, send some positive vibes to the parts of the world that need it most, or even just have a good cry and release some of this pent up frustration that so many of us have been feeling lately.

I like to think that my blog is a really happy positive lighthearted kind of place, so I'm sorry to go on a downer today.

But that's the world.

Love, light and healing tears,
