inspiration — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



How to go from Daydreamer to Go-getter in 111 pages!

Leonie Dawson 2015 Create Your Shining Year Workbook I've been kind of vaguely aware of Leonie Dawson for a while, but other than that she was some kind of hippie millionaire who draws pictures of butterflies I knew next to nothing about her. In recent months (funnily enough about the same time I've been doing this New Age Hipster thing) I've joined a lot of 'grow your blog/business' groups and people were going ape-shit (sorry, but that's really the only way I can describe it!) over this book. Grown women who run their own successful businesses were fangirling all over social media about the release of this workbook and swearing by it as a way to set goals and make things happen in both their lives and businesses. I was interested, but also kind of like - 'WTF are you guys on? Seriously?' And then I spotted this infographic:

Leonie Dawson infographic about goals

I've always been a dreamer. My mum always says 'if you're going to dream - dream big'. I never had a problem with dreaming and thinking about what I wanted for my life. When I was a kid I wanted to be a pop star. Now I want to be the next Doreen Virtue/Stephanie Meyer. I always had pretty big dreams, that was never the problem for me. What I always sucked at was making a plan, staying focussed and actually making something happen. I was pretty blown away by the fact that 80% of people have no goals. I mean OMG REALLY? A few years ago I started writing things down, working with the Universe to make things happen and hey, apparently that works OK! But reviewing goals? Getting to December 31st each year and looking at my bookshelf where my novel still didn't sit was kind of the only reviewing I've done.

Deciding to make New Age Hipster an actual business and not just some extra place on the internet to faff about on has made me realise that there is more to goals and ambition than thinking it's for losers. I always though planning and goal setting was like the most boring thing any one could ask me to do. But Goddess Leonie has made me see things differently. Damn it I want to be in the 1%!!

Sorry, I had to. x

Enough of that, let's move onto the rave review...!

The first thing I want to say about this Workbook is that just having it makes you want to set goals, plan for your year ahead and make shit happen. Befre you even open it the magic is oozing out of the cover. Just the idea that you can create your Shining Year is like - WOAH, I can seriously do this!

Now the next thing I want to say (I have lots to say) is that this whole book reminds me of those 'about me' books you used to do in school, did you have those?! I used to freaking love those books! I was always sitting around filling in my favourite stuff, drawing stupid pictures and feeling special because it was all about meLeonie's art is so cute and lovely and Goddessy and even though I usually go for a neon bright bold hipster/80s/rock chic style of art, the curly-cue girly images really draw you into Leonie's magic making Goddess world, and the style is perfect for Sunday mornings in bed with your tea and to-do lists!

The Create Your Shining Year Workbook comes in soooo many options - electronic download for if you're on a budget or just prefer that version, or the printed one (which I got because I just LOVE BOOKS! RARRR!). Also you can decide if you want the Life version, the Biz version or both (the one I got!) - Biz + Life! So if you don't have a business you can just plan your freaking whole LIFE OK? And that's awesome! Because planning my business stuff has made me realise how cool it is to plan for my LIFE! You know, like holidays, and yoga classes, and literally 100 things you want to do this year.

There are so many amazing things to fill in and I don't want to tell you them all because THERE IS STILL TIME TO GET ONE (it's still January!!) and I want you to enjoy it and not be like - Oh yeah I read about this bit on Vix's blog, but I thought I'd share with you (in Instagram pics!) my journey with this book so far! I still have a couple of pages left to fill in and I was going to do them, but then I thought - screw it, leave them for later in the year when I really need it. Also, you have to revisit your book and goals every month and it comes with printable calendar pages to help you do that! I have two versions of the calendar on my wall right now - one for my life and one for my blog.

Enough reading, let's look at piccies! Eeep!

Here's part of my 100 things to do in 2015 list. Amazing how some of the stuff I thought of doing this year would never would have crossed my mind if I hadn't had to write 100! Can't wait to do number 88 - Watch all the Back to the Future movies in a row - with nachos. 88 - get it?!

100 things to do in 2015


And here's my list of things to do when things suck.

When everything sucks...


Here's me working on my Dream Board with Zorro looking seriously freaking cute. He sleeps with his head in his paws! OMG! NAWWW!

Dream boarding! x


...And here's my 2015 word of the year - SHINE! How darn appropriate!

Sacred word for 2015

There is SO still time to get your hands on one of these life-changing soul-singing workbooks! Just CLICK HERE! And guess what? I'm officially a Leonie Dawson affiliate (and you can be one too)! But to say thanks for clicking through and making your purchase from my blog and not the gazillion other blogs raving about this Goddess Genius I'm giving away a free one card Tarot or Angel Card reading (via email, FB chat or on the phone!). All you have to do is make sure you click through from New Age Hipster and then send me a message vix(at) or via Facebook - I'm NewAgeHipster333 and let me know!

I really hope you get one so we can fangirl (or fanboy!!) all over the internet together and check in with each other during the year and be accountable for making all our biggest dreams come true in 2015!

<3 Sending you so much love, light and good goal setting vibes! <3



Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - December 1st to 7th

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche

Hi Guys, Welcome to another week and another weekly reading! I used the Cosmic Tarot deck again this week and pulled all reversed cards! Woah! Sometimes when I pull all reversed cards I think it's a sign to throw them back in and start again, but this week's cards really spoke to me, so here they are!

Monday - Seven of Wands Reversed

Depleted. Today you may find yourself feeling depleted. Wow, depleted on a Monday? Are you serious New Age Hipster?! Yes. So find some ways to get through this day. Enjoy your tea, eat well and get your fluids. Sleep.

Tuesday - The Hermit Reversed

Fighting against knowledge. Huh? OK, don't get caught up in thinking you know everything about anything. Don't be a dick and also don't bother with other people who act like they know everything. None of us knows anything.

Wednesday - Eight of Swords Reversed

Today we are releasing sadness from the past. What is it that you can't stop obsessing over or thinking about? Time to let that go.

Thursday - Three of Swords Reversed

Today we have another releasing day. A great opportunity to release even more crap from your past. Put all your baggage into the metaphorical bin. It stinks, it's heavy, you don't need it. Get rid!

Friday - The Fool Reversed

Accept your faults. Work with them not against them. If you hate the way you look buy a new lipstick or wear a hat. If you hate something about your personality then work on changing it. We are all here to grow and learn and get better. Obsessing over your wonky eye won't help you on this journey, sorry.

Saturday - Seven of Cups Reversed

Make the choice today to move forward. You've thrown away all the garbage, now what? Set an intention to move on with your life and make it a great one.

Sunday - Nine of Wands Reversed

It's all about inner strength today. Not only building yourself back up, but also calling on the help of others, and being the one to bring others back to their own inner strength too!

Well guys, it's going to be a heavy week. Some sludge is going to come to the surface but we can clear it together! Join me on Facebook and Instagram to chat and for these cards in daily version!

<3 Sending you loads of love, light and healing and releasing vibes, <3




The Week Ahead - 3rd to 9th November

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

This week's messages are brought to you by the Fairies! I used the super cute Magical Messages from the Fairies deck by Doreen Virtue. I love this deck, I picked it up moments after Doreen Virtue herself told me I had 'so many fairies around me'. I'd been working with the fairies for a while, but hadn't really seen much response back from them, but I guess they are working with me, and this week they are working with everyone who reads this!

Monday - Good-bye to the old, hello to the new

Get rid of some old stuff today. Clean out your car, or your closet, your mind or your energy. It feels like we are just finishing off these last few months now, ready to begin again in January, but actually, new things are starting NOW if you are open to them! Something in your life wants to be over. Let it go!

Tuesday - Business venture

A great day to brainstorm some business ideas alone, or with a potential business partner! Maybe you need to spend some time today looking online for jobs or courses. And if you are one of the lucky ones who loves their job - yay for you! But what about working towards a promotion or even sharing some of your skills on a volunteer basis? There is always more we can do with our awesome skills!

Wednesday - Your desire is within reach

Today is about connecting to your faith. It's so easy to get mad at the Universe, hello, I've been there recently myself. Today we do whatever we need to do to reconnect to our 'faith', whatever that means to you. It could be having a cry about everything that's going wrong and letting it all out, throwing a pillow, or just moping around for a couple of hours, but after that you need to take a deep breath, remember what you believe and why and tune back into that.

Thursday - Your wish is granted!

Jiminy Cricket! What a great day to start working on manifesting something! You've reconnected with your faith, now sit quietly and put out into the Universe what you really want. Not just some fancy dress or pair of £800 shoes. No,no, no - what do you really want? Do you want a new job? A life partner? A new house? Travel? Start putting it out into the Universe. I don't want to hear any - 'Oh I think I might want to be a writer someday' kind of vague intentions. No, no. 'I ama writer!' is what you will say, and you'll bloody well mean it! (the word writer is totally exchangeable!)

Friday - Summer & Travel

You need to sow the seeds NOW for what you want to see in your life in six or eight months time. You can't sit on the couch watching Netflix all winter and expect to wake up in Summer with a fun new job. Friday is also a fun day to start planning a getaway. Remember when you travel that you it's not just about you having a good time. When we travel we can help others! Whether it's volunteering in South America, or shining your light on a tiny seaside village, your holiday is not just about you!

Saturday - Winter

We're sowing the seeds for what we want to achieve later down the track but we also need to stop and look around at our lives and be thankful for all we have, and all that we have manifested in our lives so far. Think back to how your life was six months ago or a year ago and be thankful for all you've achieved. Sure, a lot of us have gone through hard times, but we can be thankful for those lessons and move on now knowing we have learnt them and won't have to do that again!

Sunday - New Career

Every weekend we are getting career guidance lately, what's up with that? OK this is a serious message for Sunday - Stop finishing work on Friday, going to the pub and then wasting your whole weekend "having fun" and then going back to work on Monday and doing it all again. It's time to break that cycle and find work that is meaningful to you. It's not going to happen overnight, but like they said on Thursday - sow the seeds now! What do you really want to do career wise?! How do you want to make your money? Read some books about industries you would like to work in, watch a documentary about animal rights, teach yourself tarot. Just do something constructive OK? Even if you love your job, what other skills do you wish you had?!

The fairies have well and truly kicked our butts about this week! They're expecting big things from us, and they totally believe we can do it, or else they wouldn't have wasted their time helping me write this right?!

Also, don't forget to recycle this week! I'm not just talking about regular paper and plastic, but all packaging. Packaging is crazy and it makes me sad when I think about how much of it is in the world, so let's minimise it's impact by recycling everything we possibly can this week! Join the conversation on Facebook and click on the Readings tab for more info about how to get your own personal messages from the fairies!

Wishing you all a busy, powerful fairy light filled week!

Love and light!



#Caturday cat card - Queen of Cups

[embed][/embed] Hi guys and welcome to #Caturday!

OK I did my video of only my hands because I couldn't be bothered to put on make up, but it's kind of sketchy. I mean why doesn't it focus on the card? And what's that shadow on the side? Yep, I still have a LOT to learn about YouTube.

But it's not about my dodgy video skills, it's about the message right?!

Today we are being reminded not to get too obsessed about our goals in life, whether it's work, love, money, whatever. It's good to have goals and to always be working towards stuff, but when we get too focused on the goal we miss out on enjoying the journey.

Think about what your ultimate work goal is right now. I have two huge ones right now - to be the next Stephanie Meyer or Doreen Virtue. OK so that's kind of crazy, and probably I don't really want to be that 'famous' because I'm actually pretty shy and stuff, but that's the ultimate goal - career and financial success through writing, helping others and creating some really cool stuff. So I can spend hours a day working on that (and I do!) but seriously I can give up all my weekends to work towards this goal (hang on I do that too!) and maybe I will get there! Yay! But once I get there, then what? Well by then I'll already be working towards the next thing right?!

By the time you achieve the goal you're thinking about today you'll already have like ten more goals you are working towards, so just stop for a second.


And remember to enjoy the journey. Because when you think about it, the journey is really all we'll ever have, everything else is just fleeting.

Sending you loads of love, light and trail mix for your journey,




The week ahead - Where are you going?!

A little late with the week ahead - please forgive me! But like I said on #Caturday whenever you see this post is whenever you are meant to see it, divine timing and all that. Anyway, to celebrate that I got my new Doreen Virtue Guardian Angel Tarot deck, that I just gave away a bunch of free readings and that I'm going to be studying with Doreen in London this week I'm using the new deck! This deck is so sweet and cute and vintage and glittery and I'll do a deck review on YouTube if people want that?! Just shout at me on Facebook about what you want to see on YouTube, and even on this blog!

This week I pulled the Six of Thought, which is based on the Six of Swords. It's the boat card, the water taxi, the asylum seekers, the looking for greener pastures card. It can be a metaphorical boat or literally that you are travelling across the sea... but what does it mean for us right now this week? It's not like we're all going on a cruise.

OK, so when I pulled it I got a real sense of knowing where we are going, or rather, making sure we do know where we are going. We have the boat, we have the oars, but do we know where the hell we are heading? It's time to get clear about the destination and this card and the Angels are telling us to really look at our maps this week. Are we heading in the right direction? Have we veered off course a little? Is our heart telling us to change direction but we're still sailing towards something else?

This week ask yourself these two questions:

<3 where are you heading?

<3 where do you want to be heading?

If you get the same answers to both questions you're on your way - keep on sailing sailor! But if you're drifting towards someplace else  get out your oars and start rowing!

You have the boat and you have the power to steer it in anyway you choose, so where are you rowing your boat to?

Don't know where the hell you are going? Well (prepare for shameless promotion!) I have posted a bunch of readings on my new Etsy store including the Life Purpose reading! Yay! It's NewAgeHipsterStore and it just opened yesterday! OMG Amazement! If there's nothing on there for you but you'd still like a reading just email me, I'm and we can discuss alternative options. And right now I'm offering 25% discount on any Angel readings with the code ANGELS so get angel-ing if you feel called to do so!

Sending love, light and good solid oars to all who pass this way,





The Week Ahead - Old robes vs Kardashian wardrobes

photo 1 (7) Another weekly reading brought to you by the suit of coins. Sorry! Last week we had the lovely tea and chat with the angels, but guess what? It's back to being kicked in the butt - no cookies on the table today!

So the question this week is - are we spending money in alignment with our higher selves? I bought some clothes on ASOS the other day, maybe I didn't really need them. Maybe I should be living a holy life in scratchy robes and old sandals. Argh! But we can't live in robes and sandals on this planet right now, not unless we go off the grid at least. In my life right now I live in a city and I work in a public place and there's a dress code. I'm not even allowed to wear sandals.

So where do we draw the line between dressing like a monk and spending like a Kardashian? How do we know how much is OK and how much is too much? Obviously our bank accounts can give us some advice about that, but using how much is in your bank account to gauge how much you can spend leads you to doing what I did last month - nearly hitting zero!

So the real question here is how do we get into alignment with 'good' spending?! Right, let's pull another card...

photo 2 (8)

Looks like we need to put our purchases on the metaphorical scale of spending Justice!

Imagine on one side of the scale sits your glowing gorgeous higher self (a mini version, obviously your higher self is bigger than can fit on a scale!) and on the other put your purchases. Do they balance out? Is your ASOS shopping spree too heavy?! Is your once a month 50p charity shop buy a little too light?!

We can also think of our higher self as a 'person' and ask them what they think of our purchases too - hold up that shirt to your higher self in the changing room and see if she/he nods or shakes her/his head. Before clicking on 'purchase' look over at your higher self standing over by the pot plant, are they giving you that look? Or are they nodding with approval - after all your higher self wants you to feel good right?! It's OK to buy stuff that will make you feel good, but spending money on crap you don't even like doesn't make you feel good!

Put your purchases on the scale and see how they line up this week! I'd love to know if this resonates and works for you guys and I'll be reporting back on my progress at this at the end of the week! :-)

In other weekly news - I still have loads of free 3 card readings to give away so hook it up if you haven't already! I've finally put up a page of Praise featuring some of the amazing and wonderful feedback I've had so far and I've started putting up some links to some of the amazing people out in the world who have helped me so much on my journey so far, check them out! One of whom is the lovely Louise Androlia who I met yesterday at her wonderful double energy + surrender workshop which I'll be blogging about in the next few days. :-)

Love, light and weighing in the spending!



#Caturday cat cards - Two of Pentacles

photo (41)

This #Caturday we come across this guy who's doing a bit of a juggling act. This kitty is holding onto two coins and seems kind of unaware of the sea and ships behind him. He's got lots on his mind trying to keep those two coins from falling, you can't totally blame him for not seeing what else is going on around him.

We might be doing our own little juggling act this weekend. I'm sick with a cold which totally sucks and I kind of feel like this kitty right now - I'm trying to rest and get better but there's so many other things I'm thinking about!

This kitty is a message for us today to focus on one thing at a time, whether it's resting when you are sick, putting away your phone when you're on a date or out with friends, or even - and this is something I always do - checking the IMDB app on your phone while watching a movie. I mean do you really have to know what that guy is from?! Can't you just enjoy the movie and look it up later? At the very least, pause the movie while you do it!

If you're super busy this weekend and don't even have time for a movie then you can also make a to do list. It sounds seriously lame, but I swear by them (when I actually do them!). It's a good quick way to work out which jobs are important, what can wait, and when you tick everything off you have the rest of the day to yourself instead of procrastinating about everything and still having to do it all tomorrow.

On another note, I haven't been able to do any free readings in the last few days and I know there's a couple waiting in my inbox. Hopefully my head will be clearer tomorrow or at least by Monday so you should get your reading then if you are waiting, I apologise for the delay! If you would like a free reading please go to 100 Free Readings and sign up. Simple as that! I've been really thrilled at the response so far and so thankful for the wonderful feedback. :-)

Love, light and putting your phone down!


Beyonce - Queen of Pentacles

phonto (12) Who runs the world? You might be mistaken in thinking it's 'girls' who run the world, but actually, it's Beyonce. That's right, when the Queen of Pentacles shows up, it's time to let out your inner Beyonce!


What is it about Beyonce? She's hard working, powerful, strong, rich, intelligent, confident, talented, etc. etc. I could go on for days, and yet there's something about her that makes you feel like underneath all that, or even blended in with it is this real softness and a heart of gold. Beyonce is not the kind of women other women compete with, she's the woman we look up to, the woman we try to embody when we want to stand in our power. But she's also the kind of chic you just really want to go clubbing with. You're not even worried about her getting all the attention while you stand in the corner like some kind of droopy drunk wallflower, hell no! Beyonce will take you by the hand and pull onto the dance floor and she will kind of seem like... your equal. How is that even possible!?

Let's take a look at the images (Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck above) and traditional meanings for the Beyonce, I mean Queen of Pentacles card. First up she's got a bunny. I can so see Beyonce with a pet bunny, can't you? And how about the way she's looking at that coin? She's got this real look on her face that she just loves that coin, not that she loves money exactly, but she is just totally focused on that thing. You can't be Beyonce without having that kind of focus on what you want! The Queen of Pentacles is a warm, caring, wealthy authority figure who sure as heck did not make it by marrying into the right family, oh hell no. She made it on her own terms with her own blood, sweat and tears. She is so all about the 'if you liked it then you should've put a ring on it, see you later loser' mentality. She's not waiting for Prince Charming, she's too busy building her own empire! Her Prince has to fit in with her life, not the other way around!

What I love most about the Beyonce card is the real blend of powerful focus, integrity and strength and kind nurturing softness which we don't really see with the other Queens.

So ladies, whenever you pull this card in a reading for yourself remember to channel your inner Beyonce! And for all you blokes out there  who are trying to get in touch with their feminine side - the Beyonce/Queen of Pentacles is the epitome of the feminine side so work it! 

Love, light and booty shakes,






#Caturday cat cards - King of Swords

photo (28)  

It's Caturday at last! I don't know about you guys but this has been a crazy week for me! I've been e x h a u s t e d! No matter how much sleep I got, or how much time I had I just seemed to be kind of done this week.

But the King of Swords is telling us that we have the power! We can do whatever we want today! If you want to just sit and finally finish that book you've been reading for weeks (Hello Clockwork Prince!), or if you want to get cracking on some of those projects you're up to, or even if you want to veg out and watch Sorority Girls on iPlayer (OMG why am I so obsessed with that show when it's SO BAD?), or even if you want to go out on a date with someone your friends are telling you is so bad for you - screw what everyone else thinks about how you spend your time - you are the King of Swords dammit! Do whatever you want! (Within reason right? Like if that guy is bad for you don't get into a silly situation!)

Remember this Caturday that the power is within you!

And make sure to check out my Free Readings page if you are looking for a reading!

Love, light and kitty power!
