Favourites — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



August Faves

August Faves New Age Hipster

I love sharing my journey and path with you guys, and so it's always a lot of fun to do these faves videos and blog posts every month sharing what I've been loving. 

You'll find here a very eclectic and random mix of things that have been helping me with my own spiritual journey, lighting up my path and just things I think are cool. :D



All from New Age Hipster Store:

Amazonite smartie bracelets

Angelite smartie bracelets

Clear Quartz cube bracelets

Amethyst pendants

Clear Quartz Point from She's Lost Control

Cute huh? x

Cute huh? x


Fave Tarot of the Month: Connolly Tarot

Fave Oracle of the Month: Crystal Mandala Oracle

Tarot Bags from RavenCraftGifts



A little light on the spiritual laws by Diana Cooper

Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige 

Ghosts of July by Megan Applegate


#KindleAndChill x

#KindleAndChill x

Woo Woo bits!

Blockly candles from Tiger Store


Wellness bits!

Keep your tea warm and your water cold with S'well bottle 


Beauty bits!

Rose Mist by Skin and Tonic London bought at the Zen Den Obonjan!

Key Lime Pie and Honey Trap lipbalm by Lush UK




Being Human

Stranger Things



On Spotify The Stranger Things Soundtrack Playlist OMG

My new favourite band - The Midnight


It's so much fun to share the love! :D

What are you loving? 

With so much love and light,



July Faves x

July Faves New Age Hipster x

Making favourites videos is super fun. I love sharing all the cool stuff I've been loving with you guys, but there's other stuff I want to share with you too, like who I've been following, videos and TV I've been loving and other fun randomness.

*DISCLAIMER* This is not in any way about being materialistic. I really don't want anyone to feel like they have to have stuff. It's not my intention here to make you want stuff. Also, a lot of the stuff at the end is free so keep scrolling if you don't wanna see my new smudge stick!


Crystals faves!

Tiger's Eye is like my favourite thing ever right now. I have some bracelets coming to the Etsy store soon! It's a super great stone for success and prosperity, but it's also gonna keep you grounded so you don't act like a knob while you're getting rich and famous.

Amethyst has been a crystal I've worked with forever but this month it's feeling extra powerful. I love my new Amethyst point necklace soooo much. Keep your eyes on the store. They are sold out currently but I'm sourcing more! 


Smudgy faves!

OK, what is this smudge stick? It's a dream, it's not like regular smudge, it's something different, like it has flowery bits on it. 

Sweetgrass is my new addiction. You're meant to sage out the negative and then use sweetgrass to call in the sweet and helpful spirits. It's sure been working for me! This stuff smells like a dream and has me feeling all yay!

This Sweetgrass and Patchouli candle has been coming with me to events this month and all readings have gone well because of it! :P


Deck faves!

The Linestrider Tarot is just blowing my mind. Seriously. Check out the unboxing I made of it here.

And then Seeds of Shakti Oracle is amazeballs. I made a deck review you can check out here.


Book faves!

Moonology by Yasmin Boland is so freaking good. Yasmin basically breaks down the whole working with the moon thing.

Dorothy Must Die is my new favourite YA series. Distopian Oz where Dorothy has turned evil and the protagonist is a chic with pink hair from a trailer park? YES.

Kindle! :O ZOMG! How did I ever live without this thing? I love books, #booksnifferforlife but being able to carry around a whole library in your handbag certainly has advantages!


Hair Faves!

So I just found out that Superdrug is certified by the leaping bunny! :D That means no bunnies are ever harmed in the making of anything Superdrug brand. I've been using their Pro Vitamin conditioner, it's also totally vegan! :O

Another fun hair fave is the Palmer's restoring conditioner. It doesn't hurt bunnies and it also smells like chocolate mint! :O


TV Faves!

OK, I can NOT get enough of Stranger Things. I mean, I could not. I finished the series in just a few days because it was so freaking good. Set in the 80's, kids controlling shit with their minds, and Winona Forever.

I've also been laughing my butt off at Bojack Horseman. I mean, he's a horse.

I caught the I am not your guru doco about Tony Robbins and it was AWESOMESAUCE. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you do. Totally inspiring.


Following Faves!

Rob Bell came across my radar this month and I LOVE his vibe. He's a former church pastor who now spreads a big message of Love and Light through the teachings of Jesus. Amen preacher! #hellanddamnationfree

My gorgeous friend Naomi from Nandora has started doing weekly healing sessions over on her YouTube channel. you have to check these out!

Jenny Ford is a freaking legend. Step aerobics is like my current fitness obsession. If you have a step at home or you just want to work out with someone super fun and cute check her out


Lemme know if you enjoyed the faves this month, and let us know what you're loving too! :D

With love and light,

