december — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - December 1st to 7th

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche

Hi Guys, Welcome to another week and another weekly reading! I used the Cosmic Tarot deck again this week and pulled all reversed cards! Woah! Sometimes when I pull all reversed cards I think it's a sign to throw them back in and start again, but this week's cards really spoke to me, so here they are!

Monday - Seven of Wands Reversed

Depleted. Today you may find yourself feeling depleted. Wow, depleted on a Monday? Are you serious New Age Hipster?! Yes. So find some ways to get through this day. Enjoy your tea, eat well and get your fluids. Sleep.

Tuesday - The Hermit Reversed

Fighting against knowledge. Huh? OK, don't get caught up in thinking you know everything about anything. Don't be a dick and also don't bother with other people who act like they know everything. None of us knows anything.

Wednesday - Eight of Swords Reversed

Today we are releasing sadness from the past. What is it that you can't stop obsessing over or thinking about? Time to let that go.

Thursday - Three of Swords Reversed

Today we have another releasing day. A great opportunity to release even more crap from your past. Put all your baggage into the metaphorical bin. It stinks, it's heavy, you don't need it. Get rid!

Friday - The Fool Reversed

Accept your faults. Work with them not against them. If you hate the way you look buy a new lipstick or wear a hat. If you hate something about your personality then work on changing it. We are all here to grow and learn and get better. Obsessing over your wonky eye won't help you on this journey, sorry.

Saturday - Seven of Cups Reversed

Make the choice today to move forward. You've thrown away all the garbage, now what? Set an intention to move on with your life and make it a great one.

Sunday - Nine of Wands Reversed

It's all about inner strength today. Not only building yourself back up, but also calling on the help of others, and being the one to bring others back to their own inner strength too!

Well guys, it's going to be a heavy week. Some sludge is going to come to the surface but we can clear it together! Join me on Facebook and Instagram to chat and for these cards in daily version!

<3 Sending you loads of love, light and healing and releasing vibes, <3

