Energy Healing & Magick with Dorothy Winter | New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 034

This week on the New Age Hipster Radio podcast I’m chatting with the incredible Dorothy Winter!

I first met Dot when I booked in to see her for a Reiki session. I saw that she was doing some weird kind of Reiki called Tera-Mai, and as I’m drawn to little known spiritual practices like a moth to a flame, I was like - yes! I want some of that reiki I’ve never heard of!

I loved my first session with Dot and soon I became a regular. Before the pandemic I was visiting Dot once a month for energy work and it was glorious! When I was in Dot’s living room having her work on me I felt like I was in an ancient Egyptian temple receiving healing downloads, cosmic lightcodes and ancient wisdom activations!

I then trained with Dot in the energy healing modalities she practices: Tera-Mai, Seichem and the Egyptian Cartouche which was such a wonderful experience.

Now that I live on the other side of the world from Dot, I still see her for distance healing and her Heal and Draw sessions are particularly magickal!

Dot is not only one of the very few people I personally trust with my own energy, but I am so grateful to say she’s also become a good friend and I’m so so thrilled to introduce you to her and her magickal take on energy healing this week!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Energy Healing: Reiki, Tera-Mai, Seichem and Egyptian Cartouche

  • Initiations and attunements

  • Magick!

  • The importance of continued learning on the path

  • Trauma & trauma informed energy healing practice

  • Redefining “negative” energy

  • Dodgy knees and bad backs

  • Challenging, changing and evolving your beliefs


Dorothy winter is a spiritual healer who is based in East Sussex, England. Her practice is anchored in the concept of abstraction and energy clearing. Her style of work benefits people who have experienced trauma, those seeking spiritual reconnection, and on all levels.  She has worked with energy modalities including Tera-mai Reiki, Seichem, Angelic Reiki, TRE (trauma release exercises) and recently completed Gua Sha, cupping and facial acupressure course. She works in person, online, in circle and trains in Tera-mai and Seichem Reiki and the Egyptian Cartouche. She brings a grounded and intuitive perspective to all her work.

Connect with Dot here:



With so much love,




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 033 | What is Kundalini Yoga?

Are you Kundalini curious?

Heard about Kundalini yoga but don’t really know what it is?

Been doing classes for a while but want to know more?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this week’s episode of New Age Hipster Radio I take a solo ramble down the Kundalini yoga rabbit hole. Or at least, the very tip of the rabbit hole. Iceberg, whatever!

Kundalini yoga is an ancient practice and there is so much to learn and discover on this path. This episode covers hardly anything, but hopefully enough to help you decide if this practice may be for you!

In this episode I break down some of the myths and magick of Kundalini yoga:

  • Is it dangerous?

  • What’s the point of it?

  • What does it do?

  • Whyyyyy Kundalini?

  • What happens at a class?

  • What if I can’t do the physical movements?

  • How can I find out more about it?

  • And most importantly - how can it support, change and elevate your life?

Ready to dive into a class and see if it’s for you?

You can check out my Kundalini Magick workshops by clicking here. You’ll find physical classes and non-physical workshops that are fully inclusive focusing on mediation, mantra and mudra.

If you’re more the go for the deep dive and fully embrace the teachings, join me for:


Kundalini Awakening

8 weeks of raising the Kundalini through the chakras

With love, light and awakening,




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 032 | Interview with a Healer: Nicole Lee

This week’s guest on the New Age Hipster Radio podcast is Nicole Lee! Nicole is a gifted energy healer, soul coach, guide and teacher for those on the spiritual path.

In this episode we talked all things intuition, insight, following your nudges and we went deep into the topics of limiting beliefs and facing your fears.

I met Nicole a couple of years ago when I first moved back to Australia and we became friends in about five minutes! She is such an authentic and high vibe person and I really hope you enjoy listening to us ramble together and connecting with her awesomesauceness!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Developing and trusting your intuition

  • Ch ch ch changes!

  • Healing and clearing limiting beliefs

  • Facing your fears

  • Being a lightworker in a corporate environment

  • Finding your path

  • Living your best and highest life!

ABOUT Nicole:

Nicole is a clairvoyant, energy healer and coach. She has worked in the energy healing, coaching and change space for over 25 years, creating personal development programs across Asia. She supports people on their journeys - guiding them through the many dimensions of change – endings, transitions and beginnings.   She works holistically balancing Intuition and Guidance with modern practical Coaching support.  One of her gifts is helping you understand the hidden energies at play, providing clarity on where you feel stuck or challenged in your life.  She acts as a catalyst to help you transform your world, by guiding you in finding the answers you seek for the best way forward. Her sessions help awaken your soul and breathe hope back into your world. She holds many qualifications having studied various disciplines and practices with different teachers and schools from the traditional (Executive Coaching, Neuropsychotherapy, NLP, Conflict & Resilience Coaching) to the esoteric (Energy Healing, Shamanic, Angel, Goddess & Oracle training).

Connect with Nicole here:



With big big love!




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 031 | Manifest Your Dreams

This week on New Age Hipster Radio I I went on a solo ramble sharing with you some of the magick in Manifest Your Dreams, my brand new book out now (most places, some places and coming soon to other places!).

I read out some of the good bits and I also share some personal manifesting stories, like the time I was *this close* to getting a book deal with another publisher a year or so before I got a deal with HarperCollins to write Witch, Please!

I also broke down some of my thoughts on manifesting including the total BS idea that you have to think positive 100% of the time in order to manifest or that everything you think *will* manifest. Spoiler - nope. I have some pretty bizarre thoughts sometimes which have never manifested! It’s all good!

I don’t know about you, but I’m super over some of these old school ideas about manifesting!

Let’s start to break them down together in this episode!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • My new book Manifest Your Dreams!

  • Why I wrote it, and how I hope it helps you (if you choose to read it!)

  • Some major manifesting myths and BS

  • Some of my personal manifesting successes and failures

  • Tips to help you manifest your own dream life!

  • My totally free Manifesting Masterclass!

May all your dreams come true!




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 030 | Interview with a Witch: Jen Sankey!

This week on New Age Hipster Radio I got to talk to the amazing Jen Sankey - professional witch and tarot reader, deck creator, author and major magick maker!

Jen is a super big deal in the tarot community and is often found speaking at conferences and sharing her magickal take on tarot and witchery!

I’ve been a fan of Jen’s since I went tarot pro myself and I’ve always loved and resonated with her empowered take on the tarot. So it was no surprise we dived into some real tarot talk including how to get a good reading, what to do when you don’t, and what’s going on in some toxic tarot communities online.

This episode was an absolute joy and I really hope you enjoy listening to us getting real and spilling some spiritual tea!

In this podcast episode We talk about:

  • Claiming your magick and calling yourself a witch (if you want to)

  • Coming out of the broom closet (or staying in if you want)

  • Tarot! 😀

  • Witching, bitching and toxic tarot communities

  • Jen’s new tarot deck the Stardust Wanderer Tarot and some of the other books and decks she’s working on and has coming out soon too!

  • And so much more!


Jen Sankey is a tarot reader, author, professional witch, and teacher. She has been featured in many publications and regularly speaks at events. She is creating two tarot decks and writing a book currently. Magickal Manifesting with the Moon, and Enchanted Forest Felines Tarot for Llewellyn Worldwide. Stardust Wanderer Tarot Kickstarter is Live now.

Connect with Jen here:

Really hope you enjoy this one gorgeous souls!




New Age Hipster Radio Podcast | Episode 029 | Re-Introduction, Where I've Been & What's Happening Next

Welcome back to the New Age Hipster Radio podcast!

It has been a while dear friends! But we’re back (after about a four year hiatus!) with even more magick and good stuff!

In this first episode back I go on a solo ramble catching you up with where I’ve been, why I’ve been quiet and disappeared a bit these last few years, what I’ve been doing and where I’m planning to go from here!

I’d love to hear from you and know how you feel about the podcast returning!

Please also let me know if you have things you want me to ramble on or people you want me to ask to be guests on the podcast too!

You can now listen to the podcast via the website (here!), watch (with captions!) over on YouTube (link below!) or wherever you listen to podcasts as long as I can remember how to get them up there. 🤣

At the moment I’m planning to get an episode out every Wednesday, but I make no guarantees. I really want showing up for the podcast to feel like a fun way to connect with you, not something I have to do like clockwork, although I will still do my best to be here every week! 🥰

I am so looking forward to re-connecting with you or connecting for the first time! 😀

Sending big big waves of love your way!



In this podcast episode I talk about:

  • Why I quit YouTube the first time but trying again anyway!

  • Writing books and decks!

  • Stuff that happened in my life in 2020 and why I took a break

  • Doing my Kundalini yoga teacher training and creating Kundalini Magick!

  • What offerings I’m planning moving forwards including yoga and readings!

  • All the other stuff I forgot I talked about! 😂


Manifest Your Dreams

Oh gorgeous souls, I am so, so excited to announce that my new book Manifest Your Dreams: rituals and practices for living your best life is out now! 😍


Well, the Audiobook and the Kindle are out now everywhere, the hardback is out now in the UK and will be available later this year internationally.

Here’s a video of me unboxing the book, sharing more about what’s in it and generally going silly over how excited I am! 🤪

About the book:

Take destiny into your own hands and transform your life through positive change and thought.

Manifest Your Dreams is a modern mystic’s take on how you can use manifestation to attract what you want and live a more purposeful life.

Full of spiritual practices and down-to-earth practical guidance, this book is a guide to how to meet the universe halfway through real world action. Connect to your heart’s true desires and manifest love, money, purpose, healing and growth.

Grab your copy now via:





Or wherever good books are sold!


To celebrate I’m hosting a totally free Manifesting Masterclass!


To celebrate the release of Manifest Your Dreams I’m offering this totally free manifesting masterclass!

Saturday 24th June 8am Melbourne Time

Friday 23rd June 11pm UK / 3pm LA / 6pm NYC

Click here to convert for your time zone!

In this one hour session I’ll share my own manifesting journey, some pitfalls I’ve fallen into as well as some amazing things I’ve manifested and how I did it!

I’ll guide you through a meditation to help you align and anchor your energy for easier manifestation…

And there will be a Q&A at the end where I’ll answer as many manifesting questions as I can!


If you can’t attend live there will be a replay sent to you and an opportunity to submit any questions for the Q&A beforehand too so you won’t miss your chance!


PS - In case you're wondering, this is not a spammy sales webinar or an attempt to sell an expensive course. I will talk a little about the book, but you don't need to buy it to enjoy the workshop!

With love and eco glitter,



What I learned from my 40 day social media break

I know many of you have been following, or rather not following my 40 days off social media experiment and so I wanted to sit down and share with you what I learned in the hopes that maybe it will help you think about your own social media usage.

Maybe it will inspire you to also take 40 days off or change the way you use socials. Maybe this post will help you better understand the people in your life who are constantly attached to their phones, or maybe it will make you think about the things you do give your power away to in your own life and take that power back!

So, Why did I take 40 days off social media?

I haven’t had a break from social media since I first signed up for MySpace. I was going to say Facebook, but actually, it started long before that! I dabbled a couple of times with taking weekends off, Sundays off and I did try to take a week off at one point before I went in for 40 days, but in the interest of transparency, I did look at my feeds more than a few times via my laptop during that time!

Anyway, that’s a long time to be on social media without a break and I was really starting to feel it.

I love social media. I love connecting with my community and friends on these platforms and I love finding new people and accounts. I’ve actually made some amazing lifelong friends from meeting on socials!

But as we are all only too aware these days, social media is a double edged sword.

As much as I was loving the connections and community, I was also starting to notice some negatives. I was spending more time on socials than I wanted to, not just posting for my biz and connecting in positive ways, but scrolling mindlessly and I was also become aware of just how much I fell into comparison and (self) judgement at times.

Cats don’t use social media and they seem pretty happy!

I also started to notice that when I spent too much time on socials my energy didn’t feel so good and my intuition didn’t feel so clear, and not just in the moment of scrolling or briefly afterwards, but longer term.

When I took time to meditate on that I could clearly see that social media was part of the problem. Not only was I picking up on waaaay too much of everyone else’s energy, it was also messing with my nervous system putting me in flight or flight mode and making me feel like I had to constantly be doing something – posting more, having a bigger or deeper impact, commenting more, just generally doing more.

And while I was still able to set some boundaries for myself (not using socials on the weekends for example), I knew I had to do something big before socials became a big problem.

Why 40 days?

40 days is a pretty magical amount of time.

Jesus went into the desert for 40 days where he was tempted by the devil.

40 days is considered the amount of time needed to break a habit and change your conscious mind.

In Kundalini Yoga we often do a specific kriya (set of movements) or meditation for 40 days to not only change a habit but also your destiny.

40 days is a long time, but it’s also not really. It’s achievable. It’s not like you’re signing yourself up for being off social media forever, but it’s also enough time to really get a break and notice the changes.

My findings

OK, enough rambling, so what actually happened when I took 40 days off social media?

I felt relieved.

While I was a little hesitant to put up that post that I was getting off socials for 40 days (meaning I had to go through it!), once the posts were up and the apps were deleted off my phone I actually just felt a deep sense of relief.

I played a lot of Homescapes.

With no social media or work email (I removed that off my phone a while ago!) on my phone, whenever I had nothing to do and picked up my phone, I played Homescapes. As of writing this I’m on level 3290 but although I’ve played it a lot, I can easily just play a few rounds and put my phone down again. I actually also find it really helps when my anxiety pops up to say hello. If you play too add me as a friend! :P


My business did not suffer.

There was actually one week where I sold more digital courses and kits than I had in ages! I stayed in contact with my newsletter subscribers and let them know about workshops and other offerings and while I know that social media is good for my business it was nice to know that people are still finding my work whether I’m posting constantly on socials or not.

Getting off socials also helped me to get clearer about my business, what I’m creating and how I want to show up in the world! I got loads of downloads and ideas about new offerings and workshops.

Time went slower.

When I posted I was back, one person commented saying that the time went quickly, but actually I felt like I was off social media for ages! If time feels like it’s moving too fast, take a break from socials and see if you feel the difference!

I enjoyed the moment.

Without thinking about posting on social media I found myself more present in the moment. Instead of thinking – I have to get photos of this for social media, I was much more able to just be. I still took photos, but they were for me, my friends and family, not for the whole world.

Spent more time walking on the beach than taking photos on the beach, except this one. 😅

I found some deeper self-love.

Without trying to take selfies for socials or scrolling through and judging myself against a bajillion selfies and pics of stunning humans, I found myself letting go of some old, outdated beliefs I had around my physical appearance.

I read more books.

Less time scrolling = more time reading spiritual books and romance novels! I fell in love with so many incredible authors and stories which lit me up so much more than scrolling does!

I realised that social media wasn’t my only problem.

Sometimes when you take away what you think is the problem, you realise what’s really going on. Being addicted to scrolling (or anything) is often just a symptom of something else. I did a lot of shadow work, healing, deep diving and contemplation and uncovered some prickly truths and hidden gems I really needed to see but couldn’t until I removed the obstacle.

I didn’t miss it at all, until the end.

I actually didn’t really miss social media at all until about a week before I was due to come back. At one point I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to get back on socials, but during that last week I had a little buzz of excitement at the idea of getting back on social media, a buzz that I haven’t had in ages, and now I’m feeling more excited than ever to post and share and connect!

I’m making changes moving forward.

Right now, I’m not planning to put the apps back on my phone permanently. I think I’ll put Instagram back on when I have workshops or other offerings to share as posting on stories can be a good way to let people know about those since the algorithm doesn’t always put things in people’s feeds, but I don’t plan to be posting on stories otherwise. I’m also going to be posting like the “geriatric millennial” that I am, and stick to just posting photos for a while and see what happens.

And of course, that’s not set in stone. I evolve and change my mind all the time. But if you do see me posting my breakfast, lunch and dinner every day on stories, feel free to send me a DM and ask me if I’m doing okay! :P

In conclusion:

Take time to smell the roses!

Wow, I didn’t mean to turn this into an essay, but here’s the conclusion – getting off social media for 40 days was awesome. It gave me so much clarity, space, peace and really helped me reconnect with myself again.

I’m not going to leave social media. I love being connected to my soul fam all over the world. But I’m not going to be on social media as much as I used to be, and I’m going to take longer breaks whenever I feel called.

I feel more empowered, confident and conscious about using social media. I feel like I can move forward with social media as a tool I can use for connection and for my business and it no longer has any power over me!

The world doesn’t end when you take time off social media, in fact, it may just help you to see the magic in the world that’s right in front of you.

With love,



Everything Everywhere All At Once Tarot Spread

Everything Everywhere All At Once is a must see movie for those on the spiritual path. Especially if you have an interest in free will and alternate timelines.

The movie follows Evelyn Wang as she journeys through various parallel realities, or “timelines” as we often call them in spiritual circles.

Offering a lot of food for thought, Everything Everywhere All At Once explores the idea of being able to tap into these alternate lives and “download” abilities, traits, memories or experiences. We often do this with past life work. While we usually focus on releasing and healing, we can also call back the power, gifts and talents we once had. So why not do the same thing with our parallel lives? :D

To journey into another timeline

Take some time to get into a meditative and relaxed state.

Think about a decision you made in the past, it could be recent or a long time ago, something big or small - a job you didn’t take, a partner you split from, or what you had for dinner last night.

In your mind’s eye see things playing out a different way and follow that timeline to where you would be now if that different choice had been made.

Look for the blessings, lessons and gifts from that timeline, that version of events. Notice what abilities or skills this version of you was able to cultivate.

See these gifts and abilities being transferred to you in the here and now, and if the parallel life version of you needs something you have, pass it on to them too.

The ultimate message of Everything Everywhere All At Once is up to the viewer of course, but for me it was a reminder that although there may be thousands, millions, infinite Vixs running around, nothing really beats just being here now.

Have you seen Everything Everywhere All At Once? What did you think? Have you tried tapping into alternate timelines and parallel lives? Let me know in the comments or let’s chat on socials! :)

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Why you’re in this current timeline

2. What you’re doing in another timeline

3. Other timeline abilities to activate

4. How to find joy in taxes and laundry

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and traversing timelines,



New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread

Aquarius is a unique, intelligent and zero BS sign that gives you full permission to be totally true to you.

When the new moon enters Aquarius it shines a sliver of light onto your inner truth, that hidden, quiet part of yourself that doesn’t always see the light of day. This new moon asks you to see and own your truth, your gifts and talents and fully embrace them so you can live with more truth and peace in your heart and be more effective in the world.

Aquarius is known to be the weirdo of the zodiac, and while being a weirdo has had negative connotations for most of us at some point in the past, those of us in spiritual communities are usually vibing with our weirdness and fully accepting and embracing it. If there is more weird to uncover, enjoy and express, this is the time to do it!

New moons are all about new beginnings so set an intention this new moon to no longer hide the most interesting, unique and magickal things about yourself!

Also known for its activation of activism, the new moon in Aquarius nudges you into thinking about causes you believe in and invites you to take some steps towards helping out and making a difference.

Manifest your most unique and fabulous dreams this moon, but also manifest on behalf of the causes you care about!


  • Work on opening your third eye and crown chakra

  • Clear, release and cut cords on anything or anyone who doesn’t fully accept you as you are

  • Journal or pull cards around where you hide your truth

  • Work with protection spells so you feel safe to share your truth

  • Take a class or workshop (all that air energy is great for learning!)

  • Get out for some fresh air

  • Donate money or time to a cause charity you feel passionately about

  • Join a cause or group of like-minded people

  • Astral travel

  • Read those spiritual books by your bedside

  • Stay grounded

The best time to use this spread is within three days after the new moon in Aquarius, but you can really use it anytime you want to connect with Aquarian energy.

Also, check out the:

Aquarius Season Spread

Full Moon in Aquarius Spread

So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s get freaky!

Here’s one I made earlier (with some extras!) with the Goddesses Among Us Oracle.

1.How to be true to yourself

2.Cords to cut

3.Causes to support

4.action steps to your dreams

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and being true to you,

