learn tarot — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


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The Empath Spread

The Empath Spread New Age Hipster x

Being an Empath certainly has it's challenges. I dunno, I think we're all Empaths really, but some of us are hiding our Empath-ness under a bunch of other stuff and some of us aren't so much. If you're reading this, you're probably an Empath.


Empath in a nutshell: someone who picks up energies from other people, places, situations, whatever and is affected by them, OFTEN in a negative way.


E.g. if you hang out with grumpy people  you get grumpy. You can pick up all sorts of junk when you're an Empath,

but if you want to, you can totally clear it, protect yourself and use your Empath powers for good!

If you're somebody who's super sensitive to energies, this spread is for you!

Come hang out in Tarot Nerds if you wanna share or ask for help with your spreads or hashtag me #newagehipster on social media so I can find you!


Your Heart

This card is all about who you are without all the energies of everyone else, and everything else around you. What's really going on in that heart of yours? Where's your heart at? What's in your heart when you take away all the other hunks of energetic junk around you?


How to Ground

This card will give you some info around what's the haps with your grounding. Are you grounded? If not, what can you do about it? How can you get groundedAs an Empath you gotta get grounded babe


Who/What is affecting you

This is what is majorly affecting your energy right now. Could be what happened today at work, or on a bigger scale - like some big stuff going on that's been wearing you down for ages. This card should help you make sense of it.


How to Clear

When you're living life as a Empath clearing your energy is everything! This card will give you some insights into what/how to clear away that gunk!


How to Protect

Protecting yo pretty self from bad juju is imperative guys. Your protection bubble is your best friend here sweet pea, so check out what this card has to say about protecting your energy.


Moving Forward

So now that you know what's going on with your energy and what's affecting you, where do you go from here? What do you need to be aware of? What do you need to take action with? Being an Empath is no excuse for not living a freaking awesome life, so get out there and make it happen! Rarrr! This card should inspire you to do so, or at least give you some ideas on how to get there.


Now check out the video if you wanna see this spread in action! :D


With so much love, light and empath hugs!



PS - if you wanna share this spread around social media and your blog it's all good with a credit to New Age Hipster. x

New Moon Manifesting Spread

Nothing is more fun than manifesting, especially when it works! Wheeee!

This spread is designed to help y'all with your manifesting on the New Moon, or you know, whenever you want really, but the new moon is super powerful for creating cool stuff! 

You can use this spread with whatever cards you have - Tarot, Angels, Oracles, whatevs! Or even double up and pull a couple of cards for each position! Crazy!

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x


This is where you're at right now, what's going on for you in this present moment. Recognise this energy and decide if it's useful for your manifesting stuff. Do you need to shift or change something?

I pulled the Emperor Reversed for this one this morning - I need to get organised in my physical space and get confident about my manifesting before I start!



This card will give you an idea of what mental shifts you could be making to help your manifestations come about, or new mental shifts you want to manifest!

I got Seven of Pents, time for me to shift up some of my thoughts about how hard I have to work in order to bring in enough money, and also to put out some intentions related to working hard enough to create abundance but not burning out. 



This is like a reminder of your gifts and abilities, your spiritual connection. It can also represent some new spiritual stuff to call into your life

I got Page of Cups which is like - use your creative powers to connect with your spirituality and to create more cool stuff (like this!) for New Age Hipster! 



Here's something you can totally manifest this new moon with a bit of help from the universe. This can come about in the next few weeks! YAY!

I got Ace of Pentacles - double yay. I'm taking this to mean stress less about cash flow and manifest the shiz out of it!



Basically you need help with this one. Ask people around you for a hand, or get connected with your spiritual team to really make this one happen. You can't do it alone, and you don't have to!

This could also be about a block you have with receiving this thing, so get that looked at. 

I got Ace of Cups - um triple yay! I probably need some help filling my cup up over the next few weeks, allow myself to take time off and just chill and fill (I suck at that so bad!). 



This is like the long term potential of what you're manifesting this new moon. What's possible over the next few moons, or even further ahead!

I pulled 9 of Pents and like OMG quadruple yay on that. A message that yes, I can be totally sorted with my money stuff and I can have some rose bushes and pet bird if I really want one. Which I probably don't, because the cat might not like it. Also, birds beaks freak me out.


I'd love to know how you find this spread so come find me on Facebook or hashtag #NewAgeHipster on Instagram so I can find you!


With love, light and killer new moon manifesting vibes!



WTF Court Cards: Queen Elizabeth II - Queen of Swords

Image from the Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck x

See? I told you I'd keep working on the WTF Court Cards series! Why WTF Court Cards? Well, because when you learn tarot and first ask questions like "will I get the job?" and you pull the Queen of Swords it's like -" WTF Court Cards?!" Why couldn't I just pull a nice Ace of Pentacles or something?! Argh! It's enough to make even the most psychically gifted gal to go running to back to her magic 8 ball. I love magic 8 balls. I wonder if I can get one on Amazon...

Easier than Court Cards. x

Today in Pop Culture Tarot Queen Elizabeth II stars as the Queen of Swords!

WTF? You may be asking. How can Queen Elizabeth II an actual Queen represent a Queen in the tarot, because aren't all the Queens a Queen?! Good question. But no, not all Queens are created equal. Some are emotional wrecks, some are fiery war mongers while others prefer to sit on their thrones quietly and run the lands 'properly'. Liz is one of those ones. She doesn't dash about in her pants, take centre stage like Beyonce or pick up a wand first chance she gets to go into battle. Oh no, this queen rules using her intellect and logic - you know, the whole 'swords thing'.

Now love her or loathe her (I happen to love her), you have to admit Queen Liz has pretty much never put a foot wrong in her fifty-something years on the throne. I mean seriously, do you think the other queens would last that long without messing up or causing a scene or going losing it over the costumes for the 44th world tour? Lizzie stays level headed in all types of crises and always puts her people above all. As Queen, her job is simple - look after your subjects. Do the best thing for them and their country, even if they think it sucks at the time. She's like the dedicated teacher who spends hours planning so she can give you loads of extra homework and you get totally pissed, but then realise later that actually, you learnt a hell of a lot in that class. 

Queen Elizabeth young gif

Swords people aren't really into affection and they definitely aren't huggers. I mean hugging is just so - emotional, ick! Only super emo people hug. How about holding hands or kissing your hubby when out and about? Maybe a couple of times every 100 years or so. If Queen Elizabeth doesn't hug you back, it's not because she doesn't like you, it's just that one must stay professional and regal at all times and never show weakness. Affection is for weaklings! I don't need a hug! I'm the Queen of England! I don't even hug my baby, we just shake hands!

Shaking hands with babies

She doesn't even give Prince Harry a cuddle, although he's always being naughty so maybe you can kind of understand it, but he's just soooo hugable am I right girls, am I right? I mean come on, you must have a heart of steel to resist pinching these cheeks...

Prince harry smiling gif

Sorry where were we? Oh yes, so she's quite steely really, and she totally believes in honour and tradition. She goes to church and does all the other weird things that you are 'supposed' to do if you are Queen. While other members of the monarchy are rocking a hipster chilled out approach to being royal, Liz sticks with the tried and true. You'd never see her in a tabloid, dancing naked on a table or dressing up in a highly inappropriate costume for Halloween. It just isn't done! But she doesn't make a fuss (at least not in public!) about other members of the royal family doing their do, and for that we give her clicks!


The Queen of Swords is known for ability to give brilliant advice. She knows a hell of a lot and has seen enough to know what works, what doesn't work, what's going to get you where you want to go, and what's going to hold you back. But her advice will always be somewhat 'sensible'. If you ask her about whether you should get a real job or blow all your cash backpacking through the UK she's probably going to tell you to get a real job. But sometimes you need that person in your life, to tell you what's sensible, what's a 'good idea' and what's the 'right' thing to do for the greatest good, for others and for yourself. Although she may seem to lack any kind of emotional bone in her body, she really does look out for everyone else over herself. I mean come on, she's spent over 50 years as Queen. She's followed the rules, toed the line and has she ever complained about it? Don't think so. She's got on with it, for the benefit of everyone, and she'll encourage you to do the same.

Upright you can trust her completely and tell her everything. Reversed though this woman can be seriously manipulative and weave a web of lies that is so well thought out it's almost impossible to really catch her out. She can be truly heartless and ice cold, sharp and cutting with her words and basically just really, really mean.

Queen of Swords/Queen Elizabeth II Cheat Sheet:

<3 steely <3 logical <3 clever <3 intelligent <3 not affectionate <3 awesome ruler <3 likes tradition <3 honour <3 cold <3 icy <3 manipulative <3 calculating  <3 advice <3 professional <3 regal <3 devoted <3 sensible <3 knowledgeable <3 good at speeches <3 leader <3 ruler

So now the big question - how does this all help you in your readings? Perhaps this card can represent someone that you know, or an aspect of yourself, or the person you are reading for. It can mean you are being too logical and not thinking with your heart enough, or it could be that you should get into counselling, after all, counsellors have to have an element of the Queen of Swords within them. You can't be in a counselling session with crazy passionate opinions or balling your eyes out! When asking about a relationship - perhaps you need to be more affectionate. Asking about a job - stay professional and show your true leadership abilities! What about pulling the Queen reversed when asking if you should buy that round the world ticket - hmmm, might not be the most 'sensible' thing to do right now... but of course you are welcome to use your free will and go anyway!

Whenever you are feeling too emo or scattered try channelling your inner Queen of Swords and see if she can bring you back into your body and your brain and start making good solid choices again. After all, not every decision in life should be made with the fiery passion of the Wands or the heart-felt Cups. Sometimes we all need a little Swords energy around us to get things into perspective and use some logic occasionally!

queen elizabeth ii young, waving, wedding

Can you think of anyone in your own life or any other pop culture persons who are also Queen of Swords types? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas, please come on over to Facebook and say Hi!

<3 Love, light and logical decisions <3


WTF Court Cards: Bridget Jones - Queen of Cups

Bridget Jones, Queen of Cups - Hanson Roberts Tarot It's been a while since I've blogged about pop culture tarot but don't freak out! I'm dedicating the first part of 2015 to finishing off the WTF Court Cards series! Yay!

For those not already in the know - when you first start out with the Tarot there are quite a lot of 'easy' cards. A man in a boat - hello you are going somewhere. A man looking sad because he spilled his drink - OK, this is about disappointment. Easy peasy lemon squeezy let's all be professional tarot readers and quit our day jobs wheeeee! And then you find yourself in the middle of an intense reading for your Mum or someone who's game enough to be your guinea pig, like your cat, and you pull the Queen of Cups, well WTF? It's just a chic on a chair with a cup. Is this about a person? Is this telling you to go to IKEA and get some new mugs? I mean seriously, it's not that helpful. These damn court cards are tricky, even for people who've been reading tarot for a gazillion years. But never fear - WTF Court Cards is here helping make tarot accessible to even the newest of new age hipsters.

Today in Pop Culture Tarot we are learning all about Bridget Jones - Queen of Cups.

Bridget Jones is probably not the first pop culture princess that comes to mind when you think of the Queen of Cups, but stay with me here. We know the Cups suit is all about emotions right? And who is more emotional than Bridget Jones, I mean really?

Bridget Jones gif new age hipster

So the vodka shooting Bridget is probably more like a Queen of Cups reversed card. The emotional wreck. The stalker. The girl who obsesses compulsively about romance, love, has crushes on six guys at once and can't get a proper date with any of them. She drinks too much and this is totally a reversed cups issue, along with depression and all those 'upside down emotions'. The cups people are super emo and their watery vibes are not only symbolic - tears, crying in the bath, wine, beer and vodka. It's all very reversed cups.

The Queen of Cups has a huge tendency to get obsessive about stuff. Men, women, relationships, friendships, family, any of the emotional stuff. They thrive on relationships, and when things aren't going well in that area of their lives it feels as if their lives are falling apart. And this Queen without her King?! OMG please don't even get her started.

bridget jones in a blanket eating ice cream new age hipster

While the Queen of Pentacles is going about her business making a career and a life for herself and the Queen of Wands is off saving her family from anything or anyone that gets in the way, the Queen of Cups is most likely to be complaining about how she doesn't have a boyfriend. Career?! She only goes to work because she fancies her boss!

But the Queen of Cups has a hell of a lot of redeeming features and when she's got her shit together she is one of the most sweetest, warmest, friendliest, charming, kindest, loveliest women you'll ever meet. She'll always help you if you ask for it, and even if you don't! She'd do anything for her friends and family and put up with a serious amount of crap to keep the peace. She's a brilliant peace keeper and her greatest desire in life (apart from getting married) is that everyone gets along. She's a hugger. You won't get away without a huge hug and maybe even a pink cover-stay lipstick print on your cheek. As a friend she's adorable and worth her weight in gold. In a relationship she puts it above anything in the world and will do anything to keep her partner happy. Although this means she can be clingy and a little crazy at times, when she's with someone who gets her, every day is like walking on clouds for the both of you. 

The Queen of Cups is the Queen of intuition. Does she think with her head?! Does she use logic? Oh no, hell no! This girl thinks with her gut all the time, making her intuition bang on as long as she's not drunk. When the love of her life is walking out of her flat she has two choices - let him go and talk to him later, or listen to her gut and run the hell after him now (even in pants).


So whenever you see the Queen of Cups come up in your readings be sure to think of Bridget Jones. Remember how even though she's an emotional wreck she is lovely, warm, friendly, romantic and super intuitive even if she doesn't even know it yet.

Queen of Cups/Bridget Jones Cheat Sheet:

<3 intuitive <3 friendly <3 romantic <3 has a crush on everyone <3 life purpose is to find true love (or so it seems) <3 could have a drinking problem <3 obsessive <3 hugger <3 helpful <3 sweet <3 kind <3 cries a lot <3 loves bubble baths <3 clingy <3 puts up with a lot of crap <3 wants everyone to get a long <3 nothing is more important than love! <3 emotional wreck

So how does this work when reading about a situation? OK, you want to know if you should pursue a relationship? Queen of Cups (upright!) says yes. Want to know if your crush fancies you? Queen of Cups reversed - maybe they would if you weren't so damn obsessed about them! Asking about work? Maybe you need to stop obsessing over one element of your job and get a change in perspective. What if your question was about your spirituality and connection to the Universe? Well, hello! You have awesome intuition so work it!

There are a gazillion ways to read the Tarot, and thinking of Bridge as the Queen of Cups is just one way I've used to get really clear on who the Queen of Cups is and what she's about. I'd love to hear about who you think of when you see the Queen of Cups come up in your spreads! Come over to Facebook and let me know how you see this gorgeous ga of the Tarot! x

<3 Sending you so much love, light and intuitive romantic vibes with a tub of ice-cream on the side <3


Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - December 1st to 7th

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche

Hi Guys, Welcome to another week and another weekly reading! I used the Cosmic Tarot deck again this week and pulled all reversed cards! Woah! Sometimes when I pull all reversed cards I think it's a sign to throw them back in and start again, but this week's cards really spoke to me, so here they are!

Monday - Seven of Wands Reversed

Depleted. Today you may find yourself feeling depleted. Wow, depleted on a Monday? Are you serious New Age Hipster?! Yes. So find some ways to get through this day. Enjoy your tea, eat well and get your fluids. Sleep.

Tuesday - The Hermit Reversed

Fighting against knowledge. Huh? OK, don't get caught up in thinking you know everything about anything. Don't be a dick and also don't bother with other people who act like they know everything. None of us knows anything.

Wednesday - Eight of Swords Reversed

Today we are releasing sadness from the past. What is it that you can't stop obsessing over or thinking about? Time to let that go.

Thursday - Three of Swords Reversed

Today we have another releasing day. A great opportunity to release even more crap from your past. Put all your baggage into the metaphorical bin. It stinks, it's heavy, you don't need it. Get rid!

Friday - The Fool Reversed

Accept your faults. Work with them not against them. If you hate the way you look buy a new lipstick or wear a hat. If you hate something about your personality then work on changing it. We are all here to grow and learn and get better. Obsessing over your wonky eye won't help you on this journey, sorry.

Saturday - Seven of Cups Reversed

Make the choice today to move forward. You've thrown away all the garbage, now what? Set an intention to move on with your life and make it a great one.

Sunday - Nine of Wands Reversed

It's all about inner strength today. Not only building yourself back up, but also calling on the help of others, and being the one to bring others back to their own inner strength too!

Well guys, it's going to be a heavy week. Some sludge is going to come to the surface but we can clear it together! Join me on Facebook and Instagram to chat and for these cards in daily version!

<3 Sending you loads of love, light and healing and releasing vibes, <3




Molly Weasley - Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands from the Housewives Tarot These damn Tarot court cards can be so confusing! What's up with just people just standing there or siting in a chair? How the hell does that help me when it comes up in a reading?! Never fear tarot enthusiasts! Vix from New Age Hipster is here to solve all your tarot card meanings problems - in particular those darn court cards - by doing some simple Tarot/Pop Culture mash-ups!

And today in Pop Culture Tarot - Mrs Weasley as the Queen of Wands!

Everyone loves Molly Weasley. She's the coolest Mum around, and if you don't have a Mum around for whatever reason (Muggle/killed by Voldemort etc.) she'll happily take you in and bake you a bunch of banana muffins. She's warm and sweet and kind, but if you cross her or keep the flying car out too late - WOAH Nellie! - you'll be seeing her flashing around her Elemental fire balls like Wowzah! But then like two seconds later she'll make you a tea.


The Queen of Wands is the Elemental Queen - Elemental as in Fairies. The elementals are fiery, red headed, passionate creatures who live in a world of animals, nature and all that is wholesome. Think fairy houses, tiny doors in century old trees and oh, hey, The Burrow! They don't dig fast paced city life, concrete sky scrapers or fancy Asian fusion restaurants. Give them a pie and a hug and they're as happy as Larry.

Now you might be getting confused at this point - isn't Pentacles the Earth suit? Well, er, yes, technically, but Wands is the Fire suit! It's all about action, adventure, passion and not sitting around on your butt but no matter how comfy your hand knitted throw cushions are, if someone you love is in danger to hell with the muffins! Wands people grab the closest broomstick and beat the bad guy down! Fire spreads through Earth like... well, fire. While the Earth signs are solid, earthy and dependable, these Wands women will bake the best cake at the Hogwarts fair and tomorrow - save you from certain death! And do you know why? Because the Queen of Wands bloody well cares. She cares about nature, animals, family and she cares about those people in the world who are good, and she'll fight for what's right and good while other queens sit on their thrones delegating, making decisions or sending their boys to war. Not this Queen, she's out on the front line, protecting the realm of her Wands people.


Uh, OK, so every time you see the Queen of Wands are you going to read it as Mrs Weasley's coming over for tea? Not exactly, but you are going to have a pretty darn good idea of the archetype and what this card represents. All you need to do when the Queen of Wands pops up in your Tarot spread is think of Molly Weasley.

Queen of Wands/Mrs Weasley cheat sheet:

<3 loyal <3 warm <3 honest <3 family oriented <3 fiery <3 passionate <3 loving <3 loves nature and animals <3 keeps a cosy home <3 adopts children officially or unofficially <3 shouts a lot, but is never mean <3 has a temper! <3 looks like a fairy <3 possible red hair <3 fiery eyes! <3 bakes cookies <3 beats down baddies

So now you're probably thinking about of a bunch of people you know that could be a Queen of Wands type; your Mum, your cool boss at work, yourself, but what about the dreaded 'court card as a situation/outcome' meaning? OK - so you pull the Molly Weasley card when you're thinking about travelling - YES, buy your ticket! You pick the Molly Weasley card when you ask about a relationship - hrm, maybe stop throwing those fireballs huh?! The Molly Weasley card appears when you're asking about work stuff - hello, follow your passion! Doing a spread about your life purpose - easy peasy; the animals and the environment need you, get a job you believe in. Get it?!

Reversed I read her as too fiery or she's lost her passion. Totally unbalanced and unstable. Streaks of meanness may be present in a reversed Queen of Wands, or else she can sometimes be so busy looking after everyone in the end she forgets to look after herself and burns out.

Now you're cooking with gas! You'll never go blank on your Queen of Wands again!

Love, light and trouble-free tarot!




Eric Northman - King of Swords

phonto (9)

If Nick Miller is the King of Cups and Matthew McConaughey is the Page of Swords, Eric Northman is SO King of Swords.


The King of Swords has that sharp edge and silver tongue (see what I did there?!) that the other Kings don't. The King of Cups is like a free jelly beans for all kind of dude, the King of Pentacles is all about doing it for the moola and the King of Wands is a guy who will up and beat you with a stick but maybe not at Scrabble.

But do you really want to play Scrabble with Eric Northman?!

Hello no, he's like a thousand years old and speaks like every European language, he's going to be pretty good at Scrabble. Also, he's probably going to slice you if you you use his triple word score square.

He's the Sheriff of Area 5, owner of Fangtasia (OK, maybe not so much in the current episodes), he oozes authority over everyone in town and beyond and is basically what is known as The Man. He's sharp, quick (physically and mentally!) although emotions aren't really so much his thing. Why couldn't he just love Sookie?! Eric is the ultimate alpha male, but not in that - 'oh gross that guy thinks he is sooooo all that' kind of way. This guy so alpha male you won't even realise until after six weeks of stalking and crying over him your friends surprise you with another one of those intervention parties.

Traditionally the King of Swords is aggressive, ambitious, distrusting, and even a little conservative. You may think Eric Northman is so not conservative, but it's not like he wears colours.

This is the guy that rips off a werewolf's head and then gives you a sparkly grin that makes you weak at the knees when usually you can't even stomach looking at a rare steak. He's scary, powerful, exciting and you could learn a hell of a lot from him. A little King of Swords confidence and energy can go a long way!

I pulled this card from the Tarot of White Cats deck this #Caturday as a reminder that you have the power. When you see this card in a spread and it doesn't relate to a hot date with a Alexander Skarsgaard look-a-like, remember to channel your inner Eric Northman!

Oh and PS - don't forget to contact me here if you'd like a limited time only free reading!

Love, light and sexy vampires,
