tarot decks — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


tarot decks

July Faves x

July Faves New Age Hipster x

Making favourites videos is super fun. I love sharing all the cool stuff I've been loving with you guys, but there's other stuff I want to share with you too, like who I've been following, videos and TV I've been loving and other fun randomness.

*DISCLAIMER* This is not in any way about being materialistic. I really don't want anyone to feel like they have to have stuff. It's not my intention here to make you want stuff. Also, a lot of the stuff at the end is free so keep scrolling if you don't wanna see my new smudge stick!


Crystals faves!

Tiger's Eye is like my favourite thing ever right now. I have some bracelets coming to the Etsy store soon! It's a super great stone for success and prosperity, but it's also gonna keep you grounded so you don't act like a knob while you're getting rich and famous.

Amethyst has been a crystal I've worked with forever but this month it's feeling extra powerful. I love my new Amethyst point necklace soooo much. Keep your eyes on the store. They are sold out currently but I'm sourcing more! 


Smudgy faves!

OK, what is this smudge stick? It's a dream, it's not like regular smudge, it's something different, like it has flowery bits on it. 

Sweetgrass is my new addiction. You're meant to sage out the negative and then use sweetgrass to call in the sweet and helpful spirits. It's sure been working for me! This stuff smells like a dream and has me feeling all yay!

This Sweetgrass and Patchouli candle has been coming with me to events this month and all readings have gone well because of it! :P


Deck faves!

The Linestrider Tarot is just blowing my mind. Seriously. Check out the unboxing I made of it here.

And then Seeds of Shakti Oracle is amazeballs. I made a deck review you can check out here.


Book faves!

Moonology by Yasmin Boland is so freaking good. Yasmin basically breaks down the whole working with the moon thing.

Dorothy Must Die is my new favourite YA series. Distopian Oz where Dorothy has turned evil and the protagonist is a chic with pink hair from a trailer park? YES.

Kindle! :O ZOMG! How did I ever live without this thing? I love books, #booksnifferforlife but being able to carry around a whole library in your handbag certainly has advantages!


Hair Faves!

So I just found out that Superdrug is certified by the leaping bunny! :D That means no bunnies are ever harmed in the making of anything Superdrug brand. I've been using their Pro Vitamin conditioner, it's also totally vegan! :O

Another fun hair fave is the Palmer's restoring conditioner. It doesn't hurt bunnies and it also smells like chocolate mint! :O


TV Faves!

OK, I can NOT get enough of Stranger Things. I mean, I could not. I finished the series in just a few days because it was so freaking good. Set in the 80's, kids controlling shit with their minds, and Winona Forever.

I've also been laughing my butt off at Bojack Horseman. I mean, he's a horse.

I caught the I am not your guru doco about Tony Robbins and it was AWESOMESAUCE. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you do. Totally inspiring.


Following Faves!

Rob Bell came across my radar this month and I LOVE his vibe. He's a former church pastor who now spreads a big message of Love and Light through the teachings of Jesus. Amen preacher! #hellanddamnationfree

My gorgeous friend Naomi from Nandora has started doing weekly healing sessions over on her YouTube channel. you have to check these out!

Jenny Ford is a freaking legend. Step aerobics is like my current fitness obsession. If you have a step at home or you just want to work out with someone super fun and cute check her out


Lemme know if you enjoyed the faves this month, and let us know what you're loving too! :D

With love and light,



WTF Court Cards: Queen Elizabeth II - Queen of Swords

Image from the Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck x

See? I told you I'd keep working on the WTF Court Cards series! Why WTF Court Cards? Well, because when you learn tarot and first ask questions like "will I get the job?" and you pull the Queen of Swords it's like -" WTF Court Cards?!" Why couldn't I just pull a nice Ace of Pentacles or something?! Argh! It's enough to make even the most psychically gifted gal to go running to back to her magic 8 ball. I love magic 8 balls. I wonder if I can get one on Amazon...

Easier than Court Cards. x

Today in Pop Culture Tarot Queen Elizabeth II stars as the Queen of Swords!

WTF? You may be asking. How can Queen Elizabeth II an actual Queen represent a Queen in the tarot, because aren't all the Queens a Queen?! Good question. But no, not all Queens are created equal. Some are emotional wrecks, some are fiery war mongers while others prefer to sit on their thrones quietly and run the lands 'properly'. Liz is one of those ones. She doesn't dash about in her pants, take centre stage like Beyonce or pick up a wand first chance she gets to go into battle. Oh no, this queen rules using her intellect and logic - you know, the whole 'swords thing'.

Now love her or loathe her (I happen to love her), you have to admit Queen Liz has pretty much never put a foot wrong in her fifty-something years on the throne. I mean seriously, do you think the other queens would last that long without messing up or causing a scene or going losing it over the costumes for the 44th world tour? Lizzie stays level headed in all types of crises and always puts her people above all. As Queen, her job is simple - look after your subjects. Do the best thing for them and their country, even if they think it sucks at the time. She's like the dedicated teacher who spends hours planning so she can give you loads of extra homework and you get totally pissed, but then realise later that actually, you learnt a hell of a lot in that class. 

Queen Elizabeth young gif

Swords people aren't really into affection and they definitely aren't huggers. I mean hugging is just so - emotional, ick! Only super emo people hug. How about holding hands or kissing your hubby when out and about? Maybe a couple of times every 100 years or so. If Queen Elizabeth doesn't hug you back, it's not because she doesn't like you, it's just that one must stay professional and regal at all times and never show weakness. Affection is for weaklings! I don't need a hug! I'm the Queen of England! I don't even hug my baby, we just shake hands!

Shaking hands with babies

She doesn't even give Prince Harry a cuddle, although he's always being naughty so maybe you can kind of understand it, but he's just soooo hugable am I right girls, am I right? I mean come on, you must have a heart of steel to resist pinching these cheeks...

Prince harry smiling gif

Sorry where were we? Oh yes, so she's quite steely really, and she totally believes in honour and tradition. She goes to church and does all the other weird things that you are 'supposed' to do if you are Queen. While other members of the monarchy are rocking a hipster chilled out approach to being royal, Liz sticks with the tried and true. You'd never see her in a tabloid, dancing naked on a table or dressing up in a highly inappropriate costume for Halloween. It just isn't done! But she doesn't make a fuss (at least not in public!) about other members of the royal family doing their do, and for that we give her clicks!


The Queen of Swords is known for ability to give brilliant advice. She knows a hell of a lot and has seen enough to know what works, what doesn't work, what's going to get you where you want to go, and what's going to hold you back. But her advice will always be somewhat 'sensible'. If you ask her about whether you should get a real job or blow all your cash backpacking through the UK she's probably going to tell you to get a real job. But sometimes you need that person in your life, to tell you what's sensible, what's a 'good idea' and what's the 'right' thing to do for the greatest good, for others and for yourself. Although she may seem to lack any kind of emotional bone in her body, she really does look out for everyone else over herself. I mean come on, she's spent over 50 years as Queen. She's followed the rules, toed the line and has she ever complained about it? Don't think so. She's got on with it, for the benefit of everyone, and she'll encourage you to do the same.

Upright you can trust her completely and tell her everything. Reversed though this woman can be seriously manipulative and weave a web of lies that is so well thought out it's almost impossible to really catch her out. She can be truly heartless and ice cold, sharp and cutting with her words and basically just really, really mean.

Queen of Swords/Queen Elizabeth II Cheat Sheet:

<3 steely <3 logical <3 clever <3 intelligent <3 not affectionate <3 awesome ruler <3 likes tradition <3 honour <3 cold <3 icy <3 manipulative <3 calculating  <3 advice <3 professional <3 regal <3 devoted <3 sensible <3 knowledgeable <3 good at speeches <3 leader <3 ruler

So now the big question - how does this all help you in your readings? Perhaps this card can represent someone that you know, or an aspect of yourself, or the person you are reading for. It can mean you are being too logical and not thinking with your heart enough, or it could be that you should get into counselling, after all, counsellors have to have an element of the Queen of Swords within them. You can't be in a counselling session with crazy passionate opinions or balling your eyes out! When asking about a relationship - perhaps you need to be more affectionate. Asking about a job - stay professional and show your true leadership abilities! What about pulling the Queen reversed when asking if you should buy that round the world ticket - hmmm, might not be the most 'sensible' thing to do right now... but of course you are welcome to use your free will and go anyway!

Whenever you are feeling too emo or scattered try channelling your inner Queen of Swords and see if she can bring you back into your body and your brain and start making good solid choices again. After all, not every decision in life should be made with the fiery passion of the Wands or the heart-felt Cups. Sometimes we all need a little Swords energy around us to get things into perspective and use some logic occasionally!

queen elizabeth ii young, waving, wedding

Can you think of anyone in your own life or any other pop culture persons who are also Queen of Swords types? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas, please come on over to Facebook and say Hi!

<3 Love, light and logical decisions <3


It's 2015! #YAY! ...now what?!

Image from www.blisstree.com

Image from www.blisstree.com

2015 is here!!! We've been waiting for it for MONTHS, and you know what? I do feel different! Don't you?! I feel the buzz! I feel the vibes! I feel the abundant '8' year energy and ready to say to hell with the dress rehearsal let's dance the shit out of this year! 

That feeling is great, but that feeling alone doesn't get you very far alone. You have to work, think, plan and take action to make this the best year EVER! You can't be sitting around in a relationship that's no good for you. You can't hang on to a job that is sucking you dry emotionally and energetically. You can't just carry on like you always do and expect things to change.

So here's where I can help. I'm offering a bunch of uplifting and empowering 2015 email readings. I'll look at the energy of your year, things to get excited about and plan for, things to be aware of and practical tips on what to actually do with this energy to help you make this year AMAZING! For a full reading (which goes for £40) I'll also see which Angel and Goddess want to work with you and give you a message from the Fairies! For £20 you get a shorter version of a full reading and for ONLY £10 you get a minimum three card reading looking at the major themes, challenges and messages you need in your life right now + an Angel to work with (or Goddess or Fairy if you so wish!).

I'm always totally open to communicating with you about your reading and love to email about it all to make sure you get the most out of the experience. If you have any questions about this reading, or anything I do, or anything at all I'd love to hear from you. I'm vix@newagehipster.co x You can also come chat to me on Facebook.

You can find out more by watching the video below, checking out the Readings page or heading over to the Etsy store.

<3 Sending you so much love, light and abundant 2015 vibes!! <3



Weekly Reading - Hanson Roberts Tarot - 29th December 2014 to 4th January 2014

  Hanson Roberts Tarot

OK guys, here's the weekly reading for the week of the new year! *Clapping!* When I do these readings what I'm doing is like tapping into the energy that surrounds anyone who see this post, or the cards on Facebook or Instagram in the hopes that it will resonate with many of you and bring guidance and help uplift and empower you to make your week rock! I'm using the Hanson Roberts deck, which is the very first deck I ever bought! I love it dearly...


Monday - Six of Pentacles

I've seen this card a lot lately! Yay! Share the wealth today! OK, you might not think you have much, especially if you've over-spent at Christmas... but everyone has something to share. Maybe just share your time, knowledge or skills today. Or at least start thinking about how you are going to do this in the New Year!


Tuesday - Justice Reversed

"But it's not faaaaaaaaiiirrr!" you might find yourself screaming this today, or at least in your head. Yes, life is not fair. I don't know why bad things happen either. Some people think that everything is meant to be and try to find peace in the most horrible circumstances. Not me. I shake my head and scream at the news on TV and then I stamp my foot and send love, light and Angels to the situation. Sometimes that's all we can do, but that doesn't mean we can't at least do that.


Wednesday NEW YEARS EVE!! - Five of Swords Reversed

This is not a night for drama, manipulation, lies, deceit or any of that crap. Tonight is about being your best self. If you have any intentions other than that you might as well stay home. Tonight is for celebrating and uplifting others not dragging anyone into your drama OK? No checking out someone else's date, no complaining about the service or cost of drinks, no getting all negative because someone is wearing your outfit and you think they look better. No being mopey! Start the year as your best self!


Thursday NEW YEARS DAY!!! - Queen of Cups Reversed

This could simply be your hangover. Or this lady is appearing because you may just feel out of sorts. You've been planning, manifesting, you've been working through your Leonie Dawson 2015 Yearbook. Oh, but you thought you'd wake up on the first day of 2015 a new shiny version of yourself and you didn't. Uh, don't freak out. You have 364 days left to be shiny. Recover, relax, rejuvenate. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.


Friday - Seven of Cups

OK time to sit down and work out what the hell you are actually doing. What do you really want out of 2015? Do you want to start your own business? Do you just want a better paying job? Do you want to go back to Uni? Do you want to just work in a bar for a couple of months and then travel overseas? Do you just want to hibernate and worry about it until Summer? Forget what everyone else has on their 2015 wish list, what's really on yours?!


Saturday - Nine of Cups

Boo yah! Saturday is all about being content. This is a day to go shopping with mates in the sales, have a nice dinner out with your love, just bloody sit and read a book all day. Do whatever is going to make you feel 'content'. That's basically abundance right? I think I might go see the new Hunger Games...


Sunday - Five of Rods

Ah yes, the battle between good and evil, AKA the Sunday night blues. If you are going back to work on Monday the world may seem like it's crashing down around you tonight. There's a push/pull inside of you - the I love my life on the weekends, but I hate my job thing. Or even if you like your job it's not like getting out of bed on Monday is ever that fun. Try to remember why you need to go to work and get into some gratitude if you can. It's the start of the year and could be a perfect time to start that gratitude journal you are always going on about. What are you grateful for today?


There's still time to grab your own personal 2015 email reading from my Etsy store. A full reading comes with a 12 month spread, an Angel and Goddess to work with and a Fairy message to get you through the whole year. I'm also offering shorter readings from as little as £10!! OMG!! I've had some wonderful feedback from these and I'm loving being able to give you some insights on your year ahead; the joys and the difficulties that may come up so that you are able to navigate towards or around them!  

<3 Sending you soooo much love and light and sparkly shiny new year good vibes! <3



The Week Ahead - 10th to 16th November

Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989 As I was shuffling this week and asking for some messages, I felt like the big thing we needed this week was something empowering. And from looking at the cards we drew from the most amazing Art Nouveau Tarot (one of the coolest 80's decks!!) we are going to need some serious empowering. When I ask for the cards I always ask for a message for anyone who sees it, so if you are here, and you feel like you need some empowering this is so totally for you.

Monday - 5 of Cups

OK I'm sensing this is going to be 'one of those Mondays'. Find a way to get through your Mondays. What's going to cheer you up today? Wear blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick on Mondays (boys or girls who don't do make-up you can wear a pink jumper and some blue shoes). Other commuters need cheering up too.

Tuesday - 4 of Pentacles

What are you holding onto right now that you don't need? Old clothes in your closet? Receipts in your purse? Empty water bottles in your car? A crush on a totally unattainable someone?! Put it in a black bag and get rid of it.

Wednesday - 10 of Swords

OK, you didn't hear me. I said - GET RID OF IT! Today is a perfect day for letting something go. Take out the recycling and let go of the fear of being alone. Whatever it is know that it no longer serves you.

Thursday - the Magician reversed

Guys, remember what you put out into the Universe comes back to you. You aren't going to manifest the dream job if you think you don't deserve it or aren't good enough. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH to do really cool stuff. Stop thinking you can't do anything.

Friday - the World reversed

It's a good day to retreat from the world a little. Some days you just need to go to bed and read a book instead of saving the world, this might be one of them.

Saturday - Strength reversed

OK, that's enough. Anyone who's still in this slump from Thursday needs to cheer the hell up. You are strong. You are magic. You can do loads of stuff. If you aren't in a slump - awesome, go do some yoga or get some exercise and build your physical strength!

Sunday - The Empress

OK on Sunday anyone who has been feeling a little down or suffering in self esteem this week is going to emerge from their caterpillar cocoons as beautiful butterflies today! Our self esteem stuff seems to be back on track and we're loving ourselves a whole lot more today! Remember this feeling. This is who you really are.


Sending you all so much love and light this week! Find me on Facebook, I'd love to hear about how your week goes, and I'll be posting some self esteem tips too!




Eric Northman - King of Swords

phonto (9)

If Nick Miller is the King of Cups and Matthew McConaughey is the Page of Swords, Eric Northman is SO King of Swords.


The King of Swords has that sharp edge and silver tongue (see what I did there?!) that the other Kings don't. The King of Cups is like a free jelly beans for all kind of dude, the King of Pentacles is all about doing it for the moola and the King of Wands is a guy who will up and beat you with a stick but maybe not at Scrabble.

But do you really want to play Scrabble with Eric Northman?!

Hello no, he's like a thousand years old and speaks like every European language, he's going to be pretty good at Scrabble. Also, he's probably going to slice you if you you use his triple word score square.

He's the Sheriff of Area 5, owner of Fangtasia (OK, maybe not so much in the current episodes), he oozes authority over everyone in town and beyond and is basically what is known as The Man. He's sharp, quick (physically and mentally!) although emotions aren't really so much his thing. Why couldn't he just love Sookie?! Eric is the ultimate alpha male, but not in that - 'oh gross that guy thinks he is sooooo all that' kind of way. This guy so alpha male you won't even realise until after six weeks of stalking and crying over him your friends surprise you with another one of those intervention parties.

Traditionally the King of Swords is aggressive, ambitious, distrusting, and even a little conservative. You may think Eric Northman is so not conservative, but it's not like he wears colours.

This is the guy that rips off a werewolf's head and then gives you a sparkly grin that makes you weak at the knees when usually you can't even stomach looking at a rare steak. He's scary, powerful, exciting and you could learn a hell of a lot from him. A little King of Swords confidence and energy can go a long way!

I pulled this card from the Tarot of White Cats deck this #Caturday as a reminder that you have the power. When you see this card in a spread and it doesn't relate to a hot date with a Alexander Skarsgaard look-a-like, remember to channel your inner Eric Northman!

Oh and PS - don't forget to contact me here if you'd like a limited time only free reading!

Love, light and sexy vampires,
