ten of wands — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


ten of wands

De-cluttering, To-do lists & Revenge - The Weekly Tarot Reading - 26th January to 1st February

The Housewives Tarot - Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum The weekly reading this week is coming to you via the Housewives Tarot this week. It's a fun quirky deck with a hipster retro vibe and some of the images are pretty hilarious. I haven't done a deck review of it yet, but I can if you want!

Can you even believe this weekly reading will be going into February already?!! Doesn't it just seem like only a couple of weeks ago we were embarking on this 2015 thing?! Speaking of 2015, if you would like to grab a 2015 reading with me they are running out the door and because it's nearly Feb I'm also including a 33% off discount code and a FREE three card reading for you to redeem at any point in the next six months! OMG! Check it out here. There's also a discount and free reading with the £10 version of the reading although the bargain is better with the 30 & 60 minute versions!

Enough with the promos, this is meant to be your free weekly guidance!


Start of the week - Justice

This week be really careful of dishing out 'justice', especially when you don't know all the facts. This could come in any form - berating the kids even when they said they didn't do it, getting pissed at your partner and 'forgetting' to buy his favourite snacks at the supermarket, hating on your work colleagues and switching the sugar and the salt, or God forbid - getting mad at yourself for doing, or not doing something you wanted to get done early this week. You don't have to let people walk over you or take crap, but put things in perspective and do try to see things from the other person's point of view before you start confiscating their lollipops.


Middle of the week - Nine of Pentacles reversed

Upright this nine of pents looks totally content. All her dishes are clean, dry and sparkling! Fab! Reversed though, these dishes are staying dirty. Why are your dishes grimy today? Are you too busy to stack the dishwasher, I mean really? Today is a day to spend a few minutes at least tidying, cleaning or de-cluttering. Remember that Feng Shui thing about de-cluttering?! The more crap you have lying around the less energy can flow and the less energy can flow the less energy you get, especially when we're talking abundance baby! Tidy up your crap and attract cash! Yeeeew!


End of the week - Ten of Wands

Here we see this housewife seriously struggling with her brooms and mops. She just has waaaaaaay too many cleaning tasks on the go right now and she's either going to have to put them all down and take a break, or start sorting them out slooooowly if she wants to really get anywhere...

Anyone feeling overwhelm this week? I have to admit I'm kind of freaking out - it's FEBRUARY and I'm already way behind schedule. I wanted to be sending out my newsletters this week, and giving my blog a make-over and like a gazillion other things.

When we get freaked out we have three choices - just like this chic with her brooms and mops. We can either

<3 Freak the hell out and bash the brooms around swearing and getting pissed at anyone who comes close to us and really getting nowher

<3 Put down the brooms and walk away. Take some time out from your list of things to do. Those brooms will be there tomorrow.


<3 Organise your brooms and mops one at a time. Know it's going to take time, but you can get through this list of seemingly neverending things to do.


Think before you seek revenge, do some de-cluttering and face your to-do list one thing at a time and you'll have a brilliant shiny week so clean you could eat your dinner off it!

<3 Love, light and dishwashing tabs <3




AA Gabriel kicks our butts (In a nice way)! Weekly Reading for 5th to 11th January 2015

Archangel Power Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine +Leonie Dawson artwork  

The first full week of 2015 is brought to you by the Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. I love this deck. I actually bought it after seeing Doreen use it on her YouTube Channel and falling in love with it. This week it's bringing us lots of messages about taking action in our lives - one of the reasons that I love this deck, it always gives you guidance to do something! Oh and PS - the artwork in the photo above is by Leonie Dawson who ROCKS! x


Monday - Two of Raphael 

This is the two of Cups energy. Partnerships are important today, and although it could be about love or friendship I really think it's more about a networking business/work kind of relationship. Who could you work with on a common goal? Who could you ask advice from? Who can you help with something? Who is your best friend at work? Hang with them today and make sure they know you love 'em.


Tuesday - King of Gabriel

'Experience that leads to success'. OK, something is happening today that you probably can't really be bothered to deal with, or do. It's like 'OMG this isn't part of the plan, why do I have to deal with [whatever!]?' But going through this thing is like walking through the rain to get to the coffee shop. You could just stand in the rain until it stops, but things will be a hell of a lot better if you just get moving.


Wednesday - Ten of Gabriel

The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, but you just gonna shake. Stop trying to please the haters. Or not even the haters, just those people around you don't, like, 'get it'. You don't have to be weird and cut them off from your life, just keep in mind that some people get you better than others, and that's OK, because you don't get some people too.


Thursday - Three of Raphael 

This is a perfect day to hang out with good friends. If you can't, or don't have any, don't freak out. Go online and meet some people. Read your favourite blogs or watch some YouTube videos. Comment on what other people are doing that you love - recipes, fashion blogs, whatever! It's not the 90's but you can still totally make friends on the internet guys.


Friday - The Moon - Archangel Haniel

Time to do some inner work. A lot of action energy around this week, but on Friday let's just take some deep breaths, think about what the hell we actually want to do with this year and just chill. Listen to your higher self, inner voice, whatever you want to call it today, but it might help if you find somewhere quiet to do it. Hey, even just chilling with your favourite YA novel can help you get into the right headspace to hear yourself.


Saturday - Five of Michael 

Yay! A powerful Archangel Michael day! He's telling us today that something isn't serving us. What is it?! Think about your life and think about if you keep following the path you are on right now where you are going to end up at the end of 2015. Is that the path you wanna take?! Cut out whatever's not serving you today, ask AA Mike to help with that.


Sunday - Nine of Gabriel 

Another action card telling us to move forward. I really think this goes with the messages from Saturday. What do you need to do to move forward on the right path for you? I don't always dig seeing 'action' cards on Sunday because I always think Sundays should be for chilling out, but that doesn't mean you can't be making some plans, doing some work or journalling or whatever for at least a couple of hours.


I hope you all have an amazing week and don't forget there's still time to get your 2015 reading with me over on the Etsty store - www.etsy.com/uk/shop/NewAgeHipsterStore. I think I'll be doing these for at least a few more weeks! And you can find out more about my other readings here. Also more exciting things coming up - Free Tarot Tuesdays are coming back (that's where you get to ask a quick question on the FB page and I'll pull a card for you), and my weekly (maybe bi-weekly?!) email is going to start going out soon! OMG!

<3 Sending you so much love, light and Archangel Gabriel good vibes for an amazing action packed week ahead! <3



