
Twilight Tarot Spread

Twilight Tarot Spread

I have literally no idea how I haven’t already created a Twilight Tarot Spread. It was only when I was making the A Discovery of Witches spread that I realised I had never made one for Twilight! :o

Which is pretty poor going, considering I used to be a hard-core Twihard.

So hard-core in fact, I actually went to Forks, Washington.

A few years ago a friend and I who both were unhealthy obsessed with Twilight for grown adult women took a trip around the US together and planned our whole itinerary around visiting Forks because were were just that cool. The highlight of our trip was seeing New Moon for the first time at the Port Angeles Cinema! It was such a wild experience to be in the cinema watching the scene in the movie where they go to the Port Angeles Cinema! :oooo

Love it or hate it, you have to admit that Twilight has been firmly cemented into pop culture. And while some people roll their eyes at sparkly vampires and teenage girls making pretty terrible decisions, it’s still a story that has captured hearts and made us all wonder what it would be like to find that special someone and be together literally forever.

Me in Forks, Washington

So what’s this tarot spread all about, then? Well, it’s a chance to check in with some of your own hidden aspects. It’s a good one to use anytime you want to dive a little deeper into your subconscious.

While this isn’t specifically a shadow work spread, it can definitely help you dive into those shadowy aspects and shed a little light on what’s been hiding underneath those Washington State forests within.

You can use tarot, oracle, angel, whatever cards you have, or you can even just use these questions as journal or meditation prompts too!

1. What do you crave?

Hopefully it’s not Bella’s blood. But this card will give you some idea of the deepest desires that want to be realised.

2. What is hidden?

When you’re a vampire parading as a high school student there’s a lot to hide. Here you’ll get some insight into what is hidden for you right now - perhaps something within you, or something in your life that is ready to be revealed.

3. choices to make

The greatest question of our time is Team Edward or Team Jacob. I’m team Jasper myself. This card will help you decide who’s team you’re on and which way you want to go next.

4. Who to become

At some point we all have to choose whether or not to become a teenage vampire or let ourselves age like regular people. Here you’ll get an insight into who it is you are becoming and perhaps also how to begin to become it.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and baseball games,



New Moon in Pisces Tarot Spread

New Moon in Pisces Tarot Spread

As a Pisces rising I always love a good New Moon in Pisces! Give me a tall kombucha, a warm bath and a heart-chakra meditation and I’m a happy hipster!

The Pisces energy is watery, emotional and deeply intuitive and when combined with the energy of the new moon it brings an opportunity to really check in with our desires and manifestation work through the lens of our emotions.

We often manifest unconsciously. We see it’s the new moon and we start writing our wishlists without really stopping to pause and consider what’s really on our hearts. We ask for what we think we want, what others are asking for, what we think we should want.

But the energy of the Pisces New Moon invites us to manifest from the heart.

To listen to our emotions, to tune into what’s really on our hearts and move forward from that space, rather than just heartlessly asking for things that really aren’t in alignment for us.

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the new moon, but you can use it anytime you want to check in with your emotions and manifest from the heart.

Also, check out the Pisces Season Tarot Spread for more Pisces vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s dive deep!

Sacred Rose Tarot

Here’s one I made earlier with the Sacred Rose Tarot.

1.feelings that need to be felt

2.what your emotions are trying to tell you

3.The deepest desires that are on your heart

4.How to manifest those desires and feel how you want to feel

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and deep dives,



Thoth, Ancient Egyptian God of Time, Wisdom and Writing

“You have the power to write your own future. Do so with wisdom.”

That’s the oracle message Thoth brings through via the Angels Among Us Guidebook.

I have a lot of favourite deities I work with, but I have to admit, Thoth is right up there at the top of the list.

I absolutely adore Thoth.

He is the god of writing, so, as a writer, of course I am drawn to him, but he is so much more than that.

Thoth is a lord of time, a time travelling Atlantean keeper of the Akashic Records. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

He holds the keys to our past, our past lives, all incarnations past, present and future, and invites us to learn, heal and move forward.

Thoth invites us to step into our power. He wants to help us create our best and highest life, to manifest our highest destiny in this lifetime. He wants us to reach our full potential, he wants to see us grow as souls, but he also holds us in his ibis wings in the here and now.

It’s no surprise then, that I’m so drawn to Thoth. I have always loved visiting the Akashic Records, doing past life readings for myself and clients and I’ve also written an entire time travel trilogy!

Whether you’re a writer yourself, or just wanting to write your own story from this point forward, Thoth is your guy.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

Thoth is the Ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, time and writing. He is most usually depicted as a man with the head of an ibis, an ibis or somethings a baboon. Thoth is the scribe of the Akashic Records which hold all of the information about every single moment of your lives - paste, present and future. You can ask Thoth to take you into the records to gain deeper insight into who you are, your life choices, life purpose and path and past lives. Thoth can also help you to rewrite your records, helping you to choose and change the course of your destiny.

Thoth from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Working with Thoth is all powerful, sacred and serious business, but he has a great sense of humour. He showed me this when I first started meeting with him in meditation.

The first time I connected deeply with Thoth he appeared to me as an eye-liner wearing emo/skater boy who poured me a cup of tea and sat and listened to my problems before giving me some of his sage ancient wisdom and advice.

The angels, masters, gods and goddesses will always appear to us in the way we can best connect with them, and for me, Thoth appeared in the perfect way that would help me to feel comfortable sitting down with him and sharing my heart.

Thoth may appear to you in a completely different way. None of us are “wrong” for how we see these beings of light and love, in truth the gods have no physical form, they just appear to us in whatever way will help us connect with them.

If you’d like to connect with Thoth deeper, visit the Akashic Records and take your own destiny into your hands, give the following tarot spread a try. You can of course use oracle, angel or playing cards, journal out the answers or just meditate on them.

Thoth tarot spread

1. Who you were in a past life

As you look at this card you may get an intuitive download, a vision or a feeling come through about who you were in a past life or this card may show a person (who you were) or a situation you experienced in that past life.

2. What you learned in that life

Many of us want to find out about our past lives for a bit of fun, but actually, knowing who you were and remembering the lessons of the past can have a huge impact on who we are in the here and now. This card will show you a lesson you learned - something you don’t need to learn again, something to remember.

3. What you no longer need to carry

We often carry past life baggage into the next life which weighs us down and stops us reaching our full potential in this life. Here you’ll see what it is that you need to let go of and not take any further with you into this incarnation.

4. How to write your own destiny in this life

Here you’ll get some guidance on how you can make this life the best you possibly can with what you have and who you are in the here and now.

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and time lording,



Want to dive deeper with Thoth and the Akashic Records?

Check out these workshops including video lesson, guided meditative journey and workbook with tarot spreads, rituals and so much more!

Grab the deck!

Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread

Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread

I’ve been wanting to start a tarot spread series on the full and new moons in the different signs for sooo long, and what better time to start than a full moon in Leo? Ammiright?

The Full Moon in Leo has fun, vibrant, expressive and loud energy and it’s the perfect time to let go of your people pleasing, worrying about what others think of you and to call some major ROAR into your life.

This is a perfect time to party and put yourself out there if you’re feeling that big Leo energy. But the full moon energy can be intense so if you’re a bit more of an introvert, it may be better to stay in with a couple of friends, or your family of cats and pull some cards for yourself, reflecting on how you can use this time to anchor and activate your lion-heart and move forward with more courage and confidence in who you are.

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the Full Moon in Leo, but you can really use it anytime you want to connect with and stand in your own power.

Also, check out the Leo Season Tarot Spread for more Leo vibes!

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s get loud!

Here’s one I made earlier with the Modern Witch Tarot. Also pictured - vintage leopard skirt, faux fur and self-made tantric mala. xx

1.What's holding you back from expressing yourself fully to let go of fear of judgement and self judgement

3.How to call in confidence and inner power

4.How to be true to your true fabulous nature

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and big roars,



A Discovery of Witches Tarot or Oracle Spread

A Discovery of Witches Tarot Spread

I’m a little late to the A Discovery of Witches party because no one told me it was basically a hot witchy Twilight for grown ups!

Had I known I would have been all over it like a pash rash!

Gosh, that reminds me, I haven’t made a Twilight spread yet! :O Stay tuned this needs to be rectified!

But anyway, A Discovery of Witches is a must-see or read for any witchy folk.

Powerful witches, magical old books, hot vampires, demons who actually seem nice (so far) a battle between good and bad witches, super cool aunts, and did I mention TIME TRAVEL?!

The story begins with a witch, Diana Bishop, who doesn’t think she really has any magical powers, but she soon begins to awaken what’s been lying dormant, activating her magic, her powers and becoming who she was always meant to be.

So, if you’d like to activate a little dormant magic that’s waiting within you, grab yourself a deck - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have on hand, pour yourself a coffee or a big glass of red wine (there is so much wine drinking in this show!) and give this spread a try!

1. A clue to who you really are

When Diana finds a secret tome in the library she begins to realise there may be more to her past and who she really is. Here you’ll find a clue to who you really are and what magic might be hiding within you, your life, your past lives, your purpose, anything!

2. Your dormant magical powers

Here you’ll find a message about what is lying dormant within you that is ready now to activate within you and in your life. This may be a specific magical skill or talent, or something non-magical related that can help you live a magical life!

3. How to reawaken your powers

This card will bring you some guidance on exactly how you can wake up what’s been lying dormant and how to activate and reawaken it, embody and own your powers!

4. What to use your powers for

Activating your magic is one thing, using it to create a positive change in your life, the lives of those around you and the world is another. Here you’ll find some guidance on how to do just that!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and magic,



Commander Ashtar Ascended Master

Commander Ashtar is the ascended master to call on if you feel like you’re from another planet.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

Commander Ashtar is an intergalactic ascended master. He works with other ascended star beings and the intergalactic council to help planet Earth reach higher levels of consciousness, love and wisdom. Commander Ashtar can help you to connect with the stars and to your star origin. Supporting starseeds (anyone who feels their soul originated on another planet or just has a deep connection to the stars) is one of Commander Ashtar’s roles, and he can help you to feel more at home on this planet and remember your own galactic mission.

Many of us in the spiritual community identify with the term “starseed” as a soul who feels like they don’t quite fit in here on planet earth in the way others do. Whether or not anyone actually feels like they do “belong” here is a question for another time, but I do think that some souls find it much easier to ground here and get on with being a human than others do.

It’s very much up for debate as to who Commander Ashtar actually was and is, and if you really want to know him, my advice is to simply try to connect with him for yourself and see what wisdom he has for you.

To me, Commander Ashtar is a wise and kind being from the stars who wants to guide us towards creating a better world, a better earth, even into “new earth” and higher consciousness for us all.

I have spent time with Commander Ashtar in meditative journeys and in past life regressions and it’s always been a wonderful experience. Much of what I’ve experienced is too personal to share here, but I always felt very loved, held, cared for. To me he feels like an older brother, like family, like someone I have always known and loved and has guided me through lifetimes.

Not everyone believes in these theories, but to me Ashtar feels ancient, like he has been guiding us for a long time and connects us to our earthly galactic origins. I feel he is connected to the Essenes, Ancient Egypt, Atlantis, the Goddess Ishtar.

I see him as a space traveller, travelling through time and space to reach us, to share his wisdom and knowledge and to help us not to make the same mistakes he has seen made over and over again, here and in all corners of the galaxy.

Commander Ashtar from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

If you do a search for Commander Ashtar (and perhaps that’s how you ended up here!) you will find a lot of different ideas, channellings and opinions on Ashtar.

There are many people who say they have a direct connection with him (and we all do and can if we want to!) but a word to the wise - always take what resonates, here, and anywhere you are accessing spiritual information.

Information that has been channelled through one person is not always truth for everyone.

if you want to understand Commander Ashtar, who he is and how he can support you on your earthly journey, the best thing to do is ask him directly.

You can connect with him in meditation, automatic writing, by just calling his name, whatever works for you. Or, you can use this spread!

Take a moment to centre yourself and then ask him to be with you and help you receive his guidance.

You can use this spread with tarot, oracle or angel cards or simply use the questions as prompts in your journaling or meditation.

Commander Ashtar Tarot Spread

1. a clue to your starseed origins

Unless you are working with a deck that specifically contains different planets and star systems, this card is more likely to bring up a clue to where you come from, perhaps who you were, whether where you’re from was a friendly or not so friendly place, what made you want to come here, etc. Trust your intuition here and feel free to pull more cards for more information if you need!

2. your galactic mission

Many starseeds or lightworkers feel that they have been sent here for a specific mission, to help in some way. Here you’ll find some guidance around what your personal mission is.

3. How to thrive on earth

This can be a tough one for those of us who don’t feel like we fit in here. Here Ashtar will give you some guidance on how you can not just survive this incarnation on Earth, but also thrive here!

4. How to seed the light

Seeding the light is just starseed lingo for how you make a lasting positive impact on this planet. So here you’ll get some guidance on how to do that!

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and traveling through galaxies,



Grab the deck!

Emily In Paris Tarot Spread

Emily In Paris Tarot Spread

Anyone else here just a little obsessed with Emily in Paris?

It’s a real guilty pleasure, full of fancy French outfits (that there is no way Emily could afford on her salary, but whatever), beautiful people, bad decisions and hopeful optimism about life and the future.

And if there’s one thing we all need a little of right now, it’s a bit of hopeful optimism, ammiright?

I’m a huge fan of a flawed character trying to find her way in the world (because aren’t we all?), and this show is very Sex and the City for a new generation, which isn’t surprising, since they were both written by Darren Star.

So if you’re in need of some optimism and hope, on the edge of jumping into the unknown, or just want to pull a few cards and tune in with your own heart, here’s a short and sweet little spread to help you find your feet.

You can use tarot, oracle, angel, whatever cards you have, or you can even just use these questions as journal or meditation prompts too!

1. How to jump into the unknown

When Emily gets the offer to go to Paris she has literally no idea what to expect, but she gets on the plane and jumps right in, taking the opportunity and call to adventure! Definitely a Fool moment, bonus points if you pull the Fool card here!

2. How to find yourself

Finding yourself in a new city and new job, without any friends or family around is not an easy thing. I did it myself a couple times over, and while it’s incredibly exciting it’s hard going at times! But you don’t have to leave it all behind and go to Paris to find yourself, you can do it right now by pulling yourself a card!

3. How to find love

We’re all rooting for Emily to find love (and not hurt anyone else in the process if possible!) but we can find love in so many ways and places, not just with the downstairs neighbour. This card will show you where you can find love right now, no matter who’s living downstairs!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and baguettes,



Year of the Tiger Tarot Spread

Year of the Tiger Tarot Spread

Happy lunar new year gorgeous souls!

And welcome to the year of the Water Tiger!

Year of the Tiger Tarot Spread

The Tiger is such an incredible energy for us to be working with this year.

Tiger energy is all about fierceness, strength, power, bravery, leadership, being the queen or king of your own life, prosperity and luck!

And who amongst us does not want a big dose of all that?!

If you’d like to check-in with how Tiger can help you this Lunar New Year, or anytime you need to activate a little bravery and goodness in your life, grab yourself a deck - tarot, oracle, angel, animal themed (bonus points if you pull the tiger card!!) or any deck you have on hand and pull some cards!

1. How to be brave

2. How to be wealthy

3. How to make your own luck

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and big roars,



Saint Dymphna Ascended Master

Saint Dymphna is the Saint we all need right now.

As the patron saint of mental health, anxiety and depression we have never needed her more than we do right now as we navigate this difficult time on the planet.

Over the last few years everyone I know has suffered with some kind of mental health issues.

Our whole world has changed, we’ve been kept inside, distanced from our friends and family, lost loved ones. We are essentially going through a collective trauma and we can’t deny it’s taking it’s toll on us emotionally, mentally and on all aspects of our wellbeing.

Of course it’s always important to seek professional advice when it comes to mental health issues, but if what you are facing is mild, or even if you are getting professional help and want to team that with some spiritual assistance, Saint Dymphna is your gal.

Saint Dymphna from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Saint Dymphna was an Irish Saint who lived in the seventh century. She was just 15 when she was killed by her own father for refusing to marry him to replace her mother. Before she died she had devoted her life to Christ and being of service to the sick. She had built a hospital using her family’s wealth and it is said that she had miraculously healed many who were suffering from mental health issues and illnesses as well as emotional and neurological disorders.

Saint Dymphna is also the patron saint of runaways, victims of incest or sexual assault, sleep disorders, psychiatrists, psychologists and neurologists.

I’ve created a spread for you to use to help you connect with Saint dymphna anytime you need some extra support with your own mental health and wellbeing.

You can use this spread with tarot, oracle or angel cards or simply use the questions as prompts in your journaling or meditation.

Saint Dymphna tarot spread

1. Who/What can support you

Here you’ll find some guidance on who or what can you support you, your mental health and wellbeing at this time. This card may show a person, a guide, an activity, some advice or anything at all that could support you in this moment.

2. Who/how to ask for support

So many of us struggle with asking for help, especially those of us who identify as empaths, highly sensitive people, people pleasers, etc. But people do care and people do want to help us. Here you’ll get some guidance on how to take that first step and ask for help.

3. How to practice self care

A little bit of self-care, self-love and self-kindness are everything. This card should give you some ideas on how to bring more self-care into your life.

4. How to improve your wellbeing

And finally, a message around how to generally look after yourself and improve your wellbeing. After all, the better your wellbeing, the easier it will be for you to shine your light bright and do all the magical things you came here to do!

If you do need some extra support right now, click here for a list of phone numbers you can call where someone is waiting to talk to you if you need them.

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and looking after yourself,



Grab the deck!

Baba Yaga Ascended Master

Baba Yaga is know as being a terrifying old witch of Slavic myths and fairy tales, so how did she become someone that we may want to work with on our magical path of light?

If you are interested in embracing and loving the shadow-self while still living in the light, reclaiming your magick, healing the witch wound and embodying your wild divine feminine power, then Baba Yaga may be someone you want to connect with.

Like all ascended masters, gods, goddesses and angels, Baba Yaga is just another aspect of the divine feminine energy.

She represents the harsh, wild, untamed facets of the Goddess.

Many people are put off by her ugly, haggard appearance. But our immediate response to her is often the first opportunity for shadow work.

In the fairy-tales Baba Yaga is said to be an ugly old woman who lives alone in the woods. They say she is a witch, and that she is evil and does horrible things to the people who cross her path.

Baba Yaga is wild and free. She does not conform. She doesn’t do what’s expected of her. She lives her own life on her own terms.

For many of us who identify as feminist witches, the way we view Baba Yaga is a symbol of everything that is wrong with our current patriarchal, youth and beauty obsessed culture.

Baba Yaga Ascended Master Angels Among Us Oracle

Baba Yaga from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

We take the ugly and we hide it away. We put our elderly into homes and ignore their depth of experience and wisdom, choosing instead to see what all the beautiful people are talking about on Tiktok.

Women of all ages are told how to dress, how to act, who to talk to, who to marry and when… the list goes on

Baba Yaga is the expression of the divine feminine that takes no shit.

If you are someone who needs a little less conforming and a little more wildness in your life, call her in!

Baba Yaga provides an opportunity to use her as a mirror and to see how our own views, beliefs and programming are playing out in the world. It’s not always other people telling us what we can and can’t do that’s the problem. How often do we tell ourselves what we should and shouldn’t be doing?

Baba Yaga gives us a chance to look at the parts of ourselves that we believe are old and ugly and serve no purpose.

If we come to her door with the right intention in our heart she will gladly invite us in, and if we are willing to, we will see that she is capable of both harming and healing, just like we all are.

We can bring our fears to her kitchen table and she will help us to see them as they truly are, she will help us to not be afraid of the fear, the darkness, that lives inside of each of us.

And she will offer us a cup of tea and a choice to either disown and push away the uncomfortable, the hard parts of life, the “ugly” aspects of ourselves, or she will help us to reveal them, see them with love and work through them.

Baba Yaga can be an incredible ally for anyone struggling with aging, which is really most of us, considering society tells us aging is something to fear from the day we choose our first moisturiser.

But most of all, she asks us to look again, to see both her and ourselves with eyes of love.

Baba Yaga is a mirror that we can look into anytime we feel called to visit our shadow selves.

Baba Yaga is our shadow, and if we really get to know her, we might just realise that she’s not so bad after all. We might even find that Baba Yaga, and our shadow, can be one of our greatest teachers.

I’ve created a spread for you to use to help you connect to power and magick of Baba Yaga.

You can use this spread with tarot, oracle or angel cards or simply use the questions as prompts in your journaling or meditation.

Baba Yaga Tarot Spread

1. How to heal the witch wound

The witch wound means different things to all of us. It can be about being misunderstood, about not feeling safe to work your magick, to be yourself, to come out of the broom closet. The witch wound is also very present in some magickal communities and often shows up in challenging relationships with other witches.

2. How to embrace the dark and the light

There are many ways to approach shadow work. For me, it’s not about just accepting and embracing the shadow, but bringing the shadow to light, seeing it’s truth, understanding it and working with and through it. Sometimes there are things we need to accept about ourselves, sometimes there are things we need to work on and change in order to be more loving and kind and effective in the world.

3. How to reclaim your magick

Baba Yaga never forgets her own power. This card can help you see how you can reclaim your power and magick and if you choose to, even reclaim the title “witch” for yourself if that resonates.

4. How to follow your own path

Baba Yaga is queen of doing her own thing and following her own path, even when others don’t understand it. Here you’ll find some guidance around how to go your own way and just do you.

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and wild witching,



Grab the deck!

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