free reading — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


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Cleaning out your closet - Weekly Tarot + Angel Reading 12 - 18 January 2015

Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster
Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster

OK, we're doing something different this week: it's your weekly Tarot AND Angel card reading! I'm pulling three Tarot cards from the Cosmic Tarot + a message from the Angels via Kyle Gray's Angel Prayer's Oracle Cards deck! Whoo! Let me know what you think about the change in direction for the weekly readings! :-)

Start of the week: Princess of Wands Reversed

If you didn't read my post called 'The 2015 Energy Shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?' you might want to check it out. The gist is that we are feeling weird. Our higher selves have levelled up this year, but our bodies are still kind of catching up and getting used to it. Please see a doctor if you have any unusual things going on, but if you are feeling more of a 'disconnect' with your body even though your spirit connection is actually enhanced you might just be suffering from a levelling up hangover. Don't worry too much Princess, it's just some growing pains.

Middle of the week: King of Pentacles

So we are all guns blazing into 2015 because it's an 8 year right? The year of abundance and all that cool stuff! Whoop! Well, yeah, but let's not forget that abundance isn't just cold hard cash. It's also about health, love, family, friends, opportunitiesall the good stuff and lots of it! Don't get so focused on the money aspect that you forget to ask, manifest and work towards creating a life filled with all forms of abundance! Don't over water the lemon tree while the apple tree goes hungry.

The Weekend: Six of Wands Reversed

This weekend we need to get our sticks in order. Huh? OK, so you know how to tidy a mess sometimes you have to make a mess? This is one of those times. Maybe it's a literal mess you need to create - like when you clean out your closet. You have to pull all the crap out and then go through it all, sort it out and then put it back. Maybe you need to do that with your brain, or a relationship or something else this weekend. Get decluttering!

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray

Angel message: Divine Mother

So even though this week is kind of like just sorting out your closet (metaphorical or literal) Mother Mary wants you to know that she's with you hun. Call on her this week if you need some peace. It's easy, you don't even have to be Catholic or anything. Just say - 'Mother Mary' and then see how you feel. She always makes me feel like everything is fine. I mean hello, she gave birth to Jesus, she can probably help you tidy up your shoes.

Oh and guess what? On Tuesday the 13th January (that's this week!) I'm hosting another FREE TAROT TUESDAY on my Facebook page. Basically all you have to do is rock up to FB around 6pm GMT and post a question under the Tarot Tuesday Image - so it's gotta be something you don't mind other people seeing right? And I'll answer as many as I can in an hour! If the time zone is a bitch for you I'd love you to let me know. Just drop me a note on FB or Twitter and I'll try to make the next one at a time most people can come!

Hope to see you there! :-)

<3 love, light and abundance! <3



Weekly Reading - Goddess Guidance Oracle - 15th to 21st December

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Doreen Virtue OK so I'm literally sitting on a King sized bed at the Hilton eating Potnoodle, listening to Taylor Swift and pulling Goddess Guidance Oracle cards. Sounds more exciting than it is. I'm only here because I have nowhere to live for a week and I got a good deal on and I'm pretty sure this bed is actually two twin beds pushed together.

But anyway, you don't want to know about that, you want to know what's happening this week. I felt super drawn to the Goddesses this week. We've had a lot of heavy releasing and dealing with dirt weeks lately, and you know what? That's needed sometimes, but now it's time to pick ourselves up, get in the shower and wash off the mud and reconnect with our inner Goddess power! Raarrrr!

Monday - Yemanya

Yemanya is a super powerful Sea Goddess who can grant wishes! Ask for a wish today and see what happens. But this card is also about doors opening. If you wish for something like a new job, and then the universe shows you a new job but it's on the other side of a door - for God's sake go through the door! Don't be asking for stuff and then be too lazy or scared to unwrap it when you get it!!

Tuesday - White Tara

Ah this beauty comes up for me often. I don't know about you guys, but the more of this spiritual stuff I do the more I can't eat stuff that doesn't align with me. I can't be in rooms with certain types of people without getting really uncomfortable. Public transport is way worse than it used to be and hair spray freaks me out! We can't shut out the whole world all day every day, but we can be aware of our sensitivities and plan ahead for stuff. Catch the early bus, choose the vegetarian options at the pub and make your own hairspray or look online for chemical free alternatives!

Wednesday - Mother Mary

On Wednesday Mary is just asking us to spend a little thinking about our faith and sending prayers where they are most needed. I just watched Polar Express last night - remember that bit where the kid rings the bell and nothing happens? And then he says "I believe" and rings the bell and he hears it?! That's what we need to do on Wednesday to be able to hear the bell! :-)

Thursday - Sulis

Sulis is a Celtic Sun Goddess who oversees bodies of water. I have to admit the Celtic stuff resonates with me A LOT and I got a little tingle at seeing Sulis here. Connect to what gives you a tingle via water today - take a walk by a lake or on the beach, or if you are stuck in the Hilton and it's dark and there's nothing around but roads you can have a shower or a bath and visualise the water cleansing and healing you. Don't have hot running water? No problem, do a visualisation! You can imagine yourself under a waterfall!

Friday - Freyja

OK so this is werid, Friday was actually named after Freyja! OMG! #synchronicity! The book says - 'Freyja rides in a chariot pulled by mighty cats across the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. OK, I think I've found my new Goddess bestie! This girl is all about taking RISKS! What are you teetering on the edge of right now? What risk are you going to take today? This will actually be my last day at my current job and I really want to not have to do this job again, so that's the risk I'm taking. I want to do this! What do you want to do?!

Saturday - Green Tara

Oh wow, we got both Taras this week! Green Tara rescues us by empowering us to save ourselves. Wow, that's real! Delegating today is super important and just because it's Saturday doesn't mean you can't delegate. Ask someone to help you with your blog or creative project. Let someone make you a sandwich, or treat yourself and have someone else make your dinner and even bring it to you! This is also just a message that you don't have to do it all. If you are working on building a new life for yourself be patient and kind to yourself. You can't change the world in one day, but you can do a bit of work towards it for sure!

Sunday - Damara

OK so this can be a great day to literally spend time with your children, or if you don't have children it can be about nurturing your own inner child, or finding ways you can help children that aren't yours. In terms of projects; we 'give birth' to things and then need to nurture them as if they are our children too. Whatever we are doing today the key word is 'nurture'. Nurture yourself, your plants, your cat, your business, your bookshelf.

WOW! I'm so glad I drew on the Goddesses this week, I think they are really going to help us to crank it up a notch before heading into 2015!! If you would like a personal reading with these cards, tarot, angels, whatever! drop me a line I'm vix(at) and would love to hook you up with a new year reading. I'm thinking a full year ahead tarot spread + a Goddess and Archangel for 2015 and a fairy message all for a super good price! Yay! I want one! LOL!

<3 Lots of love, light and Goddess goodness! <3



Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - December 1st to 7th

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche

Hi Guys, Welcome to another week and another weekly reading! I used the Cosmic Tarot deck again this week and pulled all reversed cards! Woah! Sometimes when I pull all reversed cards I think it's a sign to throw them back in and start again, but this week's cards really spoke to me, so here they are!

Monday - Seven of Wands Reversed

Depleted. Today you may find yourself feeling depleted. Wow, depleted on a Monday? Are you serious New Age Hipster?! Yes. So find some ways to get through this day. Enjoy your tea, eat well and get your fluids. Sleep.

Tuesday - The Hermit Reversed

Fighting against knowledge. Huh? OK, don't get caught up in thinking you know everything about anything. Don't be a dick and also don't bother with other people who act like they know everything. None of us knows anything.

Wednesday - Eight of Swords Reversed

Today we are releasing sadness from the past. What is it that you can't stop obsessing over or thinking about? Time to let that go.

Thursday - Three of Swords Reversed

Today we have another releasing day. A great opportunity to release even more crap from your past. Put all your baggage into the metaphorical bin. It stinks, it's heavy, you don't need it. Get rid!

Friday - The Fool Reversed

Accept your faults. Work with them not against them. If you hate the way you look buy a new lipstick or wear a hat. If you hate something about your personality then work on changing it. We are all here to grow and learn and get better. Obsessing over your wonky eye won't help you on this journey, sorry.

Saturday - Seven of Cups Reversed

Make the choice today to move forward. You've thrown away all the garbage, now what? Set an intention to move on with your life and make it a great one.

Sunday - Nine of Wands Reversed

It's all about inner strength today. Not only building yourself back up, but also calling on the help of others, and being the one to bring others back to their own inner strength too!

Well guys, it's going to be a heavy week. Some sludge is going to come to the surface but we can clear it together! Join me on Facebook and Instagram to chat and for these cards in daily version!

<3 Sending you loads of love, light and healing and releasing vibes, <3




Weekly card reading - Guardian Angel Tarot - 24th to 30th November

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine This week I used the super cute marshmallow cloud deck by Doreen and Radleigh - the Guardian Angel Tarot. You can read my review of it on Silent Voices by clicking here!

Monday - Ace of Abundance

Be open to all that the Universe has to offer today. Mondays seriously suck for most of us, but if we look around some pretty cool things might be going on. Someone might tell you they like your shoes. A friend might buy your Starbucks. You might even win the lottery! Be open to receiving today. 

Tuesday - Healer of Abundance

Get creative! What creative stuff do you like doing? Writing, painting, dancing, journalling? Get creative today. It could even be a fun day to do something creative that you usually wouldn't do!

Wednesday - Ten of Action

Woah there tiger, take a well earned break! Don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Remember from Monday's card - help is all around you, just be open to it! If you are someone who is always listening to everyone else's problems call someone today and tell them yours. 

Thursday - Be Open to Success

Guys, don't ignore your guidance. You know that feeling, the one you've had before about some jerk and ignored and then later you say "I knew I shouldn't have dated that jerk!"? Don't ignore it! Listen to it and follow it!

Friday - Six of Abundance

WOOP! 3 Abundance cards! Yay! Accept all that the Universe is offering you right now. Be thankful. Don't brush off compliments and rewards, you deserve it baby!

Saturday - Eight of Action

A super busy Saturday! Make a to do list and get everything done so you can do something fun later. Or, if you are feeling just way too overwhelmed with life, sleep in and worry about it later.

Sunday - Seven of Emotion

Are you making life decisions based on what other people want? Urgh, that sounds lame. Do what you love, do what calls to you, but make sure you are doing it all for the right reasons. I mean don't take up some random career just to piss off your parents or something right? I love this card's text "Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choices that celebrates who you truly are."

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to get your daily version of the weekly reading and Facebook where all the fun happens. OK, I'm trying to make the fun happen there, but I need your help! Ha, look at me asking for help on a Monday! ;-)

Wishing you all a beautiful abundant week!

<3 Love and light! <3



The Week Ahead - 20th to 26th October

Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

I've been thinking about giving the weekly forecasts some new life for a while. People seem to be resonating with my one card readings but from looking at other awesome Tarot blogs everyone seems to be doing three card readings. So I was like - hey God, Guides and Angels, what should I do for my weekly reading? Should I pull three cards? Should I copy Doreen Virtue's weekly readings style? Or do something more like what Kyle Gray is doing on his YouTube channel? What should I do?! And I heard this voice in my head say SEVEN. I was like - "OMG are you kidding me? SEVEN cards?" and then I heard nothing so I thought OK, fine, you win. I'll do SEVEN!

So here it is, the first seven day seven card reading from New Age Hipster! Yikes!

Monday - Queen of Wands

OK, this is a positive start to the week. This Queen reminds me of some kind of Fairy Queen. She's very sweet and loving and kind to animals, but if you piss her off - WOAH watch out! She's reminding you today to channel your inner Fairy Queen. Don't take crap from anyone today. Stand in your power and know that you are good enough to follow your dreams OK?!

Tuesday - Five of Cups reversed

Something might not go to plan today. You might mess something up, miss the bus, spill your morning coffee or after work drink on that hottie patottie from finance, or you might just be generally feeling drained.  What can you do about it? Drink more water. Eat well, look after you today. Really put in some self care stuff. Don't beat yourself up because you're not perfect. No one is, not even Beyonce.

Wednesday - The High Priestess

Yay! Today we are getting intuitive hits like BOOYAH! It's a great day to spend some time doing whatever Spirit-Junkie, New Age Hipster, Spiritual thing you like doing that works for you. Pull some cards, do some journalling, talk to your Angels in the shower. You are extra intuitive today so use that to your advantage to get some answers you've been seeking.

Thursday - King of Cups reversed

This is a guy who's been driving you a little nuts. There's some jerk energy around you today - someone at work, someone looking for a rise out of you on social media or some guy in a big car cutting you off in traffic because you're nothing but a girl who can't drive. Today be extra grounded and protected. Imagine yourself in a bubble of light today (and everyday!) and ask Archangel Michael if you can borrow his shield, he'll totally let you. You might want to stack yourself up with some protective crystals too. On these days I put an Obsidian in my bra. Dudes you probably have pockets.

Friday - Ace of Cups reversed

By Friday you might feel a little emotionally wrecked, exhausted or just a little out of sorts - but cheer up poppet! It's FRIDAY! Whoop!Chill out tonight - watch a rom com with your better half, or alone, or with a cat. Eat popcorn, drink wine, meet up with that guy from finance for drinks if you feel up to it, or just hang out with some best buds. It's not the best night to be going on the pull. Seriously, you'll never meet anyone worthy of you doing that anyway. Have some you-time to recharge those batteries!

Saturday - The Fool reversed

Seriously, what's with all these reversed cards?! OMG. OK today you aren't taking any huge leaps of faith, but maybe it's time to start planning a leap of faith. What are those projects you've been putting off? Are you halfway through an online course that you just haven't been participating in (hello this is so me, I have like 5 courses I'm currently doing, don't do that - don't enroll in so many things!), do you want to start your own blog, or business, or find a new job or career path? What's the big jump you want to take? Spend some time today thinking about that and making plans, even if it's just in your head while you browse Pinterest. Better yet, make a Pinterest board about your dreams, business, whatever!

Sunday - The Hierophant

How appropriate for a Sunday! This is the card of traditional lifestyles and expectations, and that's so Sunday. Spend time with your fam, do some housework, get the laundry done, go out for a civilized lunch or just chill on the couch. It's a happy homes Sunday and a roast with the loved ones would probably be perfect today. Enjoy the simple things in life today - write a gratitude list and wear warm fuzzy slippers.

I'd love to know how your week goes and if this reading resonates with you wonderful peeps of the internet! You can find me all over the place but I'm most chatty on Instagram and Facebook. Also, if you fancy a reading that's just for you check out my Etsy store - I'm currently offering some charity readings where all the money goes to Cat charities. :-)

Sending so much love, light and a joy filled week,

