ancestors — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Halloween Tarot or Oracle Spread

Halloween Tarot Spread New Age Hipster

Happy Halloween gorgeous souls!

Halloween is a beautiful time to connect with your ancestors and honour those who have passed. It’s a very witchy, wonderful, powerful time to see through veils of illusion.

I hope this spread serves you as a way to work with your guides and those in spirit at this time.

Card one: How to honour this night

This card will show you how you can best honour and work with the energies of Halloween night.

Card two: Protection message

This card will give you insight into how and/or when to protect your energy tonight and always.

Card three: Spirits to guide your way

Here you’ll find a message about which guides are with you right now and anything they want you to know.

Card four: Ghosts of the past to release

Got any ghosts hanging around who are ready to go to the light? This could be literal ghosts or figurative ones!

Card five: A message from your ancestors + those passed

Halloween is a powerful time to connect with your ancestors and passed over loved ones, here they will give you a message.

Card six: How to see through the veil all year round

Seeing through the veil and connecting with spirit is not just for Halloween! Here you’ll find some info for how you can stay connected year round.

If you find this spread useful please share on Instagram and tag me in your pics so I can find you!

And if you liked this spread be sure to check out my 5 Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without free e-book!

Right, I’m off to watch Hocus Pocus!

Halloween Blessings! x

Hocus Pocus

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This week - What do you really want?!

Image I've been playing with divination since I was in high school. I remember long before I had a deck of cards writing 'yes' and 'no' on tiny pieces of paper and putting them in a sandwich bag, closing my eyes and asking 'does he like meeeeee?'. And how many of us had 'yes' and 'no' written on each side of our erasers? Did it work? I can't remember, even if he did like me I wouldn't strike up the nerve to talk to a boy for another ten years or so, so I guess I'll never know!

I've been dabbling with the Tarot for years now, but I'm still learning - I'll always be learning! The symbolism and energy of the cards is so rich and deep that I kind of feel like right now I'm just floating around on top. On a lilo. Drinking a Pina Colada. It's a lot of fun, but I've only dangled my legs in so far.

But you don't have to have anyidea of what you are doing to receive messages from the Universe through Tarot. Even if you've just opened your first deck and given the cards a 'knock', a prayer, some sage, incense, whacked a crystal on top or whatever it is you feel like you want to do, you can still find so much meaning and truth if you just use your intuition! You might not know what the card means but you can work out how it makes you feel. And if you're still using a book to help you (I am!) then look for any words or phrases that stand out. Some of the passages in Tarot books can be soooo long and by the time you've finished reading it you forgot what you were asking in the first place! Skim through the words, what feels like your message? What makes you gasp and think - OMG that's so me!?

I asked for a message this week for myself and anyone who happens upon their lucky chance to come by this blog, and the 3 of wands came up for us. Looks like we are back to square one this week, which is no surprise really, as Mercury Retrograde is about to hit! Our energy might be scattered this week because we've just got so many darn irons in the fire! But sometimes set backs are just reminders for us to get centered and re-focused on what we really, really want.

This week we really need to take some time to reassess. Ah, and it's the first of June, what a fantastic time to think about what we want to achieve during the second half of this year. You have six months left of 2014, what are you going to have to show by the end of it?

Love, light and six month plans!

New age hipster

