#Caturday cat cards - Seven of Cups
Happy #Caturday everyone! Wow, another loooonnnnng week but it's finally the weekend again! It's the kitty Seven of Cups today, and this often gets called the 'choices' card. Well yeah, there's a kitty all looking at his cups (a.k.a choices) trying to decide which one he wants. I never fully understood why he could only just take one anyway!? You've got two paws kitty, reach out and grab TWO!
So today we should have a look at our options, be open to opportunities and then, after working out what we really want, grab a couple by the stems!
I'm finally off to see The Fault in Our Stars today at the cinema. I loved the book and will definitely be taking some tissues with me! A huge John Green fan I am! What are you going to do today?!
Oh and don't forget I'm still offering free readings! Maybe that's what's in the cup up the top there! ;-)
Love, light and kitty cups,