art nouveau — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


art nouveau

The Week Ahead - Filling up!

10590413_693867610693967_3602375258438122113_n OK first of all, let's talk about my new deck! You know I'm obsessed with buying new decks right now and I need to find a way to control it, but this is a deck I've had a crush on for ages! The Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Meyers from 1989. It's so 80's and I'm so in love with it! Maybe I should do a deck review?!

So what's going on this week? Well this Queen of Cups is different than the usual Rider Waite Queen who stares at her cup almost obsessively. Here we see a much more open Queen who looks like she wants to give us some of her water. But she can't give us anything if she doesn't fill her cup first... and that's the message for this week - we need to fill our cups!

So I've been cracking on with these free readings of which I still have nearly a hundred requests waiting for me in my inbox (thanks for your patience!) and although I am loving every minute of it I am totally stressed out that I'm taking too long and letting people down! But I'm getting the message now to slow down and look after myself first. So now I'm trying to do a quick reading for myself before I do readings for anyone else and put my study and practice first rather than as an after thought - you know, thinking I'll do the stuff for others first then if I've got time I'll do my own stuff.

I did a reading this week in which I saw this woman on a plane with children. I saw her having to put on her own oxygen mask before she assisted others. And that's so what we are needing to think about this week! You can't help others if you can't breathe!

A lot of us right now have a deep desire to help as many people as we can - family, friends, clients, people who read our blogs, whoever we can! We feel like we are never doing enough for others, that we could be doing so much more, and even feeling guilty when we don't feel like we're fulfilling our purpose...

 But how can we fulfill anything when we are empty?!

Let's take a look at this Queen of Cups this week - she's giving, she's beautiful, she's strong and powerful, but if her bowl was empty she wouldn't be any of these things! (OK, maybe she'd sill be beautiful, she's practically a Barbie!)

So what can we do this week to fill up?! Well you know I'm seriously into lists right now so here's some ideas... :-)

<3 Take a bath - Queen of Cups - water - get it?!

<3 Drink tea! Oh we are so on the Cups vibe here...

<3 Take long showers

<3 Buy a new nail polish! Barry M is 3 free and 3 for 2 at Boots right now! Or paint your nails with the polish you already have!

<3 Watch your favourite TV show or a movie and don't feel guilty for doing it! Imagine sitting on your couch and the Universe is pouring love and light into your head while you zone out!

<3 Get a massage or get someone to give you one, or let the cat walk on your back. Haha!

<3 Get your hair done, or do it yourself!

<3 Make time to read a few chapters from that book on your bedside table

<3 Sit in the sun! (If you have any!)

<3 Have a beer or a wine and don't feel guilty! I know loads of us these days are all about the clean living, but come on, even Jesus had a tipple!

<3 Spend some time doing some tarot/angel readings for yourself! If you don't have the cards look for some blogs (like mine! Lol!) or other websites where you can get your fill! I really think that even if you look at old readings online that you can find exactly what you are supposed to in that moment. You might find some old posts on here that make sense to you in the moment!

<3 Take a selfie and revel in the 'WOW you so PRETTY/SEXY' comments

<3 Write a list of all your good features

<3 Write a letter to your 12 year old self telling her or him how amazing their life is going to be

<3 Book a holiday or a pretend Pinterest holiday

<3 Make a vision board or do some scrapbooking

<3 Clean out your closet and give old stuff to charity

<3 Make or order your favourite dinner and eat seconds

<3 Dance around your bedroom!

<3 Do whatever you need to do to 'fill up'!

And once we find the balance between filling up and pouring out we'll be like those guys who play the bagpipes doing circular breathing; they don't stop to think about if they are breathing in or out, it just happens.

Love, light and glasses full,



PS - I'm thinking about doing my week ahead next week as video! Eeeeep! Join the conversation on Facebook if you have any ideas about what you want to see!