rider waite — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


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WTF Court Cards: Queen Elizabeth II - Queen of Swords

Image from the Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck x

See? I told you I'd keep working on the WTF Court Cards series! Why WTF Court Cards? Well, because when you learn tarot and first ask questions like "will I get the job?" and you pull the Queen of Swords it's like -" WTF Court Cards?!" Why couldn't I just pull a nice Ace of Pentacles or something?! Argh! It's enough to make even the most psychically gifted gal to go running to back to her magic 8 ball. I love magic 8 balls. I wonder if I can get one on Amazon...

Easier than Court Cards. x

Today in Pop Culture Tarot Queen Elizabeth II stars as the Queen of Swords!

WTF? You may be asking. How can Queen Elizabeth II an actual Queen represent a Queen in the tarot, because aren't all the Queens a Queen?! Good question. But no, not all Queens are created equal. Some are emotional wrecks, some are fiery war mongers while others prefer to sit on their thrones quietly and run the lands 'properly'. Liz is one of those ones. She doesn't dash about in her pants, take centre stage like Beyonce or pick up a wand first chance she gets to go into battle. Oh no, this queen rules using her intellect and logic - you know, the whole 'swords thing'.

Now love her or loathe her (I happen to love her), you have to admit Queen Liz has pretty much never put a foot wrong in her fifty-something years on the throne. I mean seriously, do you think the other queens would last that long without messing up or causing a scene or going losing it over the costumes for the 44th world tour? Lizzie stays level headed in all types of crises and always puts her people above all. As Queen, her job is simple - look after your subjects. Do the best thing for them and their country, even if they think it sucks at the time. She's like the dedicated teacher who spends hours planning so she can give you loads of extra homework and you get totally pissed, but then realise later that actually, you learnt a hell of a lot in that class. 

Queen Elizabeth young gif

Swords people aren't really into affection and they definitely aren't huggers. I mean hugging is just so - emotional, ick! Only super emo people hug. How about holding hands or kissing your hubby when out and about? Maybe a couple of times every 100 years or so. If Queen Elizabeth doesn't hug you back, it's not because she doesn't like you, it's just that one must stay professional and regal at all times and never show weakness. Affection is for weaklings! I don't need a hug! I'm the Queen of England! I don't even hug my baby, we just shake hands!

Shaking hands with babies

She doesn't even give Prince Harry a cuddle, although he's always being naughty so maybe you can kind of understand it, but he's just soooo hugable am I right girls, am I right? I mean come on, you must have a heart of steel to resist pinching these cheeks...

Prince harry smiling gif

Sorry where were we? Oh yes, so she's quite steely really, and she totally believes in honour and tradition. She goes to church and does all the other weird things that you are 'supposed' to do if you are Queen. While other members of the monarchy are rocking a hipster chilled out approach to being royal, Liz sticks with the tried and true. You'd never see her in a tabloid, dancing naked on a table or dressing up in a highly inappropriate costume for Halloween. It just isn't done! But she doesn't make a fuss (at least not in public!) about other members of the royal family doing their do, and for that we give her clicks!


The Queen of Swords is known for ability to give brilliant advice. She knows a hell of a lot and has seen enough to know what works, what doesn't work, what's going to get you where you want to go, and what's going to hold you back. But her advice will always be somewhat 'sensible'. If you ask her about whether you should get a real job or blow all your cash backpacking through the UK she's probably going to tell you to get a real job. But sometimes you need that person in your life, to tell you what's sensible, what's a 'good idea' and what's the 'right' thing to do for the greatest good, for others and for yourself. Although she may seem to lack any kind of emotional bone in her body, she really does look out for everyone else over herself. I mean come on, she's spent over 50 years as Queen. She's followed the rules, toed the line and has she ever complained about it? Don't think so. She's got on with it, for the benefit of everyone, and she'll encourage you to do the same.

Upright you can trust her completely and tell her everything. Reversed though this woman can be seriously manipulative and weave a web of lies that is so well thought out it's almost impossible to really catch her out. She can be truly heartless and ice cold, sharp and cutting with her words and basically just really, really mean.

Queen of Swords/Queen Elizabeth II Cheat Sheet:

<3 steely <3 logical <3 clever <3 intelligent <3 not affectionate <3 awesome ruler <3 likes tradition <3 honour <3 cold <3 icy <3 manipulative <3 calculating  <3 advice <3 professional <3 regal <3 devoted <3 sensible <3 knowledgeable <3 good at speeches <3 leader <3 ruler

So now the big question - how does this all help you in your readings? Perhaps this card can represent someone that you know, or an aspect of yourself, or the person you are reading for. It can mean you are being too logical and not thinking with your heart enough, or it could be that you should get into counselling, after all, counsellors have to have an element of the Queen of Swords within them. You can't be in a counselling session with crazy passionate opinions or balling your eyes out! When asking about a relationship - perhaps you need to be more affectionate. Asking about a job - stay professional and show your true leadership abilities! What about pulling the Queen reversed when asking if you should buy that round the world ticket - hmmm, might not be the most 'sensible' thing to do right now... but of course you are welcome to use your free will and go anyway!

Whenever you are feeling too emo or scattered try channelling your inner Queen of Swords and see if she can bring you back into your body and your brain and start making good solid choices again. After all, not every decision in life should be made with the fiery passion of the Wands or the heart-felt Cups. Sometimes we all need a little Swords energy around us to get things into perspective and use some logic occasionally!

queen elizabeth ii young, waving, wedding

Can you think of anyone in your own life or any other pop culture persons who are also Queen of Swords types? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas, please come on over to Facebook and say Hi!

<3 Love, light and logical decisions <3


#Caturday cat card - Queen of Cups

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvYIBPAFJ1E[/embed] Hi guys and welcome to #Caturday!

OK I did my video of only my hands because I couldn't be bothered to put on make up, but it's kind of sketchy. I mean why doesn't it focus on the card? And what's that shadow on the side? Yep, I still have a LOT to learn about YouTube.

But it's not about my dodgy video skills, it's about the message right?!

Today we are being reminded not to get too obsessed about our goals in life, whether it's work, love, money, whatever. It's good to have goals and to always be working towards stuff, but when we get too focused on the goal we miss out on enjoying the journey.

Think about what your ultimate work goal is right now. I have two huge ones right now - to be the next Stephanie Meyer or Doreen Virtue. OK so that's kind of crazy, and probably I don't really want to be that 'famous' because I'm actually pretty shy and stuff, but that's the ultimate goal - career and financial success through writing, helping others and creating some really cool stuff. So I can spend hours a day working on that (and I do!) but seriously I can give up all my weekends to work towards this goal (hang on I do that too!) and maybe I will get there! Yay! But once I get there, then what? Well by then I'll already be working towards the next thing right?!

By the time you achieve the goal you're thinking about today you'll already have like ten more goals you are working towards, so just stop for a second.


And remember to enjoy the journey. Because when you think about it, the journey is really all we'll ever have, everything else is just fleeting.

Sending you loads of love, light and trail mix for your journey,




Indiana Jones - Knight of Wands

He comes riding in on his horse to steal the golden crucifix because 'it belongs in a museum'! Here is your Knight in shining armour - the star of the Adventure genre!

Wands are the action cards and this Knight will do anything but sit at home like a potato on the couch. He has a day job but his evenings are spent researching, working or doing physical training while his weekends are mad adrenaline packed adventures! Relationships aren't really his forte, but that doesn't mean his heart isn't as good as gold, he's just busy looking for ancient artifacts, try not to take it personally. I'm sure you are pretty, but you aren't the Holy Grail.

His relationships with his family can be difficult, mostly because he doesn't stick around long enough to actually deal with any issues, not because he doesn't love them to bits really and he'd lay down his life to protect those he loves.

He's a quick mover, but he rides with purpose and in the direction of his goal. If you look at the other Knights in the tarot (we'll get to those guys I promise!) you'll see none of them has the same level of determination as this fiery, passionate Knight! He protects the realm, and he won't budge on what he believes to be good and right.

If you are in a relationship with this Knight, go easy on him. He's got a lot going on in that gorgeous head of his. He's got mysteries to solve and adventures to have and a nagging partner is going to send this guy packing quicker than you say 'ultimatum'. He's looking for an equal - someone who can share his adventures but also be just as content out having their own adventures!

If this card comes up in a reading for yourself it could be time to get a little more adventurous. Instead of planning another beach holiday look into volunteering in South America, or taking a vacay in the Amazon Rainforest! Shake up your life a little when you're in a rut and this card comes up. Do something crazy. Go out for impromptu mid-week drinks or say yes to that date with the weird guy.

This card tells you to channel your inner Indiana and re-ignite your passion! What are you really passionate about? Is there a cause or charity you want to advocate for? Are you passionate about the environment, history, spirituality, cup cakes?! Whatever it is, stick a stick under it and set it on fire!

Reversed this card can mean either Indiana Jones gone bad, or it could be a suggestion for you to calm down a little. Reversed the Knight of Wands suggests you need to find balance, or relates to someone who is unbalanced and flaky.

Adventures are great, but even Indiana Jones has a day job.

There are so many ways to read the tarot cards, and this is just one interpretation that works for me. I'd love to hear about how you read the Knight of Wands when it comes up for you in a reading. :-)

Love, light and archaeological adventures!



#Caturday cat cards - Two of Pentacles

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This #Caturday we come across this guy who's doing a bit of a juggling act. This kitty is holding onto two coins and seems kind of unaware of the sea and ships behind him. He's got lots on his mind trying to keep those two coins from falling, you can't totally blame him for not seeing what else is going on around him.

We might be doing our own little juggling act this weekend. I'm sick with a cold which totally sucks and I kind of feel like this kitty right now - I'm trying to rest and get better but there's so many other things I'm thinking about!

This kitty is a message for us today to focus on one thing at a time, whether it's resting when you are sick, putting away your phone when you're on a date or out with friends, or even - and this is something I always do - checking the IMDB app on your phone while watching a movie. I mean do you really have to know what that guy is from?! Can't you just enjoy the movie and look it up later? At the very least, pause the movie while you do it!

If you're super busy this weekend and don't even have time for a movie then you can also make a to do list. It sounds seriously lame, but I swear by them (when I actually do them!). It's a good quick way to work out which jobs are important, what can wait, and when you tick everything off you have the rest of the day to yourself instead of procrastinating about everything and still having to do it all tomorrow.

On another note, I haven't been able to do any free readings in the last few days and I know there's a couple waiting in my inbox. Hopefully my head will be clearer tomorrow or at least by Monday so you should get your reading then if you are waiting, I apologise for the delay! If you would like a free reading please go to 100 Free Readings and sign up. Simple as that! I've been really thrilled at the response so far and so thankful for the wonderful feedback. :-)

Love, light and putting your phone down!


Beyonce - Queen of Pentacles

phonto (12) Who runs the world? You might be mistaken in thinking it's 'girls' who run the world, but actually, it's Beyonce. That's right, when the Queen of Pentacles shows up, it's time to let out your inner Beyonce!


What is it about Beyonce? She's hard working, powerful, strong, rich, intelligent, confident, talented, etc. etc. I could go on for days, and yet there's something about her that makes you feel like underneath all that, or even blended in with it is this real softness and a heart of gold. Beyonce is not the kind of women other women compete with, she's the woman we look up to, the woman we try to embody when we want to stand in our power. But she's also the kind of chic you just really want to go clubbing with. You're not even worried about her getting all the attention while you stand in the corner like some kind of droopy drunk wallflower, hell no! Beyonce will take you by the hand and pull onto the dance floor and she will kind of seem like... your equal. How is that even possible!?

Let's take a look at the images (Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck above) and traditional meanings for the Beyonce, I mean Queen of Pentacles card. First up she's got a bunny. I can so see Beyonce with a pet bunny, can't you? And how about the way she's looking at that coin? She's got this real look on her face that she just loves that coin, not that she loves money exactly, but she is just totally focused on that thing. You can't be Beyonce without having that kind of focus on what you want! The Queen of Pentacles is a warm, caring, wealthy authority figure who sure as heck did not make it by marrying into the right family, oh hell no. She made it on her own terms with her own blood, sweat and tears. She is so all about the 'if you liked it then you should've put a ring on it, see you later loser' mentality. She's not waiting for Prince Charming, she's too busy building her own empire! Her Prince has to fit in with her life, not the other way around!

What I love most about the Beyonce card is the real blend of powerful focus, integrity and strength and kind nurturing softness which we don't really see with the other Queens.

So ladies, whenever you pull this card in a reading for yourself remember to channel your inner Beyonce! And for all you blokes out there  who are trying to get in touch with their feminine side - the Beyonce/Queen of Pentacles is the epitome of the feminine side so work it! 

Love, light and booty shakes,






The week ahead - get on the horse!

photo (31) Usually when I do the week ahead reading I make a big thing out of getting in the zone and pulling a card for us all yada yada yada... Today I was playing around with a new spread which is from the Dusty White book I'm always going on about - The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot Ever. It's called the Roundabout spread and the reading I gave myself was ultra amazing! I usually suck at giving myself readings, you know how you always see what you want to see, or try to make the cards relate to a specific outcome you want, but this one was so bang on and so hard hitting that I knew it was totally what I needed to hear right now, even though some of it was a kick up in the pants!

I'll spare you the gory details of my entire reading, but one card in particular didn't just speak to me, it screamed in my face, and I thought it was worth sharing this week for the week ahead!

The Seven of Wands; it's not really that much of an exciting card really. Usually when I see this card I relate better to the people walking than the guy on the horse. I always perceive the guy on the horse as a 'boss' type, you know, that guy who gets all the glory when really, it was the people on the ground who did all the work. I've always seen him as kind of a boastful jerk and definitely not a character I relate to at all.

As part incarnated angel I don't think I've ever really been on the horse. I follow behind, working quietly in the wings, not talking about my grand plans or ambitions. That's not to say I don't have them, I just don't dance around telling everyone who'll listen. I stay relatively humble and just get on with things while my superiors constantly reap the rewards and I go home and drink half a bottle of wine while I watch True Blood and whinge about it.

Well guys, that's all about to change! I pulled this card reversed in the 'what I need to address' position and I wrote in my journal in caps - GET ON THE F***ING HORSE FOR ONCE!

This message was so intense I felt like it was for all of us. Let yourself get on the horse for once. Stop being a follower and start putting yourself out there!

Oh and PS - don't forget to check out my free readings page!

Love light and horse riding lessons,


Matthew McConaughey - Page of Swords

phonto (5)

I can't be the only person to ever have been taken aback by the striking resemblance between the Page of Swords and Matthew McConaughey, can I? It's insanely obvious, and if you didn't think it was insanely obviously, after reading this post you just may never be able to look at the Page of Swords the same way again!

I was working through The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot with my brand new Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck when I had the epiphany. The first exercise in the book goes along the lines of looking at the cards and imagining you are like, inside the card. It's an awesome way to spend an afternoon, but when I got to the Page of Swords all I could see was Matthew McConaughey. My intuition had clearly gone for a coffee, because seriously, WTF does Matthew McConaughey have to do with anything?!! And every time I see this card all I see is still Matthew McConaughey!


Eventually instead of trying to convince my brain that this card has nothing to do with Matthew McConaughey I wondered if maybe I should try to work out what Matthew McConaughey does have to do with this card.

So I sat down and watched my all time favourite Matthew McConaughey movie; Contact. Released in 1997, written by Carl Sagan who wrote the book, directed by Robert Zemeckis and Jodie Foster wearing Mom jeans, there's seriously nothing it doesn't have going for it. I'm probably starting to sound like some kind of member of the Matthew McConaughey fandom - I'm really not, but I am a HUGE fan of the movie Contact. If you haven't seen it and you are into stuff about the universe, outer space and are basically human you will probably love it. The premise is that Jodie Foster is a scientist and she's searching for messages from aliens basically, and along comes MM playing some kind of priest with a thousand theology degrees who constantly plays devil's advocate with Jodie Foster in this movie...

Oh wait a second... devil's advocate? A guy who always takes the higher ground, he's written a best seller and can totally hold his own in a conversation about God and the universe so he must be intelligent, he's a student of theology, and he's super fit and active - hello traditional meanings! MM spends the whole movie trying to convince Jodie Foster there is a God, he's always arguing his point, talking to her like she's his congregation and taking off his shirt. There's even a couple of scenes in the movie where he's bringing her some important news too!

(OK, so I'm not really talking about Matthew McConaughey. I'm talking about the character in this movie - Joss Palmer. But if I had named this post - Joss Palmer - Page of Swords it wouldn't have quite had the same ring to it.)

This guy sounds kind of annoying, but he's not a bad guy, he's super charismatic, he just has opinions about stuff and thinks his opinions are right. Well, don't we all think our opinions are right? He doesn't sugar coat or mince words, he just tells it like it is. He's so Swords right now!

Seriously, just go watch the movie. Even if you think what I'm talking about here is nuts, it's a great movie anyway!

And stay tuned for more court cards coming to life through pop culture!

Love, light and Matthew McConaughey tarot look-a-likes,


Frodo - Ten of Wands


What was Frodo's biggest problem? Was it that he had to carry something really far? Was it that he couldn't find any shoes to fit his big Hobbit feet? Or was it that the thing he had to carry was just so darn heavy? It's not like he was just bringing his Tesco shopping back from down the road after he'd bought way too many bottles of sparkling water. This kid was seriously burdened. And I think that's what's going on in the Ten of Wands.

photo (19)

The Ten of Wands isn't just some guy with his groceries either. He's got sticks, lots and lots of sticks. How did he get them all? What are they? Well that all of course depends on the reading, but as a single card in the context of this blog post let's go with the Frodo thing. He's been given a job to do, and he is the only one who can do it. No one else can carry those sticks for him and he has to deliver them in one piece (ten pieces).

This card might seem like kind of a downer at first glance - oh crap, I've got a lot of stuff to carry/deal with/do. When will this shit be over? That feeling of having a huge weight on your shoulders. But if you're feeling like the Ten of Wands remember Frodo. He's walking, he's going somewhere, he's moving and he's on a quest to save humanity! And quests always end eventually. This feels like a card of getting somewhere with your burden. Frodo walked for 558 minutes all up. That's a long walk, but he got there in the end. He made some amazing friends on the way, had an adventure that most Hobbitses couldn't even dream of and his journey of self discovery was pretty darn epic!

The Ten of Wands is said to be the 'back pain' card, which it could totally be in a certain context. But I wonder... if he just changed the way he was carrying those sticks he could end up with some pretty sweet muscles from all that carrying!

Love light and long quests,


*Disclaimer - all thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own and you may or may not resonate with them and that is totally OK!

Remember - the tarot speaks to us all differently. x

Nick Miller - King of Cups


Hands up who struggles sometimes with the court cards? (*Hand goes up*) I mean, what even are they? They are just, like, people sitting or standing around. There's nothing really happening and so it's kind of hard to always make sense of them, especially when you are first starting out with the Tarot. The other cards are easy - 3 of Swords - ah! My heart! 2 of Coins? Sort it out man. 10 of Cups? Wheeeeee! But these court card guys are a little harder to suss out.

I was watching the new episode of New Girl after doing some Tarot practice this week and I was like - OMG Nick Miller is the King of Cups! I totally get the King of Cups card now!

photo (17)
photo (17)

The King of Cups has that look in his eye like he's thinking about something else, something happening in the past, or the future, where is he?! He's super emotional, artistic (Nick wrote half a book about Zombies!), loyal, friendly and creative. And also, don't forget he's a water element!


Reversed he's an emotional wreck who drinks too much, is totally unstable and doesn't fulfill his potential at all. but upright he's the hard working king of hearts, a warm, loyal guy who just wants to make Jess the happiest girl in the world! And she just loves him so much for that exact reason. She sees his full King of Cups potential even when he's grumpy and reversed. Naaaw!

So here's to Nick Miller, King of Cups sorting his shit out and staying upright!

And if you needed a little more inspiration get out your King of Cups and watch the video below, I'd love to hear what you think!

Love, light and watering cans,


*Disclaimer - I totally think that whatever definitions you have for the King of Cups are right for you,

and I'm just sharing my own personal ideas about the tarot here. :-)