
The 2015 energy shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?

image from I know I'm not the only ungrounded person around right now. The 2015 energy shift I've felt coming into this new year has been intense! So many shiny people on social media have been saying similar things too. It seems a lot of us are feeling a double whammy. We feel better than ever, like we are floating on clouds, in an exciting new head-space full of ideas, inspiration and even productivity! But meanwhile our bodies are telling a different story...

You may have been feeling like this lately:

<3 light-headed or dizzy

<3 ungrounded (more than whatever is 'usual' for you!)

<3 having waaaay too many ideas for your pretty little head

<3 sick - head-colds, nausea, migraines, headaches...

<3 pain somewhere in your body

<3 super excited!

<3 scattered

<3 anxious

<3 nervous (good or bad!)

<3 like your energy isn't in your body properly

<3 out of alignment

<3 any other way your body/mind tells you that you are ungrounded or uncentred

<3 just weird 


At the end of 2014 I had the worst migraine I've had in years. It was horrible. I lost my vision three times (usually it just happens once) and didn't get it back totally for a few days and I was in a seriously crap amount of pain. Then in the days after I just felt weird, I blamed the migraine, but guess what? It's been a couple weeks now and I still feel weird! Peeps on Instagram and FB have been reporting similar disturbances - disconnect, fuzzy, faint, dizzy, werid. OK, I'm a Gemini and I'm pretty scattered most of the time, but the thing is, a lot of other peeps are saying that they don't usually feel like this at all. 

So what the actual is going on? 

OK, so for those who didn't get the Numerology memo 2015 is bringing us into an 8 year which means Abundance City Baby! 2014 was a 7 year, which was basically about learning and working shit out. So for those of us who spent last year reading self help books, chatting with our guides and angels, journalling, asking questions, learning new skills, just thinking - 'what the hell am I supposed to be doing with my life?' and taking any steps big or small towards becoming who we really actually are and doing what we actually came here to do - this shift is HUGE! We actually know now what we are meant to do! I mean OMG! YAY!


Think of 2014 as level 1, or 2, or whatever level you've been playing at, doesn't matter! As the clock struck midnight bringing us into 2015 we literally levelled up! So here we are now walking around this new level and feeling pretty good about it! It basically looks the same, but there are some slight differences, new challenges, different colours, characters we didn't see before, we might even have a new outfit on or a different hair colour. The old level we were playing at had no challenges left for us!

So really, we are just feeling ungrounded because although we have raised our vibration (or levelled up!) our bodies haven't totally caught up yet!

PLEASE NOTE: Now this isn't medical advice by any means and I'm planning to see a doctor myself to talk about my migraines, and I highly suggest you do the same if you have any health issues, worries or concerns, but if you are just generally feeling ungrounded, perhaps it's just because your body isn't playing at the same level as your higher self is, not just yet anyway!


Try out some of the tips below or check out this post I wrote on grounding:

<3 take a bath

<3 breathe

<3 meditate

<3 eat potatoes - I'm not even joking, very grounding

<3 read... anything. You know I love a good YA book

<3 visualise your energy going back into your body and dropping down a touch

<3 clear your chakras

<3 yoga

<3 stretch

<3 dance

<3 carry crystals - I highly recommend black tourmaline, but any crystal and especially the dark coloured ones are good for serious grounding

<3 get outside as much as you can

<3 drink lots of tea (preferably caffeine free!)

<3 ask the angels, your guides, whoever you work with to help you stay grounded

<3 do all your grounding visualisations - feet as roots!

<3 just say out loud - "I am grounded!"


I hope you all start feeling a little less weird soon, or at least coming to feel normal in your new weird!

And guess what?! There's still time to get a 2015 reading with me! Huzzah! I'd love to help you look at the energies of your 2015 and how to work with them to make this the best year yet! Also make sure to come find me on Facebook for more New Age Hipster goodness, free daily readings and all sorts of fun things!

Sending you all loads of love, light and congratulations on levelling up!



This week - What do you really want?!

Image I've been playing with divination since I was in high school. I remember long before I had a deck of cards writing 'yes' and 'no' on tiny pieces of paper and putting them in a sandwich bag, closing my eyes and asking 'does he like meeeeee?'. And how many of us had 'yes' and 'no' written on each side of our erasers? Did it work? I can't remember, even if he did like me I wouldn't strike up the nerve to talk to a boy for another ten years or so, so I guess I'll never know!

I've been dabbling with the Tarot for years now, but I'm still learning - I'll always be learning! The symbolism and energy of the cards is so rich and deep that I kind of feel like right now I'm just floating around on top. On a lilo. Drinking a Pina Colada. It's a lot of fun, but I've only dangled my legs in so far.

But you don't have to have anyidea of what you are doing to receive messages from the Universe through Tarot. Even if you've just opened your first deck and given the cards a 'knock', a prayer, some sage, incense, whacked a crystal on top or whatever it is you feel like you want to do, you can still find so much meaning and truth if you just use your intuition! You might not know what the card means but you can work out how it makes you feel. And if you're still using a book to help you (I am!) then look for any words or phrases that stand out. Some of the passages in Tarot books can be soooo long and by the time you've finished reading it you forgot what you were asking in the first place! Skim through the words, what feels like your message? What makes you gasp and think - OMG that's so me!?

I asked for a message this week for myself and anyone who happens upon their lucky chance to come by this blog, and the 3 of wands came up for us. Looks like we are back to square one this week, which is no surprise really, as Mercury Retrograde is about to hit! Our energy might be scattered this week because we've just got so many darn irons in the fire! But sometimes set backs are just reminders for us to get centered and re-focused on what we really, really want.

This week we really need to take some time to reassess. Ah, and it's the first of June, what a fantastic time to think about what we want to achieve during the second half of this year. You have six months left of 2014, what are you going to have to show by the end of it?

Love, light and six month plans!

New age hipster
