angel tarot — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


angel tarot

Angel Tarot Reading - February 23 to March 1 2015

Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

The reading this week is brought to you by the beautiful Angel Tarot deck by the amazing Doreen Virtueand the effervescent Radleigh Valentine. I get brilliant results from this deck and had a super fun Angel Tarot session over crumpets and tea with a friend last week. We got our decks out and were amazed at how many times the same cards kept coming up between us. Two of them even came up in the weekly reading! Woah!

Start of the week - Six of Water

We might find that lately some memories from childhood are coming up for us. This can at first seem like - OMG why the heck am I thinking about that?! You might be quick to dismiss it as some passing annoyance, but actually, if we look at some of our childhood 'stuff' we might find some answers there to some questions we've been asking ourselves. "Why do I always do that? Why do I always think like that? Why do I always make those choices?" Go back, way back and spend some time with the child of your past. Don't forget to give your inner child some love while you are there. Thank them for drawing your attention to this, hug them and then let them go play.

Middle of the week - Renewal - Archangel Jeremiel

Review and evaluate. We are looking at the end of another month, how is 2015 going for you? What was it again that you said you really wanted to achieve this year? Are you on the right path to doing that? You might find yourself doing a 180 this week. Something you really thought you wanted might seem suddenly not so interesting or important, or you might find that you are developing a passion for something you never really thought you'd even like! Don't be scared of changing your mind on something.

End of the week - The Wheel - Archangel Michael

With Archangel Michael on your side, who could stand against you?! This is a time of positive change. I feel like it's going to be more of an internal change for most of us, a change in perception, a change in how we see ourselves, a change in how we see the world. Things may be moving forward quickly, so make sure that you what you are working on and manifesting is really what you want! Fortune favours the brave, so it might be a good couple of days to work on your self-esteem 'stuff' too!

<3 May you all have an angelic week, filled with love, light and courage! <3



AA Gabriel kicks our butts (In a nice way)! Weekly Reading for 5th to 11th January 2015

Archangel Power Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine +Leonie Dawson artwork  

The first full week of 2015 is brought to you by the Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. I love this deck. I actually bought it after seeing Doreen use it on her YouTube Channel and falling in love with it. This week it's bringing us lots of messages about taking action in our lives - one of the reasons that I love this deck, it always gives you guidance to do something! Oh and PS - the artwork in the photo above is by Leonie Dawson who ROCKS! x


Monday - Two of Raphael 

This is the two of Cups energy. Partnerships are important today, and although it could be about love or friendship I really think it's more about a networking business/work kind of relationship. Who could you work with on a common goal? Who could you ask advice from? Who can you help with something? Who is your best friend at work? Hang with them today and make sure they know you love 'em.


Tuesday - King of Gabriel

'Experience that leads to success'. OK, something is happening today that you probably can't really be bothered to deal with, or do. It's like 'OMG this isn't part of the plan, why do I have to deal with [whatever!]?' But going through this thing is like walking through the rain to get to the coffee shop. You could just stand in the rain until it stops, but things will be a hell of a lot better if you just get moving.


Wednesday - Ten of Gabriel

The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, but you just gonna shake. Stop trying to please the haters. Or not even the haters, just those people around you don't, like, 'get it'. You don't have to be weird and cut them off from your life, just keep in mind that some people get you better than others, and that's OK, because you don't get some people too.


Thursday - Three of Raphael 

This is a perfect day to hang out with good friends. If you can't, or don't have any, don't freak out. Go online and meet some people. Read your favourite blogs or watch some YouTube videos. Comment on what other people are doing that you love - recipes, fashion blogs, whatever! It's not the 90's but you can still totally make friends on the internet guys.


Friday - The Moon - Archangel Haniel

Time to do some inner work. A lot of action energy around this week, but on Friday let's just take some deep breaths, think about what the hell we actually want to do with this year and just chill. Listen to your higher self, inner voice, whatever you want to call it today, but it might help if you find somewhere quiet to do it. Hey, even just chilling with your favourite YA novel can help you get into the right headspace to hear yourself.


Saturday - Five of Michael 

Yay! A powerful Archangel Michael day! He's telling us today that something isn't serving us. What is it?! Think about your life and think about if you keep following the path you are on right now where you are going to end up at the end of 2015. Is that the path you wanna take?! Cut out whatever's not serving you today, ask AA Mike to help with that.


Sunday - Nine of Gabriel 

Another action card telling us to move forward. I really think this goes with the messages from Saturday. What do you need to do to move forward on the right path for you? I don't always dig seeing 'action' cards on Sunday because I always think Sundays should be for chilling out, but that doesn't mean you can't be making some plans, doing some work or journalling or whatever for at least a couple of hours.


I hope you all have an amazing week and don't forget there's still time to get your 2015 reading with me over on the Etsty store - I think I'll be doing these for at least a few more weeks! And you can find out more about my other readings here. Also more exciting things coming up - Free Tarot Tuesdays are coming back (that's where you get to ask a quick question on the FB page and I'll pull a card for you), and my weekly (maybe bi-weekly?!) email is going to start going out soon! OMG!

<3 Sending you so much love, light and Archangel Gabriel good vibes for an amazing action packed week ahead! <3



2015 New Years resolutions and GRATITUDE!

Glitter Lips from x OK, I know by now you've probably read a gazillion blog posts about New Years 2015 and if one more person tells you "OMG 2015 IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR EVEEEEEEEEER!" you might just about have enough energy to nod a bit. But this post is going to be different! I think...

First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has supported New Age Hipster this year. If you liked the FB page, if you commented and got involved, if you've been following me on IG, reading my weekly readings or watching my YouTube videos, or even if you've just stumbled upon this post today - THANK YOU for being part of this. I never really thought that people would actually like or resonate with what I have to say, or that anyone would even pay me to read their cards, and I have so much gratitude for every single one of you who've I've had the joy of connecting with through my intuitive readings this year. I've loved hearing your stories, shedding some light in dark places and most of all, giving you some empowering words of advice and mostly of all, telling you what you already knew deep down so that you know you're on the right path.

OMG, I swear I have spent more time prepping and planning and getting into a good headspace for this year than any other year EVER. Which is cool, and I'm actually loving getting organised and working out what I actually want from this year and feeling like amazing things can happen! But as a bit of an introvert, it's also been kind of exhausting. So tonight, while all you party girls and glam guys are out drinking and dancing, I'm going to be at home eating home cooked Sweet & Sour (the BF's mum's recipe and it's AMAZING!!), watching Frozen, having a beer and generally dorking out. 

What I guess I'm trying to say is that even though there is this amazing buzz around about how 2015 is going to be prosperous, abundant, the sparkly and glittery year you've been waiting your whole life for just take a deep breath and put it in perspective. Yes, this coming year does have a 'make all your dreams come true' vibe, but so does every year if you want it to. Collectively a lot of us are much more in a space now where we want to turn away from the old outdated 'life models' that no longer serve us individually or as a planet. We don't want to run the rat race any more, we don't want to give all our money to big corporations who don't pay their people decently. We want to actually make a difference on this planet and stepping into 2015 feels like a chance to do it! But it's not like you are going to wake up tomorrow with a six figure business, the perfect family and a house that looks like you Pinterested it.

So if you wake up on the first of January 2015 feeling hungover, or sorry for yourself, or if you spend the whole day watching bad TV or pigging out don't see it as failure. You have 364 more days to make 2015 the best year of your life. Don't freak out about the pressure of making 2015 the best year yet...

You have every day of your life to make this the best life of your existence!

OMG that's so totally deep! :-D

And if you are feeling like you need some extra guidance as we head into this spanking new year you can visit my Etsy store: and you can find out more about what to expect from one of my readings by checking out the Readings page.

I'm sending you all so much love, light and sparkly 2015 vibes!



Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche


Weekly card reading - Guardian Angel Tarot - 24th to 30th November

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine This week I used the super cute marshmallow cloud deck by Doreen and Radleigh - the Guardian Angel Tarot. You can read my review of it on Silent Voices by clicking here!

Monday - Ace of Abundance

Be open to all that the Universe has to offer today. Mondays seriously suck for most of us, but if we look around some pretty cool things might be going on. Someone might tell you they like your shoes. A friend might buy your Starbucks. You might even win the lottery! Be open to receiving today. 

Tuesday - Healer of Abundance

Get creative! What creative stuff do you like doing? Writing, painting, dancing, journalling? Get creative today. It could even be a fun day to do something creative that you usually wouldn't do!

Wednesday - Ten of Action

Woah there tiger, take a well earned break! Don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Remember from Monday's card - help is all around you, just be open to it! If you are someone who is always listening to everyone else's problems call someone today and tell them yours. 

Thursday - Be Open to Success

Guys, don't ignore your guidance. You know that feeling, the one you've had before about some jerk and ignored and then later you say "I knew I shouldn't have dated that jerk!"? Don't ignore it! Listen to it and follow it!

Friday - Six of Abundance

WOOP! 3 Abundance cards! Yay! Accept all that the Universe is offering you right now. Be thankful. Don't brush off compliments and rewards, you deserve it baby!

Saturday - Eight of Action

A super busy Saturday! Make a to do list and get everything done so you can do something fun later. Or, if you are feeling just way too overwhelmed with life, sleep in and worry about it later.

Sunday - Seven of Emotion

Are you making life decisions based on what other people want? Urgh, that sounds lame. Do what you love, do what calls to you, but make sure you are doing it all for the right reasons. I mean don't take up some random career just to piss off your parents or something right? I love this card's text "Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choices that celebrates who you truly are."

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to get your daily version of the weekly reading and Facebook where all the fun happens. OK, I'm trying to make the fun happen there, but I need your help! Ha, look at me asking for help on a Monday! ;-)

Wishing you all a beautiful abundant week!

<3 Love and light! <3



Weekly Card Reading - 17th to 23rd November (Angel Tarot)

Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

This week our reading comes via the Angel Tarotby Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. There's a lot of debate going on about Tarot versus Angel Tarot or Angel Cards and I'm going to put it out there right now - I don't think there is any difference. Of course there are differences - e.g. Angel cards are 'softer', the art work is different, etc., but I really think the energy and messages all come from the same place. A lot of people have this idea that Angels are some fluffy bunny Christmas decoration type beings, that people who like Angels are 'airy fairy' or too sensitive or whatever. But did you guys know that actually Angels aren't even Angels? OK, that sounds random. What I mean is that Angels are simply light beings that can help us on our path - just like our guides and passed over loved ones. Hundreds of years ago people saw these light beings and mistook their auras and light for wings. So actually, Angels don't even have wings! OMG craziness! It's totally OK if you imagine them with wings though, I mean wings are seriously cool, and an awesome symbol of power and freedom! Enough of the Angel history lecture, let's look at what's happening this week!

Monday - The Magician (Archangel Raziel)

OK, not the first time we've seen this card. You have the wand in your hand today, what are you going to use it for, good or evil? Of course you're going to use it for good. You have the power today, so be careful how you use it. Watch out for your thoughts and your words - catch yourself when you speak negatively about someone or something and try to change it around so you manifest good vibes instead of more negativity.

Tuesday - Four of Earth

This is the Four of Pentacles Angel card version and it's about the need for controlling finances, or even controlling others! Ouch. What are you trying to control right now that you need to let go of? It could be not delegating tasks to others, trying to control a situation or outcome that is totally out of your hands. You don't have to do everything on your own. In fact, you can't do everything on your own. 

Wednesday - Three of Air

Often we spend so much time working on forgiving others we forget to forgive ourselves. Maybe you have had really negative thoughts about others who've done something horrible to you. Forgive yourself for having these thoughts and make an intention to be kinder to yourself. We are human and we have egos and that means occasionally looking at someone on the street and thinking they look terrible. Notice that thought, notice the judgement, make an intention to try not to be so judgemental and then forgive yourself and move forward.

Thursday - Knight of Air

You've been seriously pushing yourself this week, which is awesome, but this might be a good day to take a break. Take a hot bath with some Lush bubbles, send yourself to bed half an hour early, eat carbs and watch some mindless TV. Stop and breathe.

Friday - Queen of Air

This is the Queen of Swords from the traditional tarot. A brilliant woman, but is often seen as cold and not very in-tune with her emotions. Today might be a good day to warm up a little. Give someone a hug. Tell someone how you really feel, look at some cat videos on YouTube. Seek out some warm fuzzies today.

Saturday - Four of Air

Another day of rest! Yay! You are allowed to take the day off. I recently had a conversation with the wonderful Jo Westwood about taking time out. She helped me notice the difference between being 'on' and 'off'. When you are reading self-help books, working on your novel, typing up a blog post, practicing guitar, etc., you are 'on'. Even if you are doing something you love! Take time off today. That means time off from self-help books and creative projects too - this stuff takes a lot of your energy, even though it makes you feel great! Some days you just need to curl up with a novel or have a Greek marathon. Today you are allowed to do that, at least for half the day OK?

Sunday - Five of Air

Wow, we have so much air this week! This card today suggests someone around us might not have totally honest intentions. Listen to your gut today when you meet or speak with others. Stay in your bubble of golden light and don't give more than you can to others. 

Bonus card! 

This card flipped out at the end and I think this is kind of the over-all card for the week. We have The Dreamer (Archangel Metatron). This is the card numbered 0 and I think that's important. This week is the start of something new for all of us. A new leaf is being turned this week, a new way of thinking and being, and it's the beginning of a new amazing journey. I'm so glad that we are all on it together!

Follow me on Instagram, I'm newagehipster333, for the daily version of this reading, and keep in touch over on Facebook, where I'm also newagehipster333. There are lots of great people over there to chat with and we just reached 333 followers so I gave away a bunch of readings and I'll be giving away loads more too! Also you can find out more about how to get a personalised reading at x

<3 Sending so much love and light for a powerful week ahead! <3



Grounding 101

angel feathers and leopard shoes
angel feathers and leopard shoes

As an airy fairy air sign (Gemini) who quite literally goes 'off with the fairies', or angels, or just I don't even know where sometimes, grounding myself has been one of the most beneficial things I've worked out how to do. It has made the most amazing difference in how I'm able to connect to my higher self and intuition.

For years I've been floating away. I always had about a gazillion ideas at a time, and with a joyful adventurous spirit this meant I was always doing things like booking international flights on a whim, dating highly inappropriate men, not being able to hold down or have any interest in a real job, and creative projects? Don't even get me started. I had so many I couldn't even tell you them all - I was selling jewelry on Etsy, learning guitar, writing songs, writing Tween fiction, starting and deleting various blogs, acting in short films, dabbling with all sorts of spiritual and religious ideas and I was always out drinking and dancing. So OK, I still do a lot of these things, but now I do them differently. I only go on holidays I can actually afford, I am holding down a real job while I build my business and work on getting my YA novel published and I still enjoy the odd beer. But I feel better. I feel grounded.


What is grounding?

To me grounding is about centering your energy so that it stays in your body and connected to the earth, rather than floating off up and away somewhere else. It's like when you're driving you want your tyres to be on the road right? Not bouncing around like a 4X4 on a bunch of sand dunes.

I was talking to the bf about grounding - he's one of the most grounded people I know - and I while I was trying to explain why I needed to stay grounded and why it was hard sometimes I described it as my energy sometimes feeling like it's slightly higher than my body. Sometimes it feels like my head is kind of above my head!

Berkshire forest fairies
Berkshire forest fairies

What happens when we're not grounded?

Not being grounded is different for everyone, but some things that happen to me when I'm not grounded are:

<3 Feeling like you're 'miles away' or 'off with the fairies' at inappropriate times (it's OK to be off with the fairies sometimes!)

<3 Feeling lightheaded

<3 Not being able to focus on stuff

<3 Not being able to make or follow through on decisions or plans

<3 Getting sidetracked

<3 Having a lot of awesome ideas but never being able to start, follow through or finish anything

<3 Feeling hyperactive or like you just have too much energy buzzing around you

<3 Feeling anxious and worried

<3 Feeling like your head is above your head!

<3 Zoning out

<3 Racing thoughts, crazy thoughts, random thoughts, or just the general inability to control your thoughts

<3 That feeling like you've had way too much sugar

<3 Being indecisive and 'whatever' about anything from choosing your dinner to finding your new flat

<3 You generally feel like you aren't connected to the earth, nature or this planet

<3 You feel like you are from another planet! (Even Star People need to be grounded!)

I come from a different planet
I come from a different planet

How will grounding help?

Getting grounded makes you more certain, solid, connected and gives you emotional, spiritual and energetic strength! Think of it as wearing a pair of super comfortable shoes you know you can walk all day in and they look great. Being ungrounded is like wearing flip flops in the middle of winter and being grounded is like wearing a pair of the most comfortable wedge boots ever!

Grounding will will make you feel more centered, and when you start getting your energy centered you start getting more messages from your body, spirit and your higher self.

I know you want to be up there with the Heavens and the Angels getting your guidance first hand, but the reality is that we are on this earth and we need a landline. You can't use your iPhone on a plane (maybe you can if you go first/business class but that ruins my metaphor!), so think of grounding as your landline. The more grounded you are the clearer your signal will be!

grounding crystals
grounding crystals

That's great Vix, but HOW do you get grounded?

There's a gazillion ways you can get grounded and you really have to find out what works for you by just trying different stuff, but here's what works for me:

<3 Visualisations - I've used loads of visuals from imagining that my legs are super long and my feet are firmly far below in the earth to the super common imagining tree roots coming out of your feet, growing into the ground and then attaching themselves to a rock or a crystal. I love this one - for a fun twist I imagine golden roots and whatever crystal I feel like I need that day - e.g. I'll tie my golden roots around a huge Citrine crystal if I need an optimistic boost, or Amethyst if I'm going to be doing a lot of tarot.

<3 Balance your chakras - there are a ton of meditations on chakra balancing on the internet, or if you know what you're doing chakra-wise just check in with your chakras, make sure they're balanced and your energy is properly in your body.

<3 Go outside! Hug a tree or take off your shoes and walk on the grass/sand/earth.

<3 Bring pot plants and fresh flowers into your house and add a bunch of earthy-energy!

<3 Crystals! All crystals come from the ground so they are all grounding, but some are super grounding, mostly the black ones like Obsidian and Tourmaline but I also love Dalmatian jasper - it's grounding but a nice joyful stone too.

<3 Meditate. If you are like me and sometimes find this difficult you can get some really nice short guided meditations to help you through. I love Kyle Gray's Angel Meditations and 33 Spirit Journeys by Denise Linn.

<3 Eat food from the earth - not being grounded is a great excuse to eat a baked potato. Not sure how grounding a truck load of butter is though, sorry!

<3 Talk to the fairies and nature spirits. Just saying hi to them can get you more in touch with the earth.

<3 Recycle and make a conscious effort to look after the planet that is our home.

<3 Spend time with animals. Cats are so grounding! Meow!

<3 Wear earthy or dark colours - anything that reminds you of nature.

<3 Paint your nails an earthy colour!

<3 Exercise! Spend time in your body, and you don't just have to do Yoga. You can walk, run, dance, go to the gym, swim, whatever works for you.

<3 Spend some time with the Earth/Coins/Pentacles suit in your Tarot or Angel Tarot deck to soak in the earthy energy.

<3 Surround yourself with grounded people. Don't hang out with Drama Kings and Queens!

<3 Choose to be grounded. Sometimes when I'm feeling weird and don't have time for all this stuff or if I've just accidentally eaten 4 donuts or something I just say out loud if I can, or in my head- "I am grounded" and even that alone makes a world of difference.

Angel Tarot - Nine of Earth, Ace of Earth
Angel Tarot - Nine of Earth, Ace of Earth

I would love to know what you do to stay grounded! Join me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and share your own tips for grounding!

Lots of love, light and good grounding vibes,



Vix the New Age Hipster at the Rollright stones
Vix the New Age Hipster at the Rollright stones

The Week Ahead - Perspective and Dreams

awakening archangel gabirel angel tarot  

Welcome to another weekly New Age Hipster card reading! Yay! I didn't do one on the blog last week because basically I've been thinking a lot about this blog and what I'm doing here and where I'm heading and I thought I'd take some time out and think about it. But the guidance I've been getting lately is to stop worrying about what I'm doing and just do something, so here's this week's reading...

I grabbed my Angel Tarot deck which I got for free when I attended Doreen Virtue's Certified Angel Reader Class a couple months ago and asked for a message for anyone who sees this on my blog, Facebook, Instagram - whatever! -  and I pulled the Awakening card - 12. In the traditional tarot this is the Hanged Man, but I love the angelic take on it. The Hanged Man doesn't have to be about being 'stuck' in your situation or being tied to something you don't want to do, and the awakening card reminds us that it's OK to have a temporary standstill. It's Mercury Retrograde right now, I don't know about you but I've had my car break down, problems with a bunch of electronics, contracts and two online shopping dramas; I swear I put in the right post code! During this time we are supposed to slow down and really look at our lives.

This week we are being called to look at things from a different perspective. Are you really stuck doing what you're doing? Or do you just need to change your attitude? Is the commute really that bad or do you just need to find some new music or podcasts? Is your relationship really like a pair of old slippers or can you spice things up a bit?

Take time this week to think about your dreams, goals and ambitions. What are you working towards, and when was the last time you stopped to re-evaluate if it's really where you want to go? It's OK to change your dream if it's no longer in alignment with what you want. I grew up in Australia and my dream for a long time was to be on Neighbours. Mostly so I could start my pop star career, but hey ho! And I didn't fail, I just changed my dream. That dream served a purpose for a long time. It was the dream that made me apply for Theatre school and then spend 4 years studying, that dream then led me onto other study and to the job I'm now in and now that job has led me to wanting more and right now I'm looking at my life from a new perspective!

Take stock this week, write a list or journal about your dreams and hopes for the future. Don't just write what you think you should write, or what you've been telling everyone your dream is for the past few years... what's your dream today? What is your soul crying out for? Start working towards that, and you know what? If your soul cries out for something else further down the track that's OK too.

Don't forget to ask Archangel Gabriel for help and guidance this week too!

Thank you Archangel Gabriel for helping us to see our true soul dreams and desires and for showing us the way to work towards them!

Sending so much love, light and clarity for your dreams to you!



#Caturday cat card - Knave (Page) of Wands + Giveaway winners!

Happy (late!) Caturday everyone! Now before you freak out that you are reading this on a Sunday or any other day for that matter - remember #Caturday is not just for Saturday! This post and card is for you for whenever you read it, just like everything else on this blog is.

I had soooo much trouble getting the #Caturday video done this week. I'm wondering if it's because I did it outside and there was some elemental (fairy?!) force at play screwing around with my tech. Those fairies sure are jokers! But I got it done eventually and in it I talk about the cat card for this week; the Knave (aka the Page) of Wands!

The kitty Knave of Wands is super sure of himself and totally confident in his life. He's confident at both work and at play. I love the pyramids in the Wands cards, they always make me think of adventure and this kitty remains confident even when he's in the middle of a desert in Egypt! Wow, way to be awesome out of your comfort zone kitty!

Is there something you've been wanting to do or sign up for that you haven't because you just aren't feeling that comfortable about it? A crazy new dance class? What about learning Old Norse? Joining a meet up group or just going out for dinner on your own? Whatever it is this kitty tells you - GO FOR IT! All you need to do is stand up straight and be confident, because you can do these things, and we all know that getting outside of your comfort zone is when truly awesome things happen.

For me doing these YouTube videos is so waaaaay out of my comfort zone, but I do really feel like I'm supposed to share this stuff and what better way is there to share a message than through the mighty power of YouTube?

The winners of the Guardian Angel Tarot giveaway! *Drum roll....* are: @Oracle_aimee, @annamichaelis21 and Maureen Ricketts! You guys will be getting a mini 3 card reading with the new Doreen deck! Whoop! I pulled a couple of runners up for a free one card reading and they are: @thetarotinitiate and @rhythm12! Email me, I'm for your prize and watch the video above if you want to see me literally pull your name out of a cat hat!

I will be doing lots of free readings as I get going with my business so keep an eye on the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.

In other news I'm going to be studying with the amazing Doreen Virtue this week at her London Angel Card Certification course! OMG SO MUCH EXCITE! To celebrate this I'm going to be opening my Etsy store with some super bargains on Angel readings so that I can raise enough money to pay for another angel course which I'm feeling guided to do! Can't. stop. doing. angel. courses... I'll let you all know everywhere when the shop is up! Hey, there's me getting out of my comfort zone again! Boom!

Love, light and late #Caturdays!
