
Matthew McConaughey - Page of Swords

phonto (5)

I can't be the only person to ever have been taken aback by the striking resemblance between the Page of Swords and Matthew McConaughey, can I? It's insanely obvious, and if you didn't think it was insanely obviously, after reading this post you just may never be able to look at the Page of Swords the same way again!

I was working through The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot with my brand new Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck when I had the epiphany. The first exercise in the book goes along the lines of looking at the cards and imagining you are like, inside the card. It's an awesome way to spend an afternoon, but when I got to the Page of Swords all I could see was Matthew McConaughey. My intuition had clearly gone for a coffee, because seriously, WTF does Matthew McConaughey have to do with anything?!! And every time I see this card all I see is still Matthew McConaughey!


Eventually instead of trying to convince my brain that this card has nothing to do with Matthew McConaughey I wondered if maybe I should try to work out what Matthew McConaughey does have to do with this card.

So I sat down and watched my all time favourite Matthew McConaughey movie; Contact. Released in 1997, written by Carl Sagan who wrote the book, directed by Robert Zemeckis and Jodie Foster wearing Mom jeans, there's seriously nothing it doesn't have going for it. I'm probably starting to sound like some kind of member of the Matthew McConaughey fandom - I'm really not, but I am a HUGE fan of the movie Contact. If you haven't seen it and you are into stuff about the universe, outer space and are basically human you will probably love it. The premise is that Jodie Foster is a scientist and she's searching for messages from aliens basically, and along comes MM playing some kind of priest with a thousand theology degrees who constantly plays devil's advocate with Jodie Foster in this movie...

Oh wait a second... devil's advocate? A guy who always takes the higher ground, he's written a best seller and can totally hold his own in a conversation about God and the universe so he must be intelligent, he's a student of theology, and he's super fit and active - hello traditional meanings! MM spends the whole movie trying to convince Jodie Foster there is a God, he's always arguing his point, talking to her like she's his congregation and taking off his shirt. There's even a couple of scenes in the movie where he's bringing her some important news too!

(OK, so I'm not really talking about Matthew McConaughey. I'm talking about the character in this movie - Joss Palmer. But if I had named this post - Joss Palmer - Page of Swords it wouldn't have quite had the same ring to it.)

This guy sounds kind of annoying, but he's not a bad guy, he's super charismatic, he just has opinions about stuff and thinks his opinions are right. Well, don't we all think our opinions are right? He doesn't sugar coat or mince words, he just tells it like it is. He's so Swords right now!

Seriously, just go watch the movie. Even if you think what I'm talking about here is nuts, it's a great movie anyway!

And stay tuned for more court cards coming to life through pop culture!

Love, light and Matthew McConaughey tarot look-a-likes,
