happiness — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Guardian Angel Tarot Reading Giveaway!

My Guardian Angel Tarot cards - the brand new deck by Doreen Virtue - arrived today! It's really sweet and so cute and the images are adorable chintzy angel-y delights! To celebrate I'm giving away three mini-3 card readings with this deck! The readings will be a shorter version of one of my full 3 card readings which I'm nearly ready to unveil on my Etsy store. This reading will give you angelic insights into the past, present and possible future based on any question of your choice! This is a sweet soft deck and will work best for sensitive super cute people who love the angels, or are open to them being around.

When I'm a little more acquainted with this deck I'm going to do a video deck review + reading so watch this space!

To win a free mini-reading all you have to do is like newagehipster333 on Instagram and share this photo with a #newagehipster hashtag!

Winners will be announced on  #Caturday!

(Please note this giveaway is not available to those who've already had a free reading)

<3 Love, light and Guardian Angel blessings! <3




#Caturday cat cards - Seven of Cups

photo (36) Happy #Caturday everyone! Wow, another loooonnnnng week but it's finally the weekend again! It's the kitty Seven of Cups today, and this often gets called the 'choices' card. Well yeah, there's a kitty all looking at his cups (a.k.a choices) trying to decide which one he wants. I never fully understood why he could only just take one anyway!? You've got two paws kitty, reach out and grab TWO!

So today we should have a look at our options, be open to opportunities and then, after working out what we really want, grab a couple by the stems!

I'm finally off to see The Fault in Our Stars today at the cinema. I loved the book and will definitely be taking some tissues with me! A huge John Green fan I am! What are you going to do today?!

Oh and don't forget I'm still offering free readings! Maybe that's what's in the cup up the top there! ;-)

Love, light and kitty cups,

