queen of cups — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


queen of cups

WTF Court Cards: Bridget Jones - Queen of Cups

Bridget Jones, Queen of Cups - Hanson Roberts Tarot It's been a while since I've blogged about pop culture tarot but don't freak out! I'm dedicating the first part of 2015 to finishing off the WTF Court Cards series! Yay!

For those not already in the know - when you first start out with the Tarot there are quite a lot of 'easy' cards. A man in a boat - hello you are going somewhere. A man looking sad because he spilled his drink - OK, this is about disappointment. Easy peasy lemon squeezy let's all be professional tarot readers and quit our day jobs wheeeee! And then you find yourself in the middle of an intense reading for your Mum or someone who's game enough to be your guinea pig, like your cat, and you pull the Queen of Cups, well WTF? It's just a chic on a chair with a cup. Is this about a person? Is this telling you to go to IKEA and get some new mugs? I mean seriously, it's not that helpful. These damn court cards are tricky, even for people who've been reading tarot for a gazillion years. But never fear - WTF Court Cards is here helping make tarot accessible to even the newest of new age hipsters.

Today in Pop Culture Tarot we are learning all about Bridget Jones - Queen of Cups.

Bridget Jones is probably not the first pop culture princess that comes to mind when you think of the Queen of Cups, but stay with me here. We know the Cups suit is all about emotions right? And who is more emotional than Bridget Jones, I mean really?

Bridget Jones gif new age hipster

So the vodka shooting Bridget is probably more like a Queen of Cups reversed card. The emotional wreck. The stalker. The girl who obsesses compulsively about romance, love, has crushes on six guys at once and can't get a proper date with any of them. She drinks too much and this is totally a reversed cups issue, along with depression and all those 'upside down emotions'. The cups people are super emo and their watery vibes are not only symbolic - tears, crying in the bath, wine, beer and vodka. It's all very reversed cups.

The Queen of Cups has a huge tendency to get obsessive about stuff. Men, women, relationships, friendships, family, any of the emotional stuff. They thrive on relationships, and when things aren't going well in that area of their lives it feels as if their lives are falling apart. And this Queen without her King?! OMG please don't even get her started.

bridget jones in a blanket eating ice cream new age hipster

While the Queen of Pentacles is going about her business making a career and a life for herself and the Queen of Wands is off saving her family from anything or anyone that gets in the way, the Queen of Cups is most likely to be complaining about how she doesn't have a boyfriend. Career?! She only goes to work because she fancies her boss!

But the Queen of Cups has a hell of a lot of redeeming features and when she's got her shit together she is one of the most sweetest, warmest, friendliest, charming, kindest, loveliest women you'll ever meet. She'll always help you if you ask for it, and even if you don't! She'd do anything for her friends and family and put up with a serious amount of crap to keep the peace. She's a brilliant peace keeper and her greatest desire in life (apart from getting married) is that everyone gets along. She's a hugger. You won't get away without a huge hug and maybe even a pink cover-stay lipstick print on your cheek. As a friend she's adorable and worth her weight in gold. In a relationship she puts it above anything in the world and will do anything to keep her partner happy. Although this means she can be clingy and a little crazy at times, when she's with someone who gets her, every day is like walking on clouds for the both of you. 

The Queen of Cups is the Queen of intuition. Does she think with her head?! Does she use logic? Oh no, hell no! This girl thinks with her gut all the time, making her intuition bang on as long as she's not drunk. When the love of her life is walking out of her flat she has two choices - let him go and talk to him later, or listen to her gut and run the hell after him now (even in pants).


So whenever you see the Queen of Cups come up in your readings be sure to think of Bridget Jones. Remember how even though she's an emotional wreck she is lovely, warm, friendly, romantic and super intuitive even if she doesn't even know it yet.

Queen of Cups/Bridget Jones Cheat Sheet:

<3 intuitive <3 friendly <3 romantic <3 has a crush on everyone <3 life purpose is to find true love (or so it seems) <3 could have a drinking problem <3 obsessive <3 hugger <3 helpful <3 sweet <3 kind <3 cries a lot <3 loves bubble baths <3 clingy <3 puts up with a lot of crap <3 wants everyone to get a long <3 nothing is more important than love! <3 emotional wreck

So how does this work when reading about a situation? OK, you want to know if you should pursue a relationship? Queen of Cups (upright!) says yes. Want to know if your crush fancies you? Queen of Cups reversed - maybe they would if you weren't so damn obsessed about them! Asking about work? Maybe you need to stop obsessing over one element of your job and get a change in perspective. What if your question was about your spirituality and connection to the Universe? Well, hello! You have awesome intuition so work it!

There are a gazillion ways to read the Tarot, and thinking of Bridge as the Queen of Cups is just one way I've used to get really clear on who the Queen of Cups is and what she's about. I'd love to hear about who you think of when you see the Queen of Cups come up in your spreads! Come over to Facebook and let me know how you see this gorgeous ga of the Tarot! x

<3 Sending you so much love, light and intuitive romantic vibes with a tub of ice-cream on the side <3


Weekly Reading - Hanson Roberts Tarot - 29th December 2014 to 4th January 2014

  Hanson Roberts Tarot

OK guys, here's the weekly reading for the week of the new year! *Clapping!* When I do these readings what I'm doing is like tapping into the energy that surrounds anyone who see this post, or the cards on Facebook or Instagram in the hopes that it will resonate with many of you and bring guidance and help uplift and empower you to make your week rock! I'm using the Hanson Roberts deck, which is the very first deck I ever bought! I love it dearly...


Monday - Six of Pentacles

I've seen this card a lot lately! Yay! Share the wealth today! OK, you might not think you have much, especially if you've over-spent at Christmas... but everyone has something to share. Maybe just share your time, knowledge or skills today. Or at least start thinking about how you are going to do this in the New Year!


Tuesday - Justice Reversed

"But it's not faaaaaaaaiiirrr!" you might find yourself screaming this today, or at least in your head. Yes, life is not fair. I don't know why bad things happen either. Some people think that everything is meant to be and try to find peace in the most horrible circumstances. Not me. I shake my head and scream at the news on TV and then I stamp my foot and send love, light and Angels to the situation. Sometimes that's all we can do, but that doesn't mean we can't at least do that.


Wednesday NEW YEARS EVE!! - Five of Swords Reversed

This is not a night for drama, manipulation, lies, deceit or any of that crap. Tonight is about being your best self. If you have any intentions other than that you might as well stay home. Tonight is for celebrating and uplifting others not dragging anyone into your drama OK? No checking out someone else's date, no complaining about the service or cost of drinks, no getting all negative because someone is wearing your outfit and you think they look better. No being mopey! Start the year as your best self!


Thursday NEW YEARS DAY!!! - Queen of Cups Reversed

This could simply be your hangover. Or this lady is appearing because you may just feel out of sorts. You've been planning, manifesting, you've been working through your Leonie Dawson 2015 Yearbook. Oh, but you thought you'd wake up on the first day of 2015 a new shiny version of yourself and you didn't. Uh, don't freak out. You have 364 days left to be shiny. Recover, relax, rejuvenate. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.


Friday - Seven of Cups

OK time to sit down and work out what the hell you are actually doing. What do you really want out of 2015? Do you want to start your own business? Do you just want a better paying job? Do you want to go back to Uni? Do you want to just work in a bar for a couple of months and then travel overseas? Do you just want to hibernate and worry about it until Summer? Forget what everyone else has on their 2015 wish list, what's really on yours?!


Saturday - Nine of Cups

Boo yah! Saturday is all about being content. This is a day to go shopping with mates in the sales, have a nice dinner out with your love, just bloody sit and read a book all day. Do whatever is going to make you feel 'content'. That's basically abundance right? I think I might go see the new Hunger Games...


Sunday - Five of Rods

Ah yes, the battle between good and evil, AKA the Sunday night blues. If you are going back to work on Monday the world may seem like it's crashing down around you tonight. There's a push/pull inside of you - the I love my life on the weekends, but I hate my job thing. Or even if you like your job it's not like getting out of bed on Monday is ever that fun. Try to remember why you need to go to work and get into some gratitude if you can. It's the start of the year and could be a perfect time to start that gratitude journal you are always going on about. What are you grateful for today?


There's still time to grab your own personal 2015 email reading from my Etsy store. A full reading comes with a 12 month spread, an Angel and Goddess to work with and a Fairy message to get you through the whole year. I'm also offering shorter readings from as little as £10!! OMG!! I've had some wonderful feedback from these and I'm loving being able to give you some insights on your year ahead; the joys and the difficulties that may come up so that you are able to navigate towards or around them!  

<3 Sending you soooo much love and light and sparkly shiny new year good vibes! <3



The Week Ahead - Filling up!

10590413_693867610693967_3602375258438122113_n OK first of all, let's talk about my new deck! You know I'm obsessed with buying new decks right now and I need to find a way to control it, but this is a deck I've had a crush on for ages! The Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Meyers from 1989. It's so 80's and I'm so in love with it! Maybe I should do a deck review?!

So what's going on this week? Well this Queen of Cups is different than the usual Rider Waite Queen who stares at her cup almost obsessively. Here we see a much more open Queen who looks like she wants to give us some of her water. But she can't give us anything if she doesn't fill her cup first... and that's the message for this week - we need to fill our cups!

So I've been cracking on with these free readings of which I still have nearly a hundred requests waiting for me in my inbox (thanks for your patience!) and although I am loving every minute of it I am totally stressed out that I'm taking too long and letting people down! But I'm getting the message now to slow down and look after myself first. So now I'm trying to do a quick reading for myself before I do readings for anyone else and put my study and practice first rather than as an after thought - you know, thinking I'll do the stuff for others first then if I've got time I'll do my own stuff.

I did a reading this week in which I saw this woman on a plane with children. I saw her having to put on her own oxygen mask before she assisted others. And that's so what we are needing to think about this week! You can't help others if you can't breathe!

A lot of us right now have a deep desire to help as many people as we can - family, friends, clients, people who read our blogs, whoever we can! We feel like we are never doing enough for others, that we could be doing so much more, and even feeling guilty when we don't feel like we're fulfilling our purpose...

 But how can we fulfill anything when we are empty?!

Let's take a look at this Queen of Cups this week - she's giving, she's beautiful, she's strong and powerful, but if her bowl was empty she wouldn't be any of these things! (OK, maybe she'd sill be beautiful, she's practically a Barbie!)

So what can we do this week to fill up?! Well you know I'm seriously into lists right now so here's some ideas... :-)

<3 Take a bath - Queen of Cups - water - get it?!

<3 Drink tea! Oh we are so on the Cups vibe here...

<3 Take long showers

<3 Buy a new nail polish! Barry M is 3 free and 3 for 2 at Boots right now! Or paint your nails with the polish you already have!

<3 Watch your favourite TV show or a movie and don't feel guilty for doing it! Imagine sitting on your couch and the Universe is pouring love and light into your head while you zone out!

<3 Get a massage or get someone to give you one, or let the cat walk on your back. Haha!

<3 Get your hair done, or do it yourself!

<3 Make time to read a few chapters from that book on your bedside table

<3 Sit in the sun! (If you have any!)

<3 Have a beer or a wine and don't feel guilty! I know loads of us these days are all about the clean living, but come on, even Jesus had a tipple!

<3 Spend some time doing some tarot/angel readings for yourself! If you don't have the cards look for some blogs (like mine! Lol!) or other websites where you can get your fill! I really think that even if you look at old readings online that you can find exactly what you are supposed to in that moment. You might find some old posts on here that make sense to you in the moment!

<3 Take a selfie and revel in the 'WOW you so PRETTY/SEXY' comments

<3 Write a list of all your good features

<3 Write a letter to your 12 year old self telling her or him how amazing their life is going to be

<3 Book a holiday or a pretend Pinterest holiday

<3 Make a vision board or do some scrapbooking

<3 Clean out your closet and give old stuff to charity

<3 Make or order your favourite dinner and eat seconds

<3 Dance around your bedroom!

<3 Do whatever you need to do to 'fill up'!

And once we find the balance between filling up and pouring out we'll be like those guys who play the bagpipes doing circular breathing; they don't stop to think about if they are breathing in or out, it just happens.

Love, light and glasses full,



PS - I'm thinking about doing my week ahead next week as video! Eeeeep! Join the conversation on Facebook if you have any ideas about what you want to see!